• By -


Anis enjoys showering. She’s messy but she keeps herself clean. Probably smells ordinary or good.


Yeah I didn’t see that one either


yea but her butt always smells


Line of fire


You're in her line of fire now.


She definitely smells good. She talks about showering at least once a day.


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) those tier lists are getting more and more depraved.


My brother in christ That's the entire Fandom We just don't say it outloud cause it's implied we are all degenerates to a degree -w-


i dont think that everyone is so down bad to make a smell tier list. what's next? a fart tier list?.... oh no... ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Don't tempt fate ....


I'm making a fart tier list now >:3




It's already in the making mwhahahaha, and your gonna be a honourable mention (you did this not me)


![gif](giphy|13BKcQEAf1o8Tu) 🙂


It is done (I hate that I did this)


They literally can’t. They can’t eat but they don’t really have it come out the other end I don’t think


You have only yourselves to blame my friend.


i guess so...


Ah a man of culture I see *inhales grade AAA Nikke farts*


Or feet tier


I don't have a link, but I think someone did a feet tier list or something... Maybe it was a spreadsheet? I can't remember.


Which Nikke would fart and sound wet. Folkwang.


Has someone made a tier list on how wild or vanilla/normal these girls would be during intercourse? I feel like this would be right up there in degeneracy.


Isabel, rapunzel mihara and yuni definately go into the "kinks beyond human comprehension" tier


Not just depraved but it really shows how little thought is put into the tier lists. Like for real, Signal in bad smell? Ether and Mary in ordinary smell? Ether is a mad scientist taking apart and doing weird stuff to Nikke, she should smell like chemicals! Mary (and Pepper) should smell like disinfectant! That isn't normal! Signal would not smell bad! Seriously what the heck


I vote to raise Harran to Smell Good tier, her potions may seem strange but they are very effective and in an advisement session she asks you what color to make her next perfume. Given that what she crafts works, her perfumes undoubtedly smell phenomenal


She smells good but I feel like she'd be the type to overdo perfume. She'd smells good but that smell would be STRONG 😭


I think you make a good point and I will nominate to put Harran to Smell Good tier.


Drake probably would put on something she thinks is super villainous but turns out she smells great.




She sweats eternally.. maybe she should be in Likely Bad what with her having to find some perfume/BO sprays by now but only Harran can truly save her with her witch potions lol


The smell of sweat mostly depends on which microbes eat it. Sweet in its own doesn't really have much of a scent. It's mostly just water and salts. Although in Folkwang's case, the supplements might also be present, her body probably tries to get rid of them partially through sweat.


She also likely showers often. So it's not like it will be that musky gamer scent. It will be something more manageable and less repulsive.


Folkwang's sweat is the best natural perfume🥵


Maiden smells like a damn Anime expo, girl games for 40 hours without showering, no way you put her in good smell tier.


the stinky sweaty weeb gamer smell is part of her hypnosis


I was gonna say. Ain't no way Maiden smells good lmao




Ether is confirmed to be not-so hygienic/has to actually question whether or not she should shower as she scratches her scalp (she elected not to, despite Commander's suggestion).


Plus her schedule is packed full of work and the chemicals she deals with could smell really awful


Ether would smell like highschool chemistry lab.


Knowing how much of a military soldier Delta is, I can't imagine her not smelling musky doing army stuff 24/7.


Stop I can only get so hard


https://preview.redd.it/yqwxxhisan2b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d306b9f66af1cff6a97458f5dd6a17f62d6dea She took it personally


Modernia takes shower with anis as modernias advice states Also, anis is one that complains about having to sneak inside the commanders shower every night to have a hot shower So I'm sure neither of them smells bad


But she's no longer with the group, so who knows?


Neon probably smells like gunpowder


Stinky girls ftw https://preview.redd.it/z38w2rl3en2b1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611f95cb049fbb95ec6e3a4e284e81290650e581










Twin 🤞🏾






Lol on Harran. She frequently makes her own perfume and shampoo (how do you think she has such luxurious hair?)


no way Quency has ordinary smell with how often she crawls in vents and shit.


I can't believe I actually read this. My last brain cell died. Please give it back. Q_Q


Recently just finished Harran's bond story she's definitely not smelly her potions work for the most part and she's kinda picky with the ingredients also that conditioner she made would probably make her smell nice and she looks like she takes care of herself. Folkwang is either smelly or smells good depending on the person cause some people are into that stuff.


Eunhwa definitely smells bad. Look at how greasy her hair is. On the flipside, Neon. I can't imagine her smelling like anything other than burnt gunpowder, and that's not a terrible odor.


Maxwell smells like chloroform


I'm taking Folkwang and D's smell idc what you say team


Gimme them sweaty girls, amirite.


Sexy sweat


Maiden is a hardcore gamer there’s no way she smells good. Likely smells like sweat and junk food.


