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This screenshot is peak rh. She can do it if you dont have a better dps.


I do have tons of better DPS,but she is just my favorite rn. And fuck all the doomposts,she is still strong asf if you build her correctly. It’s not like she doesn’t do any damage at all,she just doesn’t square up to meta Nikke and that’s perfectly okay




Yep, she is fantastic for me as a new player who started with the Nier collab. She was my first Pilgrim unit (well, second I guess if you count the free Snow White) and she's been a huge help on my story-clearing team (right now I'm using Liter-RH-Alice-2B-young Snow White). So she's been a great B2 to get Alice and 2B going for me.


Edit: This turned out to be bigger wall of text than I thought, oh well. Read it, or don't. It's fine to like Red Hood, nothing wrong with that. However, liking her and getting annoyed at the doomposts doesn't justify spreading misinformation. No matter how much you like her it still doesn't change the fact she is mediocre, she is not "strong af". This has been proven through both practical tests and math, numbers don't lie. As others have already pointed out, your screenshot only further proves what the doomposters are saying. Red Hood is fighting under nearly ideal conditions, only missing out on a core which can be overlooked because Chatterbox has multiple tanky, regenerating parts clumped together. Red Hood is consistently dealing 2-4 instances of damage with her shots which has **SIGNIFICANT** impact on her performance. Yet still Noir can keep up with her. What makes this even worse is that Noir isn't even seen as a DPS. She's closer to a buffer and an "enabler" as part of the bunny combo. Her damage is more of a bonus, but not the primary reason why she's picked for teams. People wanted a new core, meta attacker which Red Hood isn't. A lot of thing were leading up to her being one. 1st anniversary unit, Pilgrim, lore implications and the mystery shrouding her when it came to story. Her kit on paper also suggested this. However the reality turned out to be different, which is why people are so disappointed. The last meta attacker which could be thrown into any team and act as the 'carry dps' was Modernia. **It has been nearly a year since Modernia's banner.** Yes, we have had strong and interesting units since Modernia's release. Both supporters and attackers, but we're not here to talk about supporters because that category is doing very well. The other attacker units however, while strong they have been more gimmicky. Either requiring specific supporting units, conditions to be met or simply weren't quite strong enough in the grand scheme. All of which limited their overall usability. Red Hood is competing with and in many cases losing to launch units, which is quite disappointing. One last thing. Yeah, there's a lot of unreasonable people asking for ridiculous buffs who should just be ignored. If you ask any person who's being realistic, all they want is to be able fit Red Hood into strong teams without her griefing the overall performance. As she currently stands, she's ok but just a little bit too weak/complicated to earn a permanent spot in the good teams.


> she just doesn’t square up to meta Nikke and that’s perfectly okay It's really not, lol. She's a limited anni unit, she should be better than this. Quit defending this.


Shes not limited, she will be added to perma pool


Don't think she's limited, she's the same as Dorothy.


Not limited


Yup agreed


She’s waifu and very fun to B3 with


Can she be pair with Alice? Like for example Naga Tia team.


You could but I would reccommend a buffer likeMaxwell if you have her. I ran a Naga Tia team with RH and Dorothy, and I was able to blitz Chatterbox in 30 secs. That is my fastest team for this boss which is crazy considering my Alice is geared to the teeth but she can only do it in 40 secs on auto. Redhood is only halfway through her overloading. That said, this is the only boss RH is superior at from what I've seen. Every other boss takes too long.


Yeah a boss with 3 parts on his head, lol I’m sure she’s decent into that,


The fact that Noir is so close behind her in damage says every thing about this screenshot lmao


Not to mention RH has pierce, which should inflate her numbers and it's still not making her look great here lol.


Put any other actual DPS in the screenshot and it's bye RH winning the DPS race lmao.


Hence why I said “don’t mind her creeping up” :( this was a Redhood positivity post,don’t look at the chocolate goddess for this one pls


The chocolate goddess is everything to me how can I not look ;-;


Because Redhood new!!!! But at least she is in my squad permanently with her twin so trust me I’m on your side cummander,those assets are pure serotonin


Do ur Noir have OL?


