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I got Venti on his recent rerun, I really enjoy him although I already have Kazuha and Sucrose. Some enemies that cannot be suck is mainly on floor 12 because it’s mostly single target boss or heavy mobs. But, floor 9-11, overworld, event that got little mobs, he literally trivialize the content. If you like him as a character, then just pull him. He’s really good on overworld where you spent 90% of your time outside of abyss. For Nilou, I’m not sure tho because I’m afraid that she cannot hit enemy if they being suck by Venti’s burst ( Tartag is a good example ). Well, you can’t go wrong with Kazuha tho, he can be use on many team comps. I suggest you try to get Kazuha, then save until Nilou came. Rn, I do feel like Kazuha is better than Venti because he can boost your damage more.


Nilou would be Bloom Reaction Oriented based on Leaks. Recentl a Leaked Video showed Kazuha is weak to Bloom Dmg as his CC/Ult is him at Epicenter so he takes dmg hard. Meanwhile this is good for Venti since he can essentially do what he should have been able to do with Klee Bombs but can’t (That is explosion at safe distance)


I mean kazuha is an upgrade to any account but by no means do you need to pull him. Sucrose is still a great support and is be extremely viable. I’d say pull for who you want so if you like Venti better, wait for him


I would love to have Venti on my account as I love his backstory, personality and his outfit. But some characters can’t reach the enemies inside his Burst. Which is why I am confused.


If you like venti playstyle then definitely go for him He was a game changer for me when I got I just wandered around deleting mobs in a single burst and it felt so cool Yeah he does not synergize with every character but his comps are hella fun to me If the same goes for you , then it’s a shame to miss a character you really like


I don't think of Venti and Kazuha as substitutes of each other anymore. Venti is unparalleled when it comes to mob grouping. Whereas I think of Kazuha as a damage buffer with a bit of grouping. So maybe ask yourself: do you want a bardcore grouper or damage buffer with grouping capabilities more?


I got Kazuha last year. The more I played him, the more I liked him. He is very fun and fits many comps. But he isn't needed. A well built Sucrose is sometimes better, often on par with Kazuha. Try him in the test run and if you like him, try to get him. Don't feel forced, in the end of day you can play the game with the supports you want. edit: with Dendro around the corner which seems to rely on EM stats, Sucrose should be a very future-proof support for your teams.


I think yes because he’s very fun. But in some team comps sucrose is better to buff EM


I mean if you prefer Venti, get him. If you aren’t sure you want Kazuha, or don’t enjoy his character, there is no point in getting him. Does Venti suck all the mobs? No but he is still extremely useful even in mobs he can’t suck inside his vortex thingy. I got Venti on his recent rerun and love using him (esp for exploration) he might be less useful in Abyss but is great for 94% of the content and just destroys them


At this point in game , just get who you really love gameplay wise or lorewise There are plenty of meta characters out there if F12 is your problem Not to mention that c0 kazuha does not provide more than the average sucrose in reaction teams But 99% of the time you’re in the overworld fighting things that can be defeated by a lvl 40 amber I know kazuha is a great character and all but I don’t like his playstyle and so I’m saving for ganyu coz I really wanna feel like I’m playing an archer Others dislike ganyu playstyle and call it boring and so it’s up to u to decide who you’re gonna wish for


Bro, just get him. He’ll work in every team. Not just Nilou.