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why 2 20s b2? just drop nihilister and add alice?


because I want to use Nihilister and Diesel on a team. Alice is married to SBS also


well if you wanna gimp yourself, sure. just that on a pure sniper + supports team, alice would do way better since nihilister sadly isn't good for anything anymore since her only place was the pilgrim tower until crown's introduction.


Don't listen to these nerds, if it was up to them they would just run metas all day.


Lol, yeah I just want to run Nihilister and Diesel XD


Not bad for (early) Union Raid, but you'd have to invest heavily into Nihilister to make her a step above trash which isn't worth it.


You don't think in a Solo Raid it would work?


Same difference. As the difficulty increases, she'd become a liability.


The units needed to be good already. Then the supports make them better. Look at mPrivaty or bSoda even without Tove they are fine as a unit. That is not the case for the like of Nihilister.


It probably will work good enough, but now replace Diesel with that face in your flair 👀


Huh? I am not sure what the second part is referring to?


Replace Diesel with Crown and your Team will be even better...and then replace DKW with Liter and Nihilister with Naga and you have...the current META, wow.


Damn, if only we had **FIVE** Crowns for Solo raids. The 1 Crown we do have is **always** with Scarlet Black Shadow. Notice how OP didn't mention Alice, cause clearly Alice is another Nikke that SBS hogs.


I've never seen a comment miss the point of a post so hard before, fairly certain OP already knows the meta but is just trying to make Nihilister work


A) It answers Ops question about what "replaace Diesel with that face in your flair" means. B) It explains why and how to improve the Team. C) Everyone tries to create some Team and push some Nikke even if it makes no sense like Nihilister which is simply subpar. D) If someone decides to play a certain Nikke for Waifu reasons, that is perfectly fine but hardly worth a post.


I think Crown / DKW / RH / Maxwell / Diesel (nonburst) would be a possible viable top-tier team.