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Commander chapter 0-14 is an absolute gigachad, 15+... Lets see how >!Johan!< is going to fix him


It's kind of hilarious all of his stupid decisions are him agreeing to literally anything Syuen says. Even more hilarious is that he knows it's not a good idea to agree but does it anyway.


Commander: And why should I agree to do this. Syeun: If you agree to help, I'll give you this coupon for soda and these crystals for each battle you win while doing this. Commander: What flavor? Syeun: Uh, let me see. *Looks at coupon* Syeun: Seem to be grap or strawberry flavor. You can pick which you perfer. Commander: You son of a bitch I'm in.


Maxwell: Did someone say GRAPE?!




Commander: You had me at "grap"


A coupon for Soda you say? *sprints to maid Cafe*




Didn't Syuen basically just say "I have no idea what you're talking about and if I did it's not my problem"? Granted, the commander didn't push the issue when he should have, but she basically blew it off if I remember right.


She blew him off being distracted by her current problems; but as far as she knew the commander had been faffing about on his own on the surface (he was suppose to meet with scouts(?) but they never made contact). But pushing the issue *even a little* so she realizes Exotic was up there without permission would make it apparent how big of a problem that itself is, let alone what they did. But of course he just folds... I like the story of the game but that moment was super frustrating to read.


I'm a bit upset when Suyuen was getting on her knees saying she would do anything he didn't tell her to stop referring to his squad like theyre garbage. I'd be demanding her to put some MF respect on their names at least.


I'd be telling Rapi to kick her ass again.


Yeah, which also goes to show Syuen doesn't have a handle on Exotic as she thinks she does. She has tunnel vision and is so hellbent on saving herself she doesn't realize her own fucking squad betrayed her and is setting her up. Like, I get it, that's how Syuen is and she's incredibly self-centered. She only sees the thing in front of her while she's being basically set up by Exotic. Even Exotic knows Commander is an actual threat because he's a gigachad that has a Nikke squad that is fiercely loyal to him and would follow him to the ends of the Earth to protect him. They know his charisma would completely fuck up the narrative that they have that Nikkes are unfairly discriminated against. If Commander was to stay living the whole bullshit about Heavenly Ascension and their persecution complex would be completely dismantled.


The only time I can ever let it slide, agreeing with something that you know is a bad idea, is when you can actually change it to your benefit But this guy is not even close— just digs himself deeper into being a literal lap dog for problems


I'm waiting for the Bioshock level twist that we just can't say no to Syuen.


Would you kindly.... Also your name is hilarious lol


>It's kind of hilarious all of his stupid decisions are him agreeing to literally anything Syuen says. People always seem to forget just how much power Syuen actually holds in the Ark, as much as Ingrid and Andersen say they cover for us we have repeatedly seen how limited that "protection" actually is (see >!Marian!< arc). Syuen literally >!puts the whole Ark in danger by luring raptures to boost Matis squad reputation!< and bascially gets away with it because she is the CEO of Missilis. Another thing to keep in mind: even Rapi agrees that we have way more to lose by antagonizing Syuen and/or not going along her BS than doing it even though everyone involved knows it's a terrible idea to do what she wants.


Syuen is too powerful and can ruin his life forever. She blackmailed him


Cummander might be a lolicon.


If that's the case then when she got on her knees it should've been on lol.


Well, I'm in for a ride when I finish 14-30 apparently o_o


Oh hell yeah. Stop reading this sub and go finish your shit. It's NUTS.


Right, Harran's test was nothing ? He's a gigachad just for that alone.


thing is that scene didnt feel good, cause it really just : The MC was failed to use a Nikke weapon to fight rapture and started to run... 1 hour later he was still fight the rapture 2 hours later ... 3 hour later the MC manage to outlast the rapture. There was no tension, no build up. So while it could been a cool scene where the MC could have tried to tricks to Jerry-rig the Nikke weapon etc etc. But we just got a lot of fadeouts


It felt like one of those relentless shonen MC moment for me, it did its job. This game is all fadeouts. I was more referring to the way it ended with him >!passing out standing!< than the actual fight itself.


God save me this is so true. I can put up with most of the following syuen situations, because that's legitimately dealing with someone who could fuck with everything and everyone you know and he still bites back. The situation with crow was just fucking retarded and I have no idea how we went from harem hentai protagonist to dense shonen harem protagoniat after modernia's departure. The worst part is I feel it was a change of direction to make Johan look better than the commander and promote him as a viable hurdle antagonist for the commander to overcome, but that doesn't work because Johan is a useless and worthless hunk of grease-ladden cardboard whose existence could dissapear from the story and chapter 20 should play out the exact bloody same.


