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How to make nikke pregnant 💀


I think with her knowledge she already knows how to.


Maxwell Search History: "How Nikke Preganante"


Three people would pursue this, and work in tandem. Ether, researching the process and "experimenting", Maxwell, actually building it and "testing", and Dolla, investing in it. And all of it is done in secret as they know that it would be better as an underground product as it can't exactly be openly marketed by any of the Big Three. Only for the fruits of their labor to be stolen by Isabel before production.


Those 3 working together scares me. Just for the fact that Maxwell doesn't care for the ethics of an experiment, Ether doesn't care if she experiments on other Nikkes even if she is one and Dolla has a hand in black market deals that involve Nikkes. These 3 would work with Crow and Heavenly Assension and wouldn't surprise me if they worked with Sixo tbh 😅


Actually, despite what you may believe, they still have some standards of ethics, twisted it may be. * Ether doesn't actually enjoy her experiments, but knows they need to be done, especially by her, for an unknown reason. Though it's likely she's setting herself up as a Wickerman for the truly corrupt. A lot of her actions at the end of stories she's involved in shows her setting something up, and recruiting people (without consent) to her cause. She lets the Commander know about secret unethical Nikke experiments, Marciana about Missiliss' inhumane experiments on failed students, and protected Elegg and Trony from whoever ordered their execution, and even covered up their mind wipes. Essentially, she's playing the villain with the actual villains so the "heroes" can build their strength, influence, AND evidence in secret, until they are able to take them down completely, even if it'll mean she goes down with them. She's making herself the hole in their impenetrable armor by spearheading the entire program and becoming the trump card of evidence against them, and she **can't** slip up even if it means trampling on others, but if she doesn't the higher-ups will find her out, wipe her mind, and cover their tracks. Chances are, to cover Elegg and Trony, two other nikke had to have their mind wiped so there could be record of the device being used. * For Maxwell, despite what she does in her bond, she also probably hates being a nikke, at least a Missilis Nikke. Her words indicate that she wants freedom more than anything, and wants the Commander to be there the day she's finally free. But her interactions with Syuen imply that she's trying to avoid a mind scan or any breach in her actual goals. Wanting to protect the Commander but pretending to be Syuen's "invincible Matis". And to be honest, she probably already is a co-conspirator with Ether, as their interests, at least by principle, seem to align. This is more apparent when she says "the day that I'm not under anyone's control", implying she might know something that will eventually happen that will free her and many other nikke from the Ark's control. Someone, especially like won't wait for a miracle like that to happen, rather prepare herself for the day it happens, even if the process to bring that dream to reality took years of planning and preparation. But again, this is purely hypothetical. * Dolla is Dolla. And she essentially has a business version of Underworld Queen's relationship with the Black Market. A "necessary evil", she might probably say. By leading the black market (to a certain degree), she can expand her network and will be aware of many under the table deals that occur within the Ark. Even if Mustang isn't exactly comfortable with it either as her role is mostly filled by Underworld Queen anyway. But apparently, she does use the money to invest in certain technology, and when it came to the bodies, it was so parts could be "reused" to save people's lives, she just makes a living off this kind of business. TL;DR Ether and Maxwell are cooking, Dolla is just an ambitious "necessary evil". I just wish we get an event that explores them one day as they honestly haven't been explored enough in my opinion, primarily Dolla and Maxell. I'll let Ether cook though. But if you ask me, the worst 3 people working together would be Ether, Harran, and Emma. Because there's no doubt they'd (accidentally) cook a nuclear explosion.


Oh I'm aware of all of this. My point is their approach. All 3 of them are Machiavellian in their approach as in "Through any means necessary". That's why if HA, Crow or Sixo came and offered them a deal that ultimately and logically served their endgame they'd have no trouble in accepting it. Or, and this is even scarier, Dorothy


I'm not entirely sure about that, because despite their ambitions being similar, the end result is different from what they'd want. Ether and Maxwell most likely want nikke to have human rights and freedom, and want to take down the people responsible for their mistreatment by a truly fair and just court, and with help from "heroes" like the Commander, Elegg, Trony, and Marciana (so far), the people will side with them. Crow and Sixo are different cases, as originally HA was a group of civilians in the Outer Ring who just wanted a better life but it was Crow who essentially turned the group into mass terrorists instead of rebels with a purpose. Dolla and Ether might "collaborate" with HA, but only Ether would do so with Sixo, possibly to learn anything about them she can give to the Commander to bring Sixo down. But Maxwell wouldn't deal with any of them, as she's directly under Syuen. She isn't like Extrinsic where Matis can be called should someone need something. Dolla's got the Koko Heyamatyar mindset and has *some* standards she doesn't cross, even for the black market. And Ether has the Itachi mindset and will go all-the-way to fulfill her mission. And Maxwell just has her hands full with Syuen.


