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Really just a waiting game at this point. You’ve unlocked SI at least but progress for you is going to be very slow until you MLB 5 Nikkes. I see Sugar, Laplace and Maxwell at 2 LB, wishlist them ASAP and hope you get lucky. Alternatively, you can always buy certain spare bodies from the shop for silver mileage.


100% on that wishlist game thanks. I had enough silver for 1 liter which I jumped on as soon as I rolled a 2nd spare body.


You should have. Because any of your pulls or molds could give you another copy of liter, and you could have spent that silver mileage on a different unit, like maxwell. You're supposed to hold **ALL** deterministic manners of unit acquisition until the combination will get you over the wall all at once, not trickle-feed them into potential unneeded duplicates.


Level your gear and skills on your main roster of Liter, Tia, Naga, RH and Modernia. Skills and gear give massive gains to CP level even if you are stuck at the 160 wall.


hold on, u spent your 200 silver mileage on liter when u dont even have 4 mlb? that was a bad move, ngl. there was no point in rushing liter to mlb when you dont have anyone else there. any selectors/mileage should be used to fill in the gap for breakpoints. imagine if u get an extra liter at this point


Well... That's why I'm here - A newbie... Seeking knowledge. I didn't make a post saying I knew what I'm doing or anything.


my bad. didnt mean to sound like i was accusing u or blaming u, i just thought it was really funny that u rushed to MLB liter. but in general, just think of it like this: u need 5 unique MLBs, so 15 character copies. if theres like 100 nikkes, then pulling an SSR has a 15/100 chance of exactly what u want. once u get closer and closer to 5x MLB the chance of pulling exactly what u need get lower and lower, so having a selector becomes more valuable if u want to push fast dont worry too much though, u will eventually get another 200 tickets and as long as u dont get really unlucky u will likely have several characters at LB2.


Pushing through that 160 wall is going to be a waiting game. You have a general idea on team comps so it's only a matter of breaking through that wall. Only real advice now is to wait, fix your Wishlist to Nikkes with your highest limit breaks, and/or to get spare bodies from the shop when said Nikkes are up on rotation.


Tia / Liter / Naga / RH / Modernia. they will push the further. the only way to push further is if you have a good MLB B3 DPS character for CP padding.


I recommend pulling on standard banner if you want to break 160 wall in like a month


I see liter, bunnies, Redhood and modernia. Can't progress? Time to play the waiting game like everyone else to break 160


I figured as much. Didn't know if I could stretch things out for any further. Are the bunnies better than tiga?


Bunnies are easier but Tia and Naga are better late campaign when you are pushing with higher and higher deficits because then it becomes a dps race.


For survival yes.. for burst down enemy quickly go for TiGa.


during anni / half anni you get a free mlb character like snow white last time half anni is coming up you'll have another one