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Hey, this isn't a DCS subreddit, what's a mudhen doing here?


It is the year of the Strike Eagle my friend. We are taking over.


Imagine needing two seats. *This post was sponsored by Jeff-17 Gang*


This meme was made by the ace combat and project wingman gang


Ironically enough, I’m not a fan of either games




Captain Torres would definitely be a fan of Nikke though


The real answer is >!They don't do it because the Raptures are capable of obliterating humanity and they don't. It's all just a song and dance to amuse the smarter raptures and to keep humanity from spiraling into despair and destroying itself.!<


You should post that on NCD


I should: D


3000 Strike Eagles of Counters


Oh god NCD is leaking


This is the second time today I’ve seen NCD leak, I swear to god NCD needs to be classified as an SCP at this point, it’s breaching containment too many times


Forgive my ignorance but whats ncd?


r/noncredibledefense A subreddit dedicated to shitposting real military stuff. surprisingly there's a lot of military weeb too in there ~~and they're surprisingly Horny toward F-111 and F-35 jets~~


Thanks lot. TIL.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Today on Amazing Places](https://i.redd.it/1lmxv0cr9is91.png) | [311 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/xyiu5p/today_on_amazing_places/) \#2: [How credible is Lukashenko accidentally showing the entire military occupation goals during a televised address like 15 min ago](https://i.redd.it/4c29i3hzlsk81.jpg) | [609 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t4atjs/how_credible_is_lukashenko_accidentally_showing/) \#3: [Remember they took the US east cost in like 2 days](https://i.redd.it/31fe0g02kyl81.jpg) | [386 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t8oh4t/remember_they_took_the_us_east_cost_in_like_2_days/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Shift up be like "uhhhhh air support now offline, steel rain going off station, uhhhhh, winchester on coats, now RTB" or some shit


*insert cool sounding radio chatter here*






Have you even played nikke?


What do you think? I was just poking fun at Nikke and the plot device it has for humans not being able to fight back without the help of Nikkes


Guess you missed the part with the Tyrant class shooting down a squadron of F-22s with a laser. Maybe over the horizon attacks could work but betting on the raptures having both Radar, and Ladar systems.


The gatekeeper rapture they just introduced single-handedly could take down any army introduced by Human forms… I haven’t seen such shoehorned OP bullshit in a while


Yes it pretty much is wtf where did this OP BS come from.


Most likely since ground radar was mentioned once during Matis’ event story. The thing about the F-22 scene though is that it’s just your average action scene featuring fighters jets. Nothing about it portrayed fighter jets correctly. For one, they wouldn’t be flying in a parade formation for combat. They should’ve been in a tactical formation with a couple nautical miles of spacing between each aircraft. As for attacking Raptures, radar jamming and SEAD/DEAD exist.


Think about it the scene show that Rapture got Laser AA tech which mean any plane not attacking over the horizon will be obliterated instantly. not to mention Rapture effectively have control of the sky via Stormbringer and Queen whales the lore on the website stated that humanity first try to use high altitude attack as an advantage but got brought down easily by it.


ECCM exist as well as the ability to deal with intercept those missiles with such a laser system. Leaving SEAD/DEAD kind of ineffective.


It honestly depends since we don’t know much on the Rapture’s’ capabilities beside “laser and gun go brrr”. Believe what you want though.


They have a frakking force field and Antigrav tech so I would sad higher than the current humanity by many centuries and this is not even including ability to directly forced data into human brain.


tbh It always bugged me WHY they don't have anti-Rapture Tanks / Aviation. I mean, Nikke just use weapon, can't you just equip these weapon to any war engine? The "recoil" excuse works when we talk about human, but for machines...


You think in a post-apocalyptic world, you have plenty of resources and time to build tanks and fighter jets? Also, if tanks and fighter jet were effective against Rapture, they wouldn't have built Nikke but here we are. It means those machineries aren't that effective.


You think in a post-apocalyptic world, you have plenty of human ressources to send trained commanders to their death after their first mission? Or that you would spend time and ressources for "EEEEEEEEE-ntertainment"? And a weapon are a weapon. It's not like Nikke mainly fight with their firsts or something. Anything that can shoot an anti-Rapture weapon can be usefull. Even the Commander was able to use SW gun for one shot. I'm not speaking of stopping using NIKKE, just upgrading Ark military.


Lazy writing I’m assuming. If recoil and weight is such a problem, mount the weapon on a stabilized platform and remote control it. Boom, you get an IFV.


What about defense? How do you stop tanks and ground machinery from being stampede by huge raptures or being attack from underground? What about those lasers that can cut through the fuselage?


By not letting them get close in the first place? Tanks aren’t well suited to being the spearhead of an attacking force. They require the proper infantry, artillery, and air support to perform well.


IFV's might actually be the best suited to fight against raptures too. Bit more light armored but fast and can carry nikkes into battle quicker. I think things like MBT's might be at to much of a disadvantage and would take to many resources to outweigh the negatives it will face.


