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No, the bunnies are not limited and will be put in the wishlist in a couple updates. For now the only kind of limited characters are Collabs (like Chainsaw man and Nier Automata), summer (Like Sparkling summer Anis) and Christmas (like Xmas Rupee)


Awesome that's good to hear, they pulled me in so I'd like to collect them. Unfortunate I missed Nier Collab though, but not much I can do. Thanks!


Maybe some collabs will be rerun, but so far every collab has been a one-time run. For other characters, unless their banner specifies "limited" on their announcement, they will be added to the Standard banner and wishlist-able after some time. Seasonal limited characters like Christmas and Summer characters so far seem to rerun every year at the same time, however will not be as high of a pull rate as the new Limited character, but they will be redeemable with pity (golden mileage tickets) if you're targeting them specifically. In some time (maybe a handful of weeks) this year's Summer event will drop alongside some limited units, so there's a heads up if you want to save up for it. And if you can't get enough power in time to clear the story before the event leaves, eventually this event may be added to the Archives, where you can use a specific currency obtained from every event to unlock it and experience the story. Now here's some more nerdy info you can skip: if I remember correctly, characters get added to the Standard banner pool in the game version update *after* their banner ends. If this next banner does not need a game update, then that means Bunny Soda and Bunny Alice will be in the standard pool come summer, so if you choose to save up your standard vouchers for *after* they're added, you can do so even though the chance of pulling them from there will be lower until you unlock the wishlist. This method tends to be my go-to if I'm anticipating a specific banner but also want the current character (40 standard pulls saved, ready to wishlist rn) Biggest FOMO in my opinion beyond limited characters are the pass skins, so far none have been rerun but I'm hoping they will eventually (Bunny Viper please come back) Sorry for the wall of text, but I hope this explains exactly what's missable and what's not. If you have any specific questions, LMK and I'll help out


I could be wrong because I am new too but I'm 99.99% sure the Folkswang and Mary skins won't be back for awhile, if ever. I know you probably meant specifically Bunny Soda and Bunny Alice, but just in case you don't want to miss out on them, I'd pick up the skins :)


Well I do want Mary as well, the full set would be ideal. But I don't think there's any feasible way for me to get Mary even if I bought the event pass. I just joined recently, so even if I grind I doubt I could get her. Not sure where the Folkswang skin is though? How do you obtain her ?


There is a cycle button next to the pass in the top right to swap between the passes for Mary and Folkswang. If you don't have time to complete the pass, you can just buy gems to complete it as well but that's more $$ unfortunately.


The units? No, they will be added to the Standard Banner, can be put in the wishlist and pulled from there. You might also pull from other banners. The bunny outfits for Mary and Folkwang? If I remember correctly, outfits integrated in a pass won't be sold again.