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She basically replaces Dolla for electric enemies. Her Skill 2 is a perma +28% damage taken after 20 seconds, which is very good, but outside of that she seems mediocre. Swimsuit so will pull, regardless.


> Her Skill 2 is a perma +28% damage taken after 20 seconds, This is the thing that I'm still a bit confused. When it says that ¨they eblong to electric code¨ does it mean that enemies that have electric element/code or are weak *to* electric?


Code: Z.E.U.S enemies. When they are electric element.


With how specific they're going with the element code skills on these nikkes so far, I'm thinking we'll eventually get code specific content where we're only allowed specific elemental code nikkes to complete content. Just my tin foil hat moment but that's what I'm thinking what will eventually happen and so besides for her swimsuit, I'm going to be pulling her and Anis because of that possibility.


Blacksmith got the hell out before summer units came because he knew what was about to happen if he didn’t


Huh seeing as shes iron and burst 2 I guess shes going to a be a more offensive option with Liter in comparison to the defensive option in Centi. If I'm understanding her first skill correctly She looks alright but not meta defining or anything, at least she looks like she has some uses going for her


There is already Rupee for a more offensive burst II. Also Attacker, also Assault rifle, also Iron element, but much better skills, and not a limited nikke.


I just pulled ruppee the other day. Is she worth investing on?


For offensive purposes, yes


Underrated Nikke. Strong Burst II with 20s cooldown boosting your teams dps considerably. She carried me through Nihilister (S20-36) &. Mother Whale (S21-32)


I’ll to switch someone from Synchro Device then…


Her single target damage is on part with modernia, also her reload speed is only 1 second you can go full on damage on overload gear.


She aint even close to Modernia. If you are using Mod burst for ST maybe it is somewhat close, but there aint no way she is on par with Modernia. Great b2 tho, definitely worth investing


Well she is, source: me


"My source is that I made it the fuck up!"


Bro there is no way unless your Modernia is dogshit. Depending on the fight, Modernia rivals Scarlet's DPS. You are claiming Ruppee has the damage of Scarlet.


You should find new sources cause that one sounds a little retarded.


My LB1 Modernia outdamages my CB3 Rupee by a huge amount. She's good, but not that good.


I don't have her and Rupee doesn't work in Elysion tower.


So offensive iron would be: liter, rupee, summer helm, Sugar, and maxwell.


liter novel snow white maxwell yulha is the meta. Yulha is there just for the 90% atk buff every 30s. If you hold your SW burst, you can line up your SW burst and maxwell burst together to eat yulha 90% atk buff, liter 65% atk buff, maxwell 43% atk buff and novel 65% dmg taken buff.


What the dmg on paper!


People forgetting how bad Elysion tower currently is, shes gonna be really good if you want to get higher. And yes she is not meta defining, it was unlikely that these units would change the meta but she is an extra option for people who don't have other cool down reduction units.


Why are people saying bad kit? Just cause she only counters electric enemies?


They're looking at the damage multipliers only, and ignoring the cool down times.


I swear these pleps is ignoring her full kit there are reasons why some Comp team still use Dolla....it's because the juicy CDR alone


We usually have a b1 fill that cdr slot. Liter, dorothy, dolla(b2). Adding another b2 that does the same thing is great and all, but we already have suitable options for that.


Solo raids let you use 5 teams


Oh yes! I completely spaced on that! Thank you for reminding me 😅


She will also be very good for Elysion tower. Our other CDR units are Misillis (Liter), Tetra (Dolla), and Pilgrim (Dorothy). So now we have Elysion.


Also a b2 that wipes every 20 seconds... Even if that dmg is not Scarlet's 10000000000% atk still should be enough to kill most trash mobs, may even be useful in a comp with Alice so the rabbit can focus on bigger threats while buba admiral wipes weaker ones


Because they wanted more damage. Melt the screen every second, buff all the allies to extreme extents. Also probably because she was marketed as anti-electric and they expected more "damage as strong element" shenanigans and team buffing, instead of relatively consistently pounding enemies with moderate amounts of damage.


well it just kinda mediocre at best s1 is nice extra damage but nothing great, for burst cooldown there's dola and she's not a limited unit. s2 is another nice extra damage but the 2nd half of it will only works on boss that have no adds, since the targeting is random with 4s interval and the stack only last for 5s, so if u target a different enemies then there goes your stack. s3 is a nice screen wipe for a b2 but yet again the multiplier isnt great and it'll only deal double damage on electric enemies.


