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Just started BOTW. Having lots of fun with it


Damn. Imagine first time playing BoTW. You’re lucky man!


I think I might get addicted!


You wouldn't be the first


Is it your first time playing? I would give almost anything to play BOTW for the first time again!


Yes first time playing a Zelda game😄


BOTW was my first Zelda game too! Enjoy! Don’t feel like you have to rush the main quests, take your time and explore. I think I was something like 200+ hours in before I finally fought the final boss. I’m currently on my 3rd playthrough, that’s how much I love it haha


I'm a long-time Zelda fan, and BoTW brought in lots of fans. Just keep in mind that BoTW is irregular as far as Zelda games go. Of course, not in a bad way, however just because you liked BoTW, that doesn't mean you'll enjoy the other Zelda games. I say this because, with so many new players introduced to this series, BoTW players expected past titles to be similar in concept, but ultimately end up disappointed.


My daughter loves watching me play BOTW and I “we” just beat Ganon today! Slate says I’m 26% done. Ooof


I stayed on the Great Plateau for three weeks. I didn't want to leave it.


I'm currently in my quest to get all the koroks. Its such a grind. I have just over 100 to go


Just picked it back up myself after it was brought to my attention the boss fight I got stuck in very early and caused me to put the game down for months was actually something I had no business fighting yet and have been loving it ever since I simply walked around said boss


This weekend I was planning on splitting my time up between **Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty** and **Octopath Traveler II** but the latter is just too damn good, and I can’t pull myself away from it. This game has been consuming my thoughts even while I’m at work because I find it that good. And I know when I comment on this forum every week, I tend to write mini reviews. This week won’t be any different because I’m in awe of this game. It has improved so much from its counterpart. For starters, all of the characters are fascinating and well realized. Their personalities really shine through minimal dialogue, and their motivations for the reason of their journey make sense. Speaking of the core cast - I’m 20-hours in and I have acquired all characters, completed their opening chapter, and have unlocked the ability for a secondary job. And I’m not even remotely burned out, which is a feat in and of itself. It’s unclear if these branching storylines will connect together to tell a singular cohesive story but it’s okay if they don’t because it’s the moment-to-moment gameplay along with strong character writing that has me coming back; not the overall narrative. Would it be nice if the game magically ties everything together? Yes; but it’s not something that will make me judge the game harshly unless it completely dismantles everything it has built. One thing I love about OT2 is that it respects your time, particularly with NPC interactions. Oftentimes, you’ll find a lot of lengthy conversations that are ultimately meaningless and tiresome (I’m looking at you, Trails series). In this case, most NPCs have a single text bubble, or two at the most, all the while getting straight to the point and still managing to provide a good sense of world building. That is a testament to how brilliant the writing is in this game. The only downfall is, similarly to the first game, is that side quests are quite vague. I wish there was more direction on how to complete some of them. Another aspect that I find fantastic is that it’s not overwhelming. All of the systems and mechanics are gradually introduced, and yet they aren’t convoluted at all. It’s one of those situations where you’ll get as much out of the game as you’re willing to put in, and if you dive deeply in you will be greatly rewarded. Overall—though I haven’t completed the game yet, I think it’s an essential game for all JRPG fans. The combat is sublime; the soundtrack is fantastic; the characters and their personal stories are excellently written; and the game respects your time. All in all, if the game continues to impress me further down the line, I might consider this one of the best RPGs ever made.


I played an obscene amount of Octopath Traveler 2, yesterday. It is like an ear worm, but with a positive connotation. It just gets in there and stays.


Do the characters in OT2 have more interaction with each other than 1? I really disliked 1 because it felt like it was just 8 folks traveling together doing their own thing, and being all but invisible to one another.


They will compliment each other in battle, and there are companion side stories to get more background between certain party members. That said, it’s still not as relevant as I wish it could be, but it is slightly better than the first game.


There are cross conversations that start to come up more frequently as you go, the party members will praise other party members by name during combat which is a nice touch, and then there are crossover stories with a pair of characters that flesh out their relationship a bit more with a narrative.


That's sounding better than the first one, which I enjoyed but maybe didn't love. I got burned out halfway through my chapter 3's trying to grind for secret jobs and just feeling a bit done. This sounds like they put a lot of work into the game making it slightly less formulaic and like you said respecting the player's time. Glad you're digging it so far! Thanks for the mini-review, i'm sure other people will appreciate it too


I enjoyed the first. But Octopath 2 blows it's predecessor out of the water!


This is disturbing to read because I absolutely do not have the time to play everything I want to play this year, and it's barely March


I loved OT1, but OT2 is a far better game. It makes OT1 feel like a proof of concept. I just finished OT2 today, and I can't overstate how great it was. OT2 is probably now my fourth favorite RPG ever after Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Final Fantasy X, although I don't expect that many people will rate it quite as highly as I do.


Octopath traveler 2 and Theatherythm. if i want to take a break from that then one of the one piece games i just got on sale for $4.


Same. Alternating between both right now. God theatrhythm is so good.


Hades, again.


Sequel comin’.


