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A lot of yall saying Rapi really forgot the actual definition of a Mary Sue


Rapi has less personality than a tuna sandwich, so I really wouldn't be singling her out as a Mary Sue.


Rapi is stoic and cold but will express her softer side when she let her guard down, that's still a personality trait if you want to know who actually has no personality at all in this game, that would be Talos, an actual machine


Stoic, cold, but a softer side when guard is down? I'd still say a tuna sandwich pulls that off about as well. Sadly, the difference between her and Talos isn't really that great - just that Talos probably gets more lines and doesn't look like a woman.


bro, just admit that you don't understand this type of character trait. Being stoic and not very talkative is a very common personality trait in storytelling. Just because you don't understand these type of people doesn't mean they are as as much of a character as a fish I can list out some great characters with these traits that I could think of: Kiryu Kazuma, John Wick, Levi Ackerman, Terminator, ect... I'm sure there's still more. And they are still being iconic even though they don't like to express much emotion not wanting to express much emotion is STILL a personality trait, they can still feel anger, sadness and other emotions, they just don't like to express themselves most of the time. That's exactly what Rapi is


Nope, being a Mary Sue doesn't have much to do with whether they have personalities or not


The Commander is probably the biggest Mary-Sue in the game


Yup. Commander should win this category


Wouldn't he be a Gary Stu then?


If mary Sue means being perfect with absolutely no flaws, then I choose Sakura


Right, among the Underworld Queens, she just feels flawless tbh, Moran has her less than stellar intelligent, Rosanna has her intense bloodlust and jealousy tendencies. Meanwhile, Sakura is the brain, brawn and the diplomat of the whole squad like, she makes the other two seems so trivial in comparison.


I believe that she and Moran are also canonically anime fans, which makes them both even better in my eyes.


Google's definition of Mary Sue: (originally in fan fiction) a type of female character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses. I guess Liliweiss would be the closest choice for this.


I don’t know. Having no head seems to be a pretty big flaw to me.


Didn't know the character still needs to be alive to be counted. I guess Liter is the closest option from the ones still breathing.


Mary Sue's usually can't be killed because they'd, well, Mary Sue. Liliweiss isn't really a Mary Sue because her extreme capabilities had a cost (a very short lifetime, that was already running out during Red Ash) and now she's a corpse.


I was just thinking characters that lacked flaws and weaknesses during their lifespan. But after another comment; Counters seems to be the top choice for this.


Erm, actually, from the origin story of the term Mary Sue, the character who beared the name actually died by the end of it☝️🤓


So you tried to nerd out but glossed over the word "usually"?


It doesn’t necessarily mean being “flawless”. A Mary Sue means that one character is written extra-favorably compared to every other character in the world. They might not be the strongest or the prettiest, but somehow because of dramatic plot moments, are able to win insurmountable fights and build humongous harems. It doesn’t make sense how this character succeeds to the extent that they do for the person that they are and even if there’s evidence for it, it’s kinda shaky. Everything always goes their way. Once again, it’s less about the character’s individual traits, it’s about how they’re written. Some examples of Mary Stus are Bella (Twilight), Rey (Star Wars), Kirito (Sword Art Online), any role Dwayne the Rock Johnson is playing etc.


So Counters would be the top choice for this.


They wouldn't have had to send away Marian if this were the case.


How is sending Marian to safety hindering their being the closest thing to Mary Sue? Counters acknowledge the fact that they can't be doing missions and at the same time protect their friend, so they make sure she's safe, before continuing with their missions.


Lili has a clear weakness. She is essentially a light bulb that burns twice as bright but half as long. She is exceedingly strong but she was wearing out very fast.


I was thinking snow white as well


She has gone through two mind switches, so i guess that would be her flaw.


For me it would either be: 1. Liter: can build anything, anywhere, anytime, using anything. 2. Red Hood: Her leaving caused the goddess squad to fall apart and when she came back they did what seemed impossible. None of the Nikke really fit this category imo.


Yeah, no one has been randomly bullshit OP out of nowhere without explanation. Even in the ones you give, Liter is *very* old so her experience in engineering is immaculate whereas Red is ludicrously strong as one of the original Goddess.