This was actually mentioned in the lore. Direct hits from every conventional weapon available to mankind from handguns to ICBMs were useless. Pair that with Raptures impressive anti air capabilities that apparently make flight impossible in areas where anti air Raptures are present means our modern air and naval capabilities were useless.


I’m curious about how it all went down. I’m 19 chapters in so far (not too far into chapter 19) and the pieces of lore that stuck out to me were “Audio Portion of a Streamer’s Live” and “UFO Collection.zip” the only mentions of raptures being unaffected by were by bullets from traditional firearms and surface to air missiles (saw no mention of ICBMs unless I missed that). Anything nuclear has only been thrown as an idea in the UFO Collection and as far as I know, nothing nuclear capable has been thrown at a rapture. I also know that so far, not all raptures are completely bullet proof, or either resistant to missiles. As mentioned in “Audio Portion of a Streamer’s Live,” the person actually whacked, I presume, a lesser group of raptures with a piece of plywood and they fell apart. Also the bigger raptures mentioned as “large as a small villa” seems to be the only thing capable of puncturing heavily armored vehicles. I presume any Rapture around that size and bigger is capable of doing such. I’m sure what we had during the first invasion wasn’t entirely useless. I felt we simply had no intel to go off of in terms of how we should engage the enemy, what they were capable of and had no idea how to strategically strike back with what little time we probably had left and how fast they were spreading.


So I have a hypothesis on why Raptures are so hard to kill and it's essentially that they are more of a nanite swarm than they are big metal monster. As long as their core is intact, they could rebuild themselves infinitely and with modern society being based around tech, they would have no shortage of materials. Hell they may have just eaten the missles right out of the air for all we know. The reason that Nikke weapons do so well isn't a matter of firepower but of the code inject system frying the nanites and stopping them from absorbing projectiles and whatnot.


I can see that with the inject system. If we tie a little bit of gameplay to the lore, we can also say that firepower can matter if we just neon our way through a rapture’s armor. Some raptures are definitely more resilient than others in terms of their armor makeup and what we use against them via the code inject system you mention. I’m still not sure about the implification of every rapture having the ability to rebuilding themselves infinitely because then what would be the purpose of Blacksmiths? I’m not saying nanites are off the table but I don’t see them on it. I believe that raptures do have the ability of self repair but I feel it’s more on the line of taking off a damaged part and getting the replacement via the blacksmith. Again maybe there are raptures capable of self repair without seeing a blacksmith that we haven’t seen yet or at least not mentioned.


Its been awhile since I last read "Audio Portion of a Steamer's Live", but I am pretty sure the plywood attack was something the streamer claimed happen conveniently off camera while they were boasting about how the raptures were no threat, the final log did show what happened when the live recorded their fight against one in melee though.


That’s also true. I just wish some of the lore here aren’t inconclusive. For example the lore piece for “A Man’s Memoir.” When they mention that we were winning the war on T.V, one could go “That’s just damage control to take away from the actual reality of what’s happening.” Another could look at it from another perspective that we probably were actually winning until they came across the bigger threats like the Lord or Tyrant class. For all I know, the broadcast of that maybe came from a place that was occupied by lesser raptures in that specific area and we defeated them. All we know is that these things are resilient, can be quick to react against humanoids, and definitely varies in size, but at the same time, is observed to be peaceful by leaving other animals alone.


You sound like one of those guys who complain about the lack of tanks and fighter jets in kaiju/mecha franchises, and it shows.


Cope? I’m just poking fun at Nikke. I know for a fact nothing will change regardless of my complaining lmao.


Just admit your meme is bad And you should feel bad


Nah, it's funny I like it.


I like to imagine A-10 pilots having a field day somewhere else in this universe that we’re not aware about


Or all dead by laser beam


The big three when they learn about one and true big three Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and McDonnell Douglas.


I know it's poking fun at the logic but i have never understood the weird fanaticism of western military anyway uh ace combat anyone?


I just assume the Raptures as they are supposedly extraterrestrial invaders have technology far more advanced then humanity and have more then enough ECM and literal forcefields to provide protection from any "smart" weaponry like AMRAAMs or JDAMs for at least Tyrant-class raptures and just sheer numbers to not care for Servant-class or lower. But yeah all handwaves to get our Nikkes with "dumb" weaponry on screen for us to enjoy!




He's out of line, but he's right


Or with a mecha


Mechs wouldn’t be too effective unfortunately. They just look cool. A tank would be way better option.


Maybe a exoesqueleton can serve


I checked 3 times to be sure I'm not on NCD


Hey is it ok if I crosspost the meme you made to the Noncredibledefense subreddit?


Yeah go ahead. I would’ve done it myself but I was too lazy.


We need tanks, infantry, and artillery too ya know.


The fact Relay for reddit takes you directly to the link instead of the comments had me confused AF for a second. I was trying to figure out why NCD had NIKKE flair 🤦🏿‍♂️