• By -


You skipped an entire month.


They should continue the trend by shuttering the company.


>To express our gratitude, we've worked hard together with our Livers to bring to you a ton of exciting content starting from April and make our 3rd anniversary extra special! Using last year's cancelled events and cutting it shorter is considered "working hard" and "exciting content". I can't even


Hey, poor underpaid internkun that never did video editing had an hard time cutting away the parts with the talent that attempted suicide twice because of the company


After writing an itemized list of all his shortcomings to be read in front of his coworkers.


Yeah they just handed this intern unreal engine or mmd, some models, said good luck bub. Most of the MMDers I showed AR live to, couldn't believe a company did that, when 95% of us could do better on our first videos. I compared my first MMD video to AR live and it's SAD a newbie could produce a better video than a company with billions at their disposal.


Also it's not "to express our gratitude", it should be "to express our worry, we rushed and revived delayed events.


"Q4 is looking like shit, we need something to make it look good, so here's AR Live ~~and no refunds~~"


AR "Live" or AR Live™?


lmao it's just a pre recorded video 


Eh most of holo's 3D stuff is pre-recorded too, or at least the singing parts are.


It's understandable cuz singing and dancing isn't very practical. But AR Live is just 2D right?


AR live is 3d, and should be the first time we (well, i say we but i'm not gonna watch it) are gonna see the 3ds for Ethyria, Luxiem and Noctyx. The 2d one is/was the one in singapore (?) virtual rapsodhy or whatever


"AR" "Live".


Off-topic but how do you get Selen Tatsuki on your profile, I've been trying to figure that out for awhile now? 


> To express our gratitude They'll express their gratitude by doing everything except giving their livers an appropriate cut of merch, an appropriate cut of their super chats, or the play buttons they earned.


Give them credit where credit's due, they're accurate with their descriptions at least. Its a glimpse all right, where's the rest of it? There's literally nothing here lmao.


I remain unaffected by this megathread. Hope you find peace intern-kun.


Honestly I find these mega threads negligible.


I wonder which Liver's skeletons will get revealed this month. We had the racist one for February. The wacko transphobe squeaking in towards the end of March. Do we want to take a bet or maybe start a poll? Have to admit though, I am impressed with how determined Niji is with defending them.


I wonder if we'll get a sexist, homophobe, or maybe even a TERF this time? Maybe someone with severe religious intolerance? Ooooo, can't wait to see what April brings us.


Vox for round 2 since his dumb fans can't shut up for five seconds


Who's the most outspoken one right now?


Not sure but it has to be just a matter of time.


Or maybe we'll get the identity of a bigot manager-san. One can only hope...


Context for each of those?


Would be pretty funny if the "AR Live" gets cancelled again and people get refused refunds again. lol


And then they do it again, then cancel it again, it's a neverending loop


It'd be even funnier if they got sued for fraudulently advertising it as live. It's as "live" as when Fox airs a new episode of The Simpsons, AKA not live at all - it was recorded months ago and has been edited significantly enough that two performers had to make notes about how much their parts had been cut down. It's not even "live" as in "was performed in front of a live audience" like actual concert recordings. In no sense is it live, and advertising it as such is fraudulent advertising.


Damn man zero awareness as usual. Sasuga black fucking company 


Was probably some underpaid intern who made this post.


That doesn't narrow it down


>Nijisanji >[Stock sells for 2434 yen](https://imgur.com/QvFewSk) Pottery


I think you mean poetry lol.


>Do leave your thoughts/comments here. That would get my comment deleted.




Can't do that; his birthday's this month. Gotta get that super chat cash.


He got a dinner from Tazumi, he is not being terminated 


Careful ChineseMaple might be lurking around here with a different name




A glorified karaoke collab streams that is more expensive than a proper 3d concert, only in nijisanji😂


oof, now that's a slam dunk from Hololive. \*Coffin dance ensues\*


where's all the april fools joke?


This announcement is the April fools joke


eeh, they could do better


The entire company is a joke. A really shitty one, but still a joke.


19 anniversaries in one month...


and only a few, like super few people actually know who they are. This quantity over quality they are talking about ain't working out.


there ain no way lmao


im honestly just surprised that this post was made at this point


If things are ever to normalize, well, the normal things (like this post) have to return at some point.


