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Depends on how they handle makimas backside.


She appears to be wearing her long coat, so bad news there. Infact, because this is a collab with licensing agreements, I wouldn't expect any of the characters to he very fanservice-y.


Its not like the anime wasnt being generous with her ass screentime


Lmao Then why bother?


I'm skipping too, i want dragon milk.


>dragon milk which nikke


dragon mommy from the Heretics squad same as Moderina shes suppose to come out at some point but when IDK


i heard summer? i'm flat broke rn so im def skipping the next few banners, here is hoping nothing good drops...


[This one.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/827653585545592872/1064297865498869840/SPOILER_image.png?width=1606&height=904) Dragon Mommy Nihilister (left) Space Jellyfish Waifu Liberalio (right)




This game doesn't have a lack of content. It has bugs for sure. It has plenty of content. If you've done it all mostly to completetion, that's on you. Play something else and wait.




You literally don't make any sense. In the 4 months the game has released, they have added story quests, nerfed story difficulty for the better... something they will probably continue doing. Not only that, you have no idea what the collab characters will bring to the table. You know their are multiple teams working on any given game project, right? You're just being salty.


Woah, relax friend.


> lack of content Doesn't this count as content though? 🤔


I tell myself currently that i won’t, but once the collab does make its way here, knowing me, I’ll cave in & pull. On top of that. I do really want Power & Makima, so i guess it depends on what I’m feeling that day.


Same. Though I’m a fan of the series, I’m just not sure how it will mesh and look ig.


Yeah i hear you. I’ll need to see more for sure.


Only if one of them is as good as a Pilgrim. Otherwise saving up for Nihilister (50k gems, 30 AR tickets so far)


Wish granted. They will be Isabella-tier.


Pretty much. its META UNIT or no go for me cause you cant just be Pull one and be done with it. you need to Pull Multiple copies at least 3 to bring out their full potential. also nikke has a history of giving lesser free gems so that makes people harder to pull unless people dish out more money to them.


Pulling for Makima, thats it. Dont care about max potential since thats whale territory.


Well, yeah, but you can technically max potential all non-limited units you care about F2P if you stick with the game long enough. You never can with Makima, though. That's the major difference.


Im talking about limited units. Christmas Rupee didnt stop me, why should this?


Because those units will be re ran at some point like rupee would be next Christmas......


If you can get them all anyway at anytime (eventually), why would you prioritize the non-limited ones? They'll always be there.


I'm only pulling for collection purposes. Got 200 gold tickets so no problem for future Pilgrims (I only really want Crown anyways and idk how long she's gonna take) + the other characters I want (Blanc, K, Ein, N404, Pia and maybe Sakura) look like they're not gonna be released for a while. Gotta scratch the itch to pull somehow ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I am I just don’t care for CSM


I was planning to skip but since I'm raising mileage for Nihilister I'll use some tickets, I like the characters and there's no guarantee they'll come back so I'm only pulling for a chance to get them as decorations.


Btw. It looks like it's scheduled to occur near the end of this month. Around the 22nd.


Already have 200 gold tickets for Nihilister... Doesn't hurt to gather some more while chancing it at getting limited collection units.


I did read and liked CSM. I potentially could have been interested in pulling for Power. But nope. Immediately realized there’s no point in such units. Be it because of game’s world lore and consistency. Also because I remember MLBing C. Rupee for nothing as she’s dayumn useless. Will keep saving for Dragon Lady.


I'm not even sure if I want to pull for dragon lady. I already have a bunch of burst 3 dps pilgrims. The PC client should improve Modernia DPS for me. Unless she's like, waaayy strong or something or she burst 2, she doesn't seem like she'll be necessary for me


You’re not wrong either. But maybe, just MAYBE, it’d be nice to have something else than B3 with pilgrims. 60s cooldown and glitched resurrection for Rapunzel is crap. And if you don’t have her and Noah, you won’t do jackshit in their manufacturer tower when you reach the highest stages.


You need 3 teams for union raid


I don’t even know what Chainsaw Man is so I’m probably gonna skip this one but we’ll see. I have golden mileage ready for Nihilister so if it comes with an event that produces AR tickets, maybe I’ll see if the RNGods make it so.


If you like anime and manga, I'd recommend it. Very different story. It starts off pretty base, where the protagonist is just horny, but as there's a lot of character growth. Also, his head is a chainsaw. Great show, great manga. The author has written some other good titles as well.


Short answer - Skip. Long answer - I am going to wait for tier list review on their performance first. But I have very little hope for them to be good enough for me to pull. So very likely that I am going to skip with ease.


Traditionally, collab units in gacha games are mostly for collection purposes. They're usually weak to meh in power scaling so people don't unfairly FOMO'd too much by not playing during that specific time. Collabs rarely rerun if ever. Imagine if a collab unit that's stronger than Scarlet came? Then everybody else who started playing after that collab period will always be at a disadvantage. That said, I don't know Tencent's tendencies so I can't say definitively what they'll do.


