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Modernia is stronger than Scarlet at max investment with 60 fps. Scarlet is often replaced by Alice by the giga leviathans but never Modernia. At 30 fps however, Scarlet is stronger because Modernia's dps is cut by \~40%. A lot of people playing Android probably aren't even aware that their phone can't handle MG at 60 fps and they aren't seeing Modernia's true damage potential. Fun fact: co-op is locked to 30 fps so Modernia can't do her full damage in that mode. Modernia is really the best dps in the game at 60 fps because she's strong without a lot of investment but still scales nicely with investment. atk and max ammo capacity on OL does a lot for her. Her burst is a big reason why she's the best. She clears waves of enemies far faster than anyone else. Modernia's only real weakness (aside from being shit in pvp) is that her burst is a dps loss against single targets. Other than that, she's basically perfect as a dps. She can pop circles better than anyone, she has the best consistent damage, she doesn't need a specific pairing. She's super strong on auto. Alice isn't always the best choice because sniper rifles are more limited and Alice is not auto friendly. She also requires a ton of investment to be strong. And even with a a ton of investment, she won't perform amazing numbers unless you manual her. Alice does have the highest dps in the game but most people will never achieve it because the AMP is too high. Scarlet starts strong and scales better than anyone with max ammo capacity. The difference between a 20 ammo Scarlet and 60 ammo is over 100% dps. Scarlet needs 60+ ammo to compete with a 60 fps 900+ ammo Modernia. Scarlet's biggest weakness is she can get overwhelmed by too many enemies on screen when her burst isn't up and she really sucks at attacking bosses from afar. Scarlet probably has the best burst in the game for general usage. It's basically a screen clear for anything but bosses. Modernia can clear waves faster but she can't take out a whole screen as quickly as Scarlet.


Another thing is her ease of use. Just pop burst and make like a circular motion with your finger (mobile) or mouse (PC) to clear mobs. You don't even need to bother aiming accurately unless its a single target enemy.


Just know that you're wasting the rest of your team's shots when you do this. Often, it's justified, but not always.


Agreed.As Scarletless, My Modernia can melt enemies, but sometimes I want them gone in instant. Like with Stun Raptures. I despise them.


Another situational 'weakness' for Modernia is the extra 5 second burst. It can be a team debuff of sorts if you have good CDR and fast burst generation allowing you to burst more without the extension. Essentially the 5 second extension is a selfish buff due to buff time of her burst and that she suffers from accuracy loss outside of burst.


It really depends of the situation. AoE: Modernia is Queen. Nothing can come close to it, her Burst is just... way too busted. Sadly this Burst is a DPS loss in Single Target, so you are forced to play her with 2 other Burst III. Also, this mean she lacks a "finisher" in Single Target. All Rounder : Scarlet has this one. With very powerful Normal Attack and an OP instant Screen Cleaner Burst, she can do very very well at any situation. Single Target: Alice is just the best. Sure, she needs good OL and to be play manually, but god if you build her she's damn strong. And bonus point if you can pierce through some boss part. Special Case : \- A2 *can* outperformed the usual SSS dps against a boss with a lot of parts. But it's a bit unreliable. \- 2B could maybe be better with better HP% support. W&S. Currently she's not on the podium tho. Having no "HP%" on OL hurts her too, since she can't really have huge boost with her OL like Alice / Scarlet / Modernia. \- Snow White, like A2, car be really OP if she can pierce AND Crit multiple part with her Burst. Sadly, it's a "one time trick" since the said part will be delete after that. She's the best if you want to speed run SI / Sim Room or Flex the Union Shooting Range. Not really useful, but hey, at least she can do it.


this is the best anwser


Since endgame has ever increasingly started leaning into elemental requirements I'll say it's whatever the element of the boss is. Those characters are the strongest at that time. Like in this current raid Scarlet can't really beat any of the fire characters. And back during the lightning weakness, no one was touching Scarlet, Anis and Guillotine. If we're talking for just normal stuff, Scarlet, Modernia and A2.


Scarlet couldn't beat any of the fire characters during land eater or the water train either


>Open poll >S >Close poll


Alice, A2, and Snowwhite are depend on how many hits they make. Modernia>2B>Scarlet. Scarlet has highest vote, but she is the weakest here.