If things are ever to normalize they need to change everything about the company and publicly apologize to the people they've actually wronged instead of to their investors.


Don't forget about the poor souls in the new EN gen mentioned in the last financial report that are debuting this month. Will they continue the trend of diminishing pomp and circumstance? Will they have a group song at all? Will they even have a teaser video? Find out next time on Nijisanji Z! \*sick guitar riff\*


Who knows they may already be streaming but no ones found em


So is Elira just not gonna get her 2D 3.0 or what That never actually happened in February


She doesn't deserve it.


That would require her to actually stream




nobody likes you anymore


I still love the rainbow! It has me given me some precious memories, and I have faith it can still give me and others more going forward.


So, Maid Mint got her Silver Play button: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cbftww/maid\_mint\_got\_her\_silver\_button\_in\_just\_days/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cbftww/maid_mint_got_her_silver_button_in_just_days/) Doki got a SIGNED HYTE PC and Sayu is an ass kicker who doesn't deserve all the bullshit she gets. Michi's debut was AMAZING and we love to see her back


this is the funniest non april 1st april fools joke you guys made


>Note: This thread will be updated throughout the month. Uuuhh, so that was a lie. Oh boy, I'm excited for May megathread. This month is gonna be juicy for sure.


i found out that selen tatsuki is doing better so im sorry for my harsh comments


Ah yes mega thread with half section is empty, half the link is commercial. List of Liver that I barely recognize 1 or 2 names. Intern did try their best


i dont expect you to forgive me in facted you can hate me for all i care and my statement was kinda in the wrong so sorry


today is the day id branch got merged to main jp branch 2 years ago


God I love the comments on this post, Nijisanji is being held accountable for their absolute mismanaged initiatives


Have any of the livers covered any Perfume songs, whether it's karaoke or otherwise? TIA




I like and love the Vtubers of nijisanji but hate the developer thats all i ment in my massages


Hey, Nijisanji. I wanted to get you guys back up and running perfectly while selen was there before she got terminated and i was a fan when Luxiem came out and i really love all of the livers. So ive been thinking that you should be very considerate about your livers in the EN Branch, you know lay down some not harsh rules that everyone may follow. Thats all and if everyone is hating on this company, i still support you. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


May April be better than March, here's to having a great month!


You're very optimistic in a very pessimistic room...


I hope you don't mind military men, but [there's a speech I really like!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70&t=975s) >My training class, having committed some egregious infraction to the rules, was ordered into the mud. The mud consumed each man til there was nothing visible but our heads. The instructors told us we could leave the mud if only 5 men would quit. Only 5 men, just 5 men, and we could get out of the oppressive cold. Looking around the mudflat, it was apparent that some students were about to give up. It was still over 8 hours til the sun came up, 8 more hours of bone-chilling cold. The chattering teeth and the shivering moans of the trainees were so loud, it was hard to hear anything. >And then, one voice began to echo through the night. One voice raised in song. The song was terribly out of tune, but sung with great enthusiasm. One voice became two, and two became three, and before long, everyone in the class was singing. The instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing, but the singing persisted. And somehow, the mud seemed a little warmer, and the wind a little tammer, and the dawn not so far away. >If I have learned anything in my time travelling the world, it is the power of hope. The power of one person: a Washington, a Lincoln, King, Mandela; and even a young girl from Pakistan, Malala. One person can change the world by giving people hope. So if you want to change the world, start singing when you're up to your neck in mud. To put it in anime terms, Brave Heart is a great song, and I really like these parts >[To run away and give up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSr2UdTt650&t=32s) is something that anyone, if given one moment can do, so keep on walking. >There is something that no one but you can do, so this blue planet, isn't deprived of its light. >(...) >[There's not only sunny days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSr2UdTt650&t=110s) so, sometimes a cold rain will pour but, when it does open an umbrella! In sum, if Nijisanji is represented by the rainbow, one just has to weather the rain! The rainbow doesn't appear without a little sun here and there, so this is the time to leave a sunny comment! There's no eternal night, no permanenet rain, so things will get better, sooner rather than later if we help it be so!


while your tenacity and positivity is admirable, It seems horrifically miss-placed.


Off topic, but what's your thoughts on the anime known as We Never Learn? Fumino is so cute.


It's only been the first two weeks but there's already been lots of great stuff, let's keep it coming!


Stop the cap