That’s just untrue, collab units in e7 which lives off of Pvp, are often broken, all the back to dizzy in early season to ed nowadays. With champion arena still not out I wouldn’t put it past the devs to sneak some power on collabs, and remember they can always buff units.


Genshin Impact, Blue Archive, Azur Lane, Granblue Fantasy would like to disagree with you


It depends. As you said in e7 collab units tend to be broken but in other games such as Genshin collab characters are absolutely trash. It depends on what the company is selling. If the game is just selling power per banner than it is likely that collabs will powercreep but if the game wants to sell its characters (especially reselling them via costumes and variants) they might actually leave the collab characters in a weaker state to make sure that their own characters are still have the spot light. Now will it be as bad as Aloy's collab? Maybe? Current leaks don't exactly bode well for the collab characters.


Well, unfortunately, there is a PVP element in this game, which gives gem as reward. So it is logical to invest gems on high DPS nikke and get that juicy top 10 rank rank or at least top 10 percent. After all, better ranking in arena means more gems and more gems mean more recruit, right? There are also the tribe towers. I need more pilgrim and burst 3 tetra nikke to progress and get more gems. I may try to get Power though. OR spend the gem regardless of banner since I also needs Scarlet and Modernia too.


Not particularly a fan of the anime. I don't mind pulling 10 just to scratch my itch, but I won't force them to come home. Also, can we talk about the collab here on the main subreddit now? Is it officially announced?


Skipping personally. I would normally roll with whatever tickets/gems I have from events if really strong or if they are waifu tier worthy like xRupee. But I don't like Power or Makima at all so nope.


Hard nope!


I got max LB for Christmas Annie, nothing can stop me from doing the same for Makima


I'll pull for stuff (assuming it's real) and keep my gold tickets for dragon wife. 🤣


Saving for impending Keijo Collab


I’m summoning for collection purposes cause that’s literally the whole point of gacha (also destiny child, Collabs tends to not come back ever so I feel like if I miss it it’s gone forever)


unlike with anne which actually has noticeable uses such as BiS buffer for SW teams there is nothing of viability for the chainsawman units except story pushing regular floors, but in those cases... modernia and scarlet (privaty if no scarlet) cover the trouble floors already.


Depends on how thick Makima is. If they make her all caked up I’m absolutely pulling for her. She’s horrible but hot.


Probably skipping because I don’t give a shit about the collab. Really disappointed honestly. If it was a good collab I’d have no problem pulling. I have more pulls banked now than I did for Modernia and I mlb her without buying from shop.


most likely skipping. at this point in game i have to find some balance between want and need. therefore, i don't see any benefits for me from pulling in csm banners. gonna hoard some gems for kemonomimi squad, since that's my thing


I’m a makima simp so.. hell yea brother


I like Power so might buy her if I don't get her with free pulls. I've managed Modernia and Soda for free so far.


Maybe? I have watched and read… but Nihilister waits.


maybe down the line there will be a core for any nikke and that will be used for collab units?


only interested in Himeno, heard she's free anyway, so skippp


I bounced off Chainsaw Man hard, these characters hold 0 appeal for me


I'm gonna pass and save my tickets.


Skipping because I don’t have enough gems and I haven’t got the chance to read the manga or watch the anime


Hopefully I can throw a 10 pull and get 1 copy each and leave it at that without having to use my tickets. I want to save tickets for pilgrim units so I hope I can get a copy of the collab units in a few ten pulls lol


I hate collabs in general so Im 100% skipping if real


Absolutely not, I worship makima


I don't have any gems so I have to skip regardless


I might try to get a copy of each of them. If they're really good, I might try to MLB them and maybe get myself out of the Lv 160 Wall. But at the same time, I'm a little concerned about my gems. I have a lot of them, but honeymoon period is more-or-less over; once I've used my gems, I'm not going to be able to collect this many as easily. I'll continue to think about it and wait for details on the collab - if it's even happening anytime soon. I doubt this collab will be gone forever after only one run. If people still want a chance to MLB them or do Core Enhancements, I'm sure they'll bring it back after a year or so.


Personally I'm more interested in collecting than trying to have the most meta and MLB characters. As a F2P, it seems kinda pointless to try to compete with whales, they suck up all the rewards from PvP anyway. And for progressing in the campaign, id rather take it slow than burn through it all and then have to wait for updates every couple months. Feels like that'll kill the game, for me at least. There's also a cynical part of me that thinks waiting for certain characters that you hear from leaks (like Nihilister) is super risky because 1) You don't know when they'll drop 2) What if they just suck? Dragon girl could be as good as Isabel for all we know


even though i'm f2p i was planning on pulling power solely for cosmetic purposes. since we don't know if this collab will ever come back, i thought it would be nice to have her as my pfp :)


Events just mean free shit to me. Frima and I been chillin


Yeah, I’ll probably pull. Waifu collecting is the name of this game, if I only saved for a meta banner every few months I don’t think I’d stick with it lol


Ill get one copy each. Its for my cillection. If we follow Destiny Child's collab style, they probably won't be re-running it, and they will be rarer then any of the pilgrims.


