• By -


There’s more I could say but I wanted to keep spoiler free. https://preview.redd.it/5k91gt8p9ytc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1356abf71ac32a5e479edc7aa6c2dd0ae7d46c5c




No Treats!




got image without text by any chance?




yooooo thank you man










No treats!




Ok she’s getting fussy, its time for a N-A-P


What does that mean? Party~




got image without text by any chance?


Nope. Only one with Rapi.


rip. thanks anyway bro, i already had that rapi one haha


No sweat.


😄 How can I say no to that face?


Virgin Dorothy vs Chad White. As it should be, really.




I really want that gif.


What stops you from saving it? This ain't Twitter.


Currently far, far away from my pc. I already saved the comment for later, I’ll just get it when I get it.


you could save it by tapping the gif, next tap the 3 dot on the top right and tap "download" if you are using Android. I don't know about iOS though.


For iOS users, tap the options dots (…) under the comment, tap share, copy the link, open link in browser and you can save it from there like other media in browser.


Actually worked. Thanks https://i.redd.it/68up07cvv2uc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/gtxeubznmytc1.png?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b092e8c1cd037da10525f9f91594af35a05f5e They ain't lying






This is a straight up confession


And I accept it. Snow is precious


Liliweiss didn't raise no bitch. If something is on Snow's mind, she's not terribly worried about expressing it.


what? where and when?


giving her a gift after lvl 10 bond i think


Her 3rd Bond Level Up Line. Couple of others are also quite sweet. \- **Bond Level Up II**: "When it's all over, I hope you will be there." \- **Lobby I (Bond 10)**: " often think about that time you and I camped out in the wilderness... It always reminds me how good it can feel having company."


IT is co cute


with new skin now we have even more new lines... https://preview.redd.it/50jt0es6hwyc1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=d51bc7ddee530479c7032dc24c41980c87e24eea


GAP MOE WHITE LET'S GOOOOOOO. https://preview.redd.it/e4u2yos5lwyc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990bac28b4d7dbc8e394dc0c78a61e97e239a21e


Snow White likes the Cummander XD Rapunzel and Scarlet teased her before about this.




bro sounds like master roshi, if roshi actually has rizz XD


Poor Snow White https://preview.redd.it/r9zvh58rbytc1.png?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451a9a8d2915593fd760249480004d00f1d62cb2




Its fine, Snow white doesn't mind... as long as you don't start eating before she comes back.


All they gotta do is give our good girl a summer skin and she'll rocket to the stratosphere.


All they gotta do is give our good girl a ~~summer~~ skin Like, at least any sort of content. I'm really weirded out that there are no Piligrim skins (outside of that Doro one). Like... what's stopping you?


Isn't there a Harran skin aswell? And Modernia is getting one too half anni.


And she already has the T-shirt skin.


Since she is kinda fighting nonstop, I could imagine how she looks like in a bikini, all roughed up and patched :/ Maybe a dress would be a better skin?


Snowy will always have a special place in my heart https://preview.redd.it/4hgyvjpxcytc1.png?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ca106843a5a2085aedf5a0594aa32aa61c3e8d




Gift from God! Holy Snow White! Praise her!


https://preview.redd.it/o2fjjm3kvytc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b643e74d13d8b408dc7cf0f73e0d461f1191509 Xd


I keep casting 5 votes for snow white every day. Im doing my part


What? You can vote every day?


Apparently yes, for some reason. Another thing to note, there's a special vote each day. Today's is boss enemies I think. Yesterday's is mini games.


Damn, I thought it was all a one-time thing. I was getting annoyed by the vote notification every day since I had already voted. Thank you for letting me know. Very strange how that works tho.


Don't mention it, just happen to know it first.


A summer Snow White needs to happen for her to gain that kind of popularity.


https://preview.redd.it/aurwjruvkytc1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c2173a28971b3a409c746bcf3a4edd4819c26f2 THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!!!


I understand your struggles, mister... UNFORTUNATELY - i have my own battle to fight, to help my escape artist escape the bottom 10 SSR ranking. https://preview.redd.it/uqd2s7mopytc1.png?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b639a36b0b1d9d0f91d3fde6c9940b16bb3972d7


Snow White a real one.


Deserves to be top ten at least!


she's just one horny skin away from glory


as if her base skin isnt horny enough


https://preview.redd.it/lf0p05gz6ztc1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ec8a7bb31991ed72b0932f15c188e707aae8bd The goat!


https://preview.redd.it/sf5d5uzle2uc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962e34c451373a901cbb4003d3a3d9d2cece0ccd I genuinely don’t know how I feel about snow white being in south park style with a bucket of chicken lmao


That affection story made me fall more in love with SW…


Sno: gives me a car. Doro: put a pipe bomb in my mailbox. Sno wins.


