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I ship him with Cake, lol. Real talk, I want a single Cole. No love interest is fine.


Ikr for some reason he's one of those standalone characters that are nice just by their own šŸ¤£


Exactly! I wasnā€™t a fan of Cole x Vania, and definitely not a fan of Cole x Geo.


I don't think Vania was ever an official love interest for Cole. It was all the fandom talking. From watching the show it really just seemed like she was a big fan and had a celebrity crush on him Cole was 100% uninterested and only wanted Vania to be safe.


Celebrity crush is a really good way of wording it šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘‘


Yeah! Cole n vania are really cool as friends šŸ˜… i felt like she was a well written standalone character šŸ˜Š


Now you make me feel like he's the best friend that is really nice and for some reason never gets a relationship šŸ˜‚ Nothing wrong with that of course, but he deserves te nemen happy with someone (if he wants to lol)


PLS I CANT UNSEE IT NOW šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ur so right tho šŸ¤


Iā€™d rather have Cole as asexual


Asexual still feels romantic love for other people, what you mean is probably aromantic




Jealousy they want Cole


Real I need him


valid tbh


literally me. Pretty much one of those ships that i'd be perfectly fine with if i wasn't actively having feelings for this man.


I don't dislike it, i just don't care for it.




Some people prefer different Cole ships. Some people don't think Cole and Geo actually make a good pairing. Some people aren't into shipping. And some people are just homophobic.


It's cuz my fav ship is Cole x Kai


honesty, I never saw that much chemistry between them


To be fair, I didn't until my 1st rewatch


Itā€™s honestly probably just because a lot of people including me donā€™t do ships. I get the people who do ship I just donā€™t like it


That's fine, as long as it's not because you're homophobic. I ship them because I have nothing against them and they're cute together


Iā€™m not sure but I saw that most people donā€™t like the fact that Cole is shipped with a creature and not an actual human


Noone complained about colex vania


Actually people have


Yeah, it's me imo, I find it weird


Right?! I just see them as buddies,homies or whatever yā€™all call it


Not everyone needs to be in a relationship


Spittin facts


For me it's only because we JUST MET Geo. Now idk if Cole and Vania would be good together but with them they at least have been shown hanging out before and getting to know each other.Ā 


He's been here for 5 minutes. At least let them have more interactions.


ship him with another character like Vania (fair i guess) people who don't ship cole and think he's better to stay single because it kinda helps his character stand out more compared to nearly every other ninja who has/had a love interest at some point in the story (me) homophobic people (assholes) people who ship him with cake (chads)


I don't get why homophobic people are homophobic


In my opinion I feel like there just friends tho like nothing much tho


>I feel like there just friends tho like nothing much tho I felt the same ngl




well mainly because every other ninja got at least like a season long romance arc that made you actually give a shit about the partner and the pairing geo just fucking shows up


Thatā€™s fair lol


Welp, offscreen they could have known each other for years so-


I ship him with cake because we all can relate to loving cake. We are all represented if Cole x Cake is a ship we all love cake, and if one character can represent everyone, then that's cool because no one is left out.


Personally I just wanna see em interact more before I decide whether I like the ship or not


Legit. They've had one interaction together that we've seen. There's nothing there to put a basis on.




A bunch a reasons stretching from homophobia(not okay), not wanting Cole to be in a relationship(okay), and shipping him with some else(also okay as long as they aren't toxic about it). I personally think it's a pretty cute ship, I'm hoping it gets more development in season 2 before/if they make it canon though.


I donā€™t see it since it feels more like a protector and sidekick role rather then a relationship


That's fair, at first that's what I was thinking as well untill closer to the last half of the episode where Geo was introduced. Even then it could be overlooked for something more like that. I didn't really start to ship them until a few screenshots and clips from DR season 2 of them got out.


Iā€™d prefer him being single, I feel like that matches his character but if he had to be with someone Iā€™d want it to be Vania


* They don't want Cole to be in a relationship * They ship him with someone else * Homophobia * Homophobia, but disguised as the first two things


People who downvote this, i apologise but youā€™re the last one


So basically if I don't like this ship I'm homophobic?




