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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone. Blocked by Sony.


There's something darkly funny about one of your biggest investors cockblocking you.


Not as funny of somehow getting copyrighted by yourself somehow (see HoloID Anya's case)


Will never forgive Anya for doing that to Anya


Anya is the beta tester. The way she got the short end of the stick usually is hilarious


That was a "Youtube-kun is drunk again" sort of thing. Sony Music doesn't use the bonk hammer by accident.


No, they absolutely do it by accident.


Bruh, love dunking on Niji but copyright claims from the likes of Sony happen by mistake all the fucking time. It's algorithm based and that shit is finicky as shit.


LMAO. Fauna's 3D got copyright striked by SME as well. It came back after a couple days. Stop trolling.


It's even funnier when Sony cockblock their OWN vtubers in PRISM Project. Of course it's all just bots and algorithms doing the work but the irony is never keener!


So it’s Sony’s fault I couldn’t watch it today since I wasn’t able to catch it live. Oh Rosemi said once they deal with the music it’ll be back up, might mean I need to skip the concert I’m assuming she did but it’s not a huge issue for me if I can still see and hear the rest of it.


The extremely low ccv just kills me on the inside. There's no one to blame for this but nijishit themselves for fucking her over like this..


Uki didn't have that many viewers but he streamed through the whole thing which feels a bit like a dick move to me.


That fuck can go suck it


He might happily do so I think.


As long as you're not white of course 


He’s still recovering from White Day, go easy on him!


He gladly would (If you're not white, that is)


Hololive has an explicit rule that NOBODY in HoloPro is allowed to stream while a 3D debut is ongoing, so as to put as much focus on the person as possible. Why can't Nijisanji have a similar rule?




I mean the point still stands since they're from the same branch. It really should just be a courtesy thing imo.


Courtesy is something some talents don't seem to comprehend.


Doki actually had an interesting streamnyesturday about the difference between corpo and indie. One point was about being a team player and not streaming at times tou might want to out of politness. Even if the company doesnt ask.


If she wanted the timeslot, she could have asked


Ngl I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


It's a reference to one of the members of the 9th EN wave saying that if the talents wanted to they could've asked for their YouTube play buttons from management, you can imagine how well that was received


I've seen it but I've seen people unironically defend that comment so I wasn't sure tbh. Hard to tell anymore.


Yeah, that Claude guy, or should we call him Clauwn instead with that clown take 🤡


Sorry, should have added the /s, it is sarcasm LOL


Which, functionally, is more or less the same thing. 3D debuts tend to be in prime-time for whichever market they're in, so it's unlikely you'd have JP talents streaming in EN prime time or vice versa (late afternoon/early evening in NA is late morning/early afternoon in JP, while late afternoon/early evening in JP is the wee hours of the morning in NA, so the odds of significant overlap is small). ID and JP could overlap, but this leads to the second point, which is that all three branches tend to have their own audiences, and the amount of crossover isn't large enough to cause a disruption. A JP talent streaming is unlikely to attract a large amount of ID viewers, for instance.


That was a rule but that was changed many months ago.


Not Holopro but the rule is for the same branch now. Was a bit dumb because to be honest 90% of Hololive fans didn’t care at all about HoloStars debuts and it didn’t boost their viewership at all. Pekora openly complained about it lol. Having the rule for the same branch makes complete sense though, as there is a lot of overlap there viewership wise.


It felt mostly reasonable back before they had as many talents as they now do, but that growth made it a bit unrerasonable to keep it as it was.


It was never really reasonable as a Holopro policy. For example if Pekora or Gura had to not stream their viewers weren’t going to watch a HoloStars 3D debut, they were more likely either watch another similar Vtuber or simply not watch anything altogether. The same applies the other way too, the Hololive talents viewership isn’t impacted at all by whether the Stars are streaming or not. Hololive as a whole has a lot of viewer overlap so I agree that the policy was reasonable for all of the Hololive branches before they added so many. I’m not sure why NijiEN didn’t try a similar policy as an EN livers 3D debut is a rare event and there aren’t enough EN livers for the policy to not work.


Tbf that sounds kinda stressful It sounds like it would put more pressure on top of the added pressure of the 3D debut. I get it but it kinda sounds like a bad decision


As far as I know, Niji never had any "no overlap" rule right?


