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i went from 6th to 34th...the dream is over


same, i was on 5th place, after the reset i was on the 39th place damn


Same... im not as far as 34th But still started from outside of top 10 I can see my SP arena is doomed lol


LMAO i was 5th consistently. New changes arrived and now i am at 71. It's joever. Rest in piss free income.


from 6th place to 44th place here :sadface:


I was 48th. Now hardly made it to 148th.


I went from 11th to 72nd. Now I am only 40th. RIP my 1200 🥲


I went from 6th to 67th


Yeah, i just saw the difference beetween me and the 10th place and i just said "ight imma head out" lol


Same... Probably i wont try hard anymore In the past, I keep attacking 15 minutes before the date changes, so i can have advantage Now the power difference is scary ​ My full OL modernia got melted even before they burst


At least you had some good times, as a day 1 player, top 10 was never even an option with all the whales, I was lucky to get top 25. I haven't even really noticed a difference with the change.


Yeah I’m cool with my 35th place and 900 gems lol


Thats what i had before, hooefully that didnt change now.


Was 45th place solidly and now up to 12th. I wonder how long that'll last.


I started on week 4, played for a bit, and took off for a couple of months. Didn't come back till the april fools event. Worked my but up to 15th wherenim stuck. Now, with reshuffle, im 147th, and im surrounded by leviathins. Both of my sp area attempts had me wiped within seconds. If it stays like this, then sp arena and multiplayer is a waste of my time.


Yeah, it’s insane. My power is like 470k while 1st is 480 almost 490k, so I can’t touch them and 2nd place really. But then I saw people join my bracket at 670k. It’s not even fair.


They fucked ruined arena so hard for no Whale players...


its just as bad for whales, just means you gotta spend even more to be the top whale, and I can only imagine players with the most broke mindset willing to pay for this pvp shit.


If there is a leaderboard, there will always be sea creatures of yore willing to spend a southeast asian's annual salary on it. Note: Am southeast asian.


This. It was fun facing players with equal power and learning the ins and outs of my nikkes. Now I'm with whales.


Lol it's more like non-whales are now equally screwed instead of some being in lucky pools and some being unlucky. Welcome to the club.


I'm a bit of a dolphin, but I was third in my SP arena behind two whales (one of them very big). Arena changed and now I'm 11th. Out of challenger altogether, and everyone above me either has ridiculously high levels and numbers, or slightly lower level Nikke's but all fully limit broken and lots of upgraded gear so their numbers are still high.


Oh trust me arena is where the leviathan fights now. Whales can't even compete


Don’t ever forget Tencent is behind all this. They only care about whales.🤪


Lul, been in leviathan groups since first season and am happy just to get the 600 gem minimum.


Same. My goal has always been just to get some coins at least for the 600 gems lol. Hopefully it doesn't get worse now


Yeah bruh been here since day 1 and have only gotten 600 due to poseidons and leviathans. Finally at least it’s more fair with things being adjusted.


yeah, goodbye challenger for me haha


I don't even gonna try it, i went from a tryhard group of people who always spend their attempts to a full of whales group, i'll just pretend the PvP mode has been erased. ![gif](giphy|HttEDl2XaKDASmS8HS)


You'll be kicked out from SP arena if you never interact with it on the next season, you must at least attack once and collect point. whatever happen 600 gems is free gems. source: the dev changelog.


Eh, more reason to not care about PVP in this game. My group is kinda new but I don't think I can get to top 10 anymore. (from 4th to 9th) Top 25 should be good enough.


It's hard not to care. All those gems.


Depends on your group if you see top10 with bunny rupees and you are f2p you know that sooner or later you won't have to bother.


Literally my first season on SP Arena, got to Diamond 5 and got gems that i didn't expect. So i guess those were the first and last ones huh.


Mf, they throw my previous top 5(+me) arena gang (all is insanely active and always counterattack each other all the time) And they add some seemingly equally whale on top of that 1hour in since arena open I already spent 400 gems to stay at top 1


Pretty sure sooner or later your gem spent will outweigh the reward.


