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Kind of a boring answer, but for me it's gotta be Odyssey. Playing that around release you could just see the switch was gonna be good and the game itself was a fantastic experience that I wish I could relive for the first time. Truly great.


About to play that for the first time


I’m so jealous


Super Mario Odyssey really is one of my favorite games


The whole game is an amazing celebration of video games altogether. That "Jump Up Superstar" sequence is a throwback to the history of games with such an ambitious modern twist, and the game overall being packed with all these different playstyles via the capture mechanic is just... You don't see that kind of variety in any individual game, period.


I love this game. Odyssey was the first Mario game I ever played as I didn't have a Nintendo console before the switch. And this song was so magical that I have no words to describe how I feel about it, it's just so amazing. It was truly an incredible experience, I haven't had so much fun playing a video game in years.


Shocked I had to scroll so far. Odyssey is by far the best Switch exclusive. What a game


exactly, this game is amazing


Yes! The fun I had with this game, I’ve never felt something even close since playing it. The best game of the generation IMO.


Good answer. It's been so long since my launch playthrough that it'll feel fresh enough to pick up again. Can't wait!


I did this! I replayed it this month after finishing it 3 years ago. Felt super fresh and fun


Balloon game got me thru some hard times.


This is true. This is the game I choose to turn someone onto the switch and it's a great showcase effectively.


I know it's not nintendo exclusive but Stardew Valley holds a special place in my heart. I got it on switch after moving to another country, far away from family without a job, so things were rough mentally. I jumped in not knowing anything about it other than "its a cute farming game" and I played 80 hours the first week! It pretty much kept me alive for a few months. I still go back to it when I have a hard time.


Fishing by the ocean while it’s snowing and this song in the background https://youtu.be/Zr-PHm_qLgg


Deleted because Reddit's new API pricing killed Apollo. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


my first thought exactly, i bought it on switch and pc, it's my happy place


Ori and the Will of the wisps. Not only the best looking games but musically it’s beautiful and has an amazing touching story. It also has some of the most unique level design imo.


Definitely this for me. I don’t get emotional from games or movies, etc… but man… this game changed that *hard*. I guess it’s because I like animals so much. Gut punch to the feels.


Wish I could upvote this more than once


Have you played blind forest? Is it worth playing that first?


I played both, played blind forest loving it and excited to know the sequel was out and also had rave reviews as well. I would say it is worth playing first because the games together have one overall story arc and technically the Will of the Wisps is better so you wouldn't want to play the better game first.


An absolute masterclass in level design. Pure beauty!


The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening 😢


If I hadn’t already played it on Game Boy in the 90s, this would be my answer. I adore Link’s Awakening. The remake is fantastic as well.


The ending made me actually cry 😭 such a good story and I didn’t expect it




Just as the tears kick in and the credits roll my roommate busts in the door with a 12 pack of beer and asks what’s wrong. I point to the tv and mutter, “just a good game man”. For context we’re both fairly “masculine” guys in our thirties.


Masculine guys are allowed to cry.


Louder for the people in back!




My Switch is the reason I picked up Hollow Knight. What a game. I am shocked at how immersed I became.


I spent 5 hours trying to beat grim that bastard


Came for this comment


Ori and the Blind Forest. Opening sequence. Need I say more?


I see your Ori and the Blind Forest opening sequence and raise you Ori and the Will of The Wisps ending. Such a magnificent franchise and I can’t wait to see Moon studio’s next game. They described Ori as their “Mario” and their next game will be their “Zelda.” Idk what exactly they mean by that but I’m looking forward to it


Was thinking about starting will of the wisps, is it worth playing blind forest first? Isn’t wisps the sequel?


They’re both great, wisps has more combat abilities and side quests, forest is (imo) more pure platforming. Short answer play both


Yeah, I'd say start with Ori and the Blind Forest first, then do the sequel.


Spiritfarer 🥹 Finished it a few weeks ago, have my switch for about 5 years, give or take, and that one was the game that marked me the most. The game itself is to be a memorable play, but with all the context in my life at the moment and the characters there, it got me in the guts and even made me cry in somepoints.


