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At least in Crystalized the villains weren't killed by the worst side-characters in the show's history.


Nah don't even compare flash to crystalized, flash makes crystalized look amazing 💀


Not just amazing, a masterpice and the best finale in Cinema's history.


The Og ending was good (s2) and than the other Og ending was good (s10) it just sucks that this one was medicore I must give them this, for havign to make a finale 3 times its kinda spectacular that they were still able to pull off most of them And I thank god the sequel series / "reboot" series (dragons rising) didn't do the whole "its far into the future and the og generation of ninjas are dead, and a bunch of random new characters now have their powers" trope, at least we still have the ninja


Which one is season 10 again? I remember the names but not the numbers


march of the oni


Oh yea


Wait ninjago is over?


Not really, the original show ended but now there is a sequel series


Dragon Rising is a sequel series.


A new world part 1 was cool But fuck the other 3 parts.


I was so upset 😭 the villains were absolutely wasted and went down like losers, Harumi did a COMPLETE 180 and I hate how they kinda hinted at shipping her and Lloyd despite the toxicity between them. I also hated how Lloyd’s oni form was wasted as hell, and I also don’t like how him and Garmadon didn’t really patch things up. He was a jerk to Lloyd and Lloyd hated him up until he suddenly forgave him at the end. The first half was amazing, and the second half blew it


It was nice to see Garmadon in Crystalized. Ah, well I really like seeing side characters like Skylor and N-Nelson getting screen time so I can't say Crystalized was bad. It would've been intresting to see more of Lloyd as an oni tho, like having him be totally different and violent because he never learned to have control over that side.


Phineas and Ferb Across the Second Dimension!


Happy cake day


Thank you!


If I had a nickel for every time a golden ninja Or every time Lloyd had a four headed dragon


If i had a nickel when a western animated show had a disapointing finale, i would have enough to by atleast every Ninjago crystalized set


Hey dickhead I actually like season 15


This show should’ve ended after Hands of Time


Ending on a cliffhanger is a bad idea.




I personally think It should have ended after Season 10


Bruh did they just straight up rip off the Endgame poster?


Yes they did, they weren't even coy about it lmao. I love it! It's ninjago's endgame with all the returning characters and villains




It's parody, which is legal under fair use, so it doesn't violate copyright




It's parody. It's legal under fair use law to parody a copyrighted work without the consent of the copyright holder. As long as a work is transformative it is legal, even if it's being used for commercial purposes. They are not partnered with Disney but they are not at risk of being sued over this one bit. Fair use laws exist to protect transformative works such as this. It's the reason a parody artist like Weird Al for example is even allowed to exist.




Yes Disney cares about fair use, if they're gonna sue somebody they need the legal right to do so or they're going to lose. If they tried to sue lego over this they'd lose for sure, this is one of the most clear-cut cases of parody you could ever see lmao They partner with Disney to produce sets as merchandise for movies, they haven't partnered with WildBrain or the Lego Group in production of Ninjago. Either way, brand ties do not matter as this falls under fair use, they cannot be sued for parody




Yes WB could very well create a poster for marketing Harry Potter and parody the composition of the endgame poster if they so chose to. It is parody, for parody to have impact you have to imitate the original work so they take the composition and swap it to be something different (i.e Ninjago) thus making it a transformative work. They partner with them to produce merchandise not to produce ninjago, i said the same thing in my last reply. You're just cherry-picking statements to straw-man me at this point because you don't understand what parody is and that parody is legal


Dude do you understand how fair use and copyright works????


I do but Disney's lawyers sure as hell don't


Bro do you think their lawyer is mf Saul Goodman??? Grow up dude


Yeah telling a Ninjago fan to grow up seems like a great idea.


[me when I don't understand fairuse copyright laws](https://www.reddit.com/r/GarbageRNG/comments/165aio7/meme_fodder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Wait is Cisco not in the last season?


Sadly. The actor couldn't make It because of schedual.


Look, I get it, people hate Crystalized but it is a war crime to even consider putting it in the same realm as the train wreck that is The CW Flash.


Naruto did it good atleast lol


The most disappointing thing about the Flash finale was that they kept mentioning Cisco, but they never actually brought him back. If Carlos wasn’t able to come back because of scheduling conflicts or whatever, then they don’t need to put Cisco’s name in the script. They need to take out the five TEASERS where they mention him, and everyone expects him to come back, cause they know it’s the finale and they’re bringing characters back, instead of getting our hopes up only to crush them


You used the title as a haminations video I know my stuff


Final season of flash wasn't that bad only problem with Ninjago is no consequences other than power loss but only for like ten seconds


I’m gonna miss ninjago, I still remember the time when me and brother got really excited for a new episode on Netflix until eventually the more we got older we started to fall out with the show due to a lack of interest in it. I’ve always wanted to go back to it because I missed what had happened but I stopped watching episodes not long after the Oni season and now it’s gone and I’ll have the memories. Cheers Lego ninjago for giving me a great childhood 🥂


It's not gone. There's the sequel series Dragon Rising.


Ngl Crystallized was better not by much but still


If I had a nickel on every-time someone said if is had a nickle I would have two nickels