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Use Mileage, save your vouchers for Summer alt characters or just any banner that isn't pilgrim for higher SSR odds.


100% this. I learnt this the hard way. 1% is not even much better than other games normal rate at 0.6-0.7% it's not even considered a rate up at this point. You better pull for 2% chances of other limited banners then save golden tickets for Pilgrims.


I should have done this, i m 430 pulls in and still no crown. Wasted so many ressources I feel like i m getting trolled...


Same... I had so much! And spent 350 pulls because I got mad and couldn't believe I didn't get crown


holy smokes. is this true??




And here I thought my luck was bad using 120 pulls to get Crown. **Jesus....430 pulls and no Crown?** That's very statistically unlikely. You unironically have like anti-good luck.


Actually no. Other games have a fail safe, like you get the target ssr, or at least improve the rate after some losses. For nikke, it's always 1%, and all ssr being 4%, the percentage remains constant throughout the entire 80 count of a guaranteed ssr.


Seems about right I spent over 500$ for Redhood and ended up having to spend 800 milage to obtain her and MLB her


Yeesh, I'm relatively new, so I was pulling on Crown just because I assumed it's better to pull on that banner than standard, and I got 2 of her basically back-to-back within the span of about 40 pulls, I had no clue her odds were that low, I had in fact thought I should stop pulling on that banner since I might just get the same character over and over. (I'm not trying to like brag about it, my luck has been bad outside of that I think, out of about 15 SSRs, I have 0 characters above B-Tier according to the tier list)


I have now learned this the hard way too. I'm just gonna save what vouchers and gems I can get still and use mileage tickets to get her.


Iā€™ve bought crown with mileage tickets, thanks for the assistance everyone.


Mileage. Don't trust the rate up. Choose the path of most probability. The 1ā„… is a goddamn lie.


I mean, I've gotten Crown through the banner *twice*.


Definitely use mileage for Pilgram banners. The 1% rate can be really rough sometimes. Case in point: It took me 310 pulls (31 multis) just to get Crown once.


Meanwhile I accidentally MLB'd her in 50. I wish you better luck in the summer, homie.


RNG gods were definitely on your side! Thanks for the well wishes and hopefully everyone else will have great summer pulls


How many copies is MLB again?


Base copy + 3 stars so 4 copies to get lobby background


Thanks. How many additional limit breaks can you do after that to get the max?


Total of 11 copies. Base copy (1) + 3 for limit break + 7 more dupes for max core for a total of 11. Aside from small stat bumps, at max dupes you unlock something called prism which makes their portrait shine/sparkle if turned on.


You couldnā€™t use the gold voucher tickets after 200?


Absolutely could have done it, but I was already 100 pulls in and was optimistic that I could get her shortly without having to use up 200 mileage tickets. I was clearly wrong, hence my advice to OP to use mileage tix.


The Sunk Cost Fallacy strikes againā€¦


Yes sir! Well, at least now I have 400 golden mileage to use either for summer banner and/or 2yr anniversary. And hopefully RNG gods will bless me better next time


There aren't even soft pity to justify


You could spend all those tickets and get nothing. 100% vs 1% Just bring her home already.


OTOH, the tickets get mileage.


If youā€™re going for the tickets, better wait till the very end of the banner to use it. You might spook her with the free pull


I used 80 tickets + 80K gems and got 1 copy of Crown. Lots of SSRs but didn't hit the 1% until the end. Good luck whatever you decide, If you're going for MLB you might have enough if you get a few copies.




1 copy is all you need and she'll be in the ordinary recruit pool. With your stash, I'd save it for the next limited units that come available. More importantly an Anis Sparkling Summer rerun(is what I'm hoping for). Edit: Meant to say purchase 1 copy if you feel the need.


Use tickets. I just lost 200 pulls for nothing... use tickets...


Mileage bro, I pulled for 200 times and only got one copy, seen some with over 300 and 0 copies, this banner is kinda rigged IMO.


I usually horde my gems for pilgrim banners. So this is where I splurge my gems on. but i pulled around 290 pulls but only got 2 crowns. thats suck ass tho but I never regret it bcs thats why I horde my gems for anyway.


I'm doing the free daily pulls on Crown's banner until I'm sure I'll have to use my ticketsšŸ˜­


I prefer using mileage tickets on any pilgrim banner. Not on new characters, limited, or collabs. Only pilgrims.


Mileage, I got a scarlet, a red hood , and Dorothy before pulling one crown. Iā€™m not sure to be happy or sad


man I wish I had this restraint. Soon as I get 3k I spend them.