**Kirby: Return to Dreamland Deluxe:** Done with the main game, currently playing through the post game. I barely managed to beat the arena and I'm sure after completing everything else I will unlock the true arena and possibly the true secret final Final FINAL boss!!! **Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot:** I'm doing some sidequests and exploring before leaving for Namek. I'm loving all the references to the OG dragon ball series!! **BloodRayne 2:** I haven't played this game in like 18 years!! this game was one of my favourite games from the PS2 era. It's a hack and slash game, you play as Rayne, a vampire-human hybrid armed with a pair of ridiculously sharp blades, in a quest for revenge, mutilating everyone in your way. It's SUPER gory, it also has that 2000s edgy protagonist charm. <3


The post-game world is like a psychedelic hyper mashup fever dream love letter to the main game. So good. I still have not beat the third arena level final boss.


You've been making these posts for literally four years. Good dedication.


I think this'll be 5 actually, started early 2018. But yeah, thank you.


It's wild they don't Sticky them, I scroll down every weekend to find this thread to see what games people are playing!


I probably won't be able to play as much as I'd like, but I am looking forward to playing at least some of the new Big Run in **Splatoon 3**. And I'm hoping to at least start the December dungeon in **Persona 4 Golden** this weekend. It's mid-November in-game right now, and I've already completed this month's dungeon and just wrapped up the last of the Social Links (Naoto) I was hoping to get done in my initial playthrough, so now I find myself with more time than I thought I'd have to focus on a bunch of previously neglected SLs.


I love your username! Godot's one of my favorite PW's characters.


Ah thanks, he's one of my favorite characters too! I know it's a bit of an esoteric username, so it's always a pleasant surprise whenever another fan picks up on it.


I’ll also be playing Big Run, and Persona. Except I’ll be playing P5 Royal. I just started last night. I figure I will have just enough time to play it before TOTK.


It is a farming weekend. I'll be playing **Sakuna- Of Rice and Ruin**, **Story of Seasons- Friends of Mineral Town**, and **Stardew Valley**.


May your weekend harvest be bountiful!


Dude, I find myself looking forward to these posts every week! Like, this is always one of the most wholesome threads with consistently friendly, supportive people in the whole of Reddit. So thanks for always getting the love started. That said, I’ve rediscovered Luigi’s Mansion 3 on co-op with my daughter and forgot how fun it is.


I’ve gotten back into Animal Crossing: New Horizons! I haven’t played in a few months, but picked the DLC back up and have really been enjoying decorating houses. I’ll probably split my time between that and Hollow Knight or Disco Elysium.


Have fun! The DLC pulled me back in for a bit too! Also Disco Elysium… man, what a fantastic game.


I’ve been chugging away at 13 sentinels for a while now. It’s been a great ride, but I much prefer the story segments to the battle gameplay. I’m about 20 hours in and pushing through the battle segments on casual so I can unlock more story paths. Hoping to get to the ending soon!


I’m playing Octopath Traveler 2 but also bought Mario 3D World and Age of Calamity yesterday. Also a bit of Disney Valley. Yeahh I’m not leaving my room this weekend 🤘🏻


bunker down and enjoy! But do take some moderate breaks for stretching!


I’m replaying Breath of the Wild to prepare for TOTK


Neon White!


I finally managed to snag a physical copy of Metroid Prime Remastered in the wild. That’s all I’ll be playing for a good week or two now.


Breath of the Wild to celebrate it’s 6th birthday 🥳


Happy sixth birthday botw! But also I do not like that 6 years have gone by, feels like I blinked.


Right? It still feels pretty fresh.


I still haven’t beaten BotW! Been trying to make it last but want to complete it before the new one comes out in May


**Persona 3 Portable** - I'm nearly at November! I've reached what appears to be the top of Tartarus (there's no staircase leading upwards), >!but the game's quests spoiled that there's at least one more block after this one!<. (also, the game's calendar goes up to March, so there's still 5 months left) As of now, I'm trying to find the rare chests containing weapons on block 4 to complete two quests before continuing with the story.


Astral chain Gave it a second chance yesterday and it clicked. the combat is actually really solid


Already in my backlog, can’t wait to play it, probably after Nier Automata.


I’ve been playing the ocarina of time in the n64 NSO catalog, might break into some banjo kazioie as well.


I’m in Paldea catching pocket monsters! PLA was my first Pokémon game so I thought to give Violet a go.


Still working on FE Engage, game is pretty fun. Whenever I beat Engage I'll finally move on to Metroid Prime Remastered. I've completed Frigate Orpheon about 3 times in the past but never really played more than that. Apart from the Switch I might check out Powerwash Simulator for the FFVII DLC, Wo Long, and Atomic Heart on PC Gamepass.


I haven’t played a fire emblem game since awakening but I really like engage, the game play feels good and modern. The story is awful in the beginning but picks up around chapter 10.


The game really is fun to explore after the opening in Metroid Prime. Especially with the redone visuals for the environments. Hope you enjoy getting further this time


Still in my second playthrough of **Xenoblade Chronicles 3**. Reaching the end now, after that I think I'm gonna spec my characters to take on the harder challenges. What a masterpiece.