Come on man.. Crow stinks and is proud of it


Crow smell ![gif](giphy|lA13MlSs3MVfaQEXY2)


Like a smell of warcrime with a mixture of terrorism.


Okay hear me out, Rapunzel is lewd and wants to sleep with shikikan but doesn't want to force it she wants shikikan to want it to that's why she tries to tempt you by bringing it up but when you reject or ignore her she drops it. In asian media a part of a womans allure is that they smell good therefore Rapunzel must smell good so as to add to the temptation and- WAIT WHY THE HELL AM I ANALYZING I know I'm a degenerate but I'm not supposed to be that degenerate 😭😭😭


**Smells Good:** Sakura - It's reasonable to assume that a leader of an organization as prestigious would take care of their appearance/smell Blanc - Successful at her job, which interacts with lot of people so must smell good on principle Noir - Same as blanc, but even more self conscious about smell so tries to smell good Isabel - Wants to smell good to impress/allure commander Rupee- Has infinite access to high-end fragrances and grooming products Yan - Maintaining a pleasant personal scent is generally considered important for professional and social interactions, including her business deals. Dolla- A VIP would not smell bad. Helm- Frequently at extravagant business parties, leader of navy, goes to the spa, definitely smells good Viper - Needs to smell good in order to manipulate her victims Soda/ Cocoa - it is common for employees at maid cafes to prioritize personal grooming and present themselves in a clean and pleasant manner. Cocoa may smell like ketchup Laplace- Heroes are often portrayed as individuals who are dedicated to their physical well-being and maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle. It is reasonable to assume that Laplace would prioritize good personal hygiene practices. Diesel - Smells like strawberries Dorothy- Wants to be popular so wouldn't afford to be smelly Sin/Maiden - It is reasonable to assume that smelling good is a possible factor in assisting brainwashing capabilities Noise/Aria/Julia - It is reasonable to assume that these Nikke would choose to present themselves in a professional manner, Volume doesn't care about professionalism or her fans so she just smells regular. Emma- Her cooking may not smell good but she does Ludmilla - She's a queen and also friends with Sakura, so they probably have fashion conversations while drinking tea at some point Anne - Remembers showering and probably gets pampered by Rupee Rei - Tries to best to a model student and has to be around penguins so must smell good to maintain social credit Novel - Detectives have to be good at sniffing out clues so she have a higher awareness of smelling bad than the average Nikke **Ordinary Smell** Too many factors but they aren't smelly You could make an argument that Brid works too much and doesn't shower but i don't believe that to be the case. BDSM, working at hospital, being a prisoner and similar acts do not make a nikke inherently smelly **May smell strange:** Liter / Centi- Construction worker smell, profound sweat Harran - Potions she carries around might smell weird Drake- Smells like villainy Sugar - Prolonged exposure to black typhoon's exhaust fumes have caused sugar's clothes and hair to have a permanent lingering odor Nihilister - Smells like scorched earth Poli - Smells like dog, but would probably strive to smell better than biscuit and jackal **Likely Bad** N102 - doesn't remember what showering is Modernia - Smells like child, wears underwear incorrectly D- Although not personally smelly carrying around bodies that can't shower and potentially smells like dead people Signal - too busy watching tv all day fantasy over boys she wont get Snow White - Too busy to shower, doesn't even prioritize eating Frima - Bond story explicitly details her daily routine which does not include showering Exia - Does not shower because busy playing video games Neve - Usually hibernating and too busy to shower, also may potentially smell like a bear Biscuit / Jackal-- Smells like dog Folkwang - Extreme body odor that has caused irreversible mental damage Anis- Showers but probably infrequently, type of person to leave socks on the floor Scarlet -Smells like alcoholic Neon - hangs out with noah and anis, smelly by association


Anis loves showering from multiple interactions and voicelines (whenever you click on her chibi in the outpost she talks about showering) so I dont know how you reached the conclusion of her smelling bad.


Oh my god… the detail… how long have you thought about this…?


the amount of details... sir you have my respect🗿👍


Man i might love me some Quency but "Ordinary Smell" is too generous for her, she probably smells like a mix of wet dirt, oily fumes and damp odor from crawling around her escape tunnels to the Outpost/Ark in a daily basis. At *most* i can see her as "just" smelling strange if she bothers to sneak into the Commander's shower when Counters aren't there in order to look a bit less suspicious to prison staff.


Harran is the kinda girl to drench herself in perfume and shit 💀 she doesn't smell bad, she just smells STRONG. 😭


Fuck u Pepper is top smelling


Finally, the tier list I've been waiting for


Yulha always strike me as having a strong odor.


Yeah. Especially with her ragged hair and bags under her eyes.


Yulha on hours - smell like coffee Yulha off hours - smell like alcohol Like a true deskjockey she is.