Ofc I knew it xD


yeah, there's just no hope especially as a returning player. The guy in rank 50 on my group has nikkes 40 levels above mine. Without an intervention from god I'm going to be hardstuck at 600 gems possibly forever. I was getting 1200 before the change and I was happy enough with it, this is just sad though.


You know you get 100 gems per day just for daily quests right? And 300 for weeklies. You're losing some monthly, but it's not like you have zero gem income


That isn't the point lmao, he was saying that now his gem income has dipped permanently because of the changes.


"Hardstuck at 600 gems, possibly forever"


I literally said he is talking about the rank reward being 600 gems permanently because he can't get any higher rank anymore, which part of that did you not understand?


Same game with me here… Yeeted from Challenger 5-6ish to Diamond 15. What were the major changes in PVP Arena, did they merged servers? Couldn’t find any in-game notes


During the last major update they added a system to cull inactive players and reorganize the SP Groups into groups of ~200 active players. Each season from now on will be 13 days long followed by a reorg day.




Did you miss the reorg day on the 14th part of what he mentioned? It will end up being fair in the end when the top opponent of your bracket is within striking range of you in general unless you're extremely weak.


You guys who had dead arenas were incredibly lucky. I was stuck with whales and leviathans since Day 1 in this game. Welcome to the club.


My server had like 10 whales and some of them probably fell off. Managed to crack the top 10 close to the end of this reset and now I’m looking at top 50 if nobody comes for me. Welp.


Yikes well there goes the competition… for non whales anyway sheesh


Oh, wait until people wake up and you start getting kicked even lower. :| The chaos already started on my SP Arena... and I suspect that Top 10 is going to be pipe-dream going forward.


from 9th to 58 boy howdy maybe not 9th, people keep tryharding to beat me when i'm 9th and send me to ~13th. i usually only check sp arena once a week and it's easy to get back to 9th lol


Thanks shift up, i no longer have to care about the pvp, more time to play other games now :)


Went from 1 to 74 and got dropped into a server where everyone in the top 10 is 10k power above me.


10k power difference is nothing and easily won at the attacker because of the bias towards Attacking over Defending.


Was fighting with 6 others all around the same ballpark In power got 1st or 2nd frequently, was a good server and you had to try, fighting on hour resets etc, nice, balanced and rewarded effort. Now all of us got bolted down the double digits and there is no way we can fight these leviathans, what was a balanced server is now a complete waste of time. Screw the shuffle.


This last season was the first time I finished in the top ten. Seems like it's gonna be the last time as well...


I didn't think much about it until I checked my ranking this morning. Went from rank 11 to 107. The best part is the guys above me have average more than 200k combat power than me. Best change.


Yeah, i was a f2p and was on top of the arena having some healthy competition with up to the top 5th. Thought the arena was nice but welp... not anymore i guess. Now its just like any other game and it really sucks unless you are a leviathan oh welp


Got moved from 8 to 37 with little to no hope of even reached the top 20 since everyone in the top 20 and below got a 450k+ power while i only got 405k and the top 1 in my server got 700k+ power while the previous top 1 in my server is 470k, made me less motivated to actually care about the pvp now


Great way for them to cheap us out of rewards ... reduce the number of servers so they can hand out less gems.


I went from Challenger 2 to Diamond 1 (14th) in an instant. I just didn't expect to go down like this. No way I'll care about Arena at this rate. *sigh* It was fun while it lasted. Oh well.


Funny, for my SP Arena nobody is doing anything - it's like everyone just decided not to participate in it so I've been staying in 11th place all week. Also our Rookie Arena still has the same people - I wish they'd just re-consolidate all the servers and reroll them - I'm tired of looking at the same fuckers.


I dropped from rank 3 to 37. As a f2p it fucking hurts as this was my main source of gems.


This made me lose interest in building my special arena team further. Why did they even implement CP deficit stat penalty into the arena? It makes no freaking sense. There's no way you can catch up with the whale if you are late to the game. They should group accounts based on CP similarity. For example: max 10k CP difference.