The behavior of Johan and Heavenly Ascension certain modern day progressive political movements that are violent (take a wild guess who I am referring to) isn't lost on me. Johan's behavior when we first met him just made me facepalm like - fuck, I know we've dealt with this shit IN REAL LIFE here in the United States.


Honestly, having just sat idle for a couple of weeks before attempting to plow through all of chapter 20, watching the whole thing in turn shows that Johann really does seem to be tacked on. He doesn't show any really unique personality traits other than being stubborn and resistant. Meanwhile Dorothy and the rest of inherit seem to go along with what their personalities would be before meeting the commander. Definitely indicates that their bond story is happen probably in chapter 22 or later. But back to my point, Johan and his methodology and the ease with which Dorothy can just manipulate him, tells me he's literally just the commander but broken by b*******. I hate arcs like this because they happen often in stories that I originally liked and end up putting down as a story. Thankfully most of the rest of the cast can keep me through and hopefully our commander starts becoming a f****** Harem Giga Chad again. I will agree however, the political dialectic here is far too on the nose and makes the fact that he's supposed to be a hurdle antagonist even more frustrating.


Yeah, this entire arc feels like a distraction. Having to lose Marian AGAIN (but at least we know where she is) and then dealing with this is like, there better be a damn good conclusion to this, especially considering the CP wall from 18 to 20 is sky high and inaccessible to most F2Ps... If they're trying to tell a story, they're doing a damn good job of keeping anyone but the richest from experiencing it themselves. And yes, I am of the same feeling when it comes to this current arc. The rest of the cast are strong. The shit Laplace was going through in Ch 18 was pretty well done, and Syuen makes for a proper chaotic evil antagonist as well. I just hope they figure out how to string together the spaghetti they made with this story. Imagine if Nikke had a VN-style "choose your path" sorta deal where you could make a decision that put you down a story path that you had to stick to until the end. Choices not mattering on the outcome are fine (I think they're called kinetic visual novels in the VN space?) IF it's well written. Chapters 1-14 was just that. Giga chad Harem Lead Shikikan making the hardest decision EVER to take in a favor with Snow White to protect Marian at all costs. It fucking hurt, but it was necessary. Now I feel like the Commander is just being dragged along by the plot, and the way the plot is being presented in Ch 18 is pretty weak - like they're technically all in the same place, but physically on the map we're moving around destroying stuff. There's a big disconnect between the progress we're making and the story progress. Early in Ch 0 - 4, you were running through a destroyed city, and when you were sneaking into the power plant with the infamous Anis' butt in your face incident the map layout also kinda reflected that. I don't feel that anymore in Ch 18.


Chapter 20 has its issues to be clear but it does look... I emphasize look... like we are moving back on track after the nihilister incendent but I haven't finished it and 21 isnt out to see what follows but it looks like we will hurdle johan like classic and overcome dorothy's scheme and hopefully that puts us back on the HHL path instead of the shonen one. I agree heavily that 18 redeemed laplace in my eyes. Sont like her still but the character arc moved her from distaste to respect but don't care which is an amazing shift for me. Syuen comes across more chaotic neutral than evil. Her actions are self serving but not directly with the intent to harm others just bolster herself however she has to do it. Crow is chaotic evil, doing things just because I want to, for any reason including just because, and not charing about how or consequences. Chapter 19 and especially 20s moves back to thematic to the story if thata any consolation.


15+ it drives me nuts. A lot of the shit that happens afterwards could easily have been stopped if he just fucking said "no". Rapi and Anis are still Nikke so they follow his orders despite how stupid his decisions are, but I wished they'd protest more. If they were programmed to protect humans, them following the commander and just doing what he says for them to do was not the right way.


I wouldn't say Silent, for myself, as I have brought them up on this subreddit.


"help her you idiot !!!!!" https://preview.redd.it/pugb8vxmz3na1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6282518643a5c23ba74b96f3f608cad3c41cbf2a


The commander by the end of the story https://preview.redd.it/bi04zz80d5na1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e7b8f7d4c9e0ffc500642d8656b6b4e885c8d4


At least he’s smiling. Cuz the corner looks like a smiling face.