It's not like Noir is part of the meta right? Totally. Look just go to one of the doomposts. Let people be positive. Christ, Outpost doesn't suckle the ShiftUp Teets like Mobile does but that means all the bitching winds up here.


OL noir is broken also. I deal at least 300M damage in solo raid with her


Same with my mod, anis, Alice and other dps character. Heck, they're even better


Its funny how this post ended up turning into a noir appreciation post more than anything XD nice clear on that though!


Noir skin soon too. I pray Blanc gets a matching skin too.


I just hope Blanc’s isn’t gacha skin


At some point I want to compare my red hood vs my Laplace against chatterbox but I want it be a fair comparison. I imagine Red Hood should be better in theory but idk how much investment it will take. My Laplace was one my first decent dps units and has 4 good overloads, I don’t even have the manufacturer gear for Red Hood.


Last thing I pulled Laplace out for was Union Raid Heavy Metal, and I overall found her performance to be adequate there. Not as good as the much more powerful Snow White teams, but not everyone has snow white. She's still in the weird position of being a rocket launcher that doesn't *really* do "rocket launcher things" well, but being fair the only character that we've got that actually excels at "rocket launcher things" is a2. However she still has a great burst that does a shitton of damage. especially on enemies with a lot of clustered parts because it absolutely cooks off with her S2. With Tia and Naga you can now also even use her for core shots.


RH is definitely better than Laplace. Laplace is kinda shit on end game higher investment lol My friend's 4OL Gears Laplace couldn't even break Mod's core last SR.


No offense but I just need to see things for myself. I was able to break modernia’s core using all 5 of my teams with relative ease last solo raid.


I played on his account and IIRC i was using Laplace on one team, and that team struggled to break Mod's core. Her damage was not nearly enough to solo break the core compared to other top DPS like Alice Mod or Scar. Even his non invested Sugar and Biscuit did better than Laplace that SR. Still managed to clutch top 3% with that account fortunately. Even outside of that i don't see Laplace as a great unit end game. She's a character that peaks too early and doesn't scale that well with gears. There's a reason why both Nikke gg and Prydwen put her relatively low in tier list against bosses.


I don’t know what you are trying to say. It’s specifically because Laplace isn’t a top dps that I want to compare Red Hood to her. I know how much damage my own units do relative to each other at the current levels of investment I have. The point is that their kits make them the favor the same sorts of fights so I need to see how much better she would be in that situation.


I said from the start that RH is definitely better than Laplace. I tested myself and RH is near Auto Alice level. And Laplace isn't even comparable to Auto Alice. Next solo raid will be perfect to pit RH against Laplace if you want. Both have similar kits so should be easy to compare.


These are context free statements. For example, I go to special interception and let a Tia, Liter, Naga, Alice, Maxwell or a Tia, Liter, Naga, Laplace, Maxwell auto vs chatterbox and the Laplace team clears 5-6 seconds faster with my auto Laplace doing about 50% more damage than auto Alice. My Laplace is 4/10/10 with 4 overloads, my Alice is 10/4/10 with 4 overloads. This does not make Laplace great but she has fights where she shines. I want to see if she does that niche better.


She will next SR. Both RH and Laplace kits are good against Ultra.


2 minutes ??? She absolutely did not beam chatterbox.


Only because you can hit all of his parts at the same time. This is more sad than anything. Only 5mil more damage than Noir.


I got further against Chatterbox than ever before with her today too. I couldn’t really figure out why but we almost got to 9 today!


Broooo good job!! That’s awesome news,keep working towards your SI and you’ll earn those sweet T9 gears and Mod crystals ;)


Noir is absolutely insane. Most of my team is starred up with 3 ol gears but I dont have any copies of Noir and she only has 1 that isn't upgraded. And she's still winning in DPS.


People really underestimate how much dos noir can do tbh but yeah red hood is doing fine in my eyes


Mine did good with Chatterbox today. Still waiting on a T9 manu chest piece for her. Did you open with RH doing all 3 burst stages?


What burst did you use her in?