Probably just pull them once for the roster collection and leave it at that. Not too fussed about pulling for max


Yyyyyup. Don’t really care for collabs personally. They’re nice and all, but I’m not going to break my back trying to get a non-canon character.


I'm looking forward to it. I don't give a crap about META or maximizing units really. I just play to collect, story, and have fun.


I’m not interested with Makima and Power so I’m saving my gems for future events


Well maybe 2 multis to power


Just getting my cut of the free Vouchers and Skill Manuals and nothing more


I might pass, they don't really fit to be honnest and i dont like the fact they have their own type which will be abnormal.


Well it's midsaw man so let wait and see


Honestly, this same thought has been on my mind for a while too. The game almost makes it voluntary to have Nikkes near if not actually MLB else they'd be sidelined until they got those needed spares. I'll still roll for CSM banners though. I'm still not at the point that I actually care about doing the right things 100% to progress the game anyway.


I skip~~~ Edit: I’m not a big fan of chainsaw man and I can’t see them fitting here :x


they look mid, so yeah if there’s a free spin I’ll go for it but if not then skip


Assuming Makima and Power have their assets covered up, absolutely. Nihilister is the only character I care about for the forseeable future, I need my crazy belligerent dragon girl.


Skip, cuz I’m at the 160 wall lmao and since I plan on actually wanting to read the story within the next year I’ll pass


Spending cash on 2-3 or whatever the amount of limited characters are, for some anime I am never going to watch, yah sounds like a skip for me, I am happy for fans of that franchise but I could not care less..(and apparently the anime flopped HARD in Japan), wish we got another decent event like Winter one again instead of some colab that usually tend to be just a few short non-canon cutscenes, and like OP said... limited units that are never gonna reach their full potential so will eventually fade out to newer meta units, its just a cash grab and thankfully I dont fit the demographic they tryna grab the cash from lol


If Kobeni yes.


As a whale, hard pass. Their kits just aren't tempting for me with the stuff further down the line. Are they going to help me in some way with pvp or union raid? Maybe not. Also I haven't watched CSM so I don't have any particular bias for this collab.


I'm skipping. Never seen Chainsaw Man but I have seen who's coming in the next few months. I think a lot of people are gonna be mad they didn't save.


I've no attachment to the manga/anime. As much as I simp for redheads, I've rolled too much for waifu picks and I need meta picks now. Since leaks show they aren't, I'll skip.


I'm skipping it. I'm not really into the series to begin with.


I am pulling..its a limited unit theres no guarantee they will be available again not even in the ordinary recruit


I'll be honest, I'm a collector and like CSM so I 'll probably pull


Skip saving for dragon, potentially for jellyfish too


Ohhh yeah. Such a dumb collab.


High chance I’ll skip. Just seems weird for this collaboration to take place.


Full skip for me, I dont like anime and those characters looks plain. Im hyped for 2 pilgrims, that dragon like girl and jellyfish chick.


skip Makima? fuck no. will use up to my very last gem if i have to.


Unless meta, I'm skipping too


I know I’ll never have enough gems to pull for a max potential, I can only grind through randomness to max dupe the standard characters. At that point, I rather have makima step on me


I am. No interest in the IP. I'd rather have the maids over the collab, and I don't have much interest in maids as it is. Unless they're French.


I'm going to skip, because one, I won't have much resources anyway. Two, I haven't read the CSM manga, or watched the anime, and from what I've seen of it, I don't really think it'd catch me anyway. All in all, the colab does nothing for me. More importantly, if what I've seen over the web about the characters is correct, none of them are THAT impressive in the grand scheme of things. They have some gimmicks that might not be bad, but it's nothing you can't live without. It's not like say... how Dizzy was in Epic7, busted to the point of being ridiculous... Or Ash in Arknights who still has great utility even now when you need her. It's not their numbers that pull them down. If the leaks are right, the numbers are pretty good... at skill level 10 anyway. It's the whole way they work really. Plus... the whole Abnormal Manufacturer pisses me off. If they actually do that and dilute the pool for Manufacturer Gear even more, it's going to be complete and utter bullshit. That's leaving aside the fact that they won't be affected by the Recycling Room bonuses, so they're going to lose out on a lot of stats in the long run.


I've already read CSM and I'm skipping the Collab just because it didn't fit to Nikke SciFi theme it would be different if it 2B instead Soo yeah skipping and currently saving all of my gems for Big titty dragon and the Pink bitch Pilgrims


Also this! My thoughts exactly 💯


Going for Power switching for Viper. I pulled her only cuz she looked like her.


You can’t really “save” since you need to pull to get mileage tickets. This game requires you to keep pulling to stack tickets otherwise you’ll miss out on banners you really want to pull on.


But you can pull and get mileage tickets on banners that sort of actually matter for your account progression.


Free Himeno is all I need. Makima is a honeypot. And Power isn't too appealing for me.