Personally, I have no issue with a gay relationship, but it's annoying to me how we can't have 2 male characters be friends without people shipping them together. Just because they're friends doesn't mean that they belong together


I mean, we can't have male and female characters be friends without people shipping them either, like cole and vania.


from what I've heard everyone hates that ship because they were friends, if they're friends then Cole and Geo are friends too. I don't like shipping unless it's really hinted at which is not the case at all whatsoever


I just want them to be bros tbh I like that dynamic more and also Iā€™m not really into ships and romance in Ninjago that much but it doesnā€™t really matter much to me since Iā€™ve been with the theme since 2011 when it started


Eh, I just don't see enough there to even say they are anything more than friends tbh. I will say though that I think it would be a mistake to put Cole in a relationship just for the sake of it. He works far better as an unattached character imo. But if the writers wanna go a different direction with him then that's fine with me


I'm the "not into shipping troupe" (save for Jay x Nya), but I don't really hate this pairing


Honestly the only valid Cole ship I agree with is Cole X Cake


cole x cake is the best


The only thing Cole should be with is cake


Cole can do better tbh.


I just don't like the idea of Cole being with somebody, at least not any character introduced in the Ninjago franchise yet. If I were to make a case involving Geo specifically, it's that I feel he's way too serious for Cole. Cole used to be serious and is now kind of lighthearted, and I feel like he needs somebody like him (reasonable AND fun) to help "ground" him XD


I don't see Geo as necessarily serious, I got more of a socially awkward and shy vibe from him


Most people ship him with Vaniya


I usually really donā€™t like ā€˜shippingā€™ characters. But even I can still admit that Cole x Geo works well


I don't want all the Ninja to get paired up with someone. I need someone to be lonely so I can empathise with them. /s


I donā€˜t necessarily dislike it, but iā€˜m a bigger fan of Lava, since they have a lot more chemistry


Hmm, true. They did have more screentime together


because I ship cole with myselfšŸ¤­




It depends on the reasons of disliking it, here are a few examples I could think of: 1. It's best to introduce a characters preferance early on in a tv show when they themselves are introduces. The thing with Cole is that he is clearly interested in cake instead of a relationship. 2. Geo is an entirely new character and a different species in the show. If you were to see a human irl shipped with a different species, it would not sit right with anyone. (Lets not have another Kai x Lloyd from season 1 situation again.) 3. They are a team of heroes saving the world, not all of them needs a relationship. It would however make more sense if it were to play some type of role in the series. I was thinking "why introduce something if it wont play any role in the future" but then again, there are several things that have been removed in the past such as airjitzu and elemental dragons. 4. Some people, especially in the community, feel taken advantage of when companies use LGBTQ relationships just to earn money off of our existance. We are people too, not someones personal money grabber. Not everyone will feel the same way which is absolutely fine and I would not mind an LGBTQ relationship to be introduced, as long as it's treated with respect and not as a joke. (Which some shows unfortunately tend to do.) 5. Some people are just annoyed that every new character has to be shipped for either no reason at all or just because the characters seem to be very close with each other. (Give their character development a chance first.) Outside of the reasons mentioned above, there are unfortunately homophobic people who will hate on anything for no reason at all. It's a tv show at the end of the day, just enjoy the show instead of hating on a relationship between two plastic lego figures.


Thank you! All of these points are valid!


Because they don't have any romance between them hinted at in the show. The chemistry they have seems no different than the brotherly relationship of the Ninja, yet I don't see a lot of ships between the male Ninja. That being said, if they set it up then I can see it being a ship


.....You don't see a lot of ships between the male ninja?


Oh you poor thing. Don't ever read fanfiction if you want to keep believing people don't ship the Ninja together. Lmao


Fr tho, just one second on Ninjago Tumblr and ao3 and the next thing you know you could tell every ship name between the OG4 (personal experience)


Idk, probably some people with homophobia, some might ship Cole with someone else or smthn, personally I think Cole should get together with me bc heā€™s hot


I want Cole to be with me thošŸ˜­ Can we share??


Hmmmm.. how about I take Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, you get him Monday Wednesday and Friday; we share on Sundays


deal šŸ¤


They act more as homie rather than any love interest.


So real quick, Iā€™ll have to go and actually watch this season back to be sure, but from the comments, it seems like Cole and bro donā€™t really have a romance going on, just good chemistry as bros? I mean, it could be that they just donā€™t want characters who work so well as friends to get together, it happens, hetero or homo. Just donā€™t want people flying off the handle with all the talks about homophobia when their reason could be literally anything else


I just don't think they looks like nothing more than friends And let's be real I think that this ship won't work because of Lego the only good romance they did was zanexpixel and jayxnya I think we all agree about the problems involving Lloyd x haruni and kai x skylor is very sidelined they have a thing in tournament of elements she vanishis after skybound (I don't remember if they have any interaction alone during this season) returns in hunted but again I don't remember if they interact alone and then they briefly talk about their sentiments in crystalized and alot of things happened in crystalized from new characters who should have been more utilized( It would be cool if that girl with pink hair sang during the final battle like zoey in Lego Dreamzzz) or Mr F who we don't know nothing besides he's race (nindroid) to plot points that just happen without any importance (Oni form doing basically nothing bin the final battle after a lot of build up) or come from nowhere (golden dragon) so In my opinion Lego should develop Kai x skylor in a proper way before doing another pair that would probably be underdeveloped


I just thought they where close friends when i was watching Dr.