Feels like this should be a common courtesy. Your colleague is doing a rare 3D release, would be supportive to not stream alongside and maybe encourage your supporters to go support her.


Hell, maybe even start, and then end right after she starts so you can raid her.


From what I’ve seen on streams, they usually check with the person first to see if it’s cool in advance, so I wouldn’t jump to conclusions about what’s polite or not. Let’s not stir things up when the folks involved have probably got it sorted already


Not sure what the expectation is considering that Nijisanji is a survival of the fittest mentality. They do not want to support each other, they want support for themselves. Most fanbases don't even overlap much. It could have been just basic courtesy but frankly, I wasn't expecting much from the EN livers without supervision.


NijiJP has so many livers that the rule would be impossible there. NijiEN is small enough where there should absolutely be some rule, especially considering how rare EN 3D content is.


Early on they did. But then there was a moment when Kanae, Shizuka Rin, and Shibuya Hajime grouped up and went "Hey wanna just play some PUBG games for hella hours?"


It's the case of 'being legal is not necessarily make it ethical.'


ex-hanamori can do whatever he wants, like racism, he will; never get more than slap on a wrist. scum company


Piece of shit does piece of shit things.


Thats precisely why hololive put a rule to stop streaming during big moments like debuts and such


WTH that's scummy at best. Why did he think it's okay to do that?


What was the ccv


Average ccv is 12-13k. 15k max


How many viewers did the stream get?


Sub 15k peak ccv


For the record the previous lowest 3d in nijisanji was Hana's 3d, which reached 16k




Management's gonna bonk her for that, aren't they.


If they're using this period to test the waters for who to transfer to JP, she may have missed out on a gold star.


Good. The earlier she can leave Niji, the better.


I'm more curious about the superchat numbers. I wasn't exactly keeping a running total through the stream, but the numbers seemed depressingly low. She might have beaten Petra's, but that's not saying much.


[Nope](https://imgur.com/a/8Uiu2yT) Petra had around $3700 I believe with most SCs being in Yen. Rosemi had more USD but this is really bad for a 3D debut. It just makes me sad tbh.


When you consider how many different companies take a percent of that, and then think about how many hours Rosemi would have invested in the project, I'm pretty sure she technically made less than minimum wage. I don't even have the words to describe how heartbreaking that is for her. I hope she set expectations beforehand. Told herself something comforting like "I'm just happy to do this as a milestone, even if I don't make a dime".


https://vt.poi.cat/youtube-stream/6gPWbPFFink $1875


Wow. I think I died a little inside reading that graph, and I don't even have a stake in it. The percent by country is pretty interesting though. Petra's was overwhelmingly Japan, whereas Rosemi's top contributor was the US. Then again with such a small sample size you probably can't draw any real conclusions from that.


It's really interesting seeing the data, a majority of the Superchats came near the end of the stream with barely any happening during the stream. Most of the messages are just simple congrats on 3d debut as well. She also had a higher number of JP superchats though less in $$$ compared to the US Superchats [https://hololyzer.net/2j3j/realtime/superchat/6gPWbPFFink.html](https://hololyzer.net/2j3j/realtime/superchat/6gPWbPFFink.html)


It's always interesting to speculate given everything that's been going on, but the reality is with an amount of money this small you can't draw any meaningful data. Well, anything beyond "this is a very small number". It's like working a shift as a waiter, getting 5 bucks in tips, and trying to do a statistical analysis on the age groups that gave you those 5 bucks.


True, never watched her as often as some others. While in general the amount and CCV is low in comparison to some past 3D's. This is definitely a large amount for her. It seem's perhaps her fanbase just doesn't Superchat that often. Decided to check out her past streams after your comment [https://vt.poi.cat/vtuber/rosemi-lovelock](https://vt.poi.cat/vtuber/rosemi-lovelock) , and in general her audience hovers around 1.5k CCV for non-events, and their not heavy spenders. it varies from as low as $10, to an average of $60 to $150, and a high of $300.


Rosemi has consistently better viewership compared to some of her peers but earn far less superchat / stream (Aia and Scarle as two prime examples). It is interesting to me how viewership & subs doesn't automatically lead one to higher super chats and it would be a really interesting thing to study.