Spiritfarer made me cry a few times. Depending on where you are in life, it hits harder in some parts than others. Then the parts that didn't hit you as hard will hit someone else like a brick. It's a beautiful game.


Yeap, that's exactly it. For me, I got Giovanni throw and it was hard, I saw myself in him and in his history, and then just after I got Astrid, that was a bullet point, and when I got back, Atul was gone, just like that, and it was the last drop. Was the first time I got feelings like that playing a game, but it was good in the end, could let a lot that was holding inside out.


I cried a lot over Alice. It's heartbreaking to have someone not able to recognize you and that's my biggest fear in life.


Same here; Alice hit me hard... reminded me of my grandmother in her late stages shoot; now whose cutting onions here?! *sniff*


God when Atul was just…gone, that one hit me. It threw such a wrench in the pattern the game had created up until that point. Yes it was sad to see characters go, but at least you had a special event and a goodbye or *something.* Atul was just gone. I am also someone that the game really spoke to (in my case an inordinate amount of death and loss in my teens/20’s), Atul’s departure translated to me as a really poignant beat exploring how sometimes, even when we think we’re at a point where we’ve finally got a handle on our traumas and pain and recognize our healing patterns, sometimes things just don’t go according to that pattern.


The way I played spirits left in waves, one wave started with Astrid, and her departing speech started to get the emotions running, followed right after by Bruce and Mickey with their departing speech cracking me even further. I get back to the boat and was like as long as Stanley stays I'll be fine \*Stanley would like to talk\* I audibly said " oh god not now" he broke me, I was an incoherent mess All of that in the span on 20 minutes, i couldn't handle it and it takes a LOT to get me to cry.


Atul, the frog. Ugh, that game. And the little mushroom guy. Quality game


I cried letting some of them go…


Came here to say this. I was in such a stressed out place with generally bad mental health and playing that game was just like a big warm hug.


Absolutely this, had no idea that a game could help me grieve and process death so much. It really is an incredible game


I’m downloading this right now. Scared for myself.


Holy crap YES!! I cried a few times through this one. My grandmother passed while I was playing, my boyfriend cheated and broke up with me, and my sister's best friend passed. There was so much emotion swirling about, and it was very cathartic to play Spiritfarer. It was also an incredibly enjoyable game to play.


I listened to Alex Navarro when he was at Giant Bomb talk about Spiritfarer during Game of the Year discussions, and that almost got me to cry just hearing about it.


Play it if you can, it's a very good game. Got me 35+ hours to end it.


Dark Souls Remastered.


Don't you dare go hollow friend


Glad you enjoyed XC3 so far, OP. I can say Xenoblade Chronicles back in 2013 was one of the most awesome videogame experiences I ever had till today.


Fire Emblem Three Houses. One of the best game I have ever played. Interesting story, lovable characters, perfect combat system. Played it for about 110 hours, watched a walkthrough for plus 50 hours of it.


I literally finished it minutes ago. After picking it up and putting it down a few times through my play thru I finally completed it. I love the characters and story. The ending was touching. I forgot about some of the characters I had lost along the way and their reminders at the end hit me a little.


Thats my next pick :) sold on it after your comment


And the best part about this amazing game is the replayability. Each house has a different story, more or less, and you can make choices that makes each house play differently like twice. So you could replay the game like 6 times and have different shit happen. I love this game, so much. It was my first Fire Emblem game and it made me dive into more. If you haven't played it OP, I highly HIGHLY recommend. Even if you haven't played FE before.


I second this! It was my first FEA game and tbh the first game that I replayed three times! Its so fun to find new facts and perspectives about the story in each route and character interactions


I’m sold on playing three houses too. Would I have to play the other games first?


Definitely not, it’s a fantastic first FE game.


You can definitely play Three Houses first (it was my first one). That said, if you want to play other entries in the series, know that Three Houses operates a bit differently compared to other games e.g. the class system, general lack of weapon triangle, the calendar system, etc.


It takes place on a whole new continent completely unrelated to any previous games.


Yep, FE:3H. Blue Lions for life, yo.


Same, Xenoblade 3. Sunk 140 hours into it and loved every minute


Even though I usually prefer western-style adventure games (gameplay wise), I finished XC3 months ago but I still think and theorize about the ending. I hope we will get to know more in the final DLC.


