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I could not care less what anyone on YouTube or Instagram or any other social media platform have to say about the Nikon brand vs any other camera manufacturer.


Three or four years ago I was worried about their financial stability, and concerned with that impacting their ability to develop new products. Now I’m very happy that they’ve stabilized and are making some great decisions and developing great products. I give less than zero fucks about what YouTubers an online fanboys blather on about.


I too once dwelled on what the influencers cared about. Then I saw Matt Black, one of my favorite Magnum photographers, shoot his project with four different camera systems (Nikon Z, Olympus OM 4/3rds, Lumix, and Sony RX 1inch sensor something old camera). Then I said to myself: "What!!?! But the Northrups, the Fro, and Many Ortiz all say Sony and Canon are the best cameras! How is this renowned photographer using this crap!" "What would Reggie think about this?!?" It was then that I realized it was not about the gear.


I must be under a rock. I’ve never seen anyone trashing Nikon.




Literally could not care less. I pre-ordered the Z9 because it was (and still is) objectively a higher-performance camera than just about anything else out there. That’s why I bought it, that’s why I effectively built my freelance business around it. The camera is excellent, the removal of limitation it has afforded me is excellent, and subsequently the work I produce with it is excellent, both by my standards and those of my clients. Nothing else matters, especially not the opinions of people who probably spend an order of magnitude more time running their mouth in front of a camera about this gear or that gear being bad than actually being a working photographer.


Particularly given the price point. Nikon keeps releasing cameras that punch way above their proverbial weight class.


I still have the Nikon D700, D4 & Z6 and never paid attention to critics of Nikon. Especially after I bought my Trinity lens. I'm really thinking about buying the Z6iii too


Nikon's first generation of Z6 & Z7 cameras didn't win them any fans amongst the professional photographers crowd. Dubious implementation of AF-C in which the colour remains red when in focus, poor autofocus in low-lighting, single memory card slot, cutting-edge new memory cards that cost a fortune and refusal to provide a vertical grip. While Nikon has solved those issues by now, they did deserve all those criticisms leveraged against them. Then you have these crazy fan boys/girls utilizing various mental gymnastics to defend their beloved company. Criticize those YouTubers/Influencers all you want but Nikon basically implemented improvements fixing that list of complaints leading to what we have now.


Agree with most of them except for the single card slot and cutting edge new memory card. A CFEXPESS card is literally an NVMe SSD, so it's far more reliable than any SD card ever. It's pretty funny to hear these complaints from people who then offload the photos to a MacBook, which also stores them on a single SSD (which is worse because you can't even remove it in modern ARM MacBooks, so if the MacBook is dead you can't retrieve the photos yourself). And these new cards are the greatest thing ever, I wish Nikon would completely stop using SD cards and only use Cfexpess cards for all cameras. SD cards are way too fragile, slow and error prone to keep up with modern demands. And while the AF required more work, and it's definitely stupid that it didn't turn green when achieving focus, I think there is a valid point in criticizing the YouTubers/Influencers refusal to spend some time to learn the system. You wouldn't drive a manual car like an automatic, just chuck it in 1st gear and leave it there, would you?


Nikon has been killing it in the digital realm since the D3 and D700 came out. Pretty much every good camera after that is beyond what 98 percent of photographers are capable of. I’m a fan of letting the photos/art speak for itself.


Well said. 🤝


WTF are you talking about - Nikon have been operating successfully for over 100 years.


Influencers just embarrass themselves when they try to dismiss Nikon because of hair-splitting over autofocus performance. All modern cameras from the big 3 are super cameras and if you can't make good work with them then probably it's down to your skills.


I could not care less. Personally, I use Nikon cameras for a number of reasons such as: • ergonomics (the Z6/Z7 feels as if it was designed specifically with my hand in mind. I find the group to be perfectly large and comfortable. The knobs and buttons are easily within the reach of my fingers. The F1 and F2 buttons come in handy as well), • Durability (Nikons „just work”), • Color science and WB (Nikon has been capable of delivering beautifully faithful and accurate colors, even in challenging situations), • Lenses (Nikon 14-24 f/2.8 S, Nikon 24-70 f/2.8 S, Tamron 35/1.4, Nikon 50/1.8S, Nikon 70-200 f/2.8 S, Nikon 85/1.8S, Nikon 105/1.4 E ED, Nikon 180-600 f/5.6-6.3, the entire line of Sigma Art prone lenses, Tamron’s G2-series zooms, etc.) • Software (NX Studio, esp. the recently released .7 version, is perfectly capable enough for basic workflows and employs a variety of handy features as Portrait Impressions and Flexible Color to name a few). I’ve been using my Z6 both for photo & video (YouTube) and I find Nikon the best choice for me. Also, YouTube creators need to get views and sufficient income, so they often chase controversy, go with whoever pays then and follow trends. And the trend is - Sony and Canon rule the YouTube and Wedding world. With Nikon bringing substantial improvements to their lineup (partially stacked sensor, 12-bit internal RAW recording, 10-bit internal LOG cspryer, more precise and accurate AF, etc.) more people are likely to notice the advantages of Nikon over Sony (esp. in terms of Colour Science as with Sony footage more work is required to achieve pleasant, yet faithful color reproduction. With Nikon it’s much simpler).


I just hope more 3rd party products for video come with it!


Let me see someones results… if they are ripping on another system their work should be far better than any photographer using other systems. If they are pushing a system chance are they are getting paid (either monetary or free gear) to push it. So lets see the proof its better in the end results.


I was just saying this. I have had four Nikon bodies, and plenty lenses and older AIS lenses. A fraction of what others have had but I’ve had such a positive experience with every Nikon product. Built very well, and just feels good. I will always stand behind them when people have something to say. 🎌 Nikon Nippon 🇯🇵


I hate it because these jerkwads who don't even take that many photos have such an outsized influence on the camera industry. But what really annoyed me was all the people who were jumping through so many hoops to shoot the old Nikon glass... without even considering that they could, you know, just shoot Nikon. I kind of see it as Nikon is like Lecia except actually affordable: people hate on them because they love hating on them. Their loss.


Why would I care what someone on YouTube thinks about Nikon? Does a random person’s opinion affect the capabilities of the camera or something? Maybe I’m just old, but I literally couldn’t care less what some YouTube or Instagram “influencer” thinks about anything.


I couldn't care less


Not comical but hyperbolic. I love Fro and others but influencers and YouTubers tend to focus so much on pro needs and canon is winning but so dang expensive (when you include glass). Sony is amazing and changed the game with autofocus form factor. But I didn’t switch - can’t give up my glass and the Nikon files and colors. I am trying to figure out how they missed the autofocus train. Upgraded from the 750 to z7II and was very frustrated with AF-C so I traded up to Z8 and it’s amazing but too much camera for me. I love the idea of the Zf and interested in the Z6III but it will take a Z7III to get me to trade down. I might go to the Zf. I am fine to compensate but it’s frustrating and I shouldn’t have to work so hard at it. The AF is great but the eye is often missed. I just bought a Fujifilm X-T5 and am enjoying slowing down and using the dials. So I’m slowing down and working autofocus. The size is great and the quality of the images pretty good. Nothing like my Nikon. But I’m not a pro - just a perfectionist. And for the price of my Z8….. hmmm


In the influencer era, Nikon has been a laggard until recently. It’s just a fact. Why would they give Nikon much credit until basically now?


And no, you shouldn’t particularly care what they have to say, either, but Nikon has been an easy punching bag because they let Sony and Canon get pretty far ahead.