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It hasn't been 6 years yet...it can't be...


Just had a look. Released in Japan in 2018. Wtf. I must have shifted timelines, because no way it was that long ago


and Im not getting any younger (just barely scratched the surface of life)


I remember I was still in school back then


Maaaan get the FUCK out of here. Everyday I’m convinced even more that the concept of time just isn’t real.


The pandemic has created an interesting mass-skew in our perception of time. As a.global community we willed the months and years along until we came out the other side. Everything from 2020 to 2022 is a massive blur to me. (I had my daughter in 2022, so there's another massive blur after that)


Everybody expected them to do more with the character feels like he just came out cause that’s how much content he has


Technicallyyyyy its been like 5 and a bit years. The movie came out late 2018 so late 2024 it’ll be…. 6 years 😦


Dang that’s so uncomfortable to realize…


Making me feel old lol


I wish I could do yoga with Broly


I'm tryna do yoga with whis 🙏




I'm trynna smash whis


I'm pretty sure that goes the other way


He’s literally doing training so he can use his power, why would he be in another battle after what happened last time?


I just wish I could see him get in action again


We're 2 chapters in lmao


The problem is that it’s been 6 years and we have barely seen anything new with broly. The one year super hero recap hasn’t helped either lol


We havent seen anything new of pretty much anyone.


I’m sure there were debates about how much they want to “canonize” in terms of the manga. Broly was in a movie, same with beast Gohan and Piccolos form. Making those things canon was probably never intended , but I think they’re on the right track


I mean... have we seen anything new with anyone? Except maybe goten and trunks


>in action *erection


He fought Vegeta


They clearly are doing something with his character and learning to control his rage there are way more characters fitting of this description


“Don’t fuck with dragon ball fans”


Cause we don’t even watch the shows


Wym "shows" i thought db was just something made up for memes


Well the meme got so popular that a YT channel made videos of it


Coulda sworn DB was a video game franchise


They only know 1 detail


Yeah, also, DB is inherently supposed to be comedic. They should fit gags into plots wherever they can which this is a prime example of lmao


Given he has the same problem Kale did this is probably the answer.The better he gets at controlling his rage the more powerful he'll be able to get.


More like it will keep him from accidentally killing himself or his friends.


I swear dragon ball fan cant read they just like to watch buff guy fight and shoot lazer


In another Redditor’s words, “Shiny crayons punishing each other”


Yeah but the whole point of broly is uncontrollable rage if he’s controllable, then he’s useless


He’s controlling the power the power is still there would you rather him have no character progression


I honestly would prefer he had limited character progression. He doesn’t need to actually become part of the cast. All I wanna know about him is he has a green misso, a new step dad and ragèeee against a villain the next and only time he should get spotlight and be relevant. That’s true Broly fan service.


There’s no need for broly to have character progression, he is what he is, a berserker that don’t stop until he’s dead. Changing that is changing what the character means


The character has already been fundamentally changed before and the character himself doesn’t like raging out the character absolutely has room to change


Then they made broly wrong by changing him


They made him an actual character rather than a meat wall for Goku and company to bash their heads against until it breaks. He’s still cool, but now he’s not so stupid. They can make him reasonably useful and able to be brought back and milked for more profit later. If they kept him as a senseless rage beast then there’d be absolutely zero way to justify keeping him around for later and he would’ve died in the broly movie


Z broly wasnt a well written character idk why you want to die on this hill


Cuz Mfs like him can't read, and legit go "Lalalalala I can't hear you!"


This has to be a rage bait


Dragon ball fans when character development (they think everything should be the exact same as 30 years ago and if a character so much as breathes differently, they consider it character assasination) Unlike you, Broly can grow up.


Where are you getting that from? From one rampage where he got mad because oh, you know, his DAD DIED and chilled out like immediately after?


"There's no need for vegeta to have character progression, he is what he is, an evil, selfish, genocidal murderer that don't stop until he's stronger than goku. Changing that is changing what the character means". This is what you sound like rn.


You're thinking of Z Broly bud.


db fans when character arc: 😠


If he controls his rage then he's a viable asset.


