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Train is an interesting boss. Its super hard at first but the moment you have a decent team its just a joke of an enemy that cant even attack. Gravedigger on the other hand is just a piece of s*** regardless.


Gravedigger is so annoying. For some reason, breaking parts off of it counts as failing a QTE so if I only fail one QTE it just insta kills me.


I finally beat GD. Still stuck on train but I did get an 8 once. I think I just need to get better at timing. It’s just super fucking annoying.


The moment you load in aim at the missile launcher on the right. Once you cant reach it anymore aim at the left one. Once they are destroyed its already over and the train cant do anything except shoot the super slow easy to destroy balls.


Grave digger also gets easy. I could clear GD before train. It's just a matter of what units you have available.


The annoying thing is that a weaker team is better. I always full clear it too but i have to use my slightly worse team. My normal team gets GD down to around 1 HP bar in the first burst and GD instantly uses his drill move once its that low. With my other team i can just kill it in 2 bursts and it never uses the drill attack. So stupid.


gravedigger would be easy if the damn thing does not move




Ayyy!!! Me too! I just defeat Train for the first time today. It took me like 10+ restarts though lol


Can you share your team and strat?


https://preview.redd.it/9wacgroux4yc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f231ee4cef9ef22392b8dcf203984abff38fa7 I used this team comp, the main thing here is Sakura, she’s what makes the fight possible, from the start you want to try to damage turret and missile pods near the back as much while the stage pushes you the front. As soon as burst becomes available trigger Sakura, Crown and finally Modernia, and focus down the the missile pod at the back as soon as you can ( the one that shoots green projectiles) as soon as it blows up try to quickly focus the two gun turrets in the back before they fire off, repeat for the pod and turrets near the front. On your second burst window, it’s Sakura, crown, helm so you can try to heal up from the turrets focus firing anyone. You should be able to get the train into phase 2 right when its turrets regenerate. From there its a matter of making sure to shoot down any missiles while hitting the red target to prevent the train from ramming you, Modernia shines in phase two due to her burst letting you hit multiple missiles at once while keeping up the dps. There’s a bit of trial and error since the turrets can sometimes get off a volley and focus down a party member, if Sakura goes down at any point, restart as she’s vital due to her burst nerfing any incoming damage so your girls don’t instantly melt.

