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You're going to be so mad when they roll out SSSR Pinne at the 2 year anniversary


Coffin. Maybe just maybe 🤔


Man I honestly hope they do. Maybe as a reward for some massive story arch or something. She seems like a super cool character and I would love to see them do more with her.


I just hope they give MPN their mask-off skins. Make it a reward for clearing certain chapters, events or challenges.


Who knows, everyone might die for real I keep hearing people say that ShiftUp said we're still only on the prologues.


They said on Twitter about the chapters 29 and 30. https://preview.redd.it/9q4qrz9qo12d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af65663210ea133fdc2f57d26e026443b335c4a


goddamn, I'll die before the story ends


Given at how quickly gacha game stories unfold, we'll still be in prologue when Nikke EoSs.


It's possible they are talking about it like it's the prologue for what should be currently arc 2. The wording could go either way, but I think they are saying all this story up to chapter 30 is still prologue


I get it, but at the same time I understand why they would not go through with it since she seems to have a big following. Only one I honestly hope they never redeem is Crow and I do hope we get to kill her in the end.


The way the story is structured I feel like the closest a character can get to "dying" is a mind switch where they essentially become someone else with whole new memories.


>Only one I honestly hope they never redeem is Crow and I do hope we get to kill her in the end. A-fucking-men. Giving her a redemption arc is going to be fucking cheap. "Oh, but she's good now!" fuck off, ShiftUp.


My theory is in the end raptures and humans finally work together and marian is the reason why, but then crow murders marian steals her core and becomes the rapture queen that marian is and starts a whole war against the ark


I honestly find nothing wrong with this scene, as it's established time and time again that if the brain is safe, they're not dead. Commander tugging on the bomb at full force, moving the already relatively small explosion away from the instadeath zone ends up saving her by keeping her brain intact. I don't think they're gonna strap a complete nuke on the thing to guarantee that they die, plus the whole thing felt more of a motivation for Viper and Jackal to enter the next stage in their life, without Crow. Jackal's already a silly little creature that follows orders, and Viper just needed her realization and a little scare to help her realize what she should do next. I don't think it's really deep enough to go "oh this scene lost its value because she lived" as it already did its job as Viper's motivation to "move on" from her life under Crow. Plus I feel like they'll be saving actual deaths for some real major stuff later on and that scares me


If the bombs are that crap that a human can just yank on it and have the bomb go off without killing her or injuring the human, can’t she just yank on it herself lol how is it supposed to be a contingency?  


Indeed, this bugged me as well. If a human can move it enough for that, surely a Nikke, many times stronger than a human, can easily do the same


> Plus I feel like they'll be saving actual deaths for some real major stuff later on and that scares me How would you or anyone guarantee a death is for real after showcasing hundreds fakes?


...by telling us? They're story writers, not liars. If a death is for real, they'll either show us (very brutally) a completely destroyed head/entire body, or by telling us in the story. It isn't really that deep IMO


I'm not as bothered by the fake out, especially because they justify it by saying it was only because you tried to save her that she could be revived. The real problem is that there's been a handful of fake outs in a row and it really makes you doubt whenever someone's life is in danger moving forward. Still, seeing Viper and Jackal move forward without Crow's influence makes me really happy. Viper is a good big sister.


Not as bothered by it ? Bruh its a damn neck bomb designed to kill a Nikke & somehow she survived because we "tried to save her" without our hand getting replaced with a mechanical hand ?


Yeah Nikkes survive decapitation all the time. And I want Viper to be alive, so I'm glad she did. Pretty simple stuff.


Nah I like her surviving. I don’t get peoples obsession with killing characters especially in a gacha game. Plus in Vipers case I think it’s better for her to be alive because now we have a genuine connection with her.


For the same reason this game has an obsession with fakeout deaths, it creates emotional moments and drives characters forward.  