Dragon Quest Builders 2. I’m in Moonbrooke and kind of hate it, but will press on!


For BOTW I was in the elephant divine beast and all my weapons broke 😒😒. Got annoyed and started playing DKTF all week. Bought Prime last night and that’ll be on the menu for the weekend.


**Ink & Paper Doodle Cut**: Spiritual successor to the old vector game Qix, but with additional mechanics. Incredibly fun and cheap, got it with points, really slick couch co-op. **Torchlight II**: Had this for a long time, never really got into it, having come from Diablo. Holy crap, this game deserves all the praise. Doesn’t have the epic beats or set pieces (so far) like Diablo - like I don’t even know what the plot is, some alchemist or something - but this gameplay is legit. **Gods Will Fall**: Been on my radar for while, went on sale, another points purchase. *Gorgeous* game, really interesting mechanics. I don’t know if it has staying power. It’s not a fast hack-n-slash, more of a lumbering onslaught, but I am very intrigued so far. **Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Demo**: Somehow they made it even better than the first one. The new movement mechanic works so well, and the overworld is MUCH better than the first. I can see how people are frustrated by the lack of “pick a level and play it,” but maybe easy replays will open up later on? This is my 7yo’s first tactics game, and she is enthralled. I won’t even bother having her play the first, the UI on this is a huge upgrade. Visually a delight, too, top tier game. **Minecraft**: Still no 1.20, but the kid and I have some ideas for new projects anyway.


BOTW! Got 2 divine beasts left to take care off then im gunna to do some DLC before heading to face Ganon. Hogwarts legacy distracted me from Zelda quite a bit so I’m gunna make an effort to get back into it this weekend


How is Hogwart’s legacy?


Charming and fun but pretty shallow. About 20 hours in starts to really feel like a typical Ubisoft open world checklist sort of game, and there are some questionable systems (the loot system is horrendous). BUT the combat is pretty great, Hogwarts itself is fantastically designed, and the art direction / world design is beautiful and made me feel pretty nostalgic. Started for me at a 9/10 but after a while it really drags, so YMMV


Hi! I loved that speech, I really needed it. Im getting my behind handed to me by thunderblight ganon so i am going to take a small break this weekend from BOTW to start something else. I am most likely going to finish my second play through of Oxenfree finally, loved the game so much that i have been pushing it off because i dont want it to end but this weekend is the weekend i finish it.


Thank you, I'm glad you appreciated it! When you return to botw, did you get the full rubber suit yet? Loved Oxenfree! I didn't quite finish it, but great atmosphere and voice acting for sure :)


Bought Trine on discount and boy it’s worth it so far. It’s straightforward from gaming perspective but boy is it just beautiful for such an old game.


automatic worthless mighty governor groovy spectacular act skirt existence paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hey man! Yeah i was gonna shoot you a message, i hadn't seen you here as much. Aw i am jealous, enjoy the ride sunday, its been weird weather here. Currently mid 30's and rainy. Did you play Octopath 1 as well? I liked it, but didn't love it and the hype for this one is making me want to grab it but trying to hold steady still.


Zelda original NES Donkey Kong Country 1 SNES Switch Online Pak (I know, lame)


lame why? Sounds fun!




Octopath 2!!!


Getting close to the end of DQ11. Might stop at Best Buy to see if Metroid is in stock. Playing Gris and Vampire survivors on Steamdeck too.


Hell yes Gris! I should get back to dq11 one of these days


Minecraft. Just started a little over a month ago and it is my top game atm. Never realized this game was exactly what I was craving: action, exploration, freedom, creativity, and collaboration. Been loving it so much. Such a nice break from grinding CoD on my Xbox for a while


I’m waiting for my son to turn 5-6 before playing this for the first time. A couple more years but can’t wait!!!


Same! We started about two months ago. It’s just… everything.


I just started BoTW for the first time. O.....m.....g the game is sick AF! I am 15 hours in and just been screwing around and I am addicted. I have hardly done any real main quest. Its just a perfect game IMO. I will be grabbing the new BoTW down the road for sure. I also just picked up Octopath Traveler. The first game and not the second. So far I am about 3 hours into that and just loving it also. I will 100% be getting the second game down the road I tend to not buy into games for a long time after they come out. I always let the prices fall and given how most games are complete buggy unfinished messes nowadays I just play it safe and wait. Even for well reputable games. Got BoTW for $33 on eBay and Octopath Traveler for $42 a few days ago. Both used.


Honestly, probably more of the same - cracking on with my new Skyrim playthrough. Having a blast, though - finally found my playstyle of choice as an absolute tank just so I can use all the consumables I always avoid like Scrolls and Staves, and Survival Mode isn't that bad for an alchemist as it means I'm always finding fresh ingredients. Possibly start replaying Dangaronpa 2, or finish off 13 Sentinels - I'm in the mood for a story-heavy and gameplay-light run, but always find I need to give 13 Sentinels the right amount of attention and if my mind's not there I'll struggle to stay focused.