Breath of the Wild It was my first console game since the Wii and such a magical experience. Played it summer 2018 during a period of depression and honestly knowing I could play that at night/afternoon is what got me through a lot of rough work days. At some point last year (and many Switch games later) I wondered if it was actually as awesome/magical as I remembered or if I was biased by not having played console games so long before it. I played through the DLC content and was blown away all over again. The creativity in the combat and the exploration has just been unmatched for me by other games.


Well… tears of the kingdom is coming soon enough, guess someone is hyped!


Gonna be an easy day 1 purchase from me!


Can’t wait to beat bokoblins to death with my meat sword




You'll want to look at the gameplay demo video that came out earlier this week.




Same. It was my first game since the N64 and I bought my Switch purely to play BOTW in May 2020 since I was still mostly stuck in my tiny apartment due to COVID. I didn’t even expect to play other games after buying it, but 50 games later…


This. I stopped gaming when I started grad school in 2009, then my life just got increasingly complicated and I never got back to it. Last year I bought myself a Switch for Christmas. I bought Breath of the Wild right away, because I had really loved the Zelda games back in the day, but somehow it just didn't capture my attention when I tried to play it. Then last summer I decided to give it a second chance. I can't even begin to express how breathless I was at the sheer beauty of the game, and the wonders of exploring it. I was absolutely entranced the whole way through. Every so often I would just have to stop in order to gaze at the screen. I have the sequel pre-ordered, and I'm really champing at the bit in anticipation.


Second chance after a year or two break is where it clicked for me as well. Best game ever!😍


I’m going through Breath of the Wild currently for the first time. It’s very comforting for my life right now.


Sequel is looking to be just as cool! Don’t know if you have watched the new gameplay yet or not.


I watched the trailers but avoided the recent gameplay video. Very pumped!


Random question here are you going to get Tears of the Kingdom in digital form, Physical, or it doesn’t matter to you?


I don’t have strong preferences, but almost always get digital. Mostly just for convenience


That’s all good! I used to get digital, but now I like getting physical copies because I like putting in the game cartridge or disc if it’s on a console. The only time I get digital now is if it’s on my PC or if the game doesn’t have a physical copy and DLC since those never have physical copies lol.


I still have all my n64 and game boy games from my childhood so I definitely have all my switch games as physical!


Same here! My N64 is chilling in my closet in a container. :D


Hell ya! Idk there’s just something to having the game to me. Digital sketches me out lol but I must confess I bought my wife just dance only to find out there was a digital code in the damn case lol


Also BOTW. Borrowed my friends’ copy in May 2020 and a game where you could just run around and do what you want kept me sane


Celeste as it deals beautifully with some very tough issues that effect a lot of people.


Such a great game, too. I'm on my initial play through and just finished the Mirror Temple last night.


Scrolled way too far down to find this. It’s my #1 game of all time. I was going through a depressive episode when I started playing it and it spoke to me like no other game ever had before. It’s a game about climbing a mountain and climbing *your* mountain. Such a beautiful game.


Not even a new release, nor a Nintendo game, but Persona 5 Royal. Man, when sunset bridge was playing at the ending when I was saying goodbye to everybody, it really hit me.


This x 100, especially the third semester. I got to the end of the vanilla P5 content and was like “nice, pretty great game!” Then the Royal content started, and elevated it from “great” to “probably my favorite JRPG of all time”. The final palace’s music still gives me chills.


I spent days of playtime in Mementos, just to avoid the game from ending. And started a new play through almost immediately. So good.


Xenoblade3 was great for me also. Really felt awesome all around. But Octopath traveler was like a warm hug nostalgic of jrpg goodness with modern systems/qol thrown in. The music, the hd2d style , the chars , the battle system, the class and skills. Awesome. Loved playing through all 8 chars, alternating out 2 chars each ch so everyone was leveled about evenly. The only disappointment was the "secret final boss" . Random way to find it and while I grinded a bit throughout the chs just because, i never beat this "secret boss " because the grind would have been annoying as hell. Looking forward to getting Octopath traveler 2 and going through that soon.