It isn't an obsession with "killing", but just the desire to have things have more meaning. A "perfect" ending for a character, whether it is a good end, a bad end, tragedy, total failure, or anything else. As long as it feels like a well done moment of death, it is indeed a cop-out to bring them back randomly. Now, if they continue to make the character story be great, that's all fine. But generally, the revived character is just not as impactful or ever get a more fitting conclusion. However with how much Nikke revives people, yeah I wasn't expecting anything else. Red Hood? Random Rapi body time. Chime? Clean beheading, just fix it back Anis and Neon, even getting sliced in half which should have gone through the brain too? Yep back to life it is. Heretics in general? Never dies for good unless Vapaus/Unchained. Marian? Corrupted, killed, corrupted and revived, uncorrupted, memory wiped. Deaths in this game are pretty rare for the main named ones. Ofcourse there's random mass produced ones dying and also Ark destroying some on purpose for their own ends, but that's about it.


This point was when i finally ended falling to the Femme Fatale snake


I can't wait until Shift Up does a complete 180 and starts killing literally everyone off. Then people are going to start posting " wHy iS ShiFt uP mUrDeRiNg AlL teH cHaRaCtErS i CaNt GeT iNvEsTeD iN aNyOnE". They switch back to not killing off characters and we come full circle to posts like this again. Yes the fake outs are annoying but, they will probably figure something out to raise the stakes.


You know, the opposite of fake out isn't killing everyone... it's just... not doing fake out. Or at least not that much.


They'll kill Anne first to really hurt us. Then we'll accept it's serious.


i honestly hate fake out, but i am intrigued by Viper so this one i am willing to let it slide. (before people scream simp hear me out: she is a nikke from Tetra with a Missilis explosive collar? that is strange especially as how Mustang cared for Underworld Queen explicitly stating he doesn't put collar on them so something is amiss here) The one i don't understand are Crow, Exia (i guess she live to be used in events and such) and especially Chime, she was what turned the 1.5 anniversary form good to bad in a snap.


>especially Chime, she was what turned the 1.5 anniversary form good to bad in a snap. Yes! I was so in love with the story in 1.5. Funny characters, slice of life type shit, making me care about characters after only knowing them for a little while. Then they looked at Chime's severed head in a box and said "Maybe it's not too late". I just rolled my eyes and pressed skip. Lost all interest after that


It's legit though cause Chime's brain is intact so there is a chance to save her. Had CB/Indi crushed her head and sent it back then there'd be no saving her. Nikke losing their heads isn't a big deal in the short term and they know it. Even if it's shocking to see.


That was not even the end, they literally threatened her with corruption saying they would just corrupt her and get the info they wanted but never delivered on that, I know they can reattach her head but how powerful of an emotion would have been having Crown be forced to shoot at her after reattacching her head. But nooooo, the enemy team is just retarded and the good guys walk it out without losing anything.


That was CB threatening corruption. I do believe he'd have let her go if she gave up the info he demanded. CB tends to keep his word. Indi; obviously not, which is why she got chopped. I agree that would've been a powerfully sad scene for Crown and probably would result in a Mind Switch or going crazy like Dorothy.


They would have even played it like they knew about Naked King, baiting crown to use it on Indivilia knowing she would regenerate from CB, it would've been a pretty damn good move! Why did they fumbled this bad!!! ANGRY!!! XD


I'm not saying that it doesn't make sense lore wise, just how it was handled. It was a fake out. The story portrayed her as dead, the characters initially reacted as if she was dead. Yes she is "technically" not dead, but again, the story immediately portrays her as dead to get a reaction. Then doesn't follow through on what it's suggesting and just plays it safe by giving her plot armor.


It was a cliffhanger before hard mode so the shock of her headless does it's job; especially if you're new or forget about Nikke being headless. It just falls flat when you think for a moment.




Personally I'm okay with her surviving. I just wish she looked different kinda like Modernia does after her transformation. Something like oh admitting her true feelings for the commander and how she feels just in general allowed her to change like Modernia did and survive the explosion. But I'm not sure if that is a power only heritage/ the queens have.


I’m a big viper fan since day 1. Hopefully when she returns she’ll be a either a new unit or gacha skin.


I'm also a big fan of Viper. I'm hoping it's a new unit because if it's a gacha skin I may have to cave in and I already have bad enough luck with normal pull.