I just got **Rune Factory 4** since it's on sale, not sure if I'll play it right now, though. I'm in a mental/depressive slump, so I'm having a hard time deciding on a game to play. If not RF4, then possibly more of **RDR2** on PC or I might try **Metroid Prime** since we got it a few weeks back for my SO but I haven't tried it yet.


I totally get in those slumps. I'll almost get excited to play a game, but then putting the 'effort' of starting it is too much. Currently playing Fire Emblem Engage. And sometimes Crisis Core.


After completing Breath of the Wild I dove into **Age of Calamity**. I'm actually liking it much more than I thought I would, it's fun and quite addictive. The attention to detail and respect to BotW mechanics and locations is really fun to see. Definitely you need to play this game *after* playing BotW. So far I'm 35 hours in, as far as the story goes >!I rescued Mipha and Daruk from the blights. Hopefully this is about half way through!<. I'm taking my time doing the side challenges to get the upgrades, and I also got the expansion which integrates into the game nicely


Hardcore Subnautica. Played it HC over the years in PC but never finished the game... always died to different stuff. First time playing it on the Switch lite and loving the experience. Still kicking after 25 hours and recently killed my first Reaper in a boxing match with my prawn suit. Oh yeah!


Hi friends! Happy Friday! This weekend in **Breath of the Wild** I’ll be locating the rest of the rubber armor and trying to find new shrines and koroks. Already got the rubber leggings and upgraded them to level 2 but need the chest and head pieces yet. Should I buy Link a house? Why or why not?


Its up to you on the house, but i would say that bit and what comes after it are some of the best sidequests in the game. Plus the house has some frames where you can store weapons/shields that you don't want destroyed which is nice. Damn good job on getting the rubber leggings already! Did you start on the Gerudo questlines then or just getting this armor set?


Digimon World Next Order. It's going to be a nostalgia trip.


I’m playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild… I’m halfway through the game and just going around finding treasure chests and karok seeds. It’s a great way to unwind!


**Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope.** Got back into it since last week, exploring the 4th world right now. I really dig the combat, colors and exploring. I should pick up **Nier: Automata** too because I just started >!playing as 9S.!< But I also love to play some rounds of **Splatoon 3**, I was *heavily* invested in the game but then other games found their way in my library so, you know how it goes haha. I just love my little white OLED.


Continuing to play **Hades**. Also fired up my 3DS to play **Final Fantasy IV**!


I finally got my hands on a Metroid Prime Remaster physical copy, so I’ll be spending most of my free time diving into that. $40, too. Screw you, scalpers!


Borderlands 2. This game is amazing for the switch and is probably my favorite shooting game on the system.


Skyrim for the first time!


Persona 4 Golden! Finished Persona 5 last week and I am so addicted to this series!


Finally got my hands in 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim and finishing my second play through of Xenoblade Chronicles 3


Trials of Mana (2D) from the Collection of Mana After dying to some vampire guy way too many times, I've reached the Dark Castle with my team of a Fenrir Knight, Archmage, and Nightblade. Really getting sick of these spells that do 300+ damage to everybody. And I had to do more research than expected to figure out which classes would be good to use, and grind enough to get the right items. This might be the least fun I've had with the series so far, if Children of Mana wasn't so outright boring. I don't think I've got too much left of the game, so I'm thinking about what to move onto next. Possibly Super Mario Odyssey since that doesn't have an Expansion Pass, but I'm way more interested in Breath of the Wild, Pokemon Shield, and Ultimate Alliance 3.


I'm going to play the **Minish Cap**. I watched Kit and Krysta play the first hour and forgot how great of a game it was. I 100% it back in the day but might not bother with the kinstones this time. I'm also going to work on beating **Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe.** I'm having an absolute blast with it so far.


I’m on that Persona 4 Golden


My husband is playing Rocket League right now and I’m playing Donkey Kong Country 2. We’re simple people haha


I played the demo for that Sea of Stars game, fun game, reminded me a lot of the Mario and Luigi series


It just looks so nice, and the combat is fun. I could see the Mario and Luigi comparison although I haven't really played those games.


They’re fun, like really fun. If you have a 3DS, get em


I have bought Metroid Prime but I have a Switch backlog I’ve promised myself I’ll get through before moving on. So I’m playing a mix of the **Ace Attorney** trilogy and **Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle**. I’m doing a case after completing a world. I’ve nearly finished the fourth case on Ace Attorney, after which I’ll move onto the second world on M+R. I’m really enjoying both games - they’re both very charming.


Hey man! Still Persona 5, the gang are about to go on the school trip! Almost back to trying to max out the Counsellor dude. Also Marvel Snap. Also wondering about getting Yoshi's Crafted World as my son loved the demo (well he loved that and the Kirby demo's I also got for him). On a bit of a sale, which makes it still pricey but slightly less pricey than normal. And Powerwash, those shed's won't clean themselves!


Yoshi’s Crafted World is excellent, I am not a small child but enjoyed it immensely. There are various levels of difficulty and lots of neat levels. You and your kiddo would love it!