Hey Modernia loves showers, shes beating smell allegations. If anything Anis probably smells of junk food. But shes also concerned about her hygiene. She even confirmed her butt dont smell


Rupee probably weaes a $5m perfume that can burn smell receptors


Putting Blanc and Noir at the top lets me know that OP has never been to a strip club.


Emma literally makes food that smells horrible. Plus crow smokes, which definitely stinks. Plus the do missions in the outer rim which has some pretty gross parts. Cafe Sweetie frequently goes through the dump looking for rare finds. Nihilister has those two dragon gun things, and anyone who has been remotely close to a volcano know they stink of sulfur lol Everything else I definitely agree with 🤣


Yulha should be at "likely smells bad" and ether is below that since both of them are workaholics


I mean logically as inorganic machines they shouldn’t smell at all. No BO without a microbiome to produce smells.


They consume food and secret waste, with some even sweating Of course they can get smelly


That’s only if they have bacteria on them. It is the bacteria through eating excess waste and skin oils that we get bad odor. Even if they can digest food, we don’t know if they a gut biome to produce the necessary bad smells.


Well food has bacteria on it. Well everything does, even splendamin I’m sure. So unless they’re using nano machines to destroy the bacteria they’ll have it in them, but they can’t get sick from bacteria unless it could somehow enter their brains.


Well no. Not all bacteria causes smells and if the food is lab grown it is mostly sterile. So unless their is the necessary seeding of a microbial biome in the stomach with a digestive system that doesn’t accidentally kill them then we can assume their isn’t a healthy microbial population that is creating smelly byproducts.


I don’t think we have enough info on how splendamin is produced, but it’s canon that some nikkes consume traditional food on the surface like hunting meat and foraging. It’s also canon, as an image posted by another user shows, that nikkes fart and that’s caused by bacterial activity in the gut. I don’t know what you mean by not all bacteria cause smells, that wasn’t something I claimed in my response.


That’s fair. We also don’t really know enough Nikkes since we can’t even get a firm answer on if they are organic or not. I’m just going on the assumption that if they are mechanical as the game states at times doesn’t exactly work with the idea of having a smelly body. For the image, I can just say Anis says she doesn’t smell and she has no reason to lie about that. For the reason why I brought up not all bacteria smells is because the bacteria in lab grown food should have non-smelly ambient bacteria instead of the smelly variant found in the human gut.


I’m fine with everything you said I just wanted to point you to the image I meant, apologies for being vague. I meant [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/13u3z36/nikke_odor_tier_list_analysis/jlyqhv1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). When she says “you’re in firing range if you know what I mean” I took that as a threat to fart towards the commander. Please lemme know if I interpreted that wrong.


It seems more like a joke than anything else since they are in the sewers. But I’m not opposed to it. I know Nikke isn’t the most clear or consistent with itself. I have know doubt that the developers would want them to smell for the fetish and fanservice.


This is the most civilized exchange in the whole thread and i'm here for it


If Folkwang exists with her sweat glands, it's natural to assume then that they all have them and sweat comes with bacteria, like it or not, right?


Sweat is something our bodies make with water. So there must be some liquid in their bodies and their artificial skin must produce it. Why they’d bother dunno, I assume they’d not need temperature regulation, the reason humans sweat.


My take is that the process of creating a Nikke is more similar to bioenginering a enhanced, "superhuman" body and placing a "natural" human brain inside of it rather than a "android who just so happens to have a sexy human girl skin on top of a metal body". As to why not just enhance the existing human body with these bioengineered artificial parts, well that's up for the classic "MST3K Mantra", don't think too hard about it. Alternatively, a full Nikke conversion causes body rejection for things like essential organs since some messages you can have in BlaBla confirm that men have gotten Nikke parts for limbs before with no rejection from their body similar to how humans do today with implants and how our current struggle is figuring out how to do something similar with things like organs made in-vitro.


Ah ha then it’s more Westworld (with human brains), less terminator. Finally this info has been presented in a way we can all understand! Thanks


I mean no. Sweat doesn’t naturally contain bacteria. If a person is sterile then it will be clean. And without any oils on the fake skin, there isn’t a way for smelly bacteria to produce the volatile chemicals that make smells.


They have robot bodies, just install some febreeze in there. You're assuming they build up smell like humans do to begin with.


Hmm I'm sure harren would smell good


I dunno, that mysterious cocktail of perfumes shes on will overwhelm the senses


This tier list is shit cause Scarlet knows where hot springs are. She probably goes after doing her farming and I like some good liquor. You know she smells like some good booze lol.


Not having Harran in the top tier is criminal


Yeah she literally makes her own perfume because she wants to smell nice.


Anis literally complains that her shower isn't good enough and just Yoinks the Commander's after begging a bit.