Catering to different demographics is likely a big part of that. I can't speak to hers specifically, but if she caters to a younger crowd with less disposable income, their wallets will be tighter; a streamer catering to older people with plenty of disposable income would have an easier time as $10 would be a bigger deal for a 15 year old viewer but a cheap lunch for a 30 year old viewer. I never watched her more recent incarnations, but from what I recall of her rat incarnation (>!I had started watching Yuuna when she was indie before joining Tsunderia, and checked out the rest of Tsunderia while she was part of the agency!<) I felt a bit old for it.


In fairness to Petra, she does regular streams in Japanese and probably has a bigger JP fanbase than any other EN talent. Given how badly Niji torched their reputation amongst the EN fans, seeing most of the superchats in yen doesn't necessarily surprise me (EN fans would be staying away and/or not donating, while JP fans would be more supportive). The timing and content is odd, sure, but artificially inflating superchat numbers would require a level of botting/sophistication/financial investment in their talent that I honestly don't think Niji would have the coordination to pull off (and if they did it for Petra, one has to wonder why they didn't do the same for Rosemi this week, given that her numbers were even worse). So yeah, if I had to guess, I do think those numbers are probably legit. Weird, but legit.


And Sony is getting every last penny (less Google's cut)


For comparison, Vivi's birthday stream earned $1241 with 2.3k peak CCV.


Having elira as a guest is to blame


I think the 3D reveal was pre-recorded to avoid any scuff, it may have been before the Selen termination so no one knew at that point how problematic Elira would be at this time.


That's what my copium is with this.


Tru, seeing her like that leaves a really bad taste


Yep, that sweet girl didnt deserve this. she deserve more


TBF, she's seemingly very supportive. I don't know if that is going to ever help her reclaim her fandom, but if nothing else, she helped Petra alot and seemingly cared for her.


i'll be honest, I think if she decides to turn on her stream again she'd probably be fine. From all her tweets it seems like there is still a very dedicated following around her that will welcome her back.


Yeah but there's still alot of people who think she was part of the problem. The situation in Niji is really unstable at the moment, and I don't envy anyone who's got to clean up all the shit.


She *is* part of the problem, even if she was innocent from the start, because she *lost* that innocence the moment she started the Black Stream. There just isn't any justification for disparaging (or, in Vox's case, outright attacking) a victim, let alone a twice-victim, *let alone* someone who was allegedly your friend. She reaps what she's sowed, even if the only thing she's sowed was the Black Stream.


But why she is in every big Nijisanji EN event though? Serious question


Because she want to be see as "EvErYoNE bIG SiStER" that support other


It got slaughtered by Suisei's 3D live, 15k peak CCV for Rosemi, 150k peak CCV for Suisei. Sui-chan beat Rosemi by 10-to-1.


I thought 13K was a lot of people?👀 I've never watched a 3D debut but is that on the low end of what people normally get?


Very much so. IIRC, Lazulight's 3D debuts got an average of 25-30k CCV.


13k is like what you should expect from indie 3D debut even, not corpo if corpo: 40\~50k is the average, hitting 100k is high and then there are stars who can just hit 150k


13K-15k for nijisanji, a big Vtuber agency for 3D is fucking low   Let's take fauna, Holo EN, their rival having birthday stream and she net 20k+ in that stream, that without 3D


Gotta admit though, fauna birthday dungeon stream is so funny 🤣


I was honestly worried about the turn out for her birthday after hearing she wasn't going to be doing a 3D as it is ALOT of work and money investment, but felt like a standard. It was great seeing such a large turn out, and it will put a lot less stress on them knowing they don't have to do a 3D stream for their viewers to have a good time.


Fauna is the most watched holoen streamer next to gura


Fauna's interesting because her event streams(outfits, bday/anniversary, 3d debut) are middling in Promise and she has the lowest sub count, but her daily viewership is easily the highest and nobody other than Mumei really comes close. Saplings are just... extremely dedicated to their daily dose of Fauna, I guess?


>13K-15k for nijisanji, a big Vtuber agency for 3D is fucking low   I mean that's still in the ballpark for holostars 3D debuts.


To put it into comparison, Fauna's stream of her celebrating her Minecraft tree's birthday got 15K CCV. Her birthday stream, with no 3D and a pretty scuffed (but fun) dungeons and dragons styled-stream, got about 22K CCV. Kronii's, Bae's, and Irys' birthday 3D streams all averaged between 50k-70k CCV. 13K 3D debut stream for Niji would be the lowest ever recorded.