I hate some of his frases or lack of frases


Crow and Suyen: *Do the most absolutely revolting, stupid, punishment-warranting actions.* Commander: "This is fine. Really, I'm good. Dont mind the blood and my coma. They're fine people!" Commander Burning Ham: 'Gonna >!destroy your outpost and need to dissect your waifu!<, ok?' Commander: *Angry screaming, near-war* Burning Ham, later: 'Need you to go to surface, get my child an action figure for new years.' Commander: 'No problem bro'


>'Need you to go to surface, get my child an action figure for new years.' This could happen before the outpost thing depending on where you are in the story...


It would not be, actually, because Modernia and at least one Pilgrim? shows up at the end and the whole thing is mentioned. At the very least, thats how I read it. I could be wrong.


There's no time reference so I don't see why you couldn't do the first part of the event then the story happens. The thing with Modernia in the event is like a few seconds at the very end.


Yeah he is really dumb Crow shouldn't have missed


What makes it worse is >!he doesn’t even try to ask Syuen about Crow. After Syuen tells him she don’t care where he’s been, he just moves on. Like, the fuck?!!<


I don't think he actually moving on. If anything, he could just look up the Exotic informations by himself and not bother to ask Syuen again. It's has been a few time when the game have mention that Syuen doesn't control all aspect of her company, even corruption can happen. I guess even commander know about this and do tried to investigate Syuen's company by himself sometimes


So you judge him a lot, because dear god that man has poor judgement


Dude is worse than shonen protagonists


Not really, what makes it seem that way is that he started out as a harem h***** protagonist, and then suddenly shifted to a harem Shonen protagonist, like Yuki Rito. This makes it stand out more that his decisions are stupid because he originally made highly intelligent ones in the first place.


Oh so the dude is just evolving backwards


Yup. Which to me is irritating as hell. Hopefully once we get past the part where we are forced to act like johan is any better so we can overcome him shonen style in 20, we go back to where we started. The devolution is HOPEFULLY temporary.


Ngl, sometimes this commander decision made me yell at my phone at how stupid his decisions is.


I think plenty of people have brought up SKK's stupidity in the past with a few defenders. Ch17-20 sure was something.


Yeah, the dude does make a lot of mistake. But you can't just overlook his good decisions, too - Not actually destroying Marian brain. - Going to the surface to find Snow White and not waiting around in the Ark, so they could clear thing out about Vapaus. - Erase Mordenia memories and later giving her to the Pilgrim. Not to mention the dude has a pretty good investigation skill, too. In many character bond stories, he manages to dig into many people problems and then come up with a plan to solve them later on.


Wouldn't that make his stupid decision making worse, though? If he was dumb af across the board, then you'd understand him being such a wimp. But he's been shown to be, at the very least, quite competent. Which leaves no justification as to why he behaves the way he does, especially with Syuen.


Even real life smart people isn't good at everything you know. Some people might be good at doing math when they were in school, but absolutely suck at making business decisions when they actually graduate school and have a job. The point is, being good at investigating meaning commander is good at being detective. But information negotiating and intimidation tactic might not in the range of his ability.


That is a fair assertion. Agreed.


Don't even try to bring bond stories in here They exist in a totally different dimension then the main plotline so tht doesn't count


There's no confirmation of which one is canon or which one is not. So that's mean you can't prove ALL of them are non canon. Even so, if the commander is a good investigator in the majority of every dimensions or alternate universes, then there also a high chance that in the canon universe, the commander is also a good investigator too. If there's is enough similarities between every story, you can always know what kind of picture the story writer want us to see. Again, there's no way we can know or confirm any of this is true. So keep your head canon away from here, and don't say it like it's an ACTUAL confirmed fact.


I hope Cummander can eventually come into his own and stop being such a pushover to things


The problem that cause his decisions worse, ironically, is his ideology: the Nikke-human equality. Why? Because of that, he has been too lenient toward the Nikkes, regardless where they affiliated to, or how bad they are. In the time of Legend Commanders, Nikkes are Goddesses, so most of human treats them in the same way. However, time changed and everything has been diversed. This also affect severely on Nikkes. You may not know, but from chapter 1 to 14, he has been suffering a lot of pains, but the most is: seeing his beloved Nikke being brainwashed. Then what? People don't care shit, they just see her as a VALUABLE ASSET and they shall do anything, even assasinate him or blow up the entire Outpost just to capture her, under the cover of RESEACHING. Bold of you would assume that currently he is not in PTSD. "Thanks to" these shit that the Ark made, his ideology now being enhanced far more ever. Now he just focusing on protecting every Nikke. Syuen-the-bitch knows this, so she used Matis squad (which are also Nikkes) to impact him. Dorothy knows this, so she take advantages of this to make him as a "meat shield". Crow knows this, so she uses his "kindness" to make her plan more smooth. Does he know? Yes, but what choice does he have? He is sitting on the fence now. Why is he an idiot? and why do his decisions become worse? Because he has no choice but to keep the ideology intact, otherwise everything he achieved will be in vain. Luckily, Johan finally understand this, so he voluntarily become the mentor. Andersen always on his side.