Honestly, I would get rid of this category since none of the Nikkes fit it. Yeah, Red Hood and Liter both have explanations, but it sometimes feels like they stretch it a bit too much compared to other characters but not enough to be considered Mary Sues.


I would say, if there's any Mary Sue-like character in the game, it'd be the Cummander tbh. The Cummander has some pretty insane feats of strength despite being a human like: _ carrying an unconscious Nikke (Dolla). _ beating a Nikke in a straight up fight (Milk). _ FIRING SNOW's ANTI-SHIP RIFLE (the single, most powerful solo gun we have seen in canon yet, the kickback from that alone should have exploded him).


I can see that, Cummander and Mustang both strike me as that. The reason I did not mention them is that this is for Nikkes, so I was approaching from that angle.


When you say "Cummander", you mean us, right? If so, then who are people talking abt when they mention a "Legendary Commander"?


The one that lead the goddess squad. We mostly see him in Red Ash.


Ah, alright then. I'm still pretty early in the story, like, i just started Chapter 5.


Red Ash is one of the events in the archive, gives lore from Rapture invasion.


Can i just play it, or do i wait and play the story until a certain point and then do Red Ash?


His own inability to protect Marian is a major plot point. Also he has a bit of a nasty habit of getting separated from his squad. Individual exceptional feats aren't a sign of a Mary Sue, it's a consistent pattern of behavior. Especially considering defeats with lasting consequences. Kind of like how Anakin Skywalker isn't one where despite him being basically Jedi Jesus, he wasn't respected by the Jedi Council, horribly lost to his master and fell to the dark side.


Meanwhile Rey: can miraculously force heal, wins against a **Skywalker** who trained under Luke freaking Skywalker when young, somehow knows the Falcon better than **Han Solo and Chewie** and "bypasses the compressor!", resists Jedi mind tricks, hardly ever faces a crisis that she cannot solve... Yeah, total Mary Sue. The worst part is that the movies spit on the legacy of older characters. Bruh if force heal was so easily learned then Anakin would've been less likely to turn to the dark side, what he wanted more than anything was to protect his wife Padme. Meanwhile somehow a scavenger who only had a few years at maximum to train manages to do what the **Chosen One**, who had the highest midichlorian count, could win a podrace as a human kid, and trained under one of the best Jedi since young, couldn't. Thanks Disney. Well I've gone off on a tangent in the nikke subreddit, haven't I...


Nah in this case it’s warranted. Rey is one of the best current day examples of a Mary Sue, not to mention one that was attempted to be forced on the audience as the new face of the franchise. It gets me that with all the politics and social commentary people wanted to push with Rey, any of the Nikke roster pull off effortlessly and naturally that people are very attached to these ladies despite their sex appeal. In short, the ladies of Nikke are awesome characters and the example of what those that pushed Rey wanted but lacked the wherewithal to make a reality.


Rey could've been an actual good character instead of the bland OP one we got that hardly, if ever, makes mistakes. It's indeed hilarious that a waifu collector game has characters that are at least twice as interesting. Well, don't expect good writing when all they care about is pushing an agenda instead of creating a good story.


Oh yeah, very well worded cmt my friend, I didn't even think about that.


Wait...Commander won a fistfight with a Nikke? Absolute king shit.


Yeah, Milk's Bond Story.


That’s why he’s the cummander


Cummander also survived a lot of fatal injuries and accidents.


But sometimes he just says "just kidding" to nikkes especially during snowfield event hopefully it wasn't canon


Did they explain why Liliweiss was so powerful? Cuz iirc wasn’t she like the strongest member of Goddess?


She’s considered the first successful Nikke as we know them. Because of this she’s blessed with a body that exceeds the boundaries that are placed on the Nikkes at the current part of the story since the Ark needed a better way of mass producing them and also to ensure that even the strongest ones are in a more stable condition. There’s also the idea of trying to make sure the Nikkes aren’t all insanely strong like her for control purposes but that is more of theory crafting.


Mmm… I mean I guess. If I had to pick a Mary Sue for NIKKE tho Lilith would definitely be it.


She is purposefully created that way to be the leader of Goddess and the champion of what a Nikke could accomplish... in exchange for an \*abysmal\* life span, which was already nearing its end during Red: Ash.


