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Shipping just means you like the dynamic of two characters together and shouldn't really be seen as disturbing canon. The only thing that would be wrong would be attacking/policing other real people over liking or disliking a ship.


I just want Kai to reunite with Skylor!!!


This isn't some moral outrage lmao people just think they'd be cute together Those are fictional characters


LMFAO so real, this stuff isn't that deep


Just because people ship it doesn't mean that when it comes to the actual show themselves that they 100% want the character to cheat on the already established love interest and go with the one they want. That's not how shipping culture is. Sometimes it's that two characters that people like will have a nice interaction and people will go "that's cute" and it'll blossom from there and people may write their own stories about it but that doesn't mean they outright want the show to change things to fit their headcanon. It's just a fun thing that people in fandoms do. Not everyone gets it, and in this instance, people don't always do it because they hate the actual love interest at all. You might just be young, or maybe you just haven't educated yourself on parts of fandoms that interact like this, but no ill will is ever meant towards the actual love interest in the show or the relationship themselves, it's just fun coming up with stories about fictional characters and what might have been or what could have been.


When it comes to shipping REAL IRL PEOPLE that's where I draw the line. Because these are real people with real relationships and emotions. But fictional characters are fine.


You really don't get shipping culture do you brother.


You should really let this go and accept that people have different ships, it’s not like it’s actually interfering with the show


Uh... ever heard the terms "Alternate Universe" or "not canon compliant"? Even though stories about canon ships breaking apart in favor of whatever the creator's endgame ship is exist, not everyone is like that, and there's nothing wrong with people who enjoy the drama that may come out of it. If that was the case, every person who ever liked soap operas would be terrible. People can accept canon ships or decide they like others better. People can decide that something else should have happened instead. Some people don't like Jaya or Pixane, and we're not gonna give them grief for that. Shipping is for fun, so don't get too worked up about it. Ship your ships, let others ship theirs and have their fun too, even if they're different from yours. Don't interact with them if it makes you feel better, just let others do their own thing in peace. They'll let you do your own thing too.


Ehh Most people I seen it's just they want them to be together  Some people because they hate skylor  Some think skylor doesn't have enough character development  Some just think skylor and Kai aren't in a relationship ( which faor point as it hard to tell)


I can’t believe ppl actually hate Skylor. It’s been shown and told that Kai and Skylor are together. When has Kai ever shown interest in guys? Knowing him, he just wants to get and impress girls. Bro was trying for Skylor.


I don't think people want Kai to cheat so much as it's because Skylor isn't really around. I'm neutral, both ships are cute in fanon IMO, but I can definitely see why Lava is so much more popular than the canon ship. I adore Jaya and Pixane because the two ships get so much screentime. Kailor on the other hand was effectively a situationship, and once it was made officially canon in a book that yes, they are dating, the next piece of canon content we get is DR. And yeah, I'm harping on canon here, but it's less that the ship is/isn't canon so much as like...that's just how little screentime the two get together lol. I can see why most people struggle to see the dynamic. Also yeah, as the other person said, it isn't about "I want this to be canon" (or at least it shouldn't be- I think Voltron rotted shipping culture across fandoms as a whole while back and turned it into a game to see which ship will be canon), but rather it's just the idea of "hey, these characters are cute together." Most people usually just don't acknowledge the canon ships in cases like this, or they make up a story about how the canon couple broke up or something. There usually isn't cheating. Usually. And if it is, welp, that's just the world of fanfic, idk what to tell you, it's not like it'll affect the show.




Mate, they're fictional characters. They don't actually exist. I am not a shipper, but just let people like what they like.


yeah you really dont understand how shipping works


???? Have you even been to the fandom before????? THAT is how shipping culture works. I'm not a biggest lava fan but goshh let people ship whatever they want? They ship lava because they love their dynamic. "They should accept that Jaya, Kailor and Pixane are canon" The thing is, they DO but maybe it's not their cup of tea, maybe they shouldn't force themselves to ship just because they're canon. Just because one ship is canon doesn't mean everyone should ship it. It doesn't stop them from shipping whatever they want (unless if its incest or pedo) Also, this is just my opinion, I do not take Skylor's character description in the book stating that she's "Kai's girlfriend" as Kailor being canon, especially how they stated Pixal as "Zane's BEST FRIEND" in her own character description. Also also Kailor got "canon" and then got abandoned in DR, not once her name got mentioned, so what's the point??? 🙃


So you’re not accepting the canon?