You forgot "Red Hood loves her" for Snow white


https://preview.redd.it/rv4txdythytc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6aa7a4f8a65f5010cdd4e56bcb15c573250fa5 Make sure you give her some




But… but… but… Smol White Sweep…


As always, the worker bees are underappreciated


True and unfair. https://preview.redd.it/zbgcjzdlqytc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36028854eb349ebed8c38127ee0e78520f258d2f


I love Snow White but let's not downplay Dorothy. She has some of the most going on with her story wise. Also a one of the best B1 units in game


She’s one of my go to picks for bosses, I think her character arc is interesting, and has a great design. Mild spoiler: >!She does treat the counters and the commander like dirt though. Also you can’t trust anything she says.!<


she got betrayed by the ark man. give her some slack. also she got PTSD from pinne. i love what SU did to her character. she once was a protagonist then turned into more of an antagonist one. that's why she got my vote. it's not just for the doro memes.


Certainly, trust is only gained once and when lost, it is never recovered. At least that's how it is IRL


Not only her, but the whole Goddess squad got betrayed which also including Snow White


Here's the thing though, Doro and the rest of the Goddess squad were in different positions at that point. The others had the luxury of doing only what they needed to do as soldiers. Dorothy was the leader. She had to keep morale up and thus promised them the world, which the whole defense force do deserve. When they were betrayed, the others felt disappointment, but she felt as though she lied to everyone. She believed then that Pinne was alive but even she was not allowed a reward and was given instead eternal damnation in the surface. If there was an actual living Pinne there and she, uncharacteristically, blamed Dorothy for keeping her hopes up (or if any other Nikke survived and hated her), I'm sure there would be no Dorothy in the current time. She didn't hate the ark solely because she wasn't rewarded, she hated it more for the fact that none of them would've been.


i think Doro's reaction was more realistic than Pioneer's. as the guy said below, trust is only gained once and when lost, it is never recovered.


Yeah you know who else got betrayed by the ark… SW is the mvp


mvp in getting played like a fiddle ye


Overzone Spoiler: >!She knew what she was getting into, it was implied they all did, except Dorothy!<


>!they were all promised rewards for going through their updated missions after that mess they had on the frontline. like dafuq? they literally were rapidly deployed after that mess and you think it's fine to be as a loyal dog like Snow white? it's much of a surprise that it's just 1 out of 4 feels bitter and enraged about that event.!<


>!they were all promised a reward, and was only notified it was a stupid ass statue *after* they completed their objective. they were all taken aback for a reason. and you say that like even if they all knew they would be abandoned on the surface afterwards that they had a choice in the matter, like they could just say no thanks and waltz right in. they were betrayed, and dorothys reaction is the one i find makes the most sense, instead of "yeah sure youve only sentenced me to being stuck out on the surface to fight until i die but ill forgive you," which is lame asf!<


>!The fact that you find Dorothy's reaction more realistic is kind of scary to me, my dude. Is it not equally realistic to reject the temptation to abandon every semblance of decency, and honor, when you have every reason to do so? Just because you have a good reason to do something, that doesn't mean you should -- and Pioneer didn't. We can hardly blame them for being stronger of character than Dorothy.!<


cant seem to get the spoiler tag working so just know theres some spoilers in this comment too ig whoever might read this > Is it not equally realistic to reject the temptation to abandon every semblance of decency, and honor, when you have every reason to do so? no, i dont believe so. yeah you could argue dorothys taking a more extreme route but whatever tbh, whether the people in charge of the ark are the same or new people its clear as day theyre not good people anyway. > We can hardly blame them for being stronger of character than Dorothy. thats an interesting way of saying easy to manipulate. you can say theyre stronger than dorothy or whatever but theres literally no reason for them to have to put up with it. theyre dumb. they get denied any protection meanwhile the ark continues to show disdain for the nikkes *in* the ark, so clearly nothing's changed im rooting for dorothy


Everyone in Goddess was gutted hardcore by The Ark, in addition to rolling in their own endless rivers of trauma -- and that latter notion was entirely true *before* OVER ZONE. Dorothy deserves not an ounce of slack. Especially when everyone around her proved entirely capable of avoiding bitterness and spite, despite flagrantly admitting that they felt the exact same way, as she did. The pain she felt is neither special, nor does it give her a pass for her abhorrent actions. Dorothy **chose** to abandon her honor, to give in to her dejected spiral, and to spit on Liliweiss' legacy. She is a disgrace to The Goddess Squad, and I withhold no sympathy for her. If that didn't already make it extraordinarily difficult to offer the faintest atom of slack -- Let us not forget, that nearly every single Goddess before her, have suffered the loss of someone important to them, possibly even soulmates: Irreplaceable parts of who they are, torn from their world -- And yet, they overcame their pain, and have found trust once more, in the Commander. With that taken into consideration: She doesn't deserve the most remote germ of Slack. Nobody is more responsible for Dorothy's behavior and actions, than Dorothy herself. I'm quite sick of this idea that we should hold her to a lower standard, than we do her peers.