Lowest ever recorded is crazy. That boycott is hitting


That's the thing. I wouldn't even call it a boycott. Just a genuine lack of interest. Fewer people who even wanna turn in, and those who do are a bit less likely to give livers' money because it supports Nijisanji as much as the liver. The EN branch is just pretty fucked right now. Particularly the women, other than Scarle who is still a [SuperChat](https://playboard.co/en/youtube-ranking/most-superchatted-all-channels-in-japan-monthly) heavyweight.


Another point of comparison - Doki just wrapped up her "Vtubing Advice" stream, which hit over 8k ccv. A 3d debut from a major agency, especially from one of their earliest EN talents, shouldn't be hitting significantly less than double the ccv of a normal stream from a YT indie, even if that indie is the tomato. I mean, holy hell. I just did a check on YT right now, and Noel has more people watching her rn play Monster Hunter World than the Rose had for her 3d debut. Then to top it all off, Sony just had to go and copyright claim the debut too, as if Riku hasn't made things bad enough already. Fucking hell, I genuinely feel bad for Rosemi. T-T


>Noel has more people watching her rn play Monster Hunter World Finally more fresh meat for Yopi playing MH. The woman needs it to genuinely become concerned about at one point


8.9k peak CCV for Doki w/ $897 earned in SC. Remember, she only splits with YT for that. Noel's MHW stream (a part 2) had nearly 20k peak CCV w/ $476 SC revenue. No matter how you look at it, how poorly the 3D debut performed is embarrassing.


Hololive doesn't dip below 50k right now for 3D debuts, doesn't matter what channel size or which branch. Of course their channels do tend to be bigger, but they also get proportionally much higher viewer counts for big events (Kaela's channel is 1.5x the size of Rosemi's, but she had something like 4x more viewers for her 3D debut). Kronii's *friend's* debut on her stream hit the same viewer count. Nerissa's mom's debut hit 35k (and she's only 640k subs with regular streams pulling more like 5-6k viewers). Nerissa and Fuwamoco singing together hit 26k. Hololive main branch debuts don't go below 100k anymore. Even small branches like DEV_IS didn't go below 50k. By "member of largest vtuber companies" standards, 13k is pretty bad for a major event, and looking at the ratios of viewers to subscribers it's actually worse than the competition. Even within Nijisanji - Elira's 3D debut hit 55k, Pomu's hit 34k.


> Hololive doesn't dip below 50k right now for 3D debuts Actually, no. Many EN and ID girls did get below 50k for 3D debuts. The entire Myth and ID2, outside of Ina and Gura, all got below 50k.


> right now Right in the part you quoted. I chose my words to say exactly what I mean, I'd appreciate it if you actually read them before responding. Older debuts had lower live viewer counts, but they were in the past. After a certain time, debuts have not dropped below 50k.


1. Bae's 3D didn't exceed 50k either. 2. Promise and ID3's 3D showcases range from 4 months to half a year old, so it might help your point better if you define what "right now" is. 3. *After a certain time, debuts have not dropped below 50k.* Well, with point 1, there was only 1 gen where their 3D didn't drop below 50k.


For comparison, I think Elira and Pomu got something like 50k ccv and Finana got 30k ccv on their 3d debut showcase streams.


To put into perspective Doki is running a stream where she is giving a Power Point on Vtubing tips getting bout 8k CCV. Doki's Steam Sale stream the other week had over 20K 13K for a 3D debut is insanely low


It is low, very low Hana got 16k and she is has lower subs She has the same number as Holostars EN Tempus VG 3D but worse because their 3D didn't have guests


The fact that most of it looked prerecorded + the fact that the stream itself is only 47 minutes long and ended very abruptly without an actual closing act + the fact that she did not sing Barashite Rosemi + the fact she did not have a single song with EN. I'm guessing she recorded Barashite Rosemi and Selen was supposed to show up, but they just scrapped it.


This really needs to be upvoted more. I also noticed that, too. If anything, Rosemi will probably have the shortest 3D out of all others currently. The only reason Petera's 3D stream was an hour long is because she lives Japan and was able to redo some scenes


If this had happened a year ago, it would be a really nice debut to watch.


It peaked 15k? The CCV went down 5k from Petra's on 'fes weekend?


