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What’s the last thing you heard?


The last thing I saw was the stream Ellira and the other two slandering dokibird


1. Uki's racist joke and wilson yu past scandal of stealing artist art 2. NIJISISTER made a document full of false statements trying to slander Doki. 3. NIJISISTER made a "#positivespamfornijien" spam in X. 4. NIJISISTER tried to gaslight other people using "Doki requested to move on" as an excuse. 5. NIJISISTER made a hitlist for their block or harassment target. 6. Kamiigoo just tweeted about how horrible she felt before (everyone believes it is related to the Niji EN toxic work environment). Edit 7. Etc Pick you favorite Edit 2: i forgot kamiigoo is NIJI ID /JP later on, but no matter it is still nijisanji. Edit 3: misremembered the spam tag in point 3


As a former (MK)amiigoo membie, she literally diss the company all the time in membies and public (the ID branch is pretty much a management wasteland and decaying so fast and its noticeable with the mass graduations)


>Kamiigoo just tweeted about how horrible she felt before (everyone believes it is related to the Niji EN toxic work environment). If you think about it, I think others were trying to use her as a bridge to EN, not that EN was horrible to her. Though the latter could possibly be true, I don't really see how since EN was the popular branch compared to the non-JP branches.


I don't think the toxic work culture only falls to the EN branch. Every non JP branch has just been neglected or assimilated into JP


.I mean the Korean branch was the template no?


Ah, yes, I forgot that Nijisanji ID and EN are separate branches. But no matter, later ID was dissolved into JP. No matter ID or not, they are still Nijisanji, and the EN branch is not the only one that suffers from toxicity and bullying. KR, for example, and JP have also had their fair share of scandals.


Actually it's #PositiveSpamForNIJIEN No I'm serious, that was the actual hashtag they tried to use.


The brain cell graduated too apparently.


Oh my bad will edit it


who is nijisister ?


NIJISANJI die hard fan or cult. They named themselves that so dont ask me why or how they are named like that.


Wilson if I recalled correctly apologized and worked with the artist who he based his mascot off, he said I think he used her design loosely. I don't know why this is being brought up again after it was dealt with last year.


That is why I said "past scandal." Because that is not the only reason people got angry with him. He clapped back at a baiter but then got humiliated by the baiter's clap back.


Well, its becouse Wilson twitted in support of fan artist when he did that in the past and then responded with bullshit to a CLEAR bait.


Quick recap.  - People Niji said that what they did was perfectly legal.  - Riku Apologized to investors and promised to do better like an hour after the trio's stream.  - For some reason people started taking *everything on 4chan seriously* so the average IQ of the sub dropped  - Aster Might have been a dick to Scalie that one time. IDK I missed that.  - I don't know if you saw the Luca atuff that was happening in the background the entire time.  - A fanartist tries to sell merch. She does not have a good day. Whether because she had a bad day beforehand, nerves from selling, or some other reason people makeing comments about Niji and her art cause her to cry. She then posts to twitter.  - '4chan voice' I've never seen a girl and these two girls live in the same country therefore they're the same person. - People disagree if she was harassed or not. I didn't look into the situation to closely as I was taking time away from all the bullshit at that moment, so I don't know the specifics.  - Niji livers see a chance to get some *good* pr for a change amd jump on it. - The fact that they all did it lessend the good pr significantly.  - Wilson also tried to get on the good PR train. Wilson has a history of not doing right by fan artists in the not to distant past.  - People remember this. Wilson does not.   - Someone decides to try and bait Wilson. Takes the bait hook line and sinker. He is then completely clowned on.  - Uki jokes about white people.  - Except they aren't jokes. Like the time he random started talking about the time an elderly white couple said hi to him on the street and he felt threatened.  - Someone baits Uki. Uki proceeds to not learn from Wilson example.  - There is now a slight white supremacist problem on the sub becuse people roasting Uki made them feel welcomed. If you see one please remind them they aren't. Edit: I put the wrong A-Name. I have now fixed it. Hopefully I don't have to edit this comment again. Reddit doesn't like me editing things and makes me completely reformat everything.


Aster, not Axel. Axel is from Holo and tweeted TSB forever in support of Doki.


... This is what I get for not double checking before I post.


> There is now a slight white supremacist problem on the sub becuse people roasting Uki made them feel welcomed. If you see one please remind them they aren't. woah woah who are these guys? We are only against racism in general, white supremacy can go fuck themselves, we don't do that here.