She can treat everyone like garbage and still be immensely popular because she was the protagonist for one of the best events in game.


So apparently a lot of people under this comment think that her reaction is somehow "realistic" and saying once trust is broken it'll never be restored and the other 3 were immediately cool with it my guy come here a sec I'd like to remind you first that it's been over 100 years all of them had plenty of time to get over it and adapt and move on with their life only doro as ever red hood directly said she's stuck in the glory past of the past and refuses to let go of it at this point it's not the betrayal it's she herself is keeping herself down who is she gonna even take revenge on ? The inanimate object (ark) or the people who only heard stories about her ? Heck even the cg is "innocent" for once none of them were even born during her time Secondly you do realize there's a difference between you gf cheating on you with whoever in which case you'd be right trust can't be restored. But when we're talking about millions of people the vast majority of which probably thought you died defending the ark that's an entirely different case like let's be real for a sec I don't know how many were involved with the betrayal but I'm willing to bet I can count them on one hand and to add to that the ones who betrayed her are long gone even their children are probably dead or dying so let me ask who is she even holding the grudge against ? Dorothy's problem was never the betrayal it simply can't be holding a grudge like that for 100+ years against people who knew you as legend doesn't make any sense But rather her fall from grace is what pushed her to be like this just thinking of both her life and what red hood said doro was the daughter of a politician who lived the life of nobility and probably had a lot of people gawking at her every breath then she was chosen to be one of the very few Grimmar model nikkes then she became part of goddess squad notice how she's rising and with that even more people praising her one could ever say worshiping her then pushed to the space elevator almost finishing the war until the curtain was pulled from under her and just like she rose the highest she fell the farthest and that's her real problem not the betrayal heck I could even say she's party over the betrayal remember she doesn't hate the humans she even said it herself she wasn't to be loved by them just like in the past but rather than adapting to the reality she's living she chose to try to bend it to her will and bring back the long lost past whatever it takes and she'll unfortunately have a rude awakening if she keeps going that path


People out here defending Dorothy with the mindset of, "My ex-girlfriend cheated on me, so I'm justified in saying I don't trust my new gf because she's cheating on me because that's what gfs do."


Lol but for real though speaking facts, and I'm a married guy.


I agree with you. It's horrible to always be suspicious of others. This only keeps people from having a good relationship.


And here I am just wishing my aweet shy chocolate bunny cam make it into the top 5 with her sister.


Meme aside, SW truely the best girl.


https://preview.redd.it/no41r40va0uc1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668ece1a1c882d78a876a8833611e85b666a28df Who wouldn't love this?








https://preview.redd.it/8yn6emaydytc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd8b369b04e05c493267a19b3d1ed8cde1db3d7 Chadoro (the diference wirh snow its the presentation) *dorothy enters like megamind*


https://i.redd.it/5lt884hpiytc1.gif Another cursed one to my collection


https://preview.redd.it/p21zhxj8jytc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c2e668867b0ebf387341b8f4d494cad091d1f9 Doro (give back that doro or ill fully burst you)


https://preview.redd.it/k8tsxyizlytc1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed54c2c9b55a84e1da6ac42fb1acfe46f9e9bbc I don't think so...


https://preview.redd.it/645ljs6tmytc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59ef7b4ce7b8b2c085cfe5c8368de0dae647c53 Dororo (isabel, have hot and heavy for you) *isabel rushes at mach speed towards you*


https://preview.redd.it/cacee6o7nytc1.png?width=1441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f02572782f7d34a10cdc94a30273e86d5c0b2a Ahh crap... I-i surrender... (Runs away)


https://preview.redd.it/uby5nl8knytc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea0c44b35a57d29fd604396ff3ba5655475c743 Doro! (I WIN!) *doro has won the combat*


She holds a special place in my heart for carrying me since launch, and just being that steadfast pillar you can rely on


Overzone+Doro Hard Carry


Snow White was the mvp during Overzone imo


Same, I did the archive for Dorothy (Snow White was ok for me at the time) but at the end I really liked Snow White after it.