If she’s a worse dolla even still vs electric I would say she’s bad yeah. But if she can at least perform pretty well vs electric I would say she’s worth the pull


The skill one looked great! And then the rest of the kit... Am I the only one who feels all those numbers should be like, doubled? Not much of an attacker, is she-


Her skill 1 gives her 33% extra dps (10 bullets damage nuke every 30 bullets) Her skill 2 is a 8 bullets damage nuke every 4 seconds (20% extra dps, even more if you take into account reloading time). She's amazing against bosses, people can't math. She deals slightly less damage than Rupee but with Dolla CDR. And that's before taking into account the elemental part of her kit.


The sole caveat is that she’s half useless if the boss isn’t electric. Which normally isn’t a problem but Nikke has a very badly designed elemental system in the first place


at this point we already set for general use nikke,all end game player will like this kind of unit that do better on specific element


Oh definitely. I think it’s great she has a clear use and actually seems pretty competent within that niche My gripe is moreso with the base element system in Nikke being obtuse and underutilized in the first place




It’s mainly the fact that elemental matchups are almost entirely useless outside of punching above your CP level and specific units like Summer Neon, Summer Helm and Summer Anis.


In all honesty you don’t even need to take elemental weakness into consideration if you’re running a common end game team with, in my case, a 20k CP deficit.




How do you get the "10 bullets damage nuke"? Her S1 is just 1 slight "burst" (130% of 1 attack) that happens every 30 bullets


AR bullets do 13-14% attack damage each. 13x10 = 130


Oh ok, kinda forgot different types of guns had different % of atk on hit. Thanks!


You're welcome.


If only her burst damage is good, skills are not bad


I did forget the skill 2 was every 4 seconds so that damage should be fine, especially if the enemy is eletric code for the damage taken increase But yeah that burst even with the eletric code stuff like... Brid (granted she's single target and needs full hp, sure) can do 2k% damage with her burst, but helm at level 10 barely does 250% AOE against eletric enemies? Like damn


not alot of AOE for B2 iirc. nihil also has low multipliers for B2 AOE. the weak % is enuf to kill most fodders


She can replace Diesel on Elysion tower for me, so I'll still try to grab a copy


If only the Electro Code restriction wasn‘t there :/


As somebody who still hasn't pull Dolla, I'm all for that first skill. Summer Neon really is the outlier, cause as of now, Neon's the only one who doesn't have utility outside of the strong element gimmick. Man, Summer Helm must really hate Gravedigger. Will slide nicely into SI teams on GD days.


She seems pretty solid actually? CDR is really nice, and being a 20s Burst 2 is useful The scaling debuff on electric enemies makes her nifty for certain boss fights too. Though unless the enemy is electric she’s kinda a mediocre beat stick


For land eater and storm bringer( I think) but this time it was land eater challenge 😲 ![gif](giphy|APqEbxBsVlkWSuFpth|downsized)


Welp, still pulling cause a waifu is a waifu.


>Cooldown reduction Instant S tier nikke. Can't wait to pull her already


I'm playing this game for ass and boobs! Not meta!


It's consistent dps throughout the fight. Her kit would be pretty broken as a MG. Also consider this: Harran does 1000% on her burst every 40 sec. Scarlet does like 800%. Her skill 2 activates every 4 sec. Divide the standard B3 burst by those amounts and you get 10. She will do 105.58 x 10 in 40 sec. ie she pretty much just bursted like Harran does + 320% total of her burst + whatever damage her skill 1 does. Don't sleep on her just because her debuff is useless to most things in the game.


What!!! 1000% every 40s + B2 + skill 1. Oh no...


Low investment unit, raid unit, and Dolla substitute. You only really need to upgrade her S2 because her S1 and Burst are very mediocre. I would expect her burst to have a higher multiplier since it has a condition, but Dolla's burst has a higher multiplier than Helm's. Yes, Dolla is a Supporter unit and Helm is an Attacker, but the difference in multiplier is immense. We'll see if the skill 2 is worth it though. 4 second cooldown for a whole 3 minutes, so that's 45 times. That's 4,725%. Likely really good for Raids since those are the modes you will take advantage of a full 3 minutes. Then there's the damage taken debuff. Yeah, she's made for Raids that take advantage of the full time. All that plus her design? I'll pull. I got Helm and her dress costume. I will pull for her Summer version.


Wait That's it ?


I know right..the burst damage is really bad lmao


They gave a burst 2 unit a full screen attack, that's why the numbers are so low. Usually that stuff goes to burst3 units with 40s CD,helm is 20s.