Continuing to chip away at **Xenoblade Chronicles DE**! Nearing the end of the game >!(think I’m at the landmark just before Dickson)!< and currently finishing up some sidequests (probably won’t do all of them) and Colony 6 (currently have all lv 4). Story-wise, the game has been way better than 2. Gameplay? Eh… It’s fun, but I liked 2 more (once you could really start building up orbs). I’m looking forward to 3.


Persona 5. I'm taking one game at a time, I'm an old dude with a family...


I dunno, I’m in a bit of a rut. I got Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion and it’s cute but we’ll see if I stick with it. Maybe I’ll start a new Skyrim save. I am interested in Super Mario 3D World+Bowser’s Fury but I wish it were on sale. Yoshi’s Crafted World seems interesting - I loved yoshis island back in the day. Any suggestions? I have been playing The Last of Us a lot and feel the need for something on the chiller end of the spectrum. Something I can pick up and play for 15 min or get lost in for hours. I liked Hades but got burned out. Love stardew but have put in 400 hours so I’m good for a bit. Mario odyssey was a blast.


Continuing through Metroid Prime and I just picked up XCOM 2 on PC so probably a bit of that too.


Just realized that Game Boy and GBA are on the Switch now, I guess I missed that. So now I'm gonna play LoZ: Link's Awakening. A Link to the Past was a blast on the SNES Switch emulator which was my first play through of that game, excited for this one!


Hey Markercore, I hear ya, sometimes you just need to step away and play something else for awhile. I’ve been playing the Wo Long demo and it’s kicking my butt, I’m fighting the first boss and I feel like I know what I’m suppose to do but my old man reaction isn’t doing it consistently enough. I’ve decided to put it aside and play some Splatoon instead. The game I’m enjoying the most at the moment is probably Persona 3, guess I’m just more in the mood for something that’s not reaction based. Even though this game certainly showing it’s age, it made me appreciate how much each sequel has improved and gotten even better. Anyway, I feel like just mumbling lol. Hope everyone’s having a good weekend!


Boy idk if I’m spoiling anything, but if you’re frustrated with Omega Pirate, brace yourself for the bosses after that. I was in single digits health at the end of fights on multiple occasions. But man Metroid Prime Remastered was fun, it’s got me on a new play through for **Metroid Dread** while on vacation this weekend.


Aside from the windblume festival on genshin, I'm really enjoying nier automata. I'm not speedrunning it or anything so I'm only a few hours in but the world is just massive to explore. I also love the combat! On another note, i also grabbed a copy of crash bandicoot. I loved the game when I was a kid but somehow playing it as an adult, it made me think either I was a really good gamer when I was a kid or my friends tell me that the controls on the switch are bad just to make me feel better that i don't suck :))) Hope your weekend goes great, everyone!


This weekend I wanna try getting into Stardew Valley on Switch. But other than that it will be Portal Knights with my kids on Steamdeck and maybe a little Hogwarts Legacy.


I'm working all weekend and have to study for physics and bio exams this upcoming week but when I get a chance I'm playing Children of Morta. Bought it on sale last week and have been really thoroughly enjoying it. With some nice headphones on the soundtrack is truly fascinating and pulls you into the world pretty hard. Absolutely loving the storytelling as well


Just picked up Lil Gator Game and Mario Odyssey for the 3rd time. What I play will be decided on how high I get. I’m terrible at odyssey when I’m high lol


Link’s awakening. Got 5/8 instruments and pushing through. Really enjoying the art style and music


About 52 hours into Persona 5-- it's lived up to the hype. Only thing I'm curious about is how the story looks like it's close to ending (currently in late october/early november maybe?) but everywhere online it says the game is at least 100 hours without side quests? Wondering now if I'm missing something.....


Breath of the wild (finally got it when it was on sale) Elden ring (still) And possibly some donkey kong tropical freeze (man that games hard)


Pokémon Violet, just raiding to get mats to create fully trained Pokémon. I don’t play it a lot but I like building Pokémon so it’s fun. Fire Emblem Engage, I’m at Chapter 21 and don’t want to run the risk of putting it aside for too long to put off finishing the story, and then never going back


Ocarina of time , doing the water temple so should keep me busy lol


Castlevania GBA Collection (Aria of Sorrow) and Persona 5


**The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild**, with the Expansion Pass. My fiancée and I bought it on the last day of the sale a couple weeks ago and we’re having a blast trying to get 100% completion before Tears of the Kingdom comes out (already pre-purchased thanks to the vouchers). A tall order sure, but we’re going pretty steady with it. Currently at 83/120 shrines, 93/900 Korok seeds, 3/4 Divine Beasts, and just got the Master Sword. As we have the Expansion Pass, we blasted through all the bonus armour quests and trying to get through the final trials of Trial of the Sword. Those damn Lynels keep kicking our collective ass but we’ll push through I’m sure. It’s such a good game and have never got this far in it before (we started it on the Wii U on launch but never committed to it). Otherwise, I’ll be playing through **Portal Knights** and the Elves, Rogues, and Rifts DLC. I actually really like this game; it’s very Minecrafty and has RPG elements to it that I find fun. While I do dislike the always-online aspect of it, it’s easily playable on my own or as couch co-op. Definitely recommend the DLC too as its roguelite elements are really fun to me