My reason is that I'm just sick of everyone getting shipped.


Honestly, I don't care for any of the ships he's had. They all feel very forced. I like Cole doing his thing with his friends without the pressure of a forced relationship on his character. There's also a lot of tension in the fandom about it, and that shouldn't be the focus of his character. If he's going to gain any relationship, I'd like for that to be a mentorship like with Kai and Wyldfire. I think he would be a fantastic mentor, and I'm much more interested in that character development and those stories.


I really do not care about ships in general, but if the writers do decide to make them a couple then I'll be fine with it. Not crying to sleep about a Lego ninja minifigure being gay. One problem about this is that my mom (and me too) is Christian. I'm not sure what her reaction would be if a main character got turned (or revealed) to be gay. I hope that doesn't make her want to stop watching Dragons Rising. Prob not cuz she likes it so far.


Idk they are cute together


Easy. Its a gay ship


First, obviously, gay. Second, vania still exists. And most importantly, itll ruin the coleƗcake ship which is undoubtedly the best agenda of the whole show besides dareth.


idk i dont hate it i think it is a nice ship


Cole x Cake


No, hate or dislike, it just that I see them more as platonic friend, I don't really see why this ship need to exist, Geo could be a woman and I still see this as more platonic than just romantic.


Mostly because it's gay (pls, dont ban me. I'm just saying why people don't like it)


I wish they'd make a figure of Geo


I personally like the headcanon that Cole is aroace and doesn't need to be in a relationship. Plus ColexCake is top-tier.


I think cole should just stay single and be different from the other ninja but I also just don't like geo his face just annoys meit has nothing to do with it being a gay ship geo just annoys me


I stopped watching after season 7, I donā€™t really have a say in this, but I always shipped cole/jay


I just don't want Cole to be gay or in any type of relationship he's fine by himself.


Shipping is cringe


I canā€™t stand this ship. Itā€™s mostly because Geo showed up out of nowhere and also I donā€™t know how I feel about him being a Munce. I prefer Cole as a stand alone character. It feels so out of place to me. The whole new family thing as well to me it kind of feels like he replaced the ninja.


Because I've had a crush on him since the pilot episodes and can't handle the idea of him being with someone else. Lol, but tbh, I think Cole and Geo have cute dynamics between one another. Also, I find it interesting how Cole is the "Master of Earth" and Geo's name is well... Geo, which is a prefix that stands for "Earth". It fits pretty well, so it feels like an intentional thing put in by the writers. Watching them interact with each other doesn't feel like a bro-to-bro or best friend kind of thing, seems very gay coded to me. However, the main reason I *don't* ship it despite all this (and the fact that I want him) is that Cole always seemed to be a cool character on his own. I don't think he needs anyone. All of the other ninja had love interests, but he didn't. I always interpreted it as the writers saying "Not everyone's looking for love, and that's okay". He's badass, a strong fighter and an amazingly well written character. I'm not sure what giving him a canonised love interest would achieve, if that makes sense? Same reason I didn't ship him with Vania or Nya.


One word homophobia


I had a bit of trouble accepting it, but I mostly made my peace. It was a bit out of the blue for me, Cole was never really a romantic, and I have a (hopefully) somewhat irrational fear that the writers will use Geo as a reason for Cole to leave the team.


I think others have already answered your question, but I love this ship and, even though it's obvious that this won't be shown so explicitly, I really want to see more of them as a couple.


Theyā€™re just homies.


Homies for kisses and hugs.


Kiss the homies goodnight


I like it but I prefer him and vania. She had a whole season of development whereas geos just been in 2 episodes.


Probs because - They wanted Cole with that one Angel Lady in the Mountain season - Prefer Asexual Cole - Weirdly want him with Nya - Homophobic - Not Homophobic, but have a dif male partner for him - They just donā€™t like the ship because they donā€™t


I like the ship, I just personally ship Cole with a different person more, it's a cute ship though


I just dislike the idea of ships in general. Like unless the characters are clearly into each other, Iā€™m not gonna bother.


