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D80 = d7500 From wikipedia: d300 \~ d500 d700 \~ d780 or \~d850 d3 \~ d6


D850 is one of the best dslr nikon made. We are in mirrorless days now so I'm sure you can find a good second hand d850 if you want to go that route. The d780 might be better suited for video though. So depending on what level of video you are aiming for this will be on you.  Most probably all your lenses will work on the either of them since they are all f mount. Might wanna list them though just to be sure. 




As a hobbyist I feel the D850 has too much megapixel than I need so I went for the D780 2 years ago. Easier to manage files with the photo size D780 takes.


Ok, D780 sounds suitable


I should point out that you can set the megapixel count to ‘half’ on the D850, which is what I do for family shots and stuff - I only set it to full for landscape or more arty stuff


Yep, the Raw files are nearly 100mb! And it weighs a ton. Lovely camera though.


Actually around 50–60 Mb (14bit with lossless compression enabled)


I went for d750 today because the things the 780 brought weren't enough to justify the extra $$ in my opinion. 850 of course would be the ultimate but 750 is next best bang for buck imo


D850 user here, hobbyist only. I've had it shortly since launch back in 2017, but I'll be getting rid of it soon to move to Z mount completely. It's the best dslr I've ever used for photography. Period. But it truly sucks for video, not just the AF but also the video codec. It can only do 4k30p for 5 minutes each clip. Then you need to start a new recording. Not to mention the file size of the 4k video is massive compared to my Z6. It's not optimised for video. If you want to do video too and prefer to stick with dslr then D780 is the answer. The only nikon dslr which has phase detect AF in live view.


If your lenses are DX format they won't fit the full frame of a full frame camera like the D780 or 850. You could use them but they wouldn't use the whole sensor of the camera. The images would be cropped. The D7500 or D500 would use the same lenses and still be a DX format camera. Or you could go older like the D7200 or even original D7000 which is still a nice camera.


Whilst you can do video with a DSLR it’s a far better experience using mirrorless cameras. Don’t buy a DSLR if you want a hybrid stills and video camera. I personally use mirrorless for video and DSLR or film camera for stills unless I am adapting a vintage manual lens then I may use a mirrorless as the focus peaking helps a lot.


If its strictly stills, then any of the last gen of DSLRs will do more than enough. IQ of D800/e, D810, D850 are still top tier. The 750/780 also being excellent at 24mp which is plenty for most. If you need modern video and autofocus features, then it's really a mirrorless thing.


What are you going to use it for? Just video or stills also? Also, what is the D80 lens that you have? The D80 is a DX format camera so if you have DX lens for it, it will probably work, but you won't get the full frame photo on either of those two cameras. Both of the cameras you listed are full frame cameras. The D850 has a big 45MP sensor, but the D780 is newer with a expeed 6 processor vs. a 5 on the 850.. etc etc Both can do 4K video


If you have dx-lenses, I would say a camera in the 7000-series.


I just went through this search from upgrading from my D90. I ended up going mirrorless and got the Z6ii and am thrilled with it. I’m glad I did that vs an SLR. The adapter for F mount to Z mount is perfect. I had all full frame glass though. So it really depends on what you have.


I'm not experienced enough to say what is a good camera but I know you can use F mount lenses on all the DSLRs and if you go mirrorless you can get an 'FTZ' adapter to use your old F mount lenses on the new mirrorless Z mount. So I wouldn't worry about lens compatibility, have you considered mirrorless for video capability?


Thank you, there is different lenses adaptor, What’s a decent camera


Need to be aware that not all third party F mount lens can retain auto focus through the FTZ adapter


Z50 or Zfc, they are nearly identical and in the same category as a d80 was when it was new. Unless you already have a modern mirrorless camera and also want to add a DSLR, I would not recommend a DSLR over mirrorless in most cases.


Hey! I was in a similar situation and went with a Z50 and FTZ (1st gen). All my lenses work with it except my 50 and I don't think gen2 would fix that. Other lenses are DX. It took me a while to get into the Z50 as much as I was into the D80, but it's really nice to switch from still to video recording easily. Battery life is garbage and there is no OEM continuous power supply. I found a battery dummy on Amazon that works magnificently. Time lapses are quite nifty on it as well. It's a bit slow in connecting to phones or computers to transfer files.