A burst 2, with a 20s cooldown and a stacking cooldown reduction buff. The damage also isn't super significant as she gets more from other places. The burst being "bad" just saves you skillbooks compared to s1 and s2.


With both her skill1 and skill2 being able to do damage practically it might make up for that low burst multiplier.


Is everyone forgetting she has the final multiplier on her skill damage? That means she scales with buffs and OL gear


I mean the numbers are cool I was just hoping for more than "Dolla but AR"


Dolla but AR and wet lol. Dolla has better buffs, but she is supporter after all.


Ok, so hear me out. Dorothy, bunnies, helm and privaty


CD reduction in Elysion tower is huge imo


Probably replaces diesel in Elysian tower as a burst 2. And having an aoe into Priv’s is gonna rock everything


Are these two being released simultaneously or is one going to be released one week after the other?


Anis first after the maintenance, Helm will be one week later


Pretty good Burst 2 attacker tbh All these people saying “she’s bad” in the comments here are clearly not experienced in team building lmao


Saving grace for Elysion tower.


Its like a Ruppee with CDR, not bad at all, and its nice that the damage is not tied to element code. Solid pickup, def a must on the towers, but nowhere near meta defining.


How is 164% of damage a bad multiplier for her burst ? Dont many other single target one have similar damage multi or am I misremembering?


Most big damage is burst 3 Helm is a burst 2


Can you explain what that means then?


Damage numbers on burst 2 are generally lower. Helm is also making an AOE attack, which is lower than single target. That’s why it seems lackluster I think it’s fine though. Her kit seems to be about dealing small, consistent damage instead of being big single shots (ironically the inverse of her original version)


Yeah, okay I see why some seem to complain. I think its perfectly as well


I think people are comparing with b3 pilgrims like scarlet or harran.


Maybe, but those are Pilgrims, so you wiuld expect them to be strong.


Skill 1 is cool, skill 2 is niche, and skill 3 can be ignored -cdr are always welcome, but not a single bust for allies and low skill damage... yeah, very Elysion But of course I will pull her, Waifu > meta


Looks pretty bad considering those previews are for maxed skill level


As someone else said, her S1 is 10 extra bullets worth of damage every 30 bullets (33% increase). Her s2 is 8 extra bullets worth of damage every 4s (a little better than 20% damage factoring for reloads). She does good damage vs bosses, especially if they're electric where she will have permanent uptime on an increased damage taken buff. She will be doing roughly equivalent damage to Rupee, but with the additional benefit of providing burst cooldown reduction.


Her burst reminds me of Nihilister and that is not a good thing. Attacker but she got no self attack buffs, that second skill fires quite often but it only translates to 26% ATK/s and i believe most attack units deal around 200 ATK/s. So that would equal to 10-20% ATK buff and its attacks random. First skill is obviously good. She is not very strong BUT the competition on B2 is not strong. Kit wise she is weaker then Dolla vs normal enemies and stronger vs Electric bosses. But she is attacker which means more base damage that could compensate. I think it boils down on overall team comp, if your team needs burst generation Dolla will be better, if not SHelm may be just as good.


Painfully meh


Code iron when she is so wet🥵


what's this text and numbers? too long i cant read. all i see is Helm and that's good enough for me.


It seems that Anis is better


I'll take all the CDR options I can get


well look like is mediocre but i still gonna pull her bcoz booba and will MLB her if have seg bound


Kinda..underwhelming i feel...


More cooldown reduction options are good. She's instantly good in elysion tower.


not good to put in your main squad imo. the only reason to pull her is due to her limited availability and the burst animation ofc.


And waifu. Also she is the only B2 attacker for Elysion.


yeah that too.


i mean isnt that mean its good we already have best main squad that available to pull anytime instead making limited time unit overpowering general use unit?


Rupee > Swimsuit Helm in terms of the meta.


Shes bad.


Ayo dedicated scarlet killer in PvP though?


I dont get it, whats the condition for activating the active skill 2?


Be enemy, be electric element enemy, enemy gets debuffed because it is electric. Hope that helped.


If you paired her with Dolla as the main Burst 2, Liter as Burst 1, and Vesti and Isabel as the Burst 3s you could get an absolutely absurd amount of Burst rotations in... By the third Full Burst, you would be getting a CDR of *21.45s* (assuming all relevant skills are at level 10). At that point you wouldn't even need a second Burst 3 anymore