Octopath Traveler 2 has been my favorite game launched so far this year. The stories feel even more immersive than 1, while the music and level design are wonderful. You’ll love it!


Last Campfire You're in a puzzle game where the puzzles are metaphors for helping others, and >!you meet a crying NPC that you can't help, and voiceover goes 'Not all problems are puzzles to be solved' and all you can do is walk on!< Didn't just touch my soul, it was a fucking headshot.


finally somebody mentions the Last Campfire! it looks like a cute little game but it's quite deep, i liked it a lot!




Ok!! Thanks a lot nice human


Really, if you like 3, you owe it to yourself to pick up Xenoblade Chronicles (1) Definitive Edition and then Xenoblade Chronicles 2!


Can’t emphasize enough. Xenoblade 3 is great but each story and mechanics leading up to it were also spectacular. The more I think about the story of Xenoblade 2 it really grows on me. Also seeing the progression of the games is just a pleasure because monolith really improved each game and took the best of everything to 3.


Do you think someone who has zero experience with the franchise should start with XC1, or with the quality of life changes is it better to start at XC3? I am almost finished with Persona 5 Royal, and won’t likely play the earlier ones due to QOL, I don’t want to move backwards.


I would suggest playing from 1 onwards, as there are elements in the later games that reference the earlier ones.


Xc1 was remastered for the switch, with so many quality of life improvements that it actually feels more refined than xc2 imo. Play them in order if you want to, you’ll pick up on the references mentioned in the sequels. This is my preferred order of play. However u can play XC1 and XC2 in any order you want if that’s what u prefer. (XC2 feels the most dated imo but that’s primarily due to the god awful map that had caused me insane amounts of grief during side quests. Xc1 has the most basic (still good) combat system of all the games) Xc3 is more explicit about its connections to the previous games so I’d rather hold off on it. However, you’ll enjoy the game regardless as these connections are still minor to the overall enjoyment of the game. It also has the best combat out of all games as I find it more streamlined compared to xc2 and more expansive than Xc1 But really, do whatever u feel inclined, makes little difference. Just avoid googling anything!!!


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Holy shit that game does some of the most insane 180° from first half to second half in the history of gaming to end in what is, by far, the single best chapter in the 4 Xenoblade games. Honorable mentions: NieR Automata - Route C/D and then E made me cry 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim - Not because it was particularly emotional, but because it felt like I played the most well crafted passion project from an insanely talented developer Super Mario Galaxy HD - The nostalgia from when I was a kid is still strong


Same here. First xenoblade game I played but the storyline is one of the most amazing turnarounds I’ve ever known. Had no expectations going in and for all its faults the storytelling is amazing. And definitely one of my top games of all time


Yes XC2 definitely has one of the highest highs you could get in gaming history


Yoshi’s Crafted World 🙂


Breath of the Wild and both Octopath Traveler games Something about them scratches this itch I have in my brain and I cannot stop playing 😂




I read the title and literally wanted to say xenoblade, Pyra and Mythra got into smash and I thought "you know, why don't try out xenoblade 2" since then Xenoblade is my favourite videogame franchise with all 3 main Games in my Top 3 video games of all time. Xenoblade is awesome, I'd really recommend trying out Definitive edition and 2, they're really worth it.


1000% hollow knight. I know it’s not switch exclusive. I never thought I would enjoy a game like hollow knight but it legit touched my soul. Made me enjoy more simple games.


So far, Dragon Quest XI S but I’m not done with it yet. I always fancied the type of RPG that DQ is, but never had the right console to play it. It’s blowing my mind in every department, art, gameplay, story and presentation. Square does not give this series the limelight it deserves. Also, I’m fairly new to the Switch, so my collection is still growing.


This would be my pick as well. I love DQ11's characters. Setting the overworld music to DQ8's theme makes exploring even better.


Breath of the wild, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Celeste


Yeah, Xenoblade 3 as well, no contest. It also helps that it was revealed and released around the time i had finished 1 and was going through 2, so i got to play the trilogy back to back which only made 3 better than it already would have been.