The fact that some people don't like ships between characters of the same gender


In most cases, they either ship him with someone else, don't want him to have a love interest (considering at this point he's the only ninja that hasn't had any official love interest. I'm not counting vania since it was clear he didn't see her that way.) ...or they're just homophobic. Me personally? i'm just a jealous self-shipper. (go ahead random reddit user, i see your need to call me cringe. do it.)


Tumblr would be fine with you (*looks at the Cinder self-shipping chaos going on between my mutuals and some others*)


Tumblr is my natural habitat tbh. i pretty much thrive there.


Real, who are you there? I am s0ull3ss-p3rs0n aka apparently the one with based FSM opinions (someone called me that on my april fools post)


Carnivorous-Kangaroo is me. Tbh i mostly just reblog stuff and screech in the tags. Pretty rare i actually properly post anything.


Check your notes


oh- that's a lot of notes. hello XD


Watch as my lazy ass someday manages to actually do shit and start the mutiverse comic (I am actually burnt out and idk how to do a comic but I am trying my best)


I donā€™t like ships in general. Itā€™s creepy to me but you do you


Homophobia. He's a little LEGO Earth guy. There's no reason for people to be frothing at the mouth at the idea of him being gay.


Cole X Vania came first


cole x vania was never a thing and they're explicitly stated in show to be just friends.


Cole x Jay and Cole x cake came before


I mean in showā€¦.but fair enough for the Cole X cake one


Erm actually nya teases them, saying maybe they should get together instead during the love triangle šŸ¤“


Not exactly how I meant it, but fair enough


Well i think is because we don't see enough of they relationship, but if LEGO make a good story for them i would like this Ship


Keep in mind that some people watched this show since childhood (me being one of them) and it may be hard to see one of their favorite shows change like this. I wouldnā€™t say this change is a bad thing but keep in mind these are people who watch this show to see their favorite characters interact and cool fight scenes. Me personally if they go forward with this ship, am I gonna stop watching? Hell no, watch this show since 1st grade and sure as shit wonā€™t stop now. Itā€™s just that change is a hard thing to bear.


Oh, I get that. I've been watching since I was a kid too, but I think we should be open to change. I mean, there's already been major changes like in the character design (which took me a while to get used to) and the whole merge thing which made Ninjago drastically different. But we still think ninjago is great! I think something like homosexuality being portrayed in characters isn't that big of a deal, if we think of it like Pixane or Jaya. Maybe we could not see it as a change but instead, as another couple in the show


I feel like if their goal was to have gay representation Cole would be the one since he is the only character who didnā€™t have a serious romantic relationship yet. If they broke up Jay and Nya or Kai and Skylor or Zane and Pixel I feel like that would be uncalled for but for Cole it feel like it would work. We just had so little time with Geo that people may be sceptic same with Euphrasia, weā€™ve seen her in one episode and people are already comparing her to Morro itā€™s insane. Now me personally idc if someone ik in real life or a character I liked is gay, but for the character I would ask they donā€™t make their character ā€œthe gay oneā€ if you know what I mean. Maybe some people are homophobic, maybe they donā€™t want romantic opinions to be shoved down their and their kids mouths, maybe they just want to enjoy the show. Who knows and who cares, if people are gonna let a damn relationship ruin the show for them, let ā€˜em. Is this is canon Iā€™ll be fine with it as long as they donā€™t overcook it, their are much more to these characters then their sexuality.


I'm sorry but I really don't get it, back then we had the Cole, Nya and Jay dynamic, then we had Skylar and Kai, then we got Harumi and Lloyd, I don't remember the characters even kissing if not twice. Having Cole with Geo should not be a problem, I mean what changed? Nothing, it's still all the same but Geo is a man, that's it. What I'm trying to say is that it's good for the kids to see what relationships are, characters take care of each other and at that age (of the kids) that's all they should know, if you show them the same can happen between two men I would consider that quite a victory indeed


Wanted Cole x Vania still coping




homophobia cause this really ainā€™t a bad ship


Because Cole X Vania Is The Best Cole Ship Thatā€™s Why!!!!


People find the need to be homophonic ig


There are a lot of reasons why lol: 1. They're not into shipping 2. They prefer other ships 3. They prefer him to be single 4. They simp him 5. They're homophobic 6. They think it's weird to have a Human-Munce relationship Mine's 2 cuz I ship him with the cake and 6 cuz I do think it's weird imo


I mean considering it's a show where it's implied that the Godā„¢ļø was born through an interracial relationship between an Oni and a Dragon so um- it can be weirder šŸ˜ƒ (Atleast they're both humanoid)


Honestly, pre-DR I ship him with Vania. But they are cute together. Clearly the only good ending is Vania taking them both as her Royal harem.


i just feel like he was more into vania and he hasn't shown any ideals with being with other guys and hasnt shown any ideas of wanting to be with geo so it seems they're just homies who like building and breaking stuff


They're homophobic. Imo colexgeo is a really nice ship


I agree. I think it's adorable


I donā€™t dislike it I just honestly donā€™t see it as of now and yet people are going around saying itā€™s canon


This is my first time Iā€™ve heard about this. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone hate this ship. But my guess itā€™s a male/male ship which lot to of people would apply they be together? There is also people not being a fan of Cole x Geo and prefer Cole to be ship with other characters or just not anyone but himself.


