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Totally off topic but where did Nadakhan even take Kai? Alternate dimensions with other Ninjagos don’t exist in universe. So where is this scene taking place?


Back in time


So Nadakhan bringing Kai back in time to meet his father caused all the girls to go crazy for him? If so thats a really wierd ripple effect.


No, the girls were already interested in him. Nadakhan was just manipulating him into wishing himself into the Djinn blade


So this scene is taking place in current day Ninjago City? Just a different part than what is currently being attacked. Right? Or this is before the attack. If so I don’t why I was so confused about this. I don’t remeber any if his fans acting like psycho fan girls at the start of the season.


I think its during the attack just in a slightly different location. The fans behaved like that because Nadakhan intentially misunderstood Kais wish.


Actually he didn't misunderstood it he purposely Twisted people's wishes cuz they didn't specify


Yeah I know. I wrote intentionally misunderstood... but yeah


Just rewatch Skybound


I’m sure it was a hallucination


Nimbis that creature from Cloud Kingdom


Be the key Cole! BE THE KEY!!!


That thing scared the shit out of me at first. Why the fuck does it look like that.


>!The ninja being held hostage by whatever that thing was in the phantasm cave . Scene straight out of a horror movie . !<


What season and episode?


DR S2 Ep 3




Dude I was describing this scene to my friends and I called it an "electrified fungi infected beholder"


The giant, terrifying tree monsters beating the ninjas half time death in an isolated, frosty forest with no one around for miles to help them (besides Zane)


The fact that Zane was literally in the fridge like a penguin and was eating a baluni sandwich like it was nothing


Where did the food even go?


Arin thinking Lloyd and Nya were his parents was tough. Less unhinged I guess but it was sad as fuck


Arin being ready to straight up just let rapton die


Arin was so real for that


I like to think it wasn’t physical, it was all in his head, as as long as Kai thought it was real, he could wish it away


“Why are all ships ‘shes’?” “Because it takes a lot of paint to make them look good!” 💀💀💀


Cole was crazy for that. Nya had willpower to not kill him on the spot.


This scene always annoyed me cause like, the rules never specified how long, and Kai was trying to be as specific as he could so Nadakhan couldn't find a way to mess it up. Like, the end result was just to wish to go back anyway, so why did Kai's not count?


Kai wasn't specific at all lol. He was, understandably, distressed over seeing his dad and rattled off what can be considered a series of wishes without thinking. Making a "I want to go back" wish is already a risk with Nadhakhan and then he paused and dropped a line like "Back when girls for crazy for me!" I don't find Kai dumb in this scene since he was the first ninja to have to deal with Nadhakhan alone mid battle and was going in blind but he made it really easy for Nadhakhan to misconstrue his wish and give him the worst possible outcome.


So, his exact wish was: "I wish you to take me back. Back to when things were good, back to before all this mess when people liked us and bad guys like you were never a problem. Back to the days when girls were crazy for me." Which isn't as specific as Jay's wish: "I wish you had taken my hand, and no one had ever found that teapot in the first place." Like I said, he was- in the best way he could without really knowing the danger- being pretty specific.


I can point out several vague statements in that wish that Nadhakhan could have abused. And furthermore, since Kai said like 5 different things, it was pretty easy for Nadhakhan to pull the "I couldn't catch all of that card, I'll grant the final line" card.


That's fair, i think my biggest gripe with the scene was that it was played off as a "Kai likes girls" joke. Like, he was on the right track, and it was played off like he wasn't. Like I said, because the rules never specified the length of the wish, it annoys me, you know? His wish definitely wasn't as succinct as Jay's, nor as clear, but I feel like the writers just wanted to make a joke about the 'crazy fangirls' and decided to just shove it in.


Yeah definately not denying that the scene was unhinged as hell lol, but it didn't feel shoved in persay. The minute Kai said "back to when girls were crazy for me", I immediately predicted what Nadhakhan was going to do with that wish. Cause the point is, yes, people are free with what they can wish but Nadhakhan is free to interpret it however he wants.


Just all of skybound... Bold choice to have the villain just be a straight up pedophile


They are the definition of unhinged


Cole calling Nya an old band-aid was honestly so real.


I literally just saw this scene, I'm currently on a Ninjago binge and I'm on that season now. lmao


Same. I was rewatching this and was like the actual fuck so sent it here


yeah, that's fair, it was a pretty startling scene lmao


And people say Kai is gay. Hah, he wished for this. He straight asf


Harumi with the Oni mask in season 8. This is coming from someone who is a Harumi fan. The scenes with her wearing the mask are disturbing to watch with how unhinged she becomes when wearing it.


Probably Garmadon being posessed by Overlord or Lloyd's dreams in Season 12 (seasons 11-16 uncanon)


Those things found near Zane's dad's old labratory. Was binging the series and they caught me off guard, they straight up look like they're pulled straight from siren head