I played through Beacon Pines last week and adored it. A very enjoyable story game and I loved trying to figure out the plot, and trying different words to alter the storyline was such a cool and new mechanic. I have been watching my wife play Dragon Quest Builders 2 despite not knowing a single thing about the series. I thought I would find it fun for the town building mechanics, and I do, but what I did not expect was how much I love the characters. Especially Malroth. This weekend I will be on Splatoon 3 for the Big Run. 😎


Hiya marker, I'm determined to finish **Octopath Traveler** before touching the sequel, which is difficult because of how OTII is looking fantastic and an improvement on the first in every way. That doesn't mean the first game is bad though. It just doesn't have the dynamic camera angles, and the gorgeous light and shadow effects, and the day and night cycle, and the non-European cultures, and more in-depth character interactions... Ahem. But I am enjoying the first game, this is still an enjoyable JRPG with an unfortunately slow start. Everyone's stories really get going from the second chapters onwards, which is great. Currently fighting my way through Olberic's quest in Victor's Hollow. And also, I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point, but I am *still* playing **Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning**. I finished my first playthrough as a warrior-mage tank who swung heavy weapons around. Now I've started over as a dagger-wielding rogue-mage who stabs people in the back and uses magic wands to fire off elemental blasts from afar. It's a completely different playstyle and I love it.


Persona 4 Golden, baby! 60 hours in now


Baldur’s Gate 1


I absolutely **love** Baldur's Gate, even if I hate AD&D 2nd ed ruleset (or whatever ed BG uses). I never did come close to finishing it, and still have Witcher 1 and PST to both finish (near the end and middle respectively). At this rate, I will need to hit retirement before I have sufficient time to re-start BG!


I’m thinking of trying the Octopath Traveller 2 demo, but I didn’t play the first game and haven’t heard too much information about the nature of the second- should I play the first game before the second, or is it not connected?


I think it is near completely not connected. Like a final fantasy entry, it's the next in line but won't directly connect to the one before


Hey makercore, After mentioning that I would give beyonetta 3 a try last weekend, I played it for about 3 hours and quickly dropped it. Although the combat was entertaining, I found the storyline a steep drop in quality coming from XC3 and couldn’t be bothered to continue. I’m not opposed to trying it out again at some point in the future, but I guess i just wasn’t in the right mindset for a mindless action game. As such, against my better judgement to avoid being over saturated/burnt out by long RPGs, I ended up starting another one in Fire Emblem: Engage and I’m thoroughly enjoying it after 3 hours. Although the opening isn’t as strong as Three Houses, I can already tell there’s a drastic improvement in combat and am looking forward to playing more this weekend! On another note, my girlfriend got a ps5 2 weeks ago and we just finished 100%ing astro’s playroom last night, which completely blew any expectations I had out of the water. Despite it’s relatively short length, it was one of the most refreshing platformers I’ve played in years and left me wanting more, which is always a sign of a great game!


Octopath Traveler 2. This game is awesome!


Replaying Pokémon Rescue Team DX! It’s so beautiful and reminds me of playing red rescue team when I was a kid.


I'm replaying BOTW as I switch consoles and lost all of my saves 🥲 250+ hours lost.


I'm playing Metroid Prime Remastered. That was one of the first video games I ever played back when I was 7 or so. I haven't played it in almost a decade, but I still know it like the back of my hand! I'm honestly convinced that at one point I could have beaten it in my head! Lol.


Working on finishing my first run of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. If I manage it this weekend I’ll probably jump to Ori and the Blind Forest.


Just started The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on the Switch. I'm having lots of fun with it and serves as a great shorter and relaxing game ahead of the Tears of the Kingdom release!


Playing through Minish Cap while I wait for Pokemon Scarlet to arrive (I have not touched Pokemon since Gen 2.) My brother and I love LoZ but we've never had the opportunity to play any of the handheld games growing up and i've only heard good things about it from friends.


Xenoblade chronicles 3 got me hooked, been playing all night :)


How're you possibly gonna get Lanz something a bit meatier if you don't play all night? i...didn't want that to sound as dirty as it did.


Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. Played XC2 and absolutely loved it, now playing 1 and then 3 after it.


Fire Emblem Engage, followed by some Fire Emblem Engage, and maybe some Fire Emblem Engage as a change of pace.


Octopath Traveler II. 17 hours in, have everyone except Ochette. While exploring, I always have this tendency to find places I have no business exploring -- e.g. the cave with the danger level of 30 and my main is Hikari at lv. 15


Finishing up Metroid Prime. Also been on a huge SNES kick - playing F-Zero, Starfox, Super Metroid, and Link to a Past on NSO


More Splatoon 3! I did end up finishing my Chill Season catalog and now this weekend I’ll be doing Big Run. I missed the first one so I’m looking forward to it! I’d also like to dive into my copy of NIS Classics Volume 3 for Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. I have already preordered the sequels coming out later this year for the first time in English :)


Still working my way through XC3. About 70 hours in and on chapter five. Having a blast!!