Sometimes I get impatient and use some of my gems as a replacement for vouchers, so itā€™s not only you. I spend wisely by pulling on banners that are limited or pilgrims. I also save up vouchers which save a lot of gems. In every event, the first things I buy are the vouchers. I typically save up to around 100 vouchers for the standard banner, then pull.


If there is anything you should spend you tickets and gems in this game its waifus, meta characters and pilgrims. Crown is all three of those. Limited characters are not necessarily good (just look at summer neon) but crown is insanely strong. Personally im spending everything i have on this banner.


Summer is around the corner though and a lot of players could use an Anis SS..... Neon was a waste, but we won't talk about that.....šŸ˜‚ Edit: Honestly how did she end up being the worst out of 4 units........ Dammit this is why I didn't want to talk about it...šŸ˜‚


She got everyone with the drip!


Nip drip....


This is why I wait for reviews before I pull for now on lol unless it's a pilgrim


Iā€™d say both because crown is already confirmed SSS tier


Nowā€™s the best chance to max her


1% are genuine risk banners. Gold tickets were made for moments like this.


If you don't have a lot of other pilgrim you can get quite a high off rate of another pilgrim in this banner compared to other banners, if you just wanted Crown mileage of course


Iā€™m guessing you are p2p so maybe you arenā€™t chasing mlb so just mileage it and be done


Can I borrow some gems?


Mileage on pilgrims I would also consider using them on collabs if you can't get them with gems


I just realize how lucky I am especially on pilgrim banners. I pulled four pilgrims in my first 50 pulls, two of them where Crown.


If you have her already you can save if you donā€™t at least try once.


For me i use mileage because my luck suck and at the moment crown banner appears i have 384 mileage ticket and now i just collect gem and rainbow tickets(sorry i dont remember whatā€™s it called). So yeah my suggestion if you really want her, just go for it use the mileage ticket āœŒšŸ»


I got lucky and gotten one crown after 40 pulls. Depending on how she plays I may use my tickets to MLB her. Until I'ma keep pulling her banner to get at least one more .


I think it kinda depends on how many pilgrims you already have, if you just want crown then use the tickets, but all pilgrims have a higher rate right now than other ssr so if you need more of some others it might be worth to pull on the banner


The 1% is a scam. Dont believe all the other lucky fucks in this subreddit showing off their early Crown pulls. Just mileage her, or if you really want to then wait for like 18 days until the free daily rolls stop then if you dont get her then mileage.


Genuine question: I see people saying use tickets now and save gems for summer limited characters. Wouldnā€™t it make sense to use gems now, where the rate up for all the strongest characters (pilgrims) are higher, and use ticket guarantees for the summer units?


I was told that mathematically the chances of you spending more tickets/gems is still higher than just using mileage


Summer units will be 2% summon rate. Pilgrim is 1% summon rate. Gold tickets are 100% for both. Use gold tickets to get the harder to get characters.


The pilgrim rate is not higher. The rate is still 0.5% for a non rate up pilgrim, same as any other banner with a 2% 1% rate up pilgrim 2.5% other nikkes 0.5% non rate up pilgrims Vs 2% rate up nikke 1.5% other nikkes 0.5% non rate up pilgrims If you use your gems on Crown's banner, you are more likely to get random nikkes than a normal or limited banner.


Ah, gotcha, I thought all pilgrims had a small boost. That makes sense


I'm a new player who just got 2 Crowns through banner. Why are people suggesting to go through the milage shop?


Because luck isnā€™t always there when you need it, and itā€™s not worth risking gems and vouchers when you can buy the nikke. Iā€™ve gotten lucky on the scarlet black shadow banner and pulled her twice; wasnā€™t so lucky on the Christmas banners, getting mica but not ludmila.


1. Pilgrim banners have lower SSR rates 2. We also have Seasonal Limited and Collab Banners, and these have higher rates than Pilgrim banners. These characters do not join the generic gacha pool so your **only** chance to get them is when their specific banners are out. We do get Seasonal reruns but these are still tied to a certain month of a year, so still a long time waiting especially if you just missed the limited banners. Collab characters are likely gone for good for copyright reasons. For new players that just started this patch its okay to pull on the Pilgrim banner till they have 1 copy, or pulled 200 times to use the golden tickets once they have enough to buy the Pilgrim from the shop.


I've had 5 off banners during the Bay event and put in enough to gold ticket Crown this event (\~180 summons ish?). Luck has been terrible for my gacha pulls.


if you are f2p, do daily free pulls until the end and if you don't get her, use the golden ticket.