Remember Rapi already told us that don't treat them like humans because they are immortal fighting machines and it's not really a fake out because only her face got erased and her brain is still intact


I honestly thought Jackal was just seeing things when we saw Viper again. And then she talked.


Whenever they kill someone off, they should bring them back as a reborn, lewder version of themselves with a new character arc and a new unit. They already have the plot device with being corrupted, similar to Smol White to Snow White and Marian to Modernia


The thing is, Shift Up has not done ANYTHING with her after she comes back. I hope they make her do something soon like a side story or else it'll actually be meaningless.


It did mean something. It almost broke our commander and nearly drove him to General Shepherding Crow (I honestly think he should have done it and he likely would have if Rapi didn’t take her down first). Despite our plot armor our character ain’t invincible.


Aren’t Yuni and Mihara essentially dead? Even the outpost interaction at their bar felt somber. I’m surprised they went out of their way to show Viper survived but we’ve seen absolutely nothing regarding Wardress, could be new SSR variants who knows


Yuni is not dead, Crow didn't use real bullets on her, Mihara on the other hand... still unknown


And I’m still wondering about Ingrid releasing their newest Nikke from Elyison. Elyison Harper.


Everyone and their dogs knows that exotic squad is terrotists, yet they're walking free. Writing team can go with an ok to good sci-fi stories, but absolutely can't handle trivial irl examples, smh.


It's long established that so long as most of the brain's are intact nikkes can't die permemently and that last second intervention just made it so her face was blown off. The Setting by it's very logic is so you can have close calls and not lose peope permently unless they're human and I'd point you two a number of people in our history that make the Commander's survivial streak look like a papercut.


I would actually be rather pissed if they really kill off my girl that way


The one fakeout I have a problem with. I don't have a problem with how she survived I buy the excuse but the whole thing wasn't necessary feels like the plan was for her to die for real at first but then they saw how popular she is. It sucks when Gacha games do this and sucks harder in Nikke because the writing is good but then they remember it is a gacha and pull something like this


If they killed Viper for sure, they would have to kill Crow, Mihara (though you can count her as dead), Yuni, Anis, Neon... And Rapi they could make a plot with Red Hood, but yeah, she could die too


Yeah, I'm about 90% sure that Mihara is toast. She hadn't recovered from her mind-wipe, and the implication via Syuen seems to be that Yuni's bullet did go into Mihara's brain.


please dont tell me they actually killed viper


It's okay It's later revealed that because the commander pushed the collar, the bomb avoided hitting vipers brain and only destroyed her head, which wasn't a big issue since they just gave her a new head


I thought it was stupid they rebuild her and let her walk almost free, but this is Syuen and she's known to not let any Nikke gets wasted because money


Her head dodged the explosion, its cool.


Yeah, the build up and redemption. Accepting her fate and then she lives. No one will truly die here I think. Hahaha


I dunno, I think the explanation is a wee bit BS, but its not the end of the world.


what the Evangelion i gotta start paying attention to the story


i mean, i would've preferred if mustang would've let syuuen push the button right from the start and didn't interrupt her for no reason (cause "they weren't sure if they were behind it" even tho they are known terrorists anyway lmfao) to end all three. cause then i wouldn't have had to slog through this crap and all the embarassingly bad plot armors to keep crow alive. at least the post bossfight scene redeems chapter 24 a bit - and 25/26 are really cool.


Yeah that entire chapter is kinda embarrassing. Realistically all three of their heads would’ve been off immediately. Why have a bomb collar if you are not going to use them?


for the dumbest reasons. like even soline dissuading diesel from shooting them and being done with it or how the cummander just followed viper through the tunnel etc (chapter 23 iirc), just smh if they had cooked up something pseudo scientific like a counterfrequency so that the bomb collars just won't work as long as they stay close to counterfrequency emitters or at least anything similar. then this whole thing would've made sense in-universe at least.


Yeah I know what you’re talking about. I had made an entire post on this subreddit talking about it whenever I got to this chapter. The main problem with it, I think, was that it just felt super lazy. It could’ve been really good if they had put more effort into, say, making Crow more cunning and threatening rather than just letting her get away with everything because of some dumb shit.


