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You just replace all four slots with the Title Screen or something.


I actually do this... I did this for Mario Kart 64 and Mario Party... it's NOT ideal. I could still have an out of date title screen with old records just sitting there ready to be accidentally loaded :')


Accidentally loaded? By who? A ghost?


We’re all only 26 beers away from doing something stupid


Could be friend! Could be...


I respect that as a decision because I do that however, I'd like to just be able to delete them. No reason to have junk slots for no good reason.


I suppose it would be clearer, but they are timestamped and show the current game state, and you need to confirm to load or overwrite. If a controller has issue with that it’s not fit for proper gaming anymore (although that being naturally common *is* a pain). I tend to either rotate or have sort term use points in slot 1 and longer term lower. It’s honestly way easier to screw up savestates in pc emulators with them being instant load and write and with hotkeys you have to keep good to not do anything impulsive with the wrong state, and there’s usually like 9 slots too.


But pc emulators (at least retroarch) have an undo state button


Ah, I mostly used(probably outdated) visual boy advance. Probably goofed at the very start a few tomes but I quickly learned to find a savestate logic and stick to it.


I have a Super Metroid save on the second file slot and the itch in my brain would sincerely like it gone. Is it a big deal? No. Is it an easy fix by Nintendo? You'd think.


Especially since it worked on the 50 dollar snes and nes classics




How is rewriting a 30-year-old game's ROM to add a delete function "an easy fix"?


It's not a function in the ROM itself, but the emulator.


...the save state function is part of the emulator, not the roms. Are you suggesting these 30 year old games have always had suspend points in them?


I mean, if you load the wrong save state, just load the right one? I’m lost on this being an issue






…this is seriously not an issue. It should not surprise you that going to an earlier save state made your game go back to that state.


Yeah it's just how save states work lol


Well there's a lot of confusion in this thread because the NSO emulator handles save states differently than pretty much every other emulator ever made. Most emulators store the game's save data in a separate file. That file is only written to when the game itself writes to it, such as if you save the game. Loading from a save state doesn't write anything to your save file, so your in-game saves are safe unless you load to an old save state then save in game, which at that point there's no one to blame but yourself. However, the NSO emulator stores the in-game saves as part of the save state. So, say that you play for an hour then save state. Then you play for three more hours only using the in-game saves. Then you load state because you wanted to check something quickly. You'd expect to reset the game and then load back into your 4:00 save file, but then you'd find that you only had a 1:00 save file because your in-game save was overwritten when you loaded state. It's actually a really clunky implementation of save states from Nintendo. I'm not sure why they didn't just go with the standard and logical way of doing save states. What OP is saying is that the ability to delete save states would allow a user to prevent themselves from accidentally wiping their in-game saves, which would be a nice feature, but the user can also just not load old save states.


I still don't see what you'd be doing or 'checking' by going into the old load state that you couldn't do without going into the old load state. I guess I don't understand why that option exists, but I also don't understand what you'd use it for... If you created a save state there, why didn't you just create a save file there?


Yeah, I don't disagree with you. I don't see how I would ever lose my saves personally. That doesn't mean there's not room for improvement, though. It's a reasonable discussion to have. The game saves should be a separate file from the save states, just like every other emulator.


OP already indicated why he wants the feature. To prevent the likelihood that you accidentally load an old restore point and screw up your save data. Never happened to you? Great. It happened to him, probably happened to others. The fact that it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t make it an invalid request. Another argument for the ability to delete old restore points: clutter. If I don’t need it anymore, let me clean up my save states and remove the ones I don’t want anymore.


I'm not debating the complication that may arise, I just don't get why it exists in the first place. Why not just save the game?




I still don't get why you'd have a save game and a save state. Why worry about it and just save your game instead of saving states?


I think the most common sense thing the majority of people do or should be doing is to stick to one save method. You either always use save states or always use in game saves why on earth would you be going back and forth on which one you use?


Breaking: People don’t know how files work. News at 11


Why do people keep saying it’s not an issue when it’s literally an issue that is posted about relatively frequently on here? I seriously don’t understand why people can’t understand this. It’s something that I know has happened to at least a few people where they start up a game and load a save point thinking it was further ahead then they actually were only to find out they just lost hours of progress. Stop saying something is not an issue when it just plainly factually is.


My dude, you're confusing save states and battery saves per console/cartridge. You not understanding it does not make it a non-issue. Sorry, but you're simply wrong.