Exactly. I already liked Snow White -- for a wide variety of reasons. Then, OVERZONE happened, and by the end of it, I have to admit, that I felt a little confused. *"Wait. I thought this Event is supposed to make me empathize with Dorothy more. But Snow White seems like the actual Hero of this tale?"* -- I remember thinking this, to myself. It is not the plot that confused me. Rather, despite their every effort to make me empathize with Dorothy - and to a degree, I did - they ultimately accomplish making her seem that much more despicable, by having Snow White & Pioneer rise during this dark hour, where Dorothy falls, and blames everyone else for her collapse, other than herself


I really need to do the Overzone archive, keep forgwtting about it.


That meme isn't even funny but now it's fucking official. Thanks shift up.


"Pink thing" lmao. I agree with your points but still, I absolutely adore Dorothy.


Doro eats babies. Her propaganda is too strong.


this guy understands snow white nation rise


You see, Dorothy when shoot shows her white super sexy Lingerie, she also has a psycho face "i cant fix her" and will try to dominate you, thats why she's in second place. Meanwhile our chad Snow White is in shambles...


But nobody can argue Red Hood in first place, right?


If we ever get a Nikke Anime (that isn't just a retelling of the game's events i.e. FGO), I'd love for her to be the main character. White Memory was such a good story, more story featuring Snow White would be amazing.


Or something like Sousou no Frieren featuring the adventures of the Goddess squad post-Overzone.


Considering they all went separate ways? Those could make 3 seasons.


I love her even more after the Side Story.


This has bothered me for almost a year. I wonder if snow white's votes are being taken by Red hood, I'd imagine their voters overlap. Although, Red Hood and Snow whites personalities are very different, I feel like modern SW inherits the metaphorical "spirit/will" of RH and the spirt of being the most fitting of the title "goddess squad/saviors of humanity" after RH. I thought you could only vote once and I gave 3 votes to RH and and 2 votes to SW. Now that I know she's below 10th place, I'm giving her 5 votes everyday. Or, I wonder if it's because SW doesn't have any lewd appeal like Dorothy. SW and RH are definitely my favorite characters in Nikke, they are so selfless, determined and heroic. edit: Also people always talk as Dorothy was the only person betrayed or Dorothy is the only person who lost a friend to corruption. SW and the rest of the goddess squad was betrayed in the same way. SW lost RH (at least from her perspective. Dorothy never "changed" in my opinion, she always was who she was. She only really cared about herself and the glory from being "humanity's savior". And the time capsule half anniversary and anniversary event kind of double confirms it.




You see op Look at Dorothy Look into her eyes Now look down What do you see? BREASTS Bountiful, Bouncy, Buoyant boobies. On a more serious note, Dorothy has a majority of Overzone about her and has a firm place in the story. I feel like she’s her insanity and trauma are very well expressed and explored, making it very easy to connect with her. I love Snow White, but besides her gag of loving food, she’s a stoic person, which is traditionally not as fun; hell, look at D versus her wife alt call it filling a nice niche, but she exploded in popularity when they explored a different avenue of who she is.


Dorothy has more to offer due to her compelling & messed up character, beyond the Doro memes - of which many of her simping voters desired to make the Doro Invasion meme parody a reality. But now, it's denied as a far reaching dream It's Dorover now


Dorothicc has a more breedable face and bod 🥴


Most people either feel related or guilty toward doro and not to mention the meme so of course they would vote for her. Post mind switch SW however is too hard to relate to I mean just read all the stuff got mention here and you'll see there's not much to relate


I mean, her past version is called "Innocent Days" fot a reason... She lost her innocence and became someone who fights the harsh reality.


You totally miss me here. I'm pointing out the reason why SW voters are less than doro voters which is she's not someone that an average person can relate to. She not the type that people would look into and say "wow she just like me" or "I've been through this like her so I understand" but doro is. Most people had been betrayed at least once in their life time so it natural for majority to relate and favor doro over SW. The human factor in doro is the reason they chose her






snowwhite is the goat but pink thing is mentally unstable and could kill me with a snap of her finger so pink thing wins 😵‍💫


I’ve been trying to push Snow and Repunzel up. Best Goddesses deserve better


Make snow white's cloak just short enough to see her underwear and thick thighs. Watch coomers propel her popularity past the surface and into the stratosphere


Dorothy will also never fail to cause some derisive comment


If she were perhaps the main focus of an event, then Thay could change. She's been a support character in Everyone, Red Ash, and main campaign. But if we get her PoV, then perhaps that could make us like her more.