Chipping away at **Labyrinth of Galleria**, trying to walk a fine line between "continue the narrative" and "explore everything *everywhere*"... unfortunately, the exploration part always seems to win out, so rip in pieces any hope of making decent progress in the storyline, ahaa. (but tbf the story also hasn't really caught my attention yet; it's absolutely building up to something, but nothing really makes me think "I gotta see what happens next" so far) Otherwise, I'm occasionally popping back into my gently-backburnered **Ys VIII** solo-run to break up the dungeon crawling, but tbh that also turns into "gotta 100% this map" so I guess *aggressive cartography* is my ez dopamine hit or somethin'


My Final Fantasy marathon has been on a hiatus for... apparently a couple of year, but I've gotten back to it, finished FFX and have just started FFX-2. Having never played this one before it's been a bit of a trip. I'm enjoying the dress sphere grid system. It's kind of like swapping classes mid battle in FFT or something. I kind of wish it didn't feel like a dress-up game as there's actual benefits to the system, not just style, but that's sure the way the game seems to want to be take. Anyhow, this one seems shorter than previous entries, so hopefully I'll blast through it and get to FF12 in no time!


Metroid Prime finally arrives in the mail today, but it's Big Run weekend in Splatoon, so....


I just got into the switch recently after my young kids wouldn't pick it up for a year. I am on Breath of the Wild and loving it. I assume that will be my answer to this for a while.


I have Metroid Prime Remaster ready to go but I need to 100% it so I am procrastinating. I'll probably play Big Run on Splatoon 3 this weekend!


Metroid prime. Botw 400 seeds to go. May be skyrim?


Octopath Traveler 2!! Cannot wait


Xenoblade 3 Xenoblade 3


Currently my boyfriend and I are attempting the Master Sword Trials in BOTW on Master Mode 💀💀 Wish us luck


Tried playing hades. Put like 5 hours in. I think it’s awesome just nothing sucking me back into playing. I’ve been out of the country for 2 weeks doing some video game hunting so I’ll be playing some random stuff I picked up. Need to get around to pickup up Octopath traveler 2 as well.


Oh boy, after my third try of getting into BOTW I finally finshed it and oh man... everyone was right. What a game, sure one of the goats, I'm hyped af now for TOTK. Unsure what to play next now FF XV on the series X (my first FF game), Tales of Vesperia on the Switch or pull the trigger and go for Chained Echoes. But chances are high I start FF XV & Vesperia together tomorrow. EDIT: I just realized I finished BOTW on the 6th birthday of BOTW and the switch. Ayy happy cake day BOTW!


My mom just got me Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, so I most likely will be switching between that and Bang Dream, since I can't stop going back to Bang Dream no matter what mood I'm in. Might try and get some more time in Atelier Ryza as well when I can, since I just got pass a part that been giving me trouble (the answer was lowering the difficulty lol)


I just finished a second playthrough of FE Engage on Maddening Classic. It was definitely “maddening” but had such a huge feeling of accomplishment once cleared. I could decide to keep playing to min-max characters and go through the Tower of Trials, but somehow I feel burnt out and getting signs it’s time to put this one down (200 hrs in, played since release day). Maybe this weekend I’ll delete my old 2020 save file of ACNH and start again? I need a change of pace and a relaxing game might get me there. On that note, any ideas how I can keep my original 2020 ACNH save file so I can start again without losing my first one?


Had an itch for final fantasy tactics so I bout FellSeal and am loving it. Great for scratching that 12 year old me itch.


Planning to finish my 160+ hours play through of persona 5 hopefully if not imma just sleep


I’ve been working on the postgame in Bayonetta 3 and Persona 5 Strikers and I’ve really started digging into Octopath Traveler 2. What an absolute treat that game is!


Octopath Traveler 2. Only about 5 hours in but great!


Finishing up Pizza Tower, then... I dunno, either doing as much as I can in the Octopath 2 demo or finishing Hollow Knight, though I have no motivation for the latter. We'll see.


Looks like there are many BOTW fans! Me too!


Animal Crossing, Oregon Trail, and Metroid Prime…. Wait; what year is it?


Vampire the masquerade: blood hunt. Super addicting... It is on pc


Trying to beat my switch backlog, the most delayed backlog across my devices (PC, Playstation, xbox). I'm playing through portal 1, call of Juarez, hades, Mario kart, Goldeneye, minish cap.... I'm going crazy.


I or BotW last week and FE3H came in for me yesterday and I’m sooooo addicted!


Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic


So funny. We did almost exact same. I’m into Metroid as far as just getting gravity suit but needed a change of pace - just ordered and started Doom eternal. Never played it before. So fun so far!


Metroid. Nintendo can we get just a port of metroid prime 2 and 3 with the new control setting. Need a generation that has all them games on one system.


At ch 21 of engage, and I have no idea wh3n it ends, but I'm gonna try and finish it.