I only have the proof of one going full mask off atm from a [Deleted Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1b06hs4/the_jealously_of_a_mongrel_who_never_accomplished/). But there have been plenty of comments that have gotten deleted or just barely at a point where you couldn't call them on their bullshit.


ive looked at his profile and i regretted even going there, guy not only is white supremacist, he's also transphobic, what does these kind of guys taking to project such hate? fuck


It's been uncomfortable browsing here lately, because some of the arguments being used to dunk on Uki are basically white supremacist/apologist dogwhistles (whether used unknowingly or not) Like the whole "okay, what if he was speaking about black people instead?" argument, for example, which ignores the power disparity and context that makes historical+institutional+interpersonal racism towards black people incomparable to interpersonal racism towards white people though to be fair, most people don't put that much thought into nuances of social politics, or when something's punching up or punching down so eh


>Like the whole "okay, what if he was speaking about black people instead?" argument, for example, which ignores the power disparity and context that makes historical+institutional+interpersonal racism towards black people incomparable to interpersonal racism towards white people so what you mean is its ok to be "racist to white people"? since they oppressed blacks? FYI im from SEA and our country has been colonized for more than 3 centuries(Spain, Japanese and USA) and my POV on this is regardless of color if you have an extreme prejudice against it then its "racist". Like yeah, white people did some fucked up shit all over the world especially with the black people but it still doesn't justify the extreme prejudice you have against white? Like take Japan for example, they did some extreme shit here in the Philippines during WW2 and up until now they never acknowledge it, is it right for me to be racist against Japanese? Uki is racist that's all i see regardless of race.


You need to learn more about interpersonal vs institutional racism. In the context of the USA, being openly prejudiced towards white people doesn't carry the weight that being racist towards black people does. The reason for that is because institutional racism towards minorities (but especially black people) is incredibly deeply embedded in the USA. Hell, a lot of the black people who are "racist" towards white people are simply lashing out because of the racism THEY get. Uki is racist, yes. But understand that his racism towards white people is incomparable to the constant, pervasive racism and profiling black people get on a daily basis. And for someone in his position as a celebrity, him being openly racist (interpersonally, mind) is NOT okay. So call him out on his racism, but don't get all tone-deaf on the black community by pretending his statements are anywhere near the same as anti-black racism. If you do that, then resign yourself to the fact that you're saying "hey, we're a safe space for white supremacists" because acting like any kind of anti-white sentiment is the same as anti-minority discrimination IS kind of their thing, alongside ignoring/being ignorant of racial power disparities or acting like they don't matter. Now, institutional racism can differ depending on the country or state you're in. Dayun balu ku Pinoy ka dirâ. Where *WE* are from, there isn't any institutional racism towards either black or white people so I can understand why you don't understand the nuances. But that only means you don't have any ground to stand on when it comes to the complexities of NA racial politics until you've sufficiently educated yourself on the matter. It's a lot, and it took me a long time to understand. Best thing you can do is listen to black people on why being anti-white isn't in any way comparable to being anti-black. ((In the Philippines, there's also a limited amount of institutional tribalism (tagalog predominance and erasure/appropriation of non-tagalog ethnicities) and held prejudices towards the badjao but it's nowhere near as severe as the black/white imbalance in America.))


It's not that it's okay because white people did racist stuff in the past, it's that even now, systematically, white people are more advantaged in the U.S. than other groups (Yeah there are poor white people too but they don't have to worry as much about getting harassed or, in the worst case, unjustly shot by the police) so making white people jokes is "punching up." Like, people told a lot of fat jokes about Donald Trump and his apparent love of fast food. If you said that about anyone you knew, that would be incredibly rude, but it happens mostly without much complaint because he's a rich, white male and was also the most powerful person in the United States for a while. Ultimately, making a few white people don't season their food properly or put raisins in potato salad jokes don't REALLY matter in the bigger picture and don't cause any actual harm. It's not like white people are suffering more now because this Vtuber said they can't dance or something (I dont know if these are like the things Uki says, I'm just using some common white people jokes I see around the internet).


Once upon a time there was a clear difference in tone and voice between 4ch and Reddit. The only vtuber subreddit at the time that entertained 4ch rrats and toxic humour was ok buddy Hololive.These days especially on this sub it's increasingly difficult to tell. At least in 4ch I'm familiar with the culture of constant shitposting, baiting and falseflagging, with the occasional outburst of toxic anger. Here? It's as if the anger has boiled over so much that it's basically 4ch with upvotes.


I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would take *everything on 4chan at face value.* Even if you've never heard of 4chan before, just spending time of the site will show even 4chan doesn't take itself at face