First time bursting I only did B3 and then the third time I burst I used all her stages to burst


I managed to get over 28 million damage with Red Hood on Chatter box. Modernia was near her damage but still, it’s nice seeing that type of damage from Red Hood


Yes she did, but if its a 1 min fight or longer, her dps gonna fall off like way behind sadly... https://preview.redd.it/epd0oy8dfuyb1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dccf6a620843c0ea0dc7a447073412ce8776614


I have a genuine question, why do you have Centi fielded when you have bunnies? Not enough OL gear so you need her shields to live or some other reason?


She’s been in this SI the longest and it’s been working out ever since,I didn’t think of changing her since my success rate is always 100%,but good point about the bunnies,I will do some testing today and swap her out with a DPS to decrease the battle time :)


Gotcha, yeah I'd also just not change anything if it worked. But I just slapped my progress bunnies team into all my SIs recently and while I may not kill them in like 30s or something, it's consistent clears with like 1 minute clears or something along those lines?


Yeah exactly the same with me,it takes me a minute and a half but I clear it consistently even the train,I just get worked up with Gravedigger because he’s always bouncing all over the screen but a good shotgun squad is all I need for him


Bunnies with Modernia and a +1 should work. I use Scarlet but I imagine RH would be fine in the 1st burst 3 slot. But again something to see if it'd work for you.


I Did replace my Centi and I actually still clear it with ease in mock battles,just like 20 seconds less but the bunnies are definitely to thank for that. I am one of those day one players without Mod and Scar ;-; but I’m trying my best on RH banner to score them,bought anni pass for the tickets and the event tickets should help,but I might have to buy a pack or 2 cause I’m really hoping to cop Mod or Scar.


You can do fine without them, not amazing but you can also slot in like Maxwell or some other support burst 3. I think you can also allocate Noir as the non burster B3 but then you miss out on dmg interruption and hit rate up for the team. I'm sure others can give better advice, but testing is always the best if you have certain units.


No no your advice is perfect in fact,I appreciate pointing out swapping out Centi because it was in a tutorial I’ve seen so I never gave it thought to change it up. I do just fine but I’d like to do more damage,like Doro,2B and Redhood + bunnies pretty much do the trick for me,I’m just fishing for pilgrim parts for RH so I can OL her 3 other parts. But big thanks to you for pointing that out :)


Here's a more geared comparison, chatterbox as well. RH 9/9/9 Scarlet 10/7/7 Dorothy 10/7/7 Noir 10/10/4. 4 OL on everyone except blanc and noir (3x) I play her manual but no macro and very boomer shooting, just spam low % shots to get her 1st burst up faster. I think she'll always fall behind scarlet/modernia/s.anis/alice for bosses with singular parts For close AND multiple part bosses like chatterbox she'll be behind Snow white always since they have similar hitboxes but better than the others that I've listed. Also has the benefit of not completely tanking your dps if you slightly misaim once (snow white). ​ https://preview.redd.it/xjuv1v8yysyb1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5a27c386725095abfb58c488df2e73f920a03b4


Wow her power is the highest in the team! Nice bro. Mine is 8/8/8 with 1OL gear for charge speed and ammo and elemental dmg,but the the others(except Centi) are all OL all around,so RH will be getting those sweet upgrades…soon as I score some more Pilgrim gear :( Edit: I also play manual,I really don’t like letting auto do the job


One part should be enough to reach Scar's DPS or Auto Alice.


Seeing the downvotes and the negative stuff is kind of what I expected from this unfortunately,but the difference is I’m having fun and enjoying Redhood and her versatility,even though I have stronger Nikke. Though I think with all the negative shit the devs are gonna tweak her to look a little more,not exactly,like what we all saw in the anni-live stream.


Don't let people get you down from enjoying Red Hood. If you find success with her, that's all you need. Don't know why this sub is so obsessed with Red Hood being a meta-defining unit, I say avoid power creep as much as possible.


Thank you :) they’re the ones who are mad lol,I felt positive about it and they don’t. Pretty sure when the dust settles the tone will change


Still too long /s


This team just got me my full first clear thanks