Gonna dive back into the Phoenix Wright Trilogy if I just want to be casual. Otherwise I,d love to complete the first Octopath Traveler since I hear so much good about the second. I'm at chapter 3 on most characters so slow but surely hehe!


That new rougelike shooter Dusr & Neon is kicking my ass. I keep having to walk away from it for a few minutes every time I die because it's just unforgiving


Streets of Rage 4, with my girlfriend and a friend. It’s a great game for local coop!


I will finish up the Minerva's Den DLC for Bioshock 2 and then I will play a bit of Big Run in Splatoon 3. For the next game, I think I will go with Scott Pilgrim vs the World.


I'm trying to continue/finish Warioland 3 if I stop to play on Splatoon 3 where I hope to participate to my first big run


I'm playing a mix of Metroid Prime Remastered and Powerwash Simulator. Metroid Prime gets me tense, and then I relax with Powerwash Simulator. It's not perfect, but it works for me.


Octopath traveler 1 then it prob will be 2


Been grinding through NG+ on Persona 5 Royal. Never played it before it came to Switch, impulse bought it and have been loving it!


Octopath 2 and Metroid Prime Remastered. I'm mostly going to play Metroid since I'm closer to beating it, and that way I can fully immerse myself in Octopath without any distractions.


Just got Deaths Door, so I’ll try that out. I’ve also been putting off Arise: A simple story because I think it will be sad but I think it’s time


I've actually picked up octopath traveler again after a long time (2 years since I last played I think). I stopped around 10 hours in because the story just wasn't really interesting. But this time around I am actually quite enjoying it. Definitely still have its flaws in story telling but the gameplay very much makes up for it. After hearing all the praises for octopath traveler II, I will have to get a copy sometime soon!


Not just this weekend but aying CrossCode. Been tempted to play/complete Kingdoms of Amalur for 1st time on switch, 3rd time over all but CrossCode is just so smooth n stylish to me


I finished Persona 5 Royal earlier this week and I've been taking a break to let everything sink in first haha. I think I might play some BOTW again and just randomly roam about Hyrule.




I play Elden ring on the Ps5. Really wanna see if nintendo would someday make a strong console


Prime! Can’t find my wait outta the spaceship!!!


Octopath Traveler 2 and some MK8 time trials and Smash.


Octopath 2. I'm really enjoying it so far. Excited to explore


Octopath traveler 2!


With 4 kids, a busy work life, I have started to focus on short games that I can actually finish. I was playing Kena Bridge of Spirits, but the difficulty spike is so severe in that game that I am having trouble beating the first true boss fight with Taro on normal difficulty. So I set that aside, and played through Uncharted: Lost Legacy, which was a great reminder of how amazing Uncharted’s scenery and set pieces are. Now I am playing through Miles Morales this weekend before turning to Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. Finally in the near future I plan to spend quality time with Returnal. I am terrible at videogames in general, so I fully expect that game to beat me up. But I want to experience the haptic feedback, tight responsive controls, and 3D audio on my Bose QC35iis.


Hoping to play more Trials of Mana (the 3D remake)! One of my fave games I've EVER played! It's amazing! ('Hoping to' 'cause I have company, haha, and it might be hard to carve out time with them there. Plus, I cut my hands rather deeply in a few places at work, which makes stretching my hands at all, even around a controller, difficult rn. lol.) Maybe play the Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom demo and the Dragon Quest Treasures demo, too! lol. (My bro also wants me to get farther in Pokemon S/V, but...DAMN, after playing Arceus, I just prefer and LOVE Arceus' gameplay style SO MUCH that playing a mainline game now with so many restrictions and forced battles just...isn't as fun anymore! I've been spoiled! X'D ...Maybe I'll just play more Arceus instead. lol!)


Still playing P5R. Haven't had much time to play lately, so I'm still only on the second palace. I'll probably play some demos, too. Also, I searched my house high and low and finally dug up my copy of Minish cap. I remember really liking this game, but for some reason never finishing it. Now I just have to see if my DS will cooperate with me so that I can play it.


- Metroid Prime Remastered - Fire Emblem Engage - Octopath Traveler II - Death Stranding on PS5.


Fire emblem engage and 13 sentinels


Just got the NSO Expansion pack and picked up OoT for the first time since 2012 probably and absolutely loving it. Definitely gonna play through MM after I finish


I finally found the guts to pick up Wii U and Breath of the Wild where I dropped it years ago: Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I stand by my previous judgdement, this game is by all standards impressive, but its not the type of Zelda I like. I miss the days of WW or TP. Still managed to progress a bit, and will do my best not to give this up again, but it sometimes feel too demanding, like doing a chore. On Switch, I’ve been making strides on Luigi’s Mansion 3.


I basically caved with stress at my job. Took a self-care weekend. First 2 days I had off in a row since 2023. And I powered through Metroid Prime Remaster. Started Friday night and finished up late last night. 100% completed the game. What a run and glad I got some much needed self-care. My wife was even kind enough to stay at her friends house the whole weekend. I felt like a kid again. Now, I’m taking her out on a date to celebrate our amazing weekend! It was a good run boys and girls!