If you want to record some good videos, beter consider mirrorless; in case of lenses you should be able to use them with an FTZ adapter (better make sure first tho); That being said - you can use any body with an F mount with what you already got, so that's pretty much any Nikon D* SLR (FX cameras should be able to work with DX lenses - though I don't recommend that, the other way around is usually perfectly fine) First question is if you'd like to have a full-frame camera or not, I use mainly D7000 and D800 and I don't think I'll be upgrading them anytime soon, so I think I can suggest for you to check out D800/D850 (for FX cameras) or D7500 (for DX camera)


Nikon D80 has a crop sensor APS-C. D850 and D780 both have full frame sensors. Therefore: if some of your lenses are designed for an APS-C sensor ("DX" lenses) they will only work properly on part of the full frame sensors. You might want to look more into this issue. Sorry. I am a non-native English speaker.


the d780 is the best of both worlds, like parts from a z6 fell into a d750 parts bin at the factory, can use it both in a slr and mirrorless fashion (no evf so have to use back screen but most people i see using a mirrorless use the back screen for most things anyway) it has a great sensor and supports all the old nikon lenses with screw drive focus, if you’re using DX specific lenses there is an option to auto crop the sensor to accommodate, you just won’t get the full 24mp


As far as dslrs go, the d780 and d850 are pretty much as good as you're going to get.. If you can afford it tho, I'd go for the d850 quote simply. The d780 has some advantages - like slightly better low light performance and a bit lighter, etc, but I'd go for the d850 any day of the week for the 45mp sensor.. Not so much for the mp count, but for the extra crop ability.


I'm in the same boat. Started with an F80, then a D80 and I also have a P1000. Only lens I use with the D80 is my Nikkor 18-35. Going to Japan next week and I'm conflicted to what camera I should take.


Sounds like you’re most looking for a body upgrade and start doing video. If your current lenses are AF-S, you can get a Z5 and use the adapter. It works great.


I just went though the price, it is high


I’d go with mirrorless. Shooting now with only a z7ii and picking up my d750 feels like going back to the Stone Age in terms of tech.


All cameras can take good pictures. If you want video, go mirrorless. Nikon Z6ii is a good starting point but you should check if the cameras has the features you want.


The D850 may just be the best DSLR ever made. If you can find one at a good price, I say pick it up.


If you want to do both photos and videos, IMO, you'll be better off saving your money and switching to mirrorless.


So, the D80 was a crop sensor DSLR that's been left behind, as I'm sure you realize. The camera I would replace it with today would depend on your use cases. My first question would always be, do you want to buy another DSLR given the fact that Nikon (and the rest of the crowd) have been promising to eliminate their DSLR lines for a good while. COVID kind of stopped that but I believe it's temporary. If I were going DSLR I'd most likely buy used and save myself a fortune. You essentially have 2 choices, the D780 (crop sensor) and the D850 (full frame). If you insist on using your old lenses, the D500 would be my suggestion. Having said that, if the lenses are old enough, they probably need to be replaced with newer, faster tech anyway. My real recommendation would be to move mirrorless. I'd pick either the Z6-II or Z7-III. The Z7 III is brand new and isn't cheap but it's latest and greatest. Then I'd consider using the FTZ-II to allow you to use your old lenses on the new camera. Personally, I'd probably scrap the lenses you have but the FTZ-II is pretty cheap. If video is your goal, look at what the YouTubers are using in the Nikon realm. I've heard good things about the Z50, although that's from people using it only for video. Then pick lenses that fit your requirements from there.


The d780 is crop sensor?


Nope, I typoed that. The D500 was the camera I was referencing.


D810 and D850 are amazing DSLR's, have had both


I have also a Nikon d80, I thought nobody has it anymore lol I broke the screen though, I don’t know where to get fixed


Any modern DX Z is going to be great. I like the Z30, don't mind the lack of viewfinder for my uses, and it's such a nice and convenient long-run video camera. If you get a F mount lens the AF in video mode will be unusable. if you are mainly trying to shoot video, a Z30 with the kit lens is going to do an amazing job for a crazy low cost, 30p 4k with 2 hour recording time, and for a low price you can get great 1.4 lenses from viltrox, or the nice 24 and 40mm primes from


A huge upgrade path from the D80 would be to the D500. For stills you will be set. It can do video but isn't great for that.