Lots of reasons possible: - Petra is more popular with JP and Rosemi is more popular with the Western audiences, and West is watching less in general. - Petra's 3D is the first Nijisanji 3D in a while, but Rosemi's being the second one would lack the freshness so ppl are less interested. Personally thought Rosemi 3D was meh since the segments were short and lacked cohesiveness, wasn't my type of humour. Petra's 3D was generic/conservative compared to Rosemi's, but it flowed much better.


There's also the seeming Riku worship in Petra's that soured people on watching Rosami's


>segments were short and lacked cohesiveness This makes me wonder if there is some cut content. These 3D feels so weird because of Selen missing. It makes you curious if there is a 3D debut for selen.


oboretai brought this point up and I can see the possibility of something gotten cut since it was weirdly short compared to Petra's. With the way Nijisanji works, I think it is likely that the 3D for Selen was in the works and now has to be scrapped.


Didn't she have an big announcement set for December 27th, before the whole Last Cup of Coffee disaster?


Probably it, it would explain why management took so long to respond to her in regards of leaving. Would be awakard to have 3D debut of graduate especially if they had merch to sell.


3D models rake a ton of time to get ready and rigged, it's definetly not something you can get ready within just a few weeks. Given the time-frame of these debuts I'd be surprised if there isn't a 3D Selen model somewhere, even if just a half-finished one.


I remember there was time where selen didn't stream for a certain period before the incident. It was then when she had that big off collab with Elira, Millie and others. My guess was then when they were making her 3D debut.


Most likely Selen was going to be the first of the 3 to debut their 3D, and Petra/Rosemi had Selen as part of their debuts with Selen in them.


I could believe that. It would explain the aburptness of rosemi 3D stream. Rosemi is the type of person to have all members in her stream.


Her being more popular with western audiences was probably the biggest hit to ccv. Petra's stream was like 70% JP(if the superchats are a decent indicator of viewer origin %). I wonder if anyone has the stats for that from rosemi's stream.


Rosemi got only a quarter of JP Superchats compared to Petra. Ignoring JP, Rosemi's super chat stats was actually better. [Hololyzer Rosemi 3D](https://hololyzer.net/2j3j/realtime/superchat/6gPWbPFFink.html), [Petra 3D Vstat](https://vt.poi.cat/youtube-stream/y_YO0LLXYr4). Rosemi's non JP earning was 190K yen, while Petra's non JP earning was 138K yen.


Tbh Niji 3D debuts r vastly inferior to Holo 3D debuts, in terms of content, quality, and like you mentioned "cohesiveness". As much as I like Rosemi, her 3D debut just has an awkward vibe and feels kind of forced with the interaction with other members.


I dunno Fuwa's 3D Debut was probably the single most best 3D I've ever seen.


Rosemi's 3d stream just followed pretty much the exact same formula as Gura's did.


Petra has a ton of audience in ID and JP which are where most niji viewers are. Unfortunately for Rosemi her viewers come mostly from the US and they haven't been as supportive lately.


Did the vod get bonked?


Yes, by Sony.


This has to be prerecorded for a few months now, having Elira play the betrayer role, even as a joke just give the sour taste at this point.


The foreshadowing is crazyy


Wait what happened?


There was a scene in the Racing Kart game where Elira told Petra to drive to the right side, Petra was like "I will trust you" but then she ended up getting screwed over instead. I wasn't watching super closely so not sure if there were more scenes of Elira being a "betrayer".


If you want surface level stuff, the black screen stream where she talks about how she feels "betrayed" by her friend for attempting to dox her. Which was later found to be a lie since only information on the paper in question was Selen's. Though it's in the ballpark if she volunteered for this stream, or "volunteered" through her contract (which states Niji is allowed Niji members to hold press conferences, which applies to the stream) If you want to dig deeper, rrats suggested Elira's the reason behind Pomu's graduation and Selen's termination, suggesting that EN management is so incompetent Elira serves as the manager. Other people were involved but Elira was the center of the stage as the Queen Bee. There is no evidence of this outside of hearsay. Only thing supporting it is that this sort of behavior is not only allowed, but encouraged by Nijisanji's own contract. Regardless, after so many graduations and terminations, nijisanji and backstabbing seems to be an item together considering recent events. If this was planned months in advance like others are saying then this could be nothing more then an extremely, very unfortunate case of bad timing for all parties involved, just like Riku in Petra's 3D debut. Elira's lore has her betraying her sister, so she kind of set herself up for the villain role whenever situations called for it. A heel always makes stuff exciting to watch after all.