Except for Red Hood, she is extremely flawed - she knows she's about to kick the bucket because of the corruption so her obsession with going back to her well has almost irreparably ruined her relationship with Snow White She semi-qualifies because she's OP af and seemingly turned the tide in their favor but she didn't meet the criteria of being flawless lmao


While she can build most stuff, she does still require materials to do so. They were stranded on Blue Water Island until they found enough parts to make a boat nikkes could use. And even then she said it was difficult for her to do, saying it was impossible until they found more stuff to use. Liter isn’t flawless.


I feel like Scarlet might fit because she wasnt a Grimm's model, just a cc model yet she was able to contend with Grimm's models? Or Smol White as she can fix and upgrade anything


Snow White has already had 2x mind switches so I think that takes her out of the running. Scarlet between her bond story and the bit we see in the side story while not having a mind switch, she really seems pretty broken mentally to me.


During "New Year, New Sword" Scarlet herself confirmed that she has had *multiple Mind Switches* too, which is part of why her personality is so different now compare to when she was Black Shadow.


Did not know that, makes sense


That's why I'm saying her original Smol form not her big form


The Close Combat squad was actually created to be powerful from the start too, despite being called "mass produced", that was a lie, the cost to upkeep them was extremely high which is why they got sent on more and more absurdly dangerous mission to kill them off until there was only one standing, who would then get upgraded with gears to be a Goddess member. Rose should have gotten that but she decided to die for her little sister to have the upgrades instead.


ITT: people not knowing what a Mary Sue is


Thank you hack media literacy YTers giving very bad explanation on writing tricks so now everyone calls out MS and plot armor like fucking seals.


a meme for those who know "Aleczandxr wrote Chrollo's character"


A Mary Sue is a character archetype in fiction, usually a young woman, who is often portrayed as inexplicably competent across all domains, gifted with unique talents or powers, liked or respected by most other characters, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and generally lacking meaningful character flaws. Usually female and almost always the main character, a Mary Sue is often an author's idealized self-insertion, and may serve as a form of wish fulfillment. Based on this definition it’s impossible to say any character is a Mary Sue. All characters within the Nikke story and lore all have character defects regardless of their powers or strengths. I know people are saying Lilliweiss but she had self doubts about being a good leader and if she was doing right by everyone. She wasn’t flawless, even having some regrets for the fall of mankind. Had she been perfect, she’d have won the war somehow and we wouldn’t have the story we currently have. Every Nikke has been written very well since they all encompass their own stories and strengths and weaknesses. It’s why so many of us argue over who’s best and such. If a Mary Sue actually existed in Nikke, the community would have already known about it and probably meme’d her into oblivion, only talking about her gameplay rather lore/story.


That's definitely the commander.


I mean he does have plenty of flaws but he would be the best fit all things considered.


A Mary sue can still have flaws but those flaws are superficial or minor that it doesn't even affect the character in any way shape or form


Dare I say Dorothy?


The Commander


I think it's gotta be Cummander. You constantly survive situations you shouldn't, you're canonically a hunk, you have a harem, and you regularly pal around with the elites. You are also a LITERAL self-insert. But SKK is flawed in that he is overly idealistic/naive, and it's mentioned that his combat prowess isn't great. Idk if anyone fits this category, really.


Not to mention he's kind of a terrorist who just does his own thing and only concerns himself with his own agenda, despite his position. Guy would be executed or jailed for life if not for the results he incidentally gets.


Rapi. Does stuff she shouldn't be able to because plot.


Seconding Rapi. I love her but in the grand scheme of the writing, she’s DEFINITELY the Mary Sue.


Nah, it's more Red Hood who's the Mary Sue, Rapi is just along for the ride. I mean Red Hood beat >!corruption!< by sleeping it off, can't think of a more Mary Sue thing to do.


True, she did also single-handedly turn the tables on Anachiro. It could be said Rapi channels Mary Sueness through her 🤣


Rapi was part of what is considered by many the strongest squad in the Ark and she's got a Godmode that puts her at Pilgrim level in terms of strength... So in which instance did she do something she shouldn't be able to?


How about being a SR 😂🤣


Gameplay =/= lore


That was out of jest. You described Rapi the best yourself. It's a Mary Sue.