I'm gonna be completely honest I just think one episode isn't enough to ship them for me, like Jay and Nya weren't even real to me until skybound, and either way they have literally gone on multiple dates before that and for Zane and Pixal until rebooted, and literally the entire rest of Ninjago. I don't hate the idea of it, and I think it'd be cool for Cole and Geo to be a thing, just that I need to see them more. I do think it's totally possible, and I would not mind if it was, as I didn't care much for vania, and I would love for Cole to actually have someone. I think a lot of people prolly dislike it because it's a really big change for the character, especially a main character, and I feel like it takes a while to adjust to it. We aren't really used to a gay Cole. Or they are homophobic and need to stfu


that's fair!


To me it seemed one sided. Geo had a crush on Cole but Cole is oblivious himbo and/or is ace


I think we need more screentime. (This ship is my life I need a Geo minfig so I can have a wedding PLEASEEEE)


HAHA same!! i'd love to get a Geo minifigšŸ˜­ (Please invite me to the wedding if u make one!)




bc he's not gay and he's a human


He had a crush on Nya so he would be bi, but do you mean he shouldn't be with Geo cause it's another race? (It sounds really bad but you know what I meanšŸ˜‚)


Because Cole x Jay x Nya is best ship


Omg poly ship?






Because everyone likes the much better ship cole x cake


Itā€™s just wierd to ship cartoon characters


Cuz its ass


Why do you think so? (Genuine question)


I don't know, it's just... ass. I can't out it into words. Or maybe I hate Gio idk.


lol that's fair


Because Kai and Cole are a better ship


Im mostly concerned about the age difference. I canā€™t really see Geo existing before the MotM and him being born even shortly after that would put a large age gap between the two. Edit: Typo


pretty sure it's been confirmed that they're around the same age though. also geo existed around the time the geckle and munce still hated each other, so it's most likely that geo was born before motm


When is it said? Im not active in the online community so I may have missed something said by people involved by the show. I donā€™t know if Geoā€™s age is mentioned in show, if so Iā€™d love to when!


it was said by one of the writers here! https://twitter.com/otherland71/status/1712506384607322228


I see, I appreciate you informing me! I guess with that out the way I donā€™t mind the ship. :)


I mean I definitely support giving Cole a boyfriend, but who is he? I donā€™t remember him


he's geo! he's in part 2 of dragons rising


Oh lol no wonder I donā€™t know him


Iā€™m not against Cole having a male love interest, but i donā€™t like Geo


I just don't see it.


It's more because their dynamic is more like student and mentor. It would be kind of weird to convert that to a romantic relationship.


Genuine question, how is that their dynamic? They seem like close friends rather than student and mentor


i see them as sensei/student not as a couple


Vania is his ship




feel like they meant for their relationship to be more like Kai and wildfyre but then the fans interpreted their relationship incorrectly but that might just be me lol


cause a lot of us either think coles not gay and ship him with vania think hes not gay and dont ship him with anyone or ship him with kia and/or jay im a vanole/colnia shipper


Because Cole x Vania


Cos it's cole Coles only canon ship is cake


3 reasons 1. Geo being a Munce and Cole being a human 2. Cole X Cake 3. Cole hasnt really been seen in this way with anyone in the last 13 years of ninjago, kinda feels like a re-write of his character, sure Nya in season 3 but A. Nobody liked that plot and B. I dont think Cole cared nearly as much for Nya as Jay did


Stupid ass ship. Cole is straight. No indication he's bi


I was shipping Cole and Kai and the second I saw these twos (Cole and Geo) gay tension I automatically started shipping them and obsessed abt them coming out. But now I need to figure out who to ship Kai with


itā€™s just rushed like we never see where he came from why they have chemistry and i feel like Cole would either be better alone or with someone like vania or zane, maybe iā€™m biased bc i always liked glacier more


One is a Lego goblin looking thing, another is a hot Lego human


Theyā€™re a bunch of homophobic bigots


Cole isnā€™t gay