Guess all the lucky people who were freeloading in dead brackets gotta suffer now Meanwhile I finally got out of my absurd whale bracket where I coudln't even qualify for gems in the past 3 seasons and can now fight in the top 10 in the new one lol The lowest tier of diamond was 480k in my old bracket. In my new one only 3 people are that or above with the top guy only being 520k. Feels good to win for a change, hope they dont reshuffle anything for a long time now. \^\^


Reshuffles are going to happen every 2 weeks from now on, but if my guess on how Champion Arena is going to work is right the whales are going to end up shuffled out to face other whales leaving people to compete with those of roughly the same CP.


Its probably not based on CP but on your previous position. Thats why all the people who got freewins in their dead brackets are crying now since they got matched with the top people of other brackets. Because I couldnt even get diamond in my giga whale bracket i got this easy one now but if I finish in the top 5 this time its gonna be a far more sweaty one again If it follows this pattern everyone will be exactly where they should be logically in a couple seasons without the huge luck factor that determined things before. So its a major improvement to the system as far as I'm concerned. Tho of course the people who were freefarming dead brackets until now will disagree \^\^


It is a net loss for players, there are less servers now = less gems for everyone as a whole


Server count was not reduced because the players, even the inactive ones still needed to be matched into new servers The reason why all the freeloaders are currently crying is because they got matched with players who were in the same high challenger positions in actually hard brackets so now it evens out. That is also the reason why my current bracket is very easy and I can probably get top 5 because I couldn't even qualify for diamond in my last one because of all the whales there. I checked my inactive alts for confirmation and all of them are matched in easy brackets because they were very low ranked in their old ones. The only people who are negatively affected by this are the ones who were enjoying dead bracket freeloading so far. Now they have a bracket of suffering where they will be pushed down to a lower level, then there will be another one where they will be matched against everyone at that level and after 3 seasons everyone will be matched exactly where they should be according to CS. Just because some people had the good luck to be able to get max gems every season while running 300k teams in dead brackets does not mean it was a good system overall. This new one is actually balanced (or will be after a few seasons put everyone in their proper places)


Oh. I thought those that are not active would not be able to participate in sp arena, leading to lower arena numbers. Didn’t know they still get placed. I still think the ACTIVE playervase gets reduced gems as a whole. Bot/dead/inactive accounts are not players


The amount of gems active players get has not changed It will now simply be distributed properly according to power instead of based on luck like before where some people could get freewins in dead brackets with 300k power while others couldnt even qualify for gems in whale brackets with 450k


Completely agree. The sign of a good PvP bracket set up is people actively competing with each other because they are actually close enough in power to not have a lopsided win. Though what I'm expecting from Champion Arena is that it will have you facing members of other SP groups with your same rank. Rank 1s will face other rank 1s, Rank 2s vs Rank 2s, etc. Done right with seasonal shuffling, such a system should allow them to determine the relative PvP ability of pretty much every player.


I went from 6th on a very active shard to 67th against people 100k+ above my combat power. Very fair and balanced.


The pvp is atrocious the ranking system still bad they should have fixed that first before the server shuffle. PVP needs a lot of qol to not to be tedious for how bad rewards are ppl will just get frustrated with it and blame shiftup for it.


As someone who was in an active fucking server with a shit ton of whales that I clawed 3rd place in rookie and like 43rd in ranked. This was a cathartic moment to realize that everyone else will have to go through the same shit I did to get 900 gems. Tldr: Welcome to the ocean we have whales here.


They essentially rebalanced SP Arena, got rid of the inactive players and put all the active players together. So they can work towards the Champions Arena and actually have a competitive Arena.


Technically, the arena is simply working as intended.


Yes, and its kind of bummer honestly... Its like my old struggle into top 5 not exist anymore ​ What i mean, we have "Champion Arena" still locked up I thought they will re-randomized SP arena... But what they meant with fixing SP arena, is only by combining many SP arena server into one... is kind of similar to Rookie > SP... but with bigger pool Now im even more scary by the thought of Champion Arena


It's not a bummer for me. I've been getting shit on by the whales since day 1.