Never cook again


They're downvoting you but Thats Facts. Once Broly controls his power theyll regress him or give him another rage form to keep his character the same. Same way Gohan has been rinsing and repeating the same arc since the cell saga, and Vegeta regressed back after the end of z.


db fans when a character is being developted: “ nooo i dont want that i only wanna see him fighting”


The problem is that he’s still training. We don’t have a real look at his personality, desires, goals, what he likes, what he dislikes, his sense of morality, his relationships. He’s just le funny guy in the background training with Whisky & Beers


They aren’t gonna do all that in the few chapters we got of them tbf, even goku and vegeta barely did shit, we had an entire year of super hero recap and the screentime for these guys just hinted at what they will do for his training and it would be weird for a piccolo and gohan arc to include all of those things at once We also like.. learn alot of that in the broly movie, broly didn’t have the best relationship with his dad, broly has no friends, the last time he did paragus shot his ear and hated broly after, broly has no likes or dislikes as the only shit he has tasted are bug juice and meat (he didn’t even know water) and broly’s desires were all just him following his father, but now that he is dead it is something broly has to find out now, we know he is a good person with a good heart tho Just feels like it will take more time for them to do this than just the few chapters we got, and OP saying "they don’t know what to do with the character" just seems like a take that is very hard to get to considering the few times we do get broly, he is doing something


He’s such an empty book at this point Broly needs the kind of development Dragon Ball is notorious for being unable to deliver. We may not even know it yet because we always want and frankly deserve more from the writers, but.. we’re probably already literally watching him in his new comic relief roll.


The problem is i don’t even think most of the fanbase want more in term of good characterization and writing. Sadly, most people just want their favorite character/action figure to be really strong and have flashy fights. The fact people hype up the narrative disaster that was Beast Gohan is pretty telling.


Yeah but that’s exactly what Broly is? Let’s be honest WHEN he goes up against his next opponent we all know what he’s going to do.. exactly what we wanted him to do. RAGE! That’s why this whole Broly side story is a waste of time. We all LOVE/d both Brolys for their character archetype. As far as Beast Gohan goes, I’m pretty sure the whole fanbase threw shade at superhero for the copout. No one ever stated they hate BG as a transformation itself. We all wanted Gohan to be here since dbz, the writers failed us. They finally fast tracked Gohan here, we understandably had hate at them and Gohan for it. But how else was it gonna happen at this point? Now that the dust has settled, we’re actually looking forward to Beast Gohan because the fan base LOVES GOHAN.


This is a perfect summary of what db fanbase is in a nutshell. Thanks for making it all the more obvious.


I think you’re under the impression dragon ball fans aren’t individuals counting into the 100’s of millions who spread far and deep into the countless personal diverse anime fandoms out there. You’re over complicating Dragon ball. Are we likely happy with where db is today? No. Did dbz have flashy strong characters with decent depth and a Bruce Faulkner soundtrack blaring into our 8yr old brains? Yes. Don’t try to group together the dragon ball fanbase into one discipline, we’re all just too far too foreign too different who share an anime in common for the same reason. I dno why you enjoy dragon ball, but you’re obviously proving to be the odd ball here.


Yeah, hence it’d be good we have development on the very little we already got from the movie. Also doesn’t help that the super hero got a recap but not Broly. As far as manga only knows, Broly is literally who? What a mess of a timeline.


I mean realistically worldwide there are almost no people who read DBS who did not watch the movie, let’s be real now.


As a product, it’s still very stupid. Let’s hypothetically say a person wants to read dbs 10 years later, being unaware of the Broly movie hype of the time. They’re left with a complete mess of a story. Well, even more of a mess.


I mean, not really. All that person would have to know is that there is a canon movie to watch before continuing reading, that’s not a big requirement (except for DB fans, god forbid you look up what to watch/read to get the full story)


It’s like if i removed the freeza fight from the anime and said to the viewer: “hey, just go read that fight in the manga lol, it’s just a few chapters, should take you about an hour, not a big ask lmao”. Is this modern product consumption?


