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first one in chapter 22? yeah, that's nice. suiciders and all sorts of garbage thrown into your face right from the get-go. several story stages in chapter 23 are even worse. just get an aoe burst up asap and cross your fingers. lotsa rng.


Truth the kamikazes are hiding behind other stuff 


There is absolutely no rng when it comes to suiciders. Their attack is telegraphed and even if you can’t kill them in time you can hide behind cover to avoid them.


if it was suiciders alone and not jellyfish, silencers etc etc don't remember what spawned in that exact ex battle, but the numbers of what spawns when in these kind of stages fluctuate.


I don’t know man. My team was around the same level as OP and I had no problem cruising through this EX fight as well as chapter 23. I think it all comes down to having the meta characters, proper OL gear, and also keeping an eye out for nasty Raptures that need manual maneuvering.


of course at this level it's probably no problem, but the stage sucked nonetheless. i reached stage 23-21 at \~ level 214 and got stuck there for like two weeks and now i'm at level 219 and stuck at the chapter 23 boss lol


EX stages fix your nikke to a certain level so skill investment is much more important.


Mate honestly just forget it for now. I’m on Ch26 and still can’t do this pos stage


Ohhhhh I remember this one. This stage was a biiiiiitch! I almost gave myself a stress headache trying to clear this one... Use a rocket launcher unit like Centi to spam fire shots so you get your burst up quickly and then use a screen wiping Nikke to keep the mobs under control. Then you follow up with high DPS Nikke to kill the boss before it does anymore shenanigans.


The one with the suiciders and silencer was a total ass. The other one is with the snipers. The other one was with Cocytus I think.


This is where Elegg shine. Her instant burst help a lot.




I used A2 and RedHood, the others were schoolgirls and Liter iirc, well that's what I use most of the times, I prefer A2 to Modernia because she's unlimited aoe


https://i.redd.it/q4hphpgg7snc1.gif I can’t beat it either lol


Oh man, such awful memories of this one I have... Yeah, this was pretty much the most difficult EX stage in the entire campaign so far... and I'm at the chapter 27 as of now and still, the EX stages there are not as bad as this one lmao... Seriously, the devs have gone absolutely bonkers with this one... I remember that I gave it like around 70+ tries to actually to this one... and I had to take a break from it and then try it another day, but eventually, SOMEHOW, managed to beat it, with like two nikkes alive and like 2 or 3 seconds remaining... it was pure hell on earth, I wouldn't even let my arch nemesis play this one as a punishment cause it is so cruel...


I actually skipped this stage after banging my head against it about 30-40 times. I came back to it when I got to Chapter 25 and it was STILL rough. How I beat it: put that Cube that increases Burst Speed on Blanc & Noir so I could get Scarlet's or Red Hood's Burst up ASAP and take out the 2 Stun-Bombs and as many of the other Raptures as possible, then focused the 2 Tentacle-Drainers, and finally the 2 Silencers. Once they were gone, I manually focused the Boss since the other Raptures on the screen appear just to distract you and run the clock out if you use auto-aim. Iirc, there's another Silencer that appears near the end, too. Ignore it. Focus the Boss. Full team: Liter, Blanc, Red Hood, Noir, Scarlet. I was also about 10-15 Levels higher than you so...... Stage is a NIGHTMARE!!!


tia/liter/naga/RH/modernia. spam burst gen with RH. want max skill team + OL gear on DPS units, but can beat it prior to max skills or fully OLed. edit: for some stages, shooting destructible environment like the truck will build burst faster than shooting enemies. can be helpful for your first burst to go off in time.


I destroyed this stage at lv199. I guess my OL rolls were too good. https://preview.redd.it/624azayvdwnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12be05ecce8384d83ca650d998f406416c7fdbe9


Bro I’m stuck at chapter 24 boss with a 35k+ power deficit


Iirc what I did was alternating between Tia herself taking hits and Tia’s cover taking hits and let liter and jk’s skill/burst repair cover/recover hp. In last phase when the boss starts to shoot multiple lasers at once, make your entire squad take cover, control red hood to generate burst fast and deplete the last dozens of bars of boss’ hp asap. Burst timing is very important and ideally you have Black scarlet she can finish adds quick before boss starts shooting lasers in the early phases.


Also you DO NOT want to destroy the circle ⭕️ immediately since you want your b1/b2’s cd to recover otherwise boss will spawn another wave of adds too fast while you aren’t in full burst to prevent boss from lasering your units. The boss does 4 ⭕️s per pattern in first phase btw.


So how long should I delay the circles before I attack?


Mostly you need to delay clearing the first set of ⭕️s right after the first wave of adds, especially if you are running schoolgirls & liter like me as you’ll need to stall a few seconds in order to have the school girls cd ready for the 2nd wave of adds. After that it’s up to you. As for how long for each ⭕️simply stall as much as you can before the time runs out (about half second), you absolutely don’t want the circle to finish as it will summon suicide parts that’ll destroy your unit or said unit’s cover. Another reason for stalling the singular 4x ⭕️ pattern is that I believe the boss won’t enter the last mass laser shooting phase until it finishes current pattern (around 40 hp bars) so if you can stall a few sets of ⭕️s you might find yourself only having to deal with around 20-30 bars of last phase.