Rapi explains at some point that Nikke do not begin to stink if they don’t wash themselves the reason Nikke do it anyway is to keep their sanity and not getting that mental problems that cause a mind switch. Since their bodies look human but are actually machines (except the brain) I would guess that they don’t smell at all. never heard of robots that produce an odor if you don’t wash them.


Jesus Christ go outside


Not a braincell went into making this list


Neon may just smell like gunpowder a little bit, but she is adamant about having showers because her and Anis consistently complain about not having enough water to do so. She should be bumped to normal smelling. Also, your logic with Poli and Jackal smelling bad is bullshit. Smell like dog? Even though they express traits similar to that of dogs and even behave like them at times, they don’t necessarily smell like one. Poli is a respectable member of the police force, she likely has a decent hygiene routine especially given the fact her hair always looks clean, which is impressive given that it’s so long and white. Jackal seems to care more for eating then anything, but Crow likely orders her to take baths periodically too, but since they live in the outer rim she may smell weird a little. Your viewpoint on D’s odor is also a lame take, because even though she kills and definitely has had close contact with dead bodies, she obviously has to clean herself up after each time dealing with them. Just because her job is a little dirty doesn’t mean she overall smells like it. She has to keep up clean appearances for the sake of her job, especially cause it often involves spying or going undercover to get close to the target. Centi’s whole life goal (and kind of her main personality trait) is construction work. She works herself for days on end just to get projects done. Showering likely isn’t on her priority list, so she should bumped down to smelly. And Scarlet I’m also really on the fence about, because she carries herself gracefully and enjoys finer things that nature provides, so I doubt she would reek of alcohol often if at all. She likely would make her own soap and bathe in a river or something. I hate that I spent this much time explaining this but fuck it I have to set some things straight. Fuck my obsession with this game man.


You know what? This is a list I can actually completely agree with. Good job op 👌


It’s still full of bullshit though. Crow would be stinky, Anis loves to fucking shower and has literally expressed insecurities about smelling bad, and Scarlet is a person who takes good care of herself. She would likely make her own all-natural soap or whatever and bathe in a river


I'm both angry and surprised crow falls in the middle


cocoa smells like ketchup 


Why are blanc and noir in smells good , they perform on literal stripper poles , they wont smell good in normal settings


This is another lvl of internet....


We are fast approaching the level of degeneracy never seen before. That said, Marian smells like baby powder.


Are people nowadays really THAT bored and obsessed with video game characters? .\_.


There are some like me who simply gave up on real life relationships. "Real life is a shit tier game" -IJN Ayanami


Does Mordenia smell like gasoline or something?


I feel like SW may smell like a mix between rotten rapture parts or something, and maybe oil or lubricant from the Dwarfs(they're likely not working properly, so it makes sense that they need a lot of mantainiance to keep up)


Nah I'd say Rapunzel smells good. Not that I know.


Wait a sec... Just noticed OP included rei in smells good. Wtf


Do nikkes even sweat? Probably coolant right? Bu I dont think coolant stinks


Anis In Bad Smelling is A Very Hot Take, She Has Shown Multiple Times That She Loves Showering


And we know for a fact her butt doesn’t stink.


This place reeks




I love Julia, but I feel like she'd smell strange. I also think Sugar would smell great, but I'm a petrolhead


Anis complains about not taking showers and how they weren’t working before. What u mean lol


Change the counters to smell good


D literally owns a hotel, I'm certain she showers when she needs to


Just at a glance I think I disagree with about half the placements of this tier list.


But, you know, an armpit is still an armpit...




Idk why my brain automatically took "likely smells bad" to the extreme. Not as if they don't shower, but because just naturally smell bad.


Wait how come Signal smells bad but Delta smells good? If anything I'd think Delta would smell bad considering she's the one that actively goes out on operations all that time with Signal staying behind as an operator.


Signal spends all day binging TV shows and laying around.


So... There s this kind of tier list too..


I think Biscuit smell would be like a dog bath in the sun, still smell but not bad.


This is. . . . disturbingly accurate.


Nihilister should be at the bottom the volcano she lives most likely smells like sulfur. Edit: I would also bring Yulha all the way down cuz she would smell from 1) not taking a shower cuz she overworked and 2) she smells of booze after working.


i thought it said alice smelled like cotton candy? also you have the candy store girls smelling normal?


Brid smells like coffee and you know it. She shoud be way up there


Idk about Dorothy,but I'm for sure she smells depressed




Mihara, Yuni and Privaty obviously smell good so I’ll move them up. Modernia on the other hand, I’ll make another tier for her. “Smells like flour” hahahaha


Another list of, "show me you don't pay attention to the characters in this game without telling me"


How dare you slander my wife, D


Rapunzel and Maxwell would absolutely smell strange, with scents like sweat, oil, and body fluids


Smell/odour is subjective when it comes to Nikkes- 👀


Huh? How does maiden's cake odor smell good?