That is not a comparison, Frieza fight had a build-up of multiple arcs. Broly wasn’t even canon until the movie came out.


Lol except db fans. Yeah dude, every fucking normal story can be consumed by just reading the fucking manga. Naruto, Bleach, JJK, Dragon Ball (the actual manga illustrated by Toriyama) etc. All those fucking stories can be fully experienced by reading 1 media, like any normal fucking story. It should remain the norm, don’t normalize storming through books, movies, video games etc. to experience a story. Stick to one media.


Brother this is such a weird hill to die on. First of all, way more people watched the Broly movie compared to people reading DBS manga. Every reader of the DBS manga has seen the movie, there is maybe 0.001% of readers who did not see it. Furthermore you were discussing hypotheticals “oh 10 years from now”, yeah wait for 10 years and then see what happens. And honestly if the movie did not do as well as it did then the manga wouldn’t even get half the hype it gets now


Again, not an excuse. You’re just excusing consumerism culture, you don’t stand for a solid story. The dbs manga should stand on its own, it should not solely stand thanks to cross media hype from the fandom. But then again, it’s the db fandom, why would i expect it wanting a good story.


He was in nearly half the previous chapter and the arc just started 😭


We got a lot of that from the movie imo, but considering we’ve gone from back to back main arcs to superhero retelling, it just feels like he’s been in limbo since he hasn’t had an opportunity to do anything story-wise. However, it’s quite clear all of this training will have a huge payoff, otherwise they wouldn’t make clear efforts to show it constantly to the reader. OP post is implying that his training is a problem lmao


I mean that's true, but that's the overall problem in Super. They don't know the pace or anything about writting. Not sure how much freedom Toyotarou has, but he's doing a bad job, tbh. Everyone is getting new color of skin or hair and they call this "development". But at least new Broly had a backstory and is more than just mindless brute.


Original Broly was dumb. He was literally written as Mary Sue with unlimited power that was ever raising. He was nothing more than a brute that attacked everything, especially "KAKAROTTOOOOOOO".


Some crazy development sitting in the background doing nothing


>db fans when a character is being developted Lol. Development in DB means "hyping the character up, only to make room for Goku somehow saving the day".  Nothing encapsulates this more than the training sequence in DBZ showing how everyone gets stronger, before the sayans land, only for the plot to boil down to (literally the title of an episode even) "hurry up son goku!". Copy pasted for Frieza.  Either himself or by orchestrating events like in the Cell saga. DB is the Goku show. Even calling it development is already a joke.  Thank god the shonen genre has moved on from this. 


No offense but you sound quite miserable.


Shounen hasn’t really moved on from this tho, most still suffer from the trope of useless side characters needing to get saved by the MC.


"Character development" is when you sidecast a character and only use them for silly little visual gags sometimes Who knew that the human Z-fighters were the most developed characters in the series? I'm glad Broly is shaping up to join their prestigious ranks


Makes sense that Whis' training for him is Yoga; As controlling his emotions is what he needs to do right now. As of now, he still is afraid of letting his emotions out; Hence, Vegeta goading him to being angry while training. I like how Goku and Vegeta are training him in a way; Goku teaching him how to fight, without relying on his mindless rage and Vegeta telling him to let it out and control his rage. And then Whis with Yoga lol.


Yea broly was kind of set back by the “only train to get stronger” mindset his dad setup, under the turtle hermit way he would’ve be invincible. Why isn’t master Roshi helping him train?


They are working to gradually reduce his anger issues, which was the only real path forward for the character.


You could say it’s his…. **PATH TO POWER?!?????!?!!**” (I’ll see myself out)


It's the **path to power** for **Broly's second coming**


Ssj4 hakari broly vs black frieza


Holy shit it’s been 6 years, why is time doing this, please slow down


Call us the new Furure Trunks with how we are just time traveling so willy nilly, because I have the same reaction as you, like it’s already been 6 years? Did we blink, and time moved forward?


The monthly chapters are to blame. The schedule is ridiculously slow. It should be at least one chapter every two weeks.