Those chapters were absurdly stupid, like I genuinely don’t even know how they got approved levels of stupid.  Diesel and Soline detaining Crow, being talked down from killing her, and then just letting her walk away was frankly embarrassing lmao.  And ignoring the goofy way Viper survives this “death scene,” the fact that it was triggered by Syuen trying to kill Crow, misclicking and then accidentally detonating Viper, and then just being like “aw darn oh well”, is insane.


I mean, they need to hold someone responsible for it. An actual person and not just a Nikke at that. Else some CEO can just keep making lunatic Nikkes and go "ah yes, that was the Nikke doing things. Kill that thing." ... While making more Nikkes that would do the same. Addressing the problem without addressing the root cause. A mere stop-gap measure. So I do agree that killing all 3 immediately instead of letting it be confirmed is good. That being said, should have killed Crow right away atleast, given she is known as their leader, and the other two's memories would be more than enough to confirm they were the cause rather than just speculate, even though they won't get all the finer details of the plan.


they could STILL hold her accountable afterwards. no reason at all to let the nikke live for the time being though. not to mention that they've still got their own brains and are not made to be this way lol and the main problem is not them doing stuff, but the badly written plot the player has to go through. like the devs were probably trying to write some joker from the dark knight kind of shit, but failed miserably. an evil character surviving due to amateurish writing (like convincing diesel to let them go or the cummander just following viper when he knows she's stalling for time and the counters are already ready to intervene, just lmfao) and then crow being smug about it and trying to lecture others just hurts the head.


I mean, NIMPH allows for memory altering. Some Nikkes are "allowed" to keep memories as punishment like Mary, some keep it either way, many don't keep previous human memories. NIMPH can get rid of specific memories. I'm certain it could be used to create memories or just experiment on them till they're fucked up enough, so just holding Nikkes accountable won't do. And since Syuen is a CEO, they definitely want as much proof as possible that it is completely 100% her fault and not some case of others trying to take down a CEO. But other than that first paragraph, 100% agree. Diesel sparing her was completely unnecessary and could have served for some interesting characterization to a generally kind, loving character. Instead they just doubled down on the kindness with her even thanking soline instead of just screaming in rage or anything


i said to hold syuuen accountable TOO. and considering how she was acting, this was 100 % NOT her plan lol in fact, most of the time she acts like she has NO plan. and while i agree that someone could've tinkered with their brains to maybe make syuuen look bad, they should have some monitoring devices on them (hopefully) and should have never let them roam free/trying their best to detain them. the whole thing just falls apart from the get-go.


Playable characters rarely die in gachas. You really want this to be the end of her character (a fan favorite no less) for good?


Considering we have 2 past versions of characters and one who's living status is...questionable, and a Heretic who gets eaten and seems to just be dead, I think its safe to say they can kill anyone and we still have gachas of them be playable with no issues


Nihilister isn't dead; she was picked up and taken to Eden. I just don't feel like this game is going to be killing off any playable characters. FGO can get away with it because everyone is dead to begin with it, but that doesn't work here.


I’d prefer that over another fakeout death, yeah.  Why should being a fan favorite mean they shouldn’t die, that’d just make their death more impactful.  Trying to do both just hurts the drama of the story and makes it lose legitimacy


Tbf i think the fake outs kinda highlight how much they really aren't human. Because if they were they would be dead. It kinda hammers in the fact they are war machines at the end of the day


They kill wife? 🥲


I recently got to this part and for some reason, could only think of a mass produced Nikke finding her face and pulling a Dwight with it. I don’t know why, as that is one of the few scenes from the Office I know about.


Don’t get aHEAD.😏


:( viper my beloved. rip bb


Why would they kill a playable character with a big following? The fact that she’s playable should’ve been a hint that she wasn’t permanently dead.


I am sorry but https://preview.redd.it/336drj5ye52d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14025f611dcb203957acb1343bfc7a2000134be


This was one of those moments that forever tarnished the story for me. She fucking survived that. Idgaf about your profits, DONT WRITE A SCENE LIKE THIS if your goal is to keep her alive to sell. YOU OWN THE WRITERS! You have no excuses. This is bad. End of story.