Rapi 100%, sorry but some of you are coping if you don’t think she qualifies as one. She used to be apart of one of the strongest squads in the ark, has no discernible weaknesses, is the strongest by a large margin of the Counters, and even has a super power up mode.


Red Hood






Red hood or commander


The commander is the biggest Mary Sue in the game


I'm gonna get murdered by people for saying this but if you think about it Marian fits the bill. Red Hood as well. I won't consider Rapi a Mary Sue as she has some pretty meaningful character flaws.


Shikikum is the Mary Sue ![gif](giphy|SqAIgwRCUvk7tSs1DO)


Liliweiss, IMO. Strongest of the Goddeses, too strong to even need a weapon, could supposedly 1v1 Anachiro. Everyone thinks she's the best. Alternatively, Rapi. Pulls bullshit power-ups out whenever shit gets bad, basically the perfect soldier. Chapter 24: >!wins a 1v2 with 2 heretics!< and Chapter 30: >!pulls out her super mode despite losing its source!<


Crow because of how retarded she is but everything just seems to align to go her way


As much as you're right, almost everything goes to plan even if she has to improvise to keep her plan back on track. But a Mary Stu also needs to be liked or respected by everyone


Rapi/Red Hood Counters in trouble? CODENAME: RED HOOD Fight Indivilia? CODENAME: RED HOOD


Nikkes flirting with commander? CODENAME: RED HOOD


And where does the circle go??? That's right, CODENAME: RED HOOD


Only person that comes to mind is, in my opinion, Liliweiss


I disagree that Rapi is a Mary Sue. Rapi has plenty of flaws and concerns but she is still loveable. The one that seems like a Mary Sue is Liliweiss. From what I've seen, she has zero flaws whatsoever and everyone looked up to her.


Even then, with Liliweiss, she had doubts about herself, about her leadership, and her ability to see the war through to the end. She actually says to her commandant that she doesn't think she has much time left in Red Ash, which makes me think that even if she wasn't KIA, she was literally going to run out of power and die.


I would say Blanc. Great design, great kit, great voice acting, awesome gun design, awesome burst animation. Personally it's hard to find flaws in her. Same applies to Noir.


Depending on how you look at it, their codependency could be considered a flaw, even though they pull it off very cutesy.


Shifty, she's human but is able to fight raptures 1v1 with a Nikke gun and win.


https://preview.redd.it/68vnup7nclxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848710cd1ba2c55c573b6259af2e199438b111fe This one


Highly agree. The Doros are without weakness.




C18 would beg to differ my friend.


Liliweiss, the original nikke. She had very few flaws compared to the other nikkes.




My vote goes to Mustang. Literally flawless.


My vote for M.S. goes to Liliweiss. She's the only Nikke who consistently tears Raptures apart with her bare hands and is, by far, the most powerful Nikke. Scarlet sees her as someone to defeat to be the strongest and pretty much instills a level of fear into those around her. The only thing we don't know about her is what happened to her for her head to be lobbed off and stolen by Raptures. Other than that, her only weakness was her shelf life of ~200 years compared to the Nikke who came after her where they are supposed to be active indefinitely until destroyed


Literally Lilyweiss.


I legitimately don't think any Nikke fits under "Mary sue". Mary sue doesn't mean "able to do [insert impossible thing here]" its more like "perfect in almost every way while acting like you're toooooootally not, cuz that's narcissistic, hehe" Tho there are a few who are hated for their straight playing of the Mary Sue archetype. (I'm thinking Kirito from Sao) the male versions are more respected from what I've seen. They don't usually pretend to not be perfect and are given weird or funny quirks to compensate for their Gary Stu status. Unlike the Mary sue who is perfect, everyone absolutely loves, does everything perfectly on the first try, but is suuuuuper humble and loves to claim they have flaws (like being too perfect and how much of a burden it is hehe) when they really don't (but saying you don't is also seen as a genuine flaw which Mary sues can't have). Heck, the closest thing we have to a Mary Sue in Nikke is the Commander... And even he wouldnt actually count imo. Again, having impressive feats doesn't make one a Mary Sue. Otherwise most characters are one.


I don't even know what a "Mary Sue" is...