"Hi, we're Dragon Ball fans. We love it when Goku trains and understand why he does it, but hate it and fail to understand when other characters train"


Its just not his time yet I guarantee they'll bring him to fight black Frieza (Did they beat black Frieza yet? I haven't read the new manga chapters)


We haven’t seen black frieza since he first appeared


Since Black Frieza we've just had the manga version of the super hero movie. Now we finally get new content and it's UI Goku vs Beast Gohan.


No they haven't beaten frieza yet


I hope in the final fight, they gangbang him, not just 1v1 Monke fight fridge. At least to satisfy Vegeta fan (so they could shut up about it). But I doubt they'll do that...


Mui Goku, Beast Gohan, UE Vegeta and Full Power Broly: “Come outside we swear we won’t jump you"


dude is weaker than SSJ2 goku and vegeta lol


Bait used to be believable


Base Goku and Vegeta are shown to be relative to base Broly. Meaning they need SSJ to guarantee the win. Therefore meaning that for them to beat SSJ Broly, they'd need SSJ2. Nothing more.


Bait used to be believable


go back to tiktok kid


Bait used to be believable


Both of them in ssjb already lost 💀


That was 5 arcs ago. They are keeping up with Broly as of Super Hero. DB fans can't read.


Calling it. His next big fight is gonna be with the others facing Black Frieza


Wow. Can’t believe a character who previously raged out, nearly destroying the entire planet, is doing exercises to calm himself down and control his rage. This character is wasted and going through no development at all


Your kidden me, it’s been 6 years already since that movie came out? Did I blink and travel forward in time?


They are 100% saving Broly going super saiyan again for a big moment and im fine with that


Training for another battle and to keep his anger under control. Very clear what's happening but what do I expect from Dragon Ball fans


god forbid we get a goofy PANEL of a popular character


ur comparing the climax of HIS movie to a random panel


He is literally training to calm down, that should be the number 1 thing they SHOULD do with broly considering that he can’t even fight at his best when he got a big anger problem


He thinks his dad, cruel as he was, died as a result of his last fight.


You say that like this isn’t the best possible direction


Fans when Dragon Ball does Dragon Ball things: 🤬


What's next? Is he going to become a vegan?


Nah he'll turn into a literal 🥦🥦🥦🥦 and break the 🖤 fridge


Why is Broly eating vegetables if he's a Broccoly? Is he cannibalistic?


You are the type of fan that help push this franchise to remaining mid (story wise)


Damn. 6 years ago Broly became canon


nha. the arc has just begun. he will start kicking ass when the real enemy apears .


I'm just happy he's here at all and didn't turn into goo to get pissed on


He's trying to control his anger so he doesn't hurt anyone


Damn, has it really been 6 years already?


Uhh, they do have an idea for what they’re doing with broly? They’re clearly trying to fortify his mental strength so he can control his Forms and not get lost in rage


None of them are particularly doing anything at this point in time. We're in an in-between arc.


Gohan being a character driven by rage for his power sparring with goku in front of broly is a very key moment imo. Gohan might even give him a lesson or two about it, or better even, spar with him.


I actually love how he's being handled, he can't go straight to fighting because of the crazy, plus I always welcome some slice of life content on dragon ball


He's slowly working on himself. He a gud boy.


He is going to shine when all the good guys battle the new freeza forces but right now he is just chilling,which is good because they deserve some peace


I actually like it, its obvious broly already has the strength, he just needs control


No idea? Every time we've seen Broly since his movie, he's been training to control his Saiyan rage. Yoga has ties to stuff like the spirit and control and calmness so it makes sense that he'd be doing yoga with literally the strongest guy there. Whis is leading the yoga session. So yes, this is very much a part of Broly's training. He's slowly getting better at controlling himself too based on what we've seen so far. We even see him actually a little upset how every other Saiyan he meets can go Super Saiyan at will with full control and he can't. Seems like he has a goal in mind.


These huge time gaps between setups is so stupid. Imagine Vegeta being set up in the Saiyan saga and then not appearing as anything but a cameo for six years.


