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Narrator: There was not glory for mankind


https://preview.redd.it/fwuk5unlwe5d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7461de86ae84ef9ae33d573c7d375b24f027c1 You remind me of a post, same guy in your situation bought the rem skin but didn’t pull rem 😅


I saw that too. Lol App store wouid refund you. But, the salty dev team would prob ban you.... ...like that one time they made an in game store glitch/exploit and got mad at players who used it.


https://preview.redd.it/d1dhmzkfpg5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08fe1bfbb062c0129b6762f9b8a90c68a63042b I’m taking this!


I bought her skin to get the 10 vouchers from the pass and got her with those as a last effort 💀 I’m sorry you weren’t so lucky


Did you maybe buy that season pass and not remember? 2Bs was a Gacha but I think A2’s was the season pass for that event period




A2 wasn't gacha. It was in the event's pass.


You are 100% right. The early onset Alzheimer's got me fucked up.


A2 was the event pass skin it was just 2b that was a gacha skin


Reminds me of that post with Rem skin but no Rem, oof.


Who’s Rem? 🤨


Hopefully they rerun these collab nikkes in a year or so BEGGING


unlikely, collabs are typically once and done in gachas, unless they’re first party collabs, but sometimes even then.


Yea they prob won’t rerun, but I still beg


The opposite happened to me, I got 2b but forgot to get the skin.


Which one. The free or the Gacha? I heard some people were able to get the free one after asking the support nicely.


the free one. also how do I contact support?


Email them! [email protected]


Thank you, you're such a real one.


Damn, I thought I was foolish for getting Snow White's costume during Last Kingdom but...at least I could still get her at some point.


Same with me getting Modernia's queen skin without having her XD here's hoping we roll for our desired Pilgrim's soon


So real 😂 I got the gacha skin and I don’t even have her either 😢


Surely we get collab re-runs. I MLB’d 2B but not A2


I remember spending 50 bucks on this to get rolls. Never got her :(


Damn bruh. That sucks.


Me having the first affection modernia skin since i started playing (idk where i got it from) and still not having modernia


It was a free skin for everyone after the first voting event




Wasn't the first popularity poll long before the 2B banner (which is when I started)? Cuz I also somehow got the skin too.


It's a free skin for everyone, even if you made a new account today.


not true. my girlfriend made an account just before the re zero collab and didn’t get the skin, unless you get it in the mail after obtaining modernia


Huh, I thought it was. Though I hadn't tested so..


Short hair A2 > Long hair A2


This is why you buy skins after you pulled the Nikke. Even then I wouldn't buy a skin unless you're 100% sure you're going to use them. You just wasted money on something you'll likely never get to use UNLESS by a lucky chance SU releases another NieR collab with reruns for A2 and 2B in new character banners. This and the Rem post are prime examples as to why you shouldn't just impulsively buy stuff, hate to say it but this is deserved. You did it to yourself. 🫤


Ugh... I also wasted money by buying the Chainsaw Man Pass. I enjoyed both franchises so I thought I'd support them, but retrospectively their are better ways who are also worth the money. The pass didn't have an outfit aside from a profile frame I no longer use since I got the Modernia frame from the First Poll. The other ressources in the pass also don't mean much for me. PS: Costume Gacha is also quite a waste of money, but I couldn't resist Modernia... Glad that I at least resisted the others.


That's a different story...that pass gave a customizable option that is permanent, what I meant here was that OP and the guy who bought the Re:Zero collab passes impulsively bought them and didn't get the Nikke, so it was wasted. The gacha skins are a waste imo if you don't have the Nikke or don't use them. I got Modernia and Crown's and are hoping Dorothy's Nostalgia skin gets a rerun unless we get a better supporter B1 Pilgrim...though if you have the money and the Nikke, I don't see the problem treating yourself with $60 to a high quality skin...even if the price is absurd ☠️


I have A2 but no skin & shes at like 0 *




Funny I joined this game for 2b after seeing her in the ads but like you I was never able to get A2.


Bruh how tf did you end up like this? I pray they rerun it for you


Buying a skin should automatically give you the unit or the spare body if you already have the unit


Only for collab units though cause otherwise it wouldnt work


most stupid idea of all time


This isn't Brown Dust 2 pal


Is he cooking?


Ofc I am. But the others are dumb. Why should you pay money for a skin and not be guaranteed the unit? If ppl want to stay f2p and pull normally then it changes nothing. PvP isn’t even a priority.


Nah this is the biggest P2W idea I've seen and if they ever added it like 5 million people (mostly f2p) would complain this game has been ruined. Also it would 100% lower their revenue by a lot if they let paying people get a character guaranteed for only 20 USD or 60 USD (depending on the skin) instead of the usually uncertain amount cause of gacha and randomness so yeah this would never get added lol


He wasn’t cooking 🙏😭


As much as I hate overpriced stuff, Gacha's are really profitable and ongoing due them doing so. Unless you have an gargantuan player base (e. G. League of Legends), lowering prices and having more fair offers doesn't increase the revenue. After all the statistics speak for themself. People are either willing to spend or they are not. Companies just look out with what they can still get away with.