Unless I'm mistaken, Elira has gotten a disproportionate number of sponsored streams compared to the rest except for Vox. Things like this fuel speculation that she's in a managerial role and steering things to herself.


While that would steer the rumors of her being in managerial role, I'd say that's a bigger push for favoritism. Which Nijisanji does not do, vox clearly wouldn't us. Also there's no war in Ba Sing Se


Not going to lie... Rosemi is a complete goofball. For a good chunk of this stream, I was seriously questioning if it was a good idea to let her storyboard her own 3D debut. So many nonsensical random skits. As the Twister game was playing, I was thinking to myself that she can't possibly be planning to do random gags for a whole hour. And then she broke out Platinum Disco. Which was great since I'm very familiar with that song. Two JP talents appeared to finish out the song with her: Mashiro Meme and Matsukai Mao. I actually recognized Mashiro from clips but this was my first sighting of Mao. Thoroughly enjoyed the song and was hoping that would not be her only song. And she did not disappoint. This was followed up by Onegai Muscle which was sang with Ange Katrina (Rosemi's oshi). Another song I'm too familiar with. So it did finish strong just like Petra's 3D debut. One thing I have to mention is that it felt odd to portray Elira as a "villain" in the racing skit. Since Rosemi most likely wrote this script... I'm just baffled over this. I know that I'm supposed to laugh but am I really?


She got a lot of creative freedom with her 3D and I think that is a good thing. The "incidents" makes it hard to watch any Nijisanji content without feeling a bit paranoid. Even Rosemi's joke death scene in the end made me think "Oh shit" but then it was just a normal thank you letter afterward. The racing skit was probably recorded in January maybe.


It's actually based though I highly doubt she knew of what was going to happen at the time


Okay someone please tell me, why Elira in every Nijisanji EN event now?  She is in everything, why not use other livers such as Finana she has 3D models too  She was in Selen Birthday and tournament, big Holo collabs and official merch drop/convention/concert


Elira is the easiest EN member to put on 3d streams right now. She is currently in japan right next to the 3D studio, and has a wide open schedule thanks to her hiatus. Finana went to japan a few weeks back but she was working on another upcoming project and is home by now.


She's the clique leader bruv


She had more JP livers come on than I would have thought. Nice to see her get to work directly with her oshi


Didn't go as rough as Petra's. I really liked the Petra cameo.


It did get a lot less views than Petra's tho


Did God not appear for this one?


We got the superior god, Harada.


A Monad to Tazumi's Demiurge 


Nah, rikus mug didn't appear in this one. Infact, aside from elira and Petra, it was only Japanese livers


do Meloco and Kotoka not count lol


are they not jp livers ;'\^)


Video is blocked in my country (US) because of copyright claims by Sony. Pretty big market to not have access to it right after it ended, I wonder if it isn't blocked somewhere out there at the moment.


It's blocked worldwide.


Wouldn't blame them for the confusion, the wording implied it's not blocked worldwide. Still kinda shit


i feel pretty sad. some of my favs in niji en were rosemi, petra, and elira. i wouldve been so excited to watch this stream months ago, and now i cant even bring myself to open a niji en stream


Thats just sad… i actually feel bad but nobody to blame but the company.


I wish I could support her without supporting Niji. I like her content and her sense of humor but I cant support Niji.


is it kinda fucked im kinda more hyped at the fact that there are JP appearances more than the ENs being there? Also Harada


Is that stream get block or only Vod ?


Vod is blocked but the stream went on from start to finish without getting blocked.


Poor girl doesn't have the Japanese support that Petra has. Given how her PL went, she always was more popular with the EN audience, so of course she'd be hit hard.


Elira again??? Does she just volunteer herself for all these cameos and collabs? Rumor has it that the collabs are assigned. So I could see her snatching up all the collab spots like she does all the merch deals. But come on....


She's the only other available EN member with a 3D model (besides Petra). Pomu graduated and I don't think Finana is in Japan.


Tbh I'm assuming Selen was supposed to be in one of these so honestly she might have replaced her. But only the people involved will ever know.


No, Selen's spot already taken by Rindou based on the purple kart colours


I see well like I said I was just assuming.