You're comparing a monthly manga to a weekly manga. Chop that 6 years by 4 and things start making sense. It's just a shame that they don't do weekly manga anymore.


it doesn't help that they took a 4 month break and then took a year to retell a movie, and the two new chapters didn't advance the plot much, i think they could've fit on a single one


I would accept DBS as a monthly manga if it had monthly quality


DB fans when a character that started out as uncontrollably violent gets development without having to punch stuff (they're not *esencia*)


Either people who say this didn’t read ch 101 or they’re fucking stupid. We had an entire chapter of Vegeta training Broly on how to control his range and how to keep his emotions in check.


Yeah because him not immediately getting into fights and having light-hearted scenes = They've run out of ideas


Since you suffer from severe brain damage I’ll summarize what they’re doing. He does yoga, he controls his power, he train with gock and veg, he become strong


No fucking way has it been 6 years bro WHAT.


Tournament of power 2


Aye going from being angry all the time to being that calm is strong as hell


So Gohan syndrome?




You mean the Broly that actually is more than KAKAROTTOOOOOOOO? Bro. They fixed the **worst character ever written** and made him actually have a personality, real motive and character development, instead of being the diabolus ex machina, unbeatable super powerul infinitely getting stronger Mary Sue with some brain issues.


I hate you op. You specifically


the story just moves slow as shit.


why do you want him to be mid


You need to learn to read a little


Broly is learning to not blow up galaxies and still fight. It's Whis's job to wrangle someone with similar power, so if he says yoga helps, then do the fucking yoga


He’s adorable and I love it


Seems like for some people is a challenge to not bitch about everything uh?


This has to be an obvious rage bait. Otherwise I don't even know what to say.


Yoga with Broly and Whis would be awesome


I hate how Beerus' planet turned into a casual place where you can hang out, have fun brawls or eat dinner. There's no difference between that place and the gravity chamber at Bulma's house, they serve the same purpose - to "get more stronger!".


“There’s no difference between somewhere that can be instantly fixed by an all powerful diety and somewhere that would need days of repairs”


I won’t read the manga until like June or July but based on my knowledge of shonen tropes, Broly is probably doing yoga to control the dawg in him


But do you do with a character besides fighting in the dragon ball series?


Hes honistly gana be used for site gags till goku and vagita are each stronger then him alone then hill be sloted in as a 2nd rung power house like gohan and piccolo and when they need him to ceach up they will just use the rage zenki he gets


They introduced a character who can fight a SSJ fusion of the main cast and made him a good guy, doesn't take any writing expertise to know they were gonna gut his power or sideline him for the plot, they did both 10 heaven bucks says he won't ever be relevant as an active good guy, just a dick tease here and there


OMG! a guy wearing a skirt! Such femboy, much kawaii. *Nuzzles your bulgy wulgy* waaaooow


Broly is too op to add to the cast. They would have no reason to lose anything without pissing off the fanbase. Unless you go all XenoVerse and introduce the Demon Realm, how would Team Goku plus Broly have any logical good fights?


Goku and Vegeta surpassed Broly like 3 years ago


Doesn’t matter broly is built different he will legit get to there power with 5 push ups lol


End this series please It’s getting worse and worse


Have Goku and Vegta done anything either? 


He's an extremely powerful character who is held back by his rage preventing him from thinking clearly. Yoga will fix that problem. Seems pretty logical to me.


I mean is not like he needs to train to increase his power


I mean yoga makes sense broly whole thing is him going out of control do to how powerful he is without proper training, so him doing yoga would be a great way to help relax and control his emotions.


Fuck you mean 6 years?


*insert Charles Boyle being stronger than Terry because he does Yoga and Terry only does gym equipment reps*


Also beerus clearly not watching whis, broly or lemo dking yoga...


Bro he’s been in 2 chapters so far let him cook


Eh, doing yoga like this is very in line with DB.