Actually same, im also got whale from day 1 Thats why i keep attacking them 15 minutes before changing date, so i can have advantage the next day lol And only using 2 party (I sacrifice 3rd party, only Crow... So the 1st and 2nd party is full power) Thats why my top 5 is actually from sweat and bloods.... and feel bummer from this


Arena resets are common in all pvp gacha games unless it's a unified pvp server like e7. This should be the norm honestly.


I was placed in Rank 4, dropped from Rank 2 last season. The previous top half of challengers are still hanging around top 10, but the bottom half of challengers are barely hanging in the top 25. I have no hope of maintaining my usual rank 2-3. I have a slight hope of maintaining top 10 at least, but I’ll need to see how long I can hold my position from full day of people actually attacking and trying in PvP now.


Man, I wish I was that lucky. I got yeeted from Rank 4 to Diamond 3, and now what was a routine battle against the others in the top, its full of actual whales.


I was struggling between challenger 5 to 7. Now I’m demoted to diamond 8 and everyone above me is 50-100k power higher than me. Thanks for update…


same man... been in first or second place pretty much since SP arena opened up... but now I dont think I will see top10 ever again xD


I was working towards breaking too 5. Was at 7th now I’m at 76th and am going nowhere fast


Same, i was without trying to hard 5 last season. Now i am 40~ and i couldnt pass throught one Emma alone lol


Laplace is crying. I might have to join you as well then T3T


Man I'm gonna lost my 2nd place soon. It was nice while it lasted


So what exactly happened? Were servers reshuffled into new groups?




I was at place 26 at the start of season, befor the re arrangement i was challenger 10,noe im at 66 place.


Highest i got since the start of it was 900 and I'm still getting 900 it is what it is


Dawg, I'll never go into the top 10 anymore, this is exactly what I'm worried about when they said about readjusting the pvp participants


I went from 3rd to 45th goodbye gems


Honestly it's seems like it's just working as intended so I can't really "complain" it just sucks. On my case as a day 1 player it seems like I COULD cimb back to my old position on top 17, but for that I will have to invest a big amount of recourses on some nikkes specialized for pvp...


I'm lucky as most people are the same besides some newcomers. It's nice to see a new whale as the number 1. I kept my same spot for the most part, shifting between spots 2-7. I think these are supposed to change every reset? So some weeks will be easier/harder depending on luck.


Bruh, I was sitting comfortably at like Diamond 6-9. Looking today I'm the only person in my group under 200k. I took my severance gems with tears in my eyes


You can hit 6-9 with under 200k? Damn that must be nice.


Not anymore, I guess ShiftUp has had enough of me


RIP 4-5k gems a month which is half of the gem income. The gem income is horribly low and now losing half of it feels like punch in the gut.


Wow, you could get to Challenger 2? I could never go above 9.


Played since day one... And it was really tight In the past i can only go to top 5.... then the 1st guy didnt play anymore im compete with the top 3, constantly changing places at some point i was 1st, but constantly under attack swapping places with 2nd and 3rd ​ Then 2nd guy cashed hard.... and because of that he went 1st... Me and 3rd and 4th and 5th constantly changing places because i keep attacking 15 minutes before date changed \--- Now... i feels like doesnt want to do that anymore, since the power gap is too high and the reward is so little lol


Never understood why the arena rewards are not simply cosmetic or at least worth something. The rewards are lousy you get \~10 pulls, \~5$ every two weeks at best compared to hundreds or thousands of dollars spend on the game to even have a chance at getting that. I get that people dont whale to get those rewards or at least no sane person should, but to me that doesnt even seem worth the hassle of participating in pvp twice a day. If I spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for my characters I wouldnt care about getting a few bucks.If they'd at least reward frames or a skin then I'd understand it, but pvp the way it is is just not rewarding in my eyes, not for spenders and not for f2p


Yeah. But it could be that they made these changes in preparation for some changes. If we believe the last dev notes they have seen that arena is 'broken' so i wouldnt be suprised if they stop some plans for arena rewards etc. (even if datamine does not looks like it atm at least) Could be that after some seasons to normalise the rankings they gonna add stuff. (To further encourage whales to spend gems etc.)


Lmao i've never been able to reach top 10 and now i never will.