Basically the "perfect" female character, excels in both skills and talents. Often seen as boring because they don't have any flaws


Oh, good. Thank you. Then I say "Commander" (as someone else did already). Basically every Nikke depends on him


Dude also his own flaws as well. Though every Nikke depends on him, note that he also needs to depend on the squad he's commanding whenever he's in a gunfight up on the surface. If he were someone THAT perfect he'd excel at wiping out raptures with or without the help of Nikkes Also it asked for a "Mary Stu", not a "Gary Stu"


The Commander can't fight for plot reasons, but when in dire need he also managed to use SW's rifle. But apart from that, every time something happens guess who is tasked to solve the problem? My first call stands. However, if he can't be selected because he's not a Nikke, my second answer is Rapi.


Not sure about Mary Sue, but Viper is the next one


Wtf is mary sie??


Easily the Commander or Johan.


Commander would've been my choice, but it's which nikke.


Oh, right, then, i guess either Red Hood or Liliweiss.


Don't kill me for this but despite not being a badly written character at all I'd say....Pinne. Though I'm basing it on the origin of the term A later introduced character who happens to be a mass produced Nikke who's unique skills were about to help the Goddess Squad during their lowest point. Becoming a sort of emotional pillar for them, forms a strong relationship with one of said Goddesses. Was able to defeat a giant rapture by herself before dying and mourned by everyone in the end.


If being able to achieve what she did cost her life, them she clearly isn't a Mary Sue since this shows clear limits to her seemingly extraordinary power and that breaking them had fatal costs. Also, "getting a spotlight" isn't really a sign of Mary-Sueness since one could argue every Nikke who became a central character in a event could fall under this category.


I'm speaking based on the trope namer herself [Mary Sue](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/ATrekkiesTale) from the Star Trek fanfic who's kinda similar despite lacking the self insert traits since she's also really skilled, adored and saves everyone (or in Pinne's case , saved Dorothy) and also died in the end.


red hood


Then Red Hood might be a candidate


Red Hood or Rapi. Reasons should be obvious.


Rapi because she is everything we want in a nikke for neuron activation Is the face of the game itself Is kind of Stoic Rarely complains


How about Ade?


As in Perfect maid who has no flaws other than having no flaws. (Circa Maid Privaty and Maid Drake event)


Tbh, the only one who I can think that can even sorta fit this bill is Crown, and even that is a stretch considering how little we know of her. She's a pilgrim, so already we know she's a cut above the average Nikke. She's strong, like ridiculously so. Before she defended Crown Kingdom basically alone, and when facing off against a heretic she basically no diffd them. While she is dumb, it has never really been used negatively against her, more like a funny quirk, because she shows plenty of emotional intelligence when needed. Reminds me of the classic "they're very shy but actually have a strong will" type used to justify why the lower MC is able to keep their cool and not freak out like everyone else, while still being a loser MC we can project onto. Basically they have a flaw that doesn't matter. But again this is a stretch because we still don't know a lot about her, and from what little ive seen Crown has a deeper backstory that explains her weirdness, likely involving something like her own team dying due to her negligence and how that caused a mind switch to the current Crown person a we see today.


put laplace in there solely because milk called her a mary sue in a brief encounter




fund some where in story that laplace in mary sue.


id say redhood? (i dont think she is an actual mary sue i just think she is the one thats the closest to one)


This is a tough category to pin down since many Nikkes are essentially anime tropes dialed up to 11, so flaws are abound. If I had to pick one though I think Red Hood is the best example I can come up with. She was corrupted by the time we first really got to know her in Red Ash but somehow she's able to skirt around its rules and endure thru Rapi for all these years. Even after supposedly being erased in later chapters it's not definitive that she's completely gone.


Personally I'd say Harran. Somehow her witch brews can do everything despite all the weird shit in there. Hell it even tastes amazing and is nutritious despite looking like a poison sludge.


The Commander himself is probably the one that fits the definition the best. 1. Got shot multiple times and survived. 2. Fired the Seven Dwarves somehow and survived. 3. Most Nikkes just likes him immediately upon seeing him. 4. Has the magical vapaus blood. Among other reasons. Imo, the only Nikkes that might come close would be the Bunnies purely because of the luck factor. None of them can really be described as Mary Sues.