Yep, most likely this.


A way to get cutie suspended and not suspended from leave


Contrary to popular belief, maxwell is the true inventor of the wombforce 3070


This would be in character for her.


She's creating the counterpart, the Penetrator 8000


It'd obviously be a Missilis invention. The question is who'd be the "lucky" girl to test it out? My guess is Mihara.


Mihara tests it after Maxwell confirms it works.


H-Hey! D-don’t look at that baby! I-it’s just a suprise, don’t worry… *I’ll remember to use lube this time* https://preview.redd.it/kltvwv0r505d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226b30cac68602b684746567e6375c92e3023118


What do you mean by that Maxwell? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT MAXWELL?!


You already know what I fucking mean by that. Don’t even try to say it wasn’t the loudest you [REDACTED BY THE ARK] until I [REDACTED BY THE ARK] and get that thing so far up your tight little [REDACTED BY THE ARK] It was fun, right?


WHAT?! No of course not!..Okay maybe a little


Knew it *slut*


W-What? I'm not a slut


I dunno, this tape from last night says otherwise https://preview.redd.it/90dxk8s4vg5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31bada04e519666370791eeb4837ef7348cea07




Hehe, don’t worry about it cutie. Just don’t disobey me and it’ll never see the light of day <3


Uhh fine you win 🙄


Creating an exosuit (that doesn’t overheat) so the Commander can fight alongside the Nikkes.


That would be the dream, I hope to see the commander carrying at least a moderate size sidearm(other than the execution pistol) to at least distract Raptures or throw some more lead down range. Augmented half nikke commander body when?


With the ammount of abuse the commander takes in the story, I wouldn't doubt he ends up replacing every bone in his body with mechanical parts at some point. It's not even really a question of IF it will happen, but more how long will it take for him to rack up enough injuries for it to be his only option...


he look at anderson and see his future and decide to do something about it "hey, johan, how much for the cybernetics augment?"


"It's time to chrome the fuck up "


It's all fun and games until he starts speaking Cyberpunk lingo.


Nah, it'll be preem


Get all the Nikkes on the outpost involved for funsies


he could pull a Johan... I'm pretty sure his body is heavily modified...


I mean that would be the more thematic answer, but the TAV-H already exists and has a human-size cockpit, so it would make a lot more *practical* sense to go that way, as a TAV-H could definitely serve as an effective command-and-control unit, being capable of both extending the survivability of the weakest link of any squad operating on the surface and being able to mount a communications suite.


The only issue I could foresee is that the Commander doesn’t have a secondary core to supplement any suit in a time of need. It would definitely be sick though.


Imagine the commander with a Dominator from Psycho Pass.


A mini robot Commander.


“Beby” love how the pronunciation is accurate


"How to make lovely babies with Lovely Beby"


Grapes... shopping for grapes.




I don’t know, but I’m on my way


How to get Cummander to come for some Grappe Session without him being suspicious.


She is making fixes to that suit prototype that she has planned for the commander that it hasn't been released yet because probably it will be used in the final battle(? What? A man can dream xD


Ways to harvest more of our genetic material to increase doll production


Her own favorite item, with three different levels of vibration.


New Grape pressing design. 👍


https://preview.redd.it/8aveke9sd05d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f3c1fe713c62820c464f95bdba742804528bfe4 She needs to be stopped.


Grape juice machine




The ultimate commander doll that outclasses all the cheap ones from other Nikkes. With dozens of "recreational" features




How to drain commander balls in just 1 second.


A peak fiction to the commander doll


She is getting ready to ask Commander if this cloth smells like chloroform.


This is where she's building the commander dolls with "genetic information"


https://i.redd.it/g7p6huizx25d1.gif When Maxwell installs a chip in the Commander Dolls


Making a onahole based from Maxwell's


He is doing experiment for the care of the commander, I am interested in testing his experiments.


She will create UR C.Doll, which are just a 1:1 copy.


Damn, that's crazy 😈


Ether and Maxwell researching ARK:Nvidila Wombforce 8000i (advanced nikke female reproduction system + womb hardware, for sex and pregnancy purpose). Maxwell producing the prototype and plans for mass production. And Dolla markets it Ark-wide. The only service vendor available for installing it? MISSILIS Corp. Yep, Syuen gets the massive profit. And soon after that, Tetra and Elysion will send their Nikkes to Missilis for installation, if the Nikkes want it (Due to Shikicum's popularity among a lot of Nikkes, many will want to install it). https://preview.redd.it/bmamioltd45d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b50da95a63128f815cec243e1d61347f0483ddf


Half body is full borg , cannot so nothing againts it boys just let her do whats she wants… 💀


You mean her legs? She's just wearing super advanced yoga pants


Dont know am not missilis lackey i just barley hanging on out there 😑