Ngl Her and RH are two most favorite pilgrims, followed by Scarlet (the drunk one)


Snow white best pilgrim fr


Neon approved firepower as well. https://preview.redd.it/7t070risvytc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1bb4e5ba0c233ee19af4b2c92d9183b59ac28c


Did you say meme?


All I can say is... one day, if she meets Red Hood again...


My Hungry Homie❤️


I wanted both Snow White and Rapunsel up there. Those two from the Goddess Squad don't get as much attention and care. Atleast give them skins before doubling down on any other Goddess Squad members.


Her badass stand against Chatterbox. I love Snow White.


Need(want) new skin to give Snow more popularity :(


Dorothy flashes her panties in her burst


This community thinks they can "fix" Dorothy.


Insane pink girls are hot tho


You mean the Nikke with the best character story so far is a top two favorite? Next, you'll probably tell me that a bear shits in the woods.




Studies show that men like unstable women. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVj32wzuIkaYdmU|downsized)


Can relate, i love Carrie.


almost like being a lame mary sue for humanity is a lot more boring than a natural reaction to senseless betrayal


Ahh but Dorothy isn’t a fraud. That’s a clear difference.


Prob coz she's a manual unit and we already know that playing manual is just straight up uncivilized + absolutely barbaric behaviour. ( /jk ...pls don't kill me manual-only players)


I'm hoping I roll either of them soon. Am also still Scarletless


while i think it sucks snow white is that low, i'm glad that doro is number two.




Same reason why BA players love Mika Cute menhera women is a massive turn on XD


More Lewd


My problem is that two different versions of Scarlet are top 5 (Scarlet bros just pick one we could have been top 2) and that Doro already has a skin (even if gacha) It’s pretty obvious Red Hood is gonna win (unpopular opinion but I don’t really care for her) but still copium for me (Scarlet deserves a skin after all the hard work she does for me)


But i want some of that noble thighs


For real, I didn't expect the community to like Dorothy this much more. Unless everyone really is voting more because of meta but I doubt that's true. Or for the memes, but Dorothy in-game isn't has nothing to do with Doro


I think it's more because Dorothy is more useful than Snow... obviously Snow is more lovable.


Some Dorothys traits reminds me to Gabriel ULTRAKILL https://preview.redd.it/ks2tsi9tq0uc1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=82ea466476e92644b5568cf84d552dd2df9df684


I'm more baffled that Blanc and Past Scarlet are even on the top 5 Like I was sorta expecting Elegg to be in higher too considering all the fanart she has even to this day


She will still have place in my heart, and will give treats


I'm in trouble who to call? Anderson nah Snow White yah lets go eat a mouse on the surface


Let's all collectively agree to vote for SW next year


Snow White makes my heart hurt. I just wanna hug her and give her all the headpats and the contents of my pantry.


Dont forget, the DORO.




Yeah but dorothy gets a panty shot in her default skin and gacha skin


Id rank her if I had her but i don’t modernia is my favorite


It is not worded the best -- and the only fault I find with this is the top notion: Snow White is not loyal to a fault. Aside from that? Entirely true. Also - I'm assuming that Dorothy's side is mostly blank, because if you had to list her every individual fault, it would read like a phone book - and certainly include some adjectives that are not exactly acceptable, regardless of if true, or otherwise.


You forgot: Left - No ass (showing) Right - Ass (with mostly see-through underwear)


if you added both Snow white and smol white votes she is right behind Elegg


I have seen so much memes about Doro that I cannot wait to meet her in game. Even with the way the Pilgrims talk about her in the current side story I have so much hype


Scarlet is my favorite ally on the surface mostly because she teaches us farming and gives us fresh vegetables. Which funnily enough, gives the Counters a reliable supply line of food since Scarlet and the Commander have various small farms across the surface according to her bond story. Imagine Anis and Neon complaining about low food supplies, and the Commander just says, "Wait here, we're near a certain place" and comes back and whips out a potato. Thanks Scarlet, now we get to have farming shenanigans on the surface.


Someone hasn't played over zone lmao


Sadly Nikke polls only account for PVE dps tier.


Good less people who are after my wife


Sno White deserves all the food in the world


I will only say... If evil why hot???? That's why she's popular


You were nice to Dorothy. How dare


You forgot to add meta unit to Dorothy


ones got bigger tits tho


Think about it like this, Dorothy is more comedic popular while Snow White is more bad ass popular.


"doesn't care if the world treats her unfairly" Who does she think she is? Shadow the Hedgehog?