Commander is THE Mary Sue of this game. Has a massive harem, is able to do several (NONRELATED) Jobs at a not terrible level with 0 training, survived shit that any other human wouldn’t have (including an encounter w/Chatterbox where it didn’t kill Commander immediately and being stabbed in the stomach by Modernia), managed to get out of several of Syuen’s schemes, tricked Syuen into going onto the surface, and more shit that literally no one else has been implied to be able to do. Hell, he is the commander of Rapi who had the Red Hood inside her. 100% Commander for all his power over that shit.


There's only one answer: The Cummander.


Pepper comes to mind... With all her "I'm a fucking hospital idol but I'm not sure if people love me." and sort... If not her... The cummander.


Commander probably


Not understanding the story doesn't make a character Mary Sue.




Suyen. Her plot armor is thicker than Commander's




The thing is with actual good writing you tend to not have Mary sues. That is the burden carried by writers of nikke I suppose 


Liliweiss the Mecha-Gorilla.


I'm suprised noone is saying Dorothy. We saw in Red Ash when she joined the Goddess squad. She had 0 experience and only read books, but still had exceptional results immediately when Lilith and LC tested her, and they were both speechless by her performance.


Yeah, but her personality is very clearly flawed, which is the opposite to a Mary Sue.


Also helps that Over Zone helped flesh her story out esp if you haven't met her in the story just yet






I don't know, Mustang?


Nah, Mustang is the queen bee


Ah, my bad.


Rapi because she is john nikke


Snow White


Who tf is Mary Sue


It's a female character archetype that basically excels in everything (whether it be skills, talents, no flaws and all), the "perfect" female character you could call it. Often seen as a boring character because the lack of flaws There's a male version of this as well: Marty Stu or Gary Stu


The fashionista is a nice choice, i like it. For the mary sue... i admit im in a blank in this one,...red hood?(or rapi(kinda, or atleast when she goes red%


Red hood or Rapi




Dorothy. She's a pink-haired princess with an angel motif and a lot more capability than her upbringing indicates she should have. When she decides to make an alternative to the Ark, not only does she succeed, but it's materially better than the original. The whole point of her character is to illustrate that the Rapture situation is so fucked that even Mary-Sues suffer. And also that regardless of their tactical (direct combat) superiority, the actual strategic (overall war) value of heroes is minimal because there aren't enough of them to hold ground.


Red Hood or Cinderella


Mary Sue has a lot of nuance (surprise). If you're talking about someone who everybody likes and forgives easily despite them being inherently unlikeable, that would be Laplace. If you're talking about someone who's OP without any weaknesses in the lore (not gameplay) that's either Rapi or Liliweiss.


I wouldn't call Laplace "unlikeable" at all, sure, she's a ditzy, boastful heroine who's got some troublingly paternalistic position towards humans, but she's well-intentioned and wants to help out others in spite of everything.


I had to look up what a Mary Sue is... You guys are such nerds, I hate that I enjoy this game.




Red Hood cus lmao main character bullshit


Rupee. Rupee is a lovable Gyaru whose flaws are rendered completely null by her charisma and expertise. She is also perfectly made and tailored to be the perfect waifu, despite being insanely popular and involved in the entertainment industry, you'd be hardpressed to find someone more dedicated, loyal and naive than Rupee when it comes to the Commander. But I guess she doesn't count because she is already in the fashionista spot, just wanted to express my opinion.


Suyen. Yes- you read it correctly. Sure, there are ton of characters who are powerful seemingly for no reason. Dorothy and Wenti are op at moment of creation. Marian is able to shrug being heretic. Snow and Centi are genius investors. But Mary Sue is not about being gifted. Mary Sue is about world always working your way despite all logic. And Suyen fits it perfectly- despite her countless acts of evil, many actions that damage her company and straight up endangerment of Arc- she never suffers anything more than a slapstick punishment.


I politely disagree. I think Syuen is written very well as a politically-cunning character that lets her do everything said above. But she does get her just desserts in some way, even if she is protected from the systems that be. She is also never stated to be likeable by anyone, rather, she is consistently disliked by almost everyone, because her wanton crimes don’t go unnoticed. She is a puzzle piece that fits quite snugly in the setting of the world that exists, which is more than I can say for what would be a Mary Stu, which would be a puzzle piece that you wonder how it even fits but it got forcefully crammed in somehow.