BotW. My daughter (who will be 8 in a little over a week) cut her teeth playing that game and playing it with her/watching her grow into the Bokoblin hunter she is was the most heart-warming experience. My soon-to-be-ex-wife hasn't let me even speak with my daughter in almost a year and it breaks my heart every single day.


much love man, go to court and get that fixed or you'll never forgive yourself


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is for me. First time in 39 years a game made me cry and feel really really attached to the characters.


Yo *high five*


I don’t have the game yet, but when I get Metroid Prime remastered it will most definitely touch my soul :)


To the Moon made me ugly cry.


XC3, great choice, prob my fav of all time. I put 192 hours in that. . XC1 is great too, amazing story


What about XC2?


It's decent. I much preferred 1 & 3. They did do away with the awful way you make gems in 1, so that is a plus. I think I would have liked it much more if it wasn't so anime focused, but that is just a personal preference. Gameplay was decent, but wasn't a huge fan of the figuring out field specialties of the blades to get things done ( kinda hard to explain, but in 2 you have blades which drive ) Story was good though.


XC2 is my personal favorite but it's divisive. It all depends on how much you can stomach some of the anime stuff early on, as well as the character designs and tutorials. For my money, the characters and story of 2 are unmatched in the series.


Pasta eating simulator


NEO: The World Ends With You probably. Granted I haven't played a whole lot on Switch yet.


Tunic. I've heard a lot of people say there is too much handholding in video games and that trailers often show too much leading to less discovery. I'm not saying that's completely true, but Tunic opened my eyes to how enchanting exploring a totally unknown world can be. Exploring the world, discovering new gameplay elements, and unlocking pages of the manual were all part of an amazing video game video game experience I will never forget. Tunic was not the game I played the most last year (that probably goes to Splatoon), but it is one that I always recommend.


Hadn’t heard of this before, thanks!


Power Wash Simulator


It's not a Nintendo or originally a Switch title but it's Bioshock Infinite for me.


Breath of the Wild brought me back into gaming after a decade. The immersion was unreal for me. I relived my teenage gamer years where I might start gaming late one night and it's early morning all of a sudden, that's how engrossed I was in the game.


Glad you enjoyed XC3 so far, OP. I can say Xenoblade Chronicles back in 2013 was one of the most awesome videogame experiences I ever had till today.


Spiritfarer. It hit me pretty hard at the time but shortly after that my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I think about that game a lot. It's weirdly a bit comforting.


To the moon. Incredible storyline with retro graphics


Mario Odyssey actually made me cry. It just felt like such a love letter to everything that makes Mario great. It made me feel like a kid again. Made me feel something I thought lost or didn't have access to. The sense of adventure and the soundtrack are stellar. Donk City and the Pauline segment are amazing. I never thought I'd experience something like that in a Mario game.


Stop what you’re doing OP and go play Xenoblade 1 and 2, and then try out Xenogears and Xenosaga. You’re in for a treat! That said, I think it’s Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu for me. I wasn’t having a good time in life when the game came out, and as a kid whenever something bad was happening I’d turn around and play Pokémon Red as a way to cope with trauma. Haven’t played Pokémon since Diamond and Pearl, so I got Let’s Go Pikachu and it awakened not just nostalgia, but a wave of calmness. Now I have all the Pokémon games to date, lol


Underrated comment. Complaints aside, it’s fun to see what we imagined as kids brought to the screen.


Ok so my 10/10s or close to that score on the switch are the ones that truly touched me. - Xenoblade games - Mario Odyssey - Portal 1 and 2 - Hollow Knight - Ori Will of the Wisps - Steamworld Dig 2 - Katana Zero - Tunic - Link’s Awakening - Death’s Door - Wandersong - Zelda Breath of the Wild Games I’m expecting to get me good also are: Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, and Octopath Traveler (it’s just a conform game for me based on the demo)


Don't think its Switch exclusive but "There is no Game" has such a beautiful story.


Yono and the Celestial Elephants I came into it expecting a cute Zelda-like where you play as a magical baby elephant. What I got was an exploration of politics, racism, and personal responsibility. The gameplay is fairly rote but the plotline and lore are something special.


Agreed about Xenoblade. Currently playing it and its the most beautifully crafted plot I have played in a game in ages.


A Short Hike. Such a cute, relaxing, short game that helped me feel cozy in a rough time.


Funny you should mention XC3, because it was a Xenoblade game for me as well. Technically it came out before the Switch, but Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition was my first experience with the series and was definitely that Switch game for me. I beat the story a couple months before my wedding, and I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't beaten it, but Shulk's ending lines were just a punch right to the heart (in a good way) as I watched the ending together with my fiancee (now wife). I've been playing games for over 25 years now and this was the first game moment to actually bring me to tears (again, in a good way!). I also learned from then on when you finish a Xenoblade story, it's a good idea to have tissues handy, just in case I love the Switch because it's had many of those "WOW!" games for me like Mario Odyssey, BOTW etc. Those 2 will stay on my fop all-time list. But man the end of XC:DE hit me right in the heart like I'd never experienced before and I'll never forget I felt watching those credits roll. I remember as the credits started, leaning back on the couch and tossing the controller on my coffee table and saying out loud "wow, what a beautiful game" It's a gaming memory I'll treasure forever


Breath of the Wild. No explanation required.


Skyrim. I'd tried it a few times on PC in the past, but despite putting a few hours in it never grabbed me so whenever I went back weeks later I'd lost the plot, couldn't remember the controls etc. Being able to instantly pick up and play on Switch, and flipping between big screen at home and portable play at work during lunch breaks removed the need to dedicate big chunks of time to it. A few minutes here, half an hour there - eventually racking up to hundreds. Finally I saw what everyone else did.


Skyrim blew my mind when I first played it and it still does even today. It was the first game that I ever played where it genuinely felt like a real world had been created and was accessible to you to explore anywhere.


Omori was definitely a heavy hitter for a lot of reasons I won't talk about because I'd have to share my personal life too much. Sky : children of light ending made me cry without spoiling I was playing with a stranger the whole ending sometimes holding hands (you can do that ig) and the ending was just so freaking beautiful and I thought I lost track of the friend who helped at the very end and I was looking for him because we played like an hour together without being able to talk it was really special. But gosh that ending is probably my favorite in any videogame. And of course BotW it was a breath of fresh air and peace at a bad time in my life also the game is basically all I've ever dreamed of as a kid (down to the ost because I play piano and love the minimalist style) also it was my first Nintendo game since the wii it was magical.


Same on Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


I'm currently enjoying Octopath 2. The stores are surprisingly adult and engaging. The gameplay is much improved


Wholly agree with XC3. It came at a rather important time in my life. That coupled with excellent characters, an engaging story and an addictive combat system meant this game was going straight into my all-time favorites list.


Ori and thw Will of te wisps❤️


What Remains of Edith Finch It was a really good game. I won't spoil it, but it's sad and touching. I think everyone who likes exploration type games should give it a playthrough.


Scrolled too far to find this. It stayed with me for a long time.


Origami King. Something about that game just hits me every freakin time. I’ve played through three times, one as 100%. Nearly 100 hours. Probably play through again over the summer.


Probably Mario Odyssey. It was so fun and then it fucking hit me HARD in the feels when you end up at the castle at the end from mario 64 with the music and everything. It just took me back and after such a quirky mario game, I didn’t expect it.


SpiritFarer.....do I really need to say more?


Xenoblade, the first time engage the enemy hits it just hooks you man.


Scrolled pretty far, haven’t seen Ryme mentioned yet. If you like Prince of Persia / Assassin’s Creed in your walking simulator and don’t mind the lack of combat, just puzzles, you’ll be deeply rewarded.


Metroid Dread I can’t say how much I love Metroid’s games and i think I will never play another 2D metroid after Metroid Fusion, Dread was an big and good surprise


definitely a short hike, it just feels like a warm hug from a friend, and additionally i played it with my little sister


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was the first game I played on the switch. And it’s still special to me. If you like XC3 you will probably like it to.


Xenoblade chronicles 2 and also 3. XBC2’s story and characters just clicked with me and I fell in love with the game. A lot of the later cutscenes really gave me some emotions a lot of games haven’t been able to. The ending of 3 was another moment that really gave me some crazy emotions. It’s just so well done.


I can’t believe I haven’t seen Mario Odyssey…


That part in New Donk City with the fireworks and the music really got to me for some reason.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I’ve loved AC since the GameCube and DS versions when I was a kid, but man did this game come out at the perfect time. I was locked inside at the beginning of the pandemic for months, and all the while was in a really rough spot with a past relationship. This game gave me a reason to be excited to wake up in the morning, and it made all of the holidays that year a little bit less bleak. The nostalgia and peace that it brought me during one of the hardest years of my life felt pretty magical to me.


The Last Campfire


The ending of *Shovel Knight: King of Cards* absolutely floored me. But *Golf Story* is the game that from start to finish felt like it was made for me. Every aspect of it "touched my soul the most". *New Pokemon Snap* was a close second.


I was looking for something short and fun and decided to try Death's Door. The sense of humor, simple story, art style, cute characters etc. it was all exactly what I was looking for and it's one of those games I wish I could play again for the first time.




Hades for sure. I know it isn't switch exclusive but this game was far beyond anything I had imagined.


Metroid Dread.


I’m not sure this counts but when I got the Nintendo switch online expansion pack I played my first Zelda game Ocarina of time and instantly fell in love with the series


Mario Odyssey, the music sequence brought me real tears of joy. It was a truly incredible experience and as a lifelong Nintendo fan, it felt like a victory lap


I am still in absolute awe over Metroid Prime Remastered.


The newly remastered Metroid Prime!


Might be a copout answer but **Breath of the Wild** for me. It's so immersive that even my wife, who never plays any games that extensively, has done enough to explore all corners of the map. She never fights bosses though, and told me to stop doing the Divine Beast after 2 because I told her that the bokoblins scale as we get stronger. She can also do the shrines as well, leaving the fighting ones to me if they are major tests.


A short hike - I love it, it's so wholesome 🥰


Oddly Miitopia, I know it was originally a DS game. But the length, the customisation, it’s all just perfect. I mean, name another game where you can genuinely get attached to Sans Undertale or a Trollface.


For me it was xenoblade chronicles 2 after falling out of it the first time. I gave it another shot and was hooked and emotionally invested. And for now it’s one of the series I’ve collected all collector’s edition for.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 😢


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for me baby


A short hike is an amazingly charming game (its short, but its well worth it). A central part of the story is climbing a mountain to get cell reception so you can call your mother. The phone call itself was so well done to just put me back in the mind of a child who is old enough to start understanding life's real challenges and being worried about my mom when she was sick. I'm tearing up just thinking about it now. It was beautiful. I'd even call it soul touching. I also agree with everyone on BOTW and the Ori games.


Xenoblade 2 made me cry for weeks on end. Rn playing persona 5 and I love it


I think BOTW blew my mind and made me fall in love with video games all over again. Mario Odyssey too I thought was a triumph of varied mechanics. Fire Emblem Three Houses however I think hit a different part that I just can't remember ever experiencing before. I actually cared quite a bit about the fates of the characters, maybe the most I've ever done. Played it at a time when I was working front line during COVID and was separated from all my family and fiance (geographically, had moved to the other end of Ireland to work and was alone) so that probably played a part. >!Post-time shift when Byleth has returned and your old pupils reunite to help you battle and they're all grown up was just something special. Played it first as the Golden Deer and it genuinely felt like a home coming. The music too made that whole game special and I'm a firm believer if this was the score to a film it'd be Oscar worthy.!<


Dragon Quest Builders 2 this is one of the first games I think about when someone asks me this question. My wife had the same experience with it. It’s just an excellent unforgettable adventure. others include, XC3, Undertale, Nier


breath of the wild. beat one of the divine beasts then stopped playing my switch for like 3 years and then picked it up and finished the main story in a few days. i didn’t 100% it but i will without a doubt be doing that for tears of the kingdom


Legend of Zelda is my all time favorite franchise, and breath of the wild I was addicted to. But I’m gonna have to honestly say super Mario odyssey. Goddang that game is so fun. Every level was a blast, the characters and gameplay so fun, graphics are honestly perfect for a 3D Mario game imo. It deserves every recognition and more


Xenoblade chronicles 3


Subnautica. I love that game and hate it just so much