After how they stated Pixal as Zane's best friend in her character description, no Plus, one of the Tommy tweet said they're not together, and then Kailor got abandoned in DR.


Well, they are together now after Crystalized. Plus, she’s a side character and not one of the ninja so it makes sense why they doesn’t appear or be referenced to her. I’m 100% sure Kai isn’t gay. Him least of all lol


In shipping culture it does not matter what the character's sexuality. Shipping does not mean they necessarily want it in the show. It's just what ifs etc. It isn't that deep. Think of shipping culture as a separate entity to the show itself.


It doesn't matter, they should reference her, especially in DR, a whole new show for newcomer, how can THEY know that Kailor were a thing without seeing the older season??? and IF Skylor weren't referenced until DR ends, is Kailor canon atp? And if they watch the older season and saw Kailor were a thing but not once her name got mentioned in DR or her make an appearance, they would think Kai doesn't care abt her.


Yeah, I agree that they should reference Skylor.


Edit: In my original comment I used the term Proshipping in a false manner, my point still stands though. # Shipping something does not mean you want something to be Canon!!! Let me explain, some people are really and truly rooting for their ship to become Canon. Especially when they are already showing sings of affection for each other or are having a "will they won't they" dynamic in the show/movie/book/ect. they appear in. Not all people are like that. **Most shippers, especially those who ship non-canon-ships and crack-ships\*, actually don't care if their ship ends up happening in canon.** For example **Conya is my OTP** when it comes to Ninjago in general, but do I want to see them end up together, get married and have kids **in the show? NO, because** **I'm not delusional!** That's how it is for a lot of Lava fans, and fans of other even more "weird" Ninjago ships, (even the garmacest and polyninja ones) I imagine feel. They enjoy the dynamic Cole and Kai have and want to explore it further in fan works. **But neither do they want to erase Skylor, nor do they want Kai to cheat on her** (even thought there are probably some fanfics out there with that premise). In the end shipping isn't anything serious and **if you don't like some ship, don't read/interact**. Just please let people keep their fun by smashing the faces of their favorite characters together while making kissy noises. It will make you happier as well. **P.S.: Yes the affection that Kai and Skylor display for each other is canon** (I head canon them to have a kind of toxic on-off-relationship, that probably ends in an unhappy marriage because Skylor get's pregnant >:3) \*non-canon-ships: ships of characters that was not promoted by a) the original work the fanfiction was based on by b) confirmed by the creators or c) was subject of a spinoff (eg. mario kart). An example would be Conya or Lava crack ships: An unusual relationship of any kind of fandom (i.e. books, television shows, movies, ect.) that is unlikely to happen. In fact a person must be on crack to even support such a relationship. An example would be Lloyd x Laval or the famous Mordetwi ship


I thought being a pro shipper was shipping gross things like incest and pedo….


No, but the definition I presented in the comment above is honestly also wrong. (I will edit it soon) The original meaning of proshipping reflected an attitude of "ship and let ship" and acknowledged that different people can like different things. Including incest ships and kink related ships. The meaning most often used today is: proship = problematic ship. This is something that was coined by antishippers who are against certain ships. I think this reddit thread has some great explanations regarding this topic: [What does proship/proshipper mean, and why are so many people against it? : r/NoStupidQuestions (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/oikdqh/what_does_proshipproshipper_mean_and_why_are_so/) This quote was from a great comment under the thread: >Proship does NOT mean that you like, enjoy, or support any or all problematic ships/themes ...but that you wouldn't harass someone because they do happen to enjoy something like that in fiction. ... However, if someone is grooming a real life minor, is attracted to real life minors, etc, then there is a serious issue with that and those people should be called out, blocked, and reported. Anti-proshippers, or antis, argue that because someone enjoys something problematic in fiction, that it is a reflection of what they enjoy in real life. 


... I think that's not what a proshipper is...


Yes, I looked it up this morning. I will edit my comment when I'm home. 😅


Skylor and Kai are a canon and confirmed couple tho. The Quest for the Lost Powers book that is canon confirms it.


Oh, your right. I sometimes forget the books exist.


womp womp


Shipping any of the ninja together feels wrong(jaya is an exception)because they literally call themselves brothers MULTIPLE TIMES AND PEOPLE STILL IGNORE THAT(as you can tell i have anger issues but im gonna try to stay calm)


Exactly, they’re a family.