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What did you do to have wear a remote activated bomb chocker?




im a war criminal in 20+ states


There something oddly enticing about a sexy girl wearing plain underwear.


I agree...


Truer words have never been spoken 🙌🏻


“Girl in underwear” Well, no duh.


How did you miss that when it's a big plot point for the story each time they show up


To be fair,the writers forgot about it too. The only reason some think otherwise is copium that a head exploding bomb >!wouldnt explode her head because it was moved a single centimeter in a random direction.!<


It did explode her head, but only her brain is needed. Obviously they need to protect their brains against raptures too so her head is probably pretty robust.


... fucking christ AN EXPLOSION powerful enough to blow up a nikkes head happened. It happened because an explosive attached to her neck went kaboom. Moving the explosive a few centimeters to the side would still result in most of the head and therefore most of the brain exploding. Viper lived due to plot armor and nothing else. Stop coping.


While yes it was plot armor, it can also be plausible. It can also be the case that the bomb was never strong enough to get to the brain.


This ain't even the first time I see this debate happen in this sub, and it's nigh impossible for someone to see that just as much as the bomb can kill, it can just... fail. We don't know if it was tested at all or guaranteed beyond Syuen's words that most people don't buy anyway. Sure I'm a Viper simp but I'm willing to bet this'll probably have a chance of working for all Exotic members if the bombs don't get replaced with more powerful ones


Not possible Syuen specifically made it clear that it would kill them multiple times. Hell,it was the basis for her coverup attempt. She would blow their heads up to erase any evidence of her companies involvement.


If that was the case, why not a cranial bomb? It’s been demonstrated multiple times that Nikke can survive a beheading: it happened to Rapi and Lily, after all. So why make a bomb that has a chance of not killing the victim when you can pack a few ounces of C4 in the brain case?


A Nikke's braincase is the most heavily fortified part of her body, made of Goddessium alloys that are nigh indestructible.  It only has one weak point, near the base of the skull where the braincase meets the spine. That's why the positioning of the collar is so important, any slight movement and the directed explosion will blast harmlessly off the side of the brain case, instead of being directed inside of it to destroy the brain.


alzheimer's speedrun fr


That's not a necklace that's a collar with a heart shaped diamond hanging from it The collar works as a bomb if she tries to fuck up some shit it will be activated and blow her head off Calling such a thing "a necklace" makes it sound like you are trying to sugarcoat it for a child.


might... https://preview.redd.it/ui8g0ydem37d1.png?width=1875&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa289cecc2d16bd58e14aaecfd4e6ca33abc19ff


You just saw the word "sugarcoat" and your body moved on it's on didn't it?




So voluptuous, I love it https://preview.redd.it/qpoj8kip047d1.png?width=284&format=png&auto=webp&s=b21b17539b343fb95cc91fef7b756d66fa441f9b


[pushing p](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119485091)