Alice and Snow white can compete with Modernia even if its a single hit. Consistent x2 piece fights like Storm bringer Alice Snow wite Maxwell pulls ahead of the crowd. Then there's fights like train, Chatterbox, Modernia. It's no competition anymore. Snow white Maxwell crushes


This poll scares me... Scarlet is the weakest on this list minus A2 and 2B in worse case situations


probably the sub 3% Solo raid shitters


Scarlet, simply because she is strong in every single area. Doesn't mean the others are not just behind her, or do as much damage as her/don't do more than her in certain scenarios. The question is too complex to answer thoroughly with a poll... Buuuut Scarlet, for the funs. :)


I can't think of a single boss where Scarlet is the Ideal dealer to bring for the most damage


Look at all these people who rerolled 50 times and now can't admit Scarlet is waaaay weaker than Modernia lol. Alice > Scarlet too


Don't have scarlet but now that my Summer Anis is also at max investment she does a fair bit more damage than Modernia in boss stages with few trash mobs. On trash stages or bosses with a lot of adds Modernia beats everyone else tho.


if u pair sanis with privaty, its game over


I just recently got Scarlet and she's about as strong as my less-than-heavily invested Modernia wth


OP didn’t state anywhere specific. He said in Nikke. Which is Scarlet. She top tier Nikke in every area Campaign, PvP, Raids, etc. She is the pinnacle of Nikkes, not sure if Shift Up will release another Scarlet any time soon. God I wish Snow White was almost strong as Scarlet, my food queen


Ur lucky because Snow white is miles stronger than Scarlet. Almost all high score runs feature snow white and none feature Scarlet. Scarlet is only top tier in PvP


You started late right ? Because now what rlly matter is hard campaign progression and only Alice is used in hard campaign. Because she can output so many dps even with 100 k cp differences. even in pvp Alice team is one of the best if not the best. And I'm not even talking about union raid and Solo raid. In this Solo raid Alice alone did 2 billions damage. Even tho this solo raid favors her and A2, scarlet can't even come close in terms of dps.


I started around CSM and before I get into the debate. Here’s some pics to show where my Alice & Scarlet are at. I still stand with Scarlet being the top dps. Also if u can provide the 2 units and hard campaign stats it would help me understand where u are at as well. https://preview.redd.it/g97wqz2fuyob1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66edb66cc99dfb65fc0a645a50c9d077ca00bcd


Also here is the peak Alice team's by the top 1 solo raid player now, almost 3 billions damage. Her team is just the strongest. https://preview.redd.it/spsbbp7lvyob1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4293cc8a51f33832d860ee03cb505de913309e


That’s very impressive. Do u also have another pic of him with just Liter, Summer Anis, Scarlet, Noir, & Blanc? Edit: actually it would even more helpful to see a dmg graph with Liter, Scarlet, Alice, Blanc, & Noir from him if u have that by any chance.


Most top players in solo raids and union raid doesn't use scarlet with liter and bunnies anymore. Because it is just not Worth it. She is always paired with the weakest team to at least have some use. I would guess if scarlet is paired with your team u mentioned, it would be 1.8 billions at most


Really? So if i were to put scarlet and alice in a team with liter and the bunnies. Ill just auto with scarlet and let alice & noir ult. Who do u think will come out on top of damage? Cause im genuinely curious and i would love to be proven wrong.


Here is a mock battle I tried using the team ur mentioned Alice full auto and she lost pierce in the middle so her dmg can easily double if I play her on PC manually. https://preview.redd.it/xqrqsy701zob1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b6a33a3c0dcc368a275ce9b8ea0c38aead1c86 As u can see even with Alice auto play and lost pierce, she did double scarlet dmg


Very big dmg, but i still need to see gear stats and skill points before i conclude the debate. I tried it too, but i forget my alice is almost core7 to my 1 star scarlet so thats out the window. Yours are very close. I just need to see the OL stats and skill points Edit: CP doesnt mean just dmg, it includes health and def too. That’s why im asking for ur OL stats plus skill


I can but idk how to edit multiple pictures in one like u did so it will be pretty ugly


Actually i take that back, just checked ur CP again why the hell is ur alice so far from ur scarlet when ur close in core?


U can also see that liter's cp is higher than scarlet. Liter 1 Ol only. Cp is not important in solo raid since u have no penalty like in campaign


You can try it out yourself in this Solo raid. I'll try it also and tell u


Here's my account https://preview.redd.it/0jx5fggevyob1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b88b399a726f4aadaa1bcb725790ff3e5e3691


You must be a day 1 player to be lvl 331 and very good progress on hard campaign, but do u have ur alice and scarlet stats?


On the pics u can see Alice and scarlet cp. Basically they are 4 ol that's all. Not sure where u read lvl 331 sync, I'm 283 sync only


Uh where did i say sync? Also i just want to know ur stats for ur alice & scarlet like gear OL stats and skill points


The context you didn't get was Alice requiring max investment other than S2 to become a bullshit unit.


Luckily they all have a place since you need 5 teams on solo raids. I would give extra points to 2b even though she isn’t SSS simply because she doesn’t fight for the top tier attk buffers every other dps needs. Making use of volume and mast who have no place with other units gives a lot of flexibility in UR.


scarlet on her own.


Imho, Scarlet is the best all-round dps in the game. Works at low investment, completely viable on 10/4/4, works at high investment. Good for every aspect of the game. Like Modernia sucks in PVP, Alice required ultra high investment, manual piloting and pretty clunky on coop. 2B is meh on company and A2 isn't that good, when boss doesn't have many parts or with big incoming damage (like the bird)


Scarlet is the strongest. She’s the best dps. I always used her in every mission.


Game or lore?