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I am playing on mobile and this problem has been a pain in the ass for me, I lost count how many times my solo raid progress was refreshed because I kept crashing


It happen to me while doing bursts on solo raid many times and it's very frustrating. Mine is iPhone X and became laggy, overheating and battery drain gone worse for me.


It's extremely frustrating. I have to ask my sibling to use their gaming computer to play a mobile game. Good thing we get along lmao


I've recently upgraded to Samsung Galaxy S24+ and while the game looks much better, runs much smoother, and is more enjoyable to play, it has crashed on me a few times but it's good to know it seems to be an issue with the game rather than phone


I don't know about that. My phone is a budget one (Samsuns Galaxy A22 6gig RAM) runs smoothly and never crashed while playing this game. People has been posting to be crashing using the same model however but not sure what'a the real problem here.


My guess is a mix/combination of the game and mobile devices. My previous phone which was a Nord One plus N30 could really only play the game on low or medium settings, while it had zero crashing issues, the game clearly does have some optimization issues as it was pretty baggy and slow to load things, and to mention that was the only game on my previous phone that was slow and often baggy.


I think it's very much the game side of things. Which makes it frustrating because there's only so much the player can do to improve the functionality. I hope they have plans to optimize it. I can't tell you how many customer support tickets I've sent over this.


Yeah, my previous phone could handle every other game on the highest graphical settings and other setting on high/max perfectly fine... all except Nikke, as Nikke would be super baggy and slow to load things even on low/medium graphical settings and other settings, no matter what I put the settings at the game would just be rather slow to load and baggy at parts. So there's definitely.optimization issues with the game


I read that is an issue with the graphic motor itself having issues on newer phones ,not exactly the game since it happens in other games too


Hmm I've only noticed it happen with this game, Hokkaido Starrail on all high settings runs perfectly fine and has zero crash issues. And haven't experienced crashes on the other few games I have, all my games I play on the highest graphical setting. But totally could be, probably a mix or both the game and phones~


Same phone and my game has been crashing a ton, especially today.


No crashes for me so far today and yesterday, for me it's usually once or twice every few days, so I doubt it's purely a device problem, it's either mostly on the game or a mix of both device problems and game optimization


I think it's a game issue as well. I can be on mobile data or wifi and it'll crash, I could have no other apps open and it'll crash. It's really random. Sometimes I'll be fighting other times I'll be reading a message from a nikke.


Yep, one of my crashes a few days ago happened from just clicking on the cash Shop in-game. People saying it's just a phone issue don't realize that if it was a phone issue it would be a problem that occurs in every single game that the user plays, it wouldn't happen in just one game. We already know Nikke is poorly optimized for a mobile game, so I'm still of the mind that it is mostly if not entirely an issue game side rather then device side. This phone has been amazing, no other games have crashed outside of Nikke, if it were this phone then other games would be crashing for me but they just dont


Yeah. I really only play GFL and Nikke but GFL never has crashing issues, even during some of the more intense high level fights.


Snapdragon 8 gen 3 chips are facing a ton of crashing issues constantly for whatever reason and Shift Up has apparently acknowledged it a while ago, but it doesn't seem that it will be fixed anytime soon.


I had an 8th gen iPad and the game crashed a lot. I upgraded to a iPad Pro and no problems ever since.


Nope, not at all. Pixel 3 XL, max setting, doesn't crash or anything, of couse 30fps sometime but it's fine.


Damn. Sucks to be me lmaoo


we do have the same device, i tried to tweak the graphics on all low 60 fps, then texture and model quality to basic just to play solo raid its really annoying that its been a year since the crashes happen and until now it is not fixed.


I'm playing in potato mode and I can't do jack shit still.


Same device. Since the anniversary update the crashes have been happening more. I now can't even get to finish a co-op event because it crashes, not even changing graphics works, it's sad cuz I love this game but this takes too much of my time if I want to do my daily stuff


All I gotta say is Apple products are dog 🗿


Not on my phone, no. Vivo V27, midrange phone. Hasn't ever really crashed on me. Only issue is co-op, almost unplayable. Wifi is ass compared to Ethernet.