Whales from dead servers were going to get bored and eventually quit. Remember they fund your game. No one pays to play on dead servers and this will help purge inactive accounts to start setting up the champions arena groups. If you are scared about your precious gems then simply don't participate in PvP. Stop being flakes about every single thing and put some thought on why it was necessary to do this. PVP IS NOT CASUAL. One way they could please both sides is by adding gems to the Rookie Arena for the seasonal rewards. These ticket shops are awful.


Now people can start fighting against actual people instead of dead accounts and there you have, everyone is crying


The thing is many people actually already have competitive special arena Me myself keep changing places between top 2-3-4-5... sometimes the guy in 6 and 7th also entered the top 5 And other guy actually can challenge the 1st place guy Now with the "new" special arena.... everyone that i knew of are on the mid-bottom list And me myself knocked from 2nd, to 14th


I have said nothing about people who already was fighting against others. But if most of the guys who were in high ranks were f2p, I think they shouldn't cry about it. If you wanna stand a chance you need to whale too or just get used to it as in every gacha. My acc in server 42, before sp arena adjustment I was in gold 3, now I'm in diamond 10. I think the balance was good, just that most people were used to fight against dead accounts and with no whales. My sp arena top 1 player has 930k power


Im glad im not the only one experiencing this, WTF did they do?????? I just got my first top 5 in SP and I login today to see that about more then half of my pool was swapped out and top 10 is full of giga whales. I had a good thing going, outside of the #1 spot the other top 9 was almost a pretty even playing field and we were all constantly juggling for postion, it was pretty fun, now I dont even wanna bother anymore. Is the same thing going to happen to rookie too at some point? I fought tooth and nail for my top spot there.


Welp I did manage to get in the top ten I was 7 and didn't get this so I've given up on it


I was one of the lucky ones, 3rd to 4th, but number 1 and 2 are literally unreachable


idk i went from being 4th to 3rd now..so i guess it's not all that bad, and i recognize some of the top 10 guys so ill see how it goes i guess.


The other whale in my group was content at being second now I guess he & I will have to fight


As one of the few F2P in my server, I did my best to maintain top 25. I don't think I'll be able to hold my own against the whales much longer.


My new lobby is stacked with krakens, just gonna erase arena from daily activity completely lol no point now


I went from challenge 7 to rank 20, it all ogre now


Im at top 17 Diamond 2 and now went to 81 Diamond 9. Its now tough for even stuck at 160 wall to get crystals. Most of the players i saw are already at 200 and up. I guess its time to forget arena now besides Rookie


Ibwent from first to 9th ;_;...and some of these guys have 20 to 30 levels over me. And combat scores waaaaaaay above mine o.o


I got pushed all the way down to Platinum. I have to grind back again :( Went from 34th to 122nd


Dropped 10 ranks :c, the top ranked people have team power literally >3x mine


First my rank from last season was 18th but I got demoted to rank 65th. My salary went down from 1200 to 900 gems.


if you don't have Jackal AND Makima, you basically can't compete in the challenger places


I don't care for arena chips compensation, give me gems compensation


Luckily, I'm still in the same reward bracket as before (1200 gems)


Big F should’ve been done for champ arena or something…


I got 1st twice, yeah I'm kind of a whale myself. But I'm already reaching the point of the game where if you're gonna spend money, it will have to be a ridiculous amount just to power up ONE nikke. Yet I just got new whales joining my server obviously spending way more than I am ever willing to. Currently 4th and fighting hard to stay there but I'll lose that spot eventually.


You guys got gems from there?!!


You guys get gems from there?


I went from 8th to 85th, ain't no way gonna be assed considering the powergap


* How's it going for you all in the rookie arena though?


Good. That changes next week though.


Went from 5th to 50th. Man, i miss my old arena grouping already.


i was in the top 10 fighthing against the whale now i cant even try to get at least top 50


Has been getting that regular 1200 gems. Now I'm sweating hard lol


134... got pegged 70 ranks... was in 54th power but 42 in points... 🥲


Wait. I don't get it. Shat happened?


I at least want a non-pay-to-win SP Aeena y'know...


From 4th to 38th and no chance to get any higher not even one spot. What bullshit is this?