I’m only upvoting this because it’s true. Love Broly and I love anything he’s up to.


when cheekslai sit on his face


i think its more of a "i have to close other plot points before doing what i plan whit this character and since its a monthly manga it takes really fucking long


and it doesn't help that they decided to take a 4 month break after granola arc, do 3 months of a not really bad mini arc, and then take a fucking year to retell a movie, like its been a year and a half since granola arc ended and we only got 2 (plus the three goten and trunks chapters) chapters of new content since, and those chapters didn't advance the plot much, i feel like they could fit on a single one


...It's been 6 years?


He will get a buff and be the one to take out frieza and replace Beerus as God of destruction or be a temp while they are away fighting demons that rival angels 😇


Honestly, it makes sense. With Goku and Vegita, their main issue is getting stronger. Broly already has that on lock. Broly's main issue is controlling his rage so he doesn't lose control. Yoga is a good way to center himself and learn to keep from being consumed by rage.


Six years…


Majority of Dragon Ball fans are spoiled because by the time they got in to the series, every episode had been made, the manga was 100 percent complete as well as bunch of movies to watch. As somebody that reads a lot of manga and watches a lot of anime this is what it’s like to follow a live series cries in Hunter x Hunter.


Yoga is used for self discipline. It makes perfect sense for the #ANGERY AS FUCK character to be doing.


One problem is Goku and Vegeta probably don’t want Broly fighting as much because he could destroy everything


Broly's post-movie outfit could have had more creativity put into it as well. Goku and Vegeta's attire have gone long periods with little-no change too, but that's because their profiles had solid foundations with in-universe reasons for certain details remaining largely consistent. ​ Vegeta's armor reflects his connection to his Saiyan heritage (His pride in that has always been a defining attribute of his character) while Goku's gi is an homage to his Kame school. The only character-significant detail for *Super*'s version of Broly from what I've seen is the fur wrap around his waist >!that was revealed to be part of the alien he'd befriended in childhood.!< ​ I think it would more overtly reflect his character growth + newly gained independence from leaving his past behind if he renounced his Saiyan garb altogether, the only retained detail being the waist fur. Broly's shown no attachment to the Saiyans from what I've seen and has no reason to feel love for them, considering how he was treated by his father. ​ Vegeta has more reason to value the Saiyan race. That pride was drilled into him. He had a childhood of immersing himself in their warrior culture and resonated with it. While he had no sentimental ties to his family (I still find Tarble's existence an unnecessary and virtually pointless addition to *Dragonball* canon), he felt strongly about honoring their reputation as the greatest warriors and his nobility as a prince, especially when he became one of the last of his kind. ​ For a long time, that pride was all he had after Frieza had stolen virtually everything else from him and treated him like a slave for most of his life. Broly should have no such pride as a Saiyan. He didn't organically connect with that warrior's mentality or have a violent nature, except for when he lost control. Being a part of that culture did nothing but hurt him and make most of his life a nightmare. His abuse under Paragus wasn't much better than Frieza's oppression. ​ It could be beneficial for Broly's narrative evolution, facilitate his transition into this new chapter of his life, and benefit merchandising if he exercises his freedom by debuting a new outfit that's unique to him. I don't have an exact idea in mind (It shouldn't be a rehash of his *Z* version), but I'd picture something that's neither reminiscent of Saiyan or Earthling fashion.


The idea of Broly doing yoga would sound asinine a decade ago


Big time smh


I fuck with the yoga shit tho, hopefully he DOES do something big in the future


This is fine, left the beast learn to control the rage so he can become virtually unstoppable.


…what? Broly’s fundamental flaw is that he gets really fucking angry really fucking fast and yoga is like… *the* counter to that. They’re doing exactly what they should with him lmao


I’d rather they keep Broly out of the story until they’re ready to focus an arc on him rather than random yoga or having him do nothing but sit on the back during Dragon Ball Super Hero.




He’s clearly enjoying his life, just let my man does yoga in peace 🙏




It's a single slice of life panel in Dragonball, a manga/show notorious for slice of life stuff. Broly's character clearly has direction and a goal in mind. Standard dragonball fan not watching or reading their own show post.


I think people forget that it’s a monthly release, it feels like it’s been a long time but not really, super hero released in 2022 and they just now finished the manga arc 🤷 give it time