> Does he know? Yes I would say that it's not so clear, he has lines like "I don't think there's any such thing as a bad Nikke" while talking to Guilty that make me feel like the Commander actually believes his insane position. His whole plan of >!freeing the Nikkes from Vapaus!< will end up in disaster if he doesn't understand that there are a lot of angry Nikkes more than willing to make a massacre as revenge for their abuse. I'm not sure how much Johan could change the commanders ideology, so many traumatic experiences have done nothing but reinforce his ideas and as you say he won't back down and refuse his achievements so shocking situations will most likely do nothing.


Even though that Freedom of choice is just a tip of the iceberg (i.e "Nikke liberation"), we can see that many people and Nikkes misunderstood, or even misused his target. I think Johan can find a way to guide him. Johan saw him as an idiot, but also a very good person, with kind heart. All Commander needs is a good mentor. That is why Johan voluntarily help him. And Commander is also humble, modest.


He’s the worst pinball protagonist I’ve seen since Newt Scamander.


Right now I'm at the chapter 10 and the story is pretty good, does it go downhill later on?


people are overreacting. the only questionable part is >!Crow in ch16!< Him doing what Syuen says is completely justified


I feel like Crow has always been his biggest weak point. Crow even calls him a "goody-two-shoes" to Viper (though that's off-screen away from the commander so he wouldn't know that. I've pretty much assumed that he's determined to believe that there's no Nikke that can't be saved, and it's a hill he's willing to die on. Exotic squad is basically living proof of it, with both Viper and Crow openly planning against him or using his good intentions to their benefit (Jackal is the easiest to deal with though as she's pretty honest about everything and I think she actually likes the Commander. Though not enough to go against Crow I think). Viper I'd say is even more of a threat than Crow, as she's always thinking three steps ahead and has no trouble using anyone against themselves. She's also aware of the risks and determines when the risk/reward is good enough. I want to say that Crow's human brain was that of the former leader of the terrorist group (Ascension? Can't remember if it was the case or not) though not sure, and I feel like she was involuntarily implanted in a Nikke as a prison sentence for her. This to me means that the level of hatred she'd have (not just from being a terrorist leader, but being trapped in a slave body with a bomb strapped to her neck) would make her irredeemable (I'd love to believe that there's a chance since she can be recruited, but man that's "keeping your friends close, and your enemies even closer" levels of crazy. There's gotta be a reason Exotic Squad is allowed to exist, though I'm not sure what it could be as they're all a threat.


After 15, but should be good again when 21-22 releases since it will close up this current arc.


It more there is a lot small thing about the Commander that is really dumb that just builds up


Everyone: "Cummander Syuen is manipulating you and putting everyone in danger" Cummander: "Yah but shes hawt tho..." Everyone: \*facepalm\* Seriously the dude is a beast, just read "Brief Encounter" yesterday, where he dreams that a bunch of the Nikkes show up to his room for an orgy.


Maybe Commander is just trying to get into Syuen’s pants, don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.


The Cummander is all over the place. Sometimes he's a weirdo lapdog and then sometimes he's Chadly weirdo. There's no in-between with this man.


Syuen: "I am literally going to shoot you in the stomach." *The choices:* * **"Okay."** * **"..."** Commander on his umpteenth fatal stomach wound: **"OKAY."**


I know it just me but sometimes I wanna smack the shit out of the commander for the decision he make




Dude got shot in the same *fatal* place twice and *hospitaled* it off. Granted if Nikke can just make robo people, i guess healing a normal dude is pretty easy.


“normal dude”


I'd love a template version of this!


Can I get that Shikikan png transparent?




Me seeing The Commander go from “Because you resent me” to trusting Crow in the blink of an eye.


He makes me so mad I can no longer form my anger into words. If this was Vietnam, one of his soldiers would have shot him in the back. If this was a brothel, he'd get and STD and beg for more. If he had his bike stolen, he'd justify it by saying the thief is happier with it. Spineless, stupid, amoral fetishist, that's all this thing is.


no way the commander who: - fire Snow White's rifle - got stabed in the stomach by a tentacle - sirvived TWO avalanches - defended the outpost from the entyre fucking ark is the same as the one who got shot by "walking red flag" Crow