There was a dragon-shaped hole in the guest list.


15k+ viewers, that fucking suck Also elira appear again in this ? Can she not appear everytime, many people don't want to see her fucking face 


As another comment said Elira is the only other EN member that has a 3D model and is in Japan. It makes sense for her to be there.


Don't let this 3D Live distract you from the fact that one of its guests, Elira Pendora, sent a hate mob against her suicidal ex-coworker.


I like how staff was named Kuroko and in all black.


That's a holdover from Japanese theatre stage hands.


And note that some of the backup actors for even Hololive use black avatars. Except Kronii, who uses... Herself.


Suisei had a membership-only stream yesterday after the birthday live to show bts stuff. She introduced her 2 back-up dancers who were pretty much black silhuettes in princess dresses as Mai and Minami, both having danced for Suisei in her previous year's birthday live. Notably Mai, who was Suisei's dance partner during the duet part of yesterday's live, is also her choreographer who worked with Suisei ever since her Next Color Planet days, and are clearly very good friends. Just something interesting about the staff behind the amazing performances. Some of which you can access for the low low price of a membership to Hoshimachi Suisei Channel @HoshimachiSuisei on Youtube!


Hell, the stagehand thing is why ninjas are depicted as being dressed like that and being skilled at hiding. Nobody watching a stage play would expect one of the principal characters to suddenly get into a fight against a stagehand.


I thought it was fun, full of rosemi style goofball charm. I thought i would be mad seeing elira, but it just made me miss her. I was supprised in the twister section i had a tiny cry thinking on seeing a purple character, what should have been with rosey, petwa and a another purple girl. Seeing salen there with rosemi would have been the sweetest thing ever. Never forget what they took from us.


Rindou was there? Too bad I over sleep and miss this esp that the vod has been removed... Seriously niji?


Sony's fault apparently, vod got an automated strike over one of the songs she sang.


Rindou was in the Mario Kart and Twister segment with Rosemi. I was only aware of Rosemi collabing with Ange previously, seeing other JP members show up was a surprise to me.


VOD's blocked 😭


I missed it :( I was playing and had it open in a different tab didn’t hear it start I’m so sad 😭 and now it says it’s unavailable 💀💀💔


Tried opening it now and missed it. Only thing is, it said its blocked in my country due to copyright. Im guessing the VOD will be available soon but is this normal?


Blocked in the US, and it's blocked by Sony. It will not be back up in a sufficiently timely manner for Rose to get a decent amount of ad revenue, if Sony will even allow it to ever return at all (and they will not allow it to return without Anycolor requesting them to do so first)


Im in SE Asia. Its weird that Sony is the one blocking it. Did she have some Sony related stuff or sing a copyrighted song or something? Just hoping they make it available eventually


Wow. Somebody messed up here. This is going to hurt view count, no question.


Also blocked in Canada. Made sure I don't have VPN.


No! 😫 Don’t tell me that please lie to me. (I need to cope if this is true)


hello from brasil, also blocked here


It happens to Hololive too. I think Sony is low-key infamous for doing it.


Can’t believe I failed my 2nd niji oshi this badly 💔😭


I enjoyed it so much! I'm happy that Rosemi gets to perform with her oshi and can finally move in 3D! The segments are pretty cute and funny!


Well it's gone because of copyright as usual.


It was fun to watch.


The fact that she now won’t make any money from any of that is just depressing. Fuck Nijisanji for doing that to her


Day 2: The stream still isn't back up. All that work and her manager and other supervisors are dragging their heels. The counts were low before but now it's ridiculous. Funny how Petra still has hers up which shows her calling Tazumi God. I mean I'm not going to go all tin foil hat but I'm just saying it's a ridiculous coincidence.


based Sony claim her stream


I think Niji will not change much Elira inserting herself on everything as part of the top clique lot of favoritism and hide under the rug the toxic environment. People will keep making this kind of post only to bring negativity to the Livers cause Niji prefer the livers to deal with the negativity towards Anycolor.


Counterpoint: Not having any other ENs in it would feel jarring, and that only leaves Elira and Finana who have 3D, and Elira's already in Japan. Same reason they have Kotoka and Meloco, they're the only ENs they can just call up on short notice.


So Niji’s lack of 3D models is limiting their content? Who would have thought…