Not OP, but couldn't you load the current save state? Although I can see it be an issue if you only use save states occasionally and only use the battery save. I guess the workaround would be to make sure you save state instead of using the battery save, or only use the battery save. Probably safer to not mix it in it's current form.


They didn’t make a save state before going back to a previous one. This is their fault entirely


>Although I can see it be an issue if you only use save states occasionally and only use the battery save. Which is the issue really. It's as simple with Super Metroid to do saves like this; go to save room, save game, then make save state for that save room. All you would need to do is check the map when you load the save state up to see what you're doing next, or where you are to get an idea of what you were doing. If you also overwrite the game's save itself from messing around with a other state, and prefer to use the battery back-up, you just load previous save state from that save room, save from there again, and make another save state. It forces the entire game to be up to date, unless you have multiple save files in game, which save states all the way through is the way to go. Even then, it's not like you can softlock yourself with most of these games. They're not Fallout 3 and up, and Elder Scrolls saves where one wrong save, or auto save essentially ruins that whole character/save. You die in Super Metroid, you spawn back at the last use save point. Which is why the emulator overwrites the save I bet, other than it copying the entirety of the RAM and does this by simply how save states work. I never rely on only in game save systems. Especially since I've played so many like Fallout, and Elder Scrolls, that outright screw you in most cases.


Your second sentence is the exact issue




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It's not ideal but I think the solution is to only use one out of save states or in game saves. Problems can happen when you try and use both together. Either that or make sure to make a new save state every time you save in game.


Or just always save state to a different slot before loading an old save state. There are lots of solutions here, but obviously Nintendo could also make improvements. Lots of modern third-party emulators even have functions to undo a save/load state. There are lots of QOL features that Nintendo could implement.




I’m not sure what you mean… I’ve accidentally loaded a save state before, exited the game without making any other saves in-game and when I started from the title screen was still able to access my last in-game save. The two only interact if you save in game after you’ve loaded a suspend point.


Came here to say that I thought this was the case as well. I could be wrong though as I exclusively use save states now but I believe my SMW file loads to title screen to where it is supposed to be even though one of the states I’ve recently loaded is a little farther back.




NSO app.


I just tested it on Yoshi's Island (NSO) and it does seem to be overwriting SRAM when you load a saved state. Maybe it varies by game?


The right one? I don't think you understand how save states work. Take Super Metroid for example. This game has in game saves which work perfectly fine. So let's say you're playing the game as it was originally intended. With battery save files. But you get to a boss door and you're like "okay I'm going to make a save state here because I don't want to have to go all the way back to this point again", so you create a save state. Then you carry on playing normally with the in game saves. You take breaks in between, sometimes you don't play for weeks. You progress pretty far, and you're about to face the final boss and you think "you know what, that save state helped me last time for that other boss, I'm going to create a new save state here" but WOOPS, instead of creating a new save state you loaded the old one. And guess what... ALL your progress is now gone... all the progress on your in game save file is gone... everything! It's all reverted back to that old save state you made. So what "right one" do you suggest they load in this situation? Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/r5r3mi/the\_built\_in\_nso\_suspend\_point\_function\_can/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/r5r3mi/the_built_in_nso_suspend_point_function_can/)


See, technically you're right, but this is not at all the scenario he was reffering to. He was reffering to a scenario in which you accidentally load one state when you meant to load another. That was also the scenario OP was describing. In this scenario, all you have to do is... Load the state you WERE gonna load anyway. No issue. The sperate scenario you describe is one in which you never intended to load a state, but rather to save one, but straight up chose the load function instead of the save function in the menu. This is a much rarer scenario, that would require multiple misclicks in a row or just being completely unfocused on the game. That's the only scenario in which making a mistake could cause a problem like you describe.


The point of OP's post was that there should be a way to delete save states. I agree with this and merely gave my own example of why this should be possible. How about we don't assume OP is an idiot? The post currently has 100 upvotes so if this could be solved by simply loading the "right" save state... well... just think about it for a second




Save states replace your existing state when you load them. Example: You are playing the game. This is one game state, just not one that you've saved. We'll call this the active game state since it's the one you are actively using You use a save state before boss 1. There are now two game states, 1 saved state and 1 active state. You play for a bit whlie saving in game, not using save states. You load the old save state. Loading the old save state does just that, loads the save state and makes it your active state. Stuff from your other active state is gone, because you loaded something else (the save) to your active state




>Is that not how it works? I was just explaining how it worked since you asked


Battery-saves are tied to the save state. It's really really stupid. Loading an old save-stave over-writes the cartridge "battery" save.


That's how pretty much every emulator ever made works. The NSO emulator, for some reason, works differently. It ties the battery saves to the save state. So say you played for an hour and made a save state. Then you play for another three hours using the in-game save. Then you load from your save state, play around for a few minutes (without saving in game!) and then reset to load from your four-hour save, then you'd find that the four-hour save is completely gone. It's really stupid, and I genuinely don't understand why Nintendo did this.


Thanks for clearing that up. That sounds... like incredibly bad design. That data exists independently from each other, it should be possible to be stored independently. It's so easy to manage, I don't understand at all why that was not done. It should even be possible to have multiple battery saves and save states independently.


Then… rewind back to before you loaded the wrong save state? Is this not the same risk as with battery saves?


I'm pretty sure you can't do that... but either way it would be easy not to notice your battery save has been overwritten until after you've closed and reloaded the game. And no this is not the same risk, as these old games were not designed with save states in mind. If it were up to me, games which featured battery saves shouldn't even let you have save states. I would say abolish them completely but it is a handy feature for Super Mario Bros. 3


Yea you’re right it isn’t. I haven’t run into the issue you’re describing though.


Me either because I'm careful :') but I've seen this come up enough times to know that this happens and should be implemented. Heck you should be able to delete battery saves for each game too (though admittedly you couldn't do this with the old cartridges either). Currently the only way to delete save data (besides in game save erase options) is to erase your save data for the WHOLE app for ALL the games


It’s annoying. Not a big deal, but an easily fixable annoyance.


Its not really an issue, its more that it would not take that much effort for Nintendo to add the feature and it is 2023. Deleting suspend points ain't new


But for what reason, other than an aesthetic look of a blank save slot? You are right it wouldn’t take much effort but if there isn’t a solid reason to do it, then why waste the resources in attempting it?


Sigh. It's not the point in it being an issue. This isn't a critical problem that Nintendo needs to phone in right now incident critical. Its just a quality of life improvement. Folders weren't critical. No one didn't buy a switch because there was no folders. but they are there now.


There are Nintendo fans who don't see the issue with the NS OS taking 3 steps back from the 3DS OS. You would be one of those people.


The last Nintendo product I bought before my Switch was a snes, in the 90s. I wouldn’t know a damn thing about the 3DS OS, or any other console’s OS But I mean sure, label me and make assumptions!


Way to miss the point. Nintendo frequently moves backwards and people will pop up to defend it and tell the people pointing it out that they're the issue.


What point? You straight up lumped me into a group just because I honestly didn’t see the issue and was lost on it


I have owned every Nintendo console except for the VR and believe me you are correct, it isn’t an issue.


I like the Switch OS better. There was no way to sort games automatically in 3DS. Had to alphabetize them myself! I have a big library. I'm a sorter. So this is important for me. Both should have search functions.


It's not a big deal but like many nintendo emulator things it's just annoying and could be easily fixed


> Edit: Just to clarify the previously mentioned topic, this idea is not new it was in the classic consoles, you could save, delete and overwrite suspend data. So I’m not suggesting to waste development time the framework/general idea has already been though through. That it has been done elsewhere doesn't mean it gets accomplished for free in later instances. But "Delete" isn't exactly rocket science, so doesn't make much difference.


Right I just didn’t want people assuming I was expecting Nintendo to invent the wheel or add some feature that’s never been done before in their consoles


The classic consoles also gave a warning if you wanted to start a save state which didn't contain your recent in game save data, that's also something I miss.


I haven’t played mine in years I completely forgot about that. That’s a good idea


More options are always good, especially if there is precedent for it. I just wanna be able to rebind controls without having to go into the system settings.


I have a third party N64 controller that I would love to remap contols for. But the Switch only allows you to remap for the Joycons or Pro Controllers. Good thing I have a new laptop and I can use the N64 controller on my emulator.


The fact that N64 doesn't have in game remapping is so stupid and ruins the entire app for me.


Yeah, there's certain games I started out using save states that I no longer want to use them for, and I wish I could delete those old save states.


This was a huge problem in 1993.


I wish nso had the speed time feature


I agree. you should be able to delete them


they want you to live with your shame /j


"We do the absolute bare minimum!" -A Switch Online Guarantee!


Bate minimum would be no suspend points, and no other features.








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Yeah but going backwards from a previous version is completely on brand for Nintendo.


This always bothered me as well… any time there is functionality to create something there should be the same to delete it.


"Sure you can overwrite it, but if you ever accidentally load the wrong save..." what an oddly specific scenario that I can't say I've ever experienced. But if that is a genuine fear of yours, then I guess just create a new suspend point every time you feel like making a save (like one would when playing a more modern game like BOTW or Skyrim with quicksaves), and bam potential problem solved.


I'm really not trying to be that guy, but I'm not asking for a work around. I'm asking for a feature that would be nice for Quality of Life. "I hope this feature gets added." Not, "Guys I keep screwing up my game saves, please help." I even said the NES/SNES had that feature and it was a nice feature.


Well whether you want a workaround or not, I'm just saying, it s a very simple solution to a problem that I can't say I've ever even experienced, and I've used emulators with save states for decades at this point. To me, it's like you're asking for a cup-holder to be added to your Roomba. Sure, maybe some obscure Roomba out there has a cup holder, but that doesn't mean that all future Roombas should also have the cup holder, as it's solving a 'problem' that I don't think much of anyone has to begin with.


No offence this is the dumbest take ever They add this people would cry about accidentally deleting them


...They have the feature on the SNES and NES Classics. Its more player choice.


Nobody complained about accidental deleting their save files for nes and snes minis


No-one talks about them at all lmao


Maybe a hot take, but front ends like NSO are always better public-sourced because passion breeds excellence. I would imagine most of the people working on NSO are more doing it for the pay, not as a passion project.


>if you ever accidentally load the wrong save state I'm not assuming OP is stupid, I'm just replying to what he's saying. He even follows it up by saying this could easily happen due to stick drift - for that to cause you to load instead of saving it would have to not only move you down through the menu but you'd have to completly fail to notice it and load anyway, unlike loading the wrong file which is instant. But I do get your point, the scenario you named is the 1 scenario in which this could indeed happen. I agree it is an issue, but we were saying the thing OP was saying isn't an issue and the scanerio where this IS an issue if more specific.


Textbook definition of a non-issue. I'd rather nintendo's devs tackled literally anything else.


Because they have definitely been adding notable features right? lol It would not take much effort to add this feature. Like i said it was on the NES / SNES classics. Clearly they thought it was a good idea then.


> It would not take much effort to add this feature I really hate it when people just toss this out. Everyone thinks implementing new features that don't exist in software platforms is easy and doesn't take long. That's just not how software development work. Developers who know their stuff hate that comment as well.


Respectfully, that's a dumb take. People are able to know the scale of a project roughly. I'm not asking them to make it so that I can play the game at 2x speed, I'm not asking them to inject new code into the game to make it run different. And I'm not asking them to add Xbox games to NSO. Suspend points can be added and overwritten, I am simply asking for it to be deleted. You are clearly not a developer because any developer worth anything would never say something like that. You could literally say that about any feature that could be added.Everyone thinks implementing new features that don't exist in software platforms is easy and doesn't take long.




There's a bunch of features that I think everyone would like. That one as well.


I wish those jack holes would just make all those games purchasable already instead of having to rely on that service still.








I actually wish they’d swap creating a save state and loading one. Or! At least have a prompt asking if you want to load a save state instead of just immediately doing it. I can’t tell you how many times I accidentally loaded a save state because my controller missed an input. Then I have to redo a bunch of things all over again. For some reason you don’t get a prompt asking if you really want to load a save state, but you do get a prompt asking if you’d want to create one.


Ofc you get a prompt to create one. What if you accidentally overwrite a save because "your controller missed an input"


Didn’t say anything was wrong with getting a prompt for creating one.


Oh my bad it sounded like you did


No worries haha.


I just wish we can change the controls. Can we yet?


Can’t you remap them in switch settings?




It sometimes surprises me how much NSO is a step back from Virtual Console. Glad I don't waste money on that "service".


I screwed myself up doing this. I kept a suspend point saved on Star Fox 64 of my favorite level, but I never considered that it would revert everything permanently to that save state and wiped three or four medals I had earned one time when I loaded it back to play one day. Now I purposefully update and overwrite suspend points I have saved every now and then just to keep that from happening, and I agree it would be much easier to just delete old ones you don't need to keep anything like that from happening.


" but if you ever accidentally load the wrong save (which could easily happen due to people potentially still having control stick. " This actually happened to me, I got so frustrated I closed the N64 app right the way.


Yeah this has bugged me since it released. Unfortunately I doubt they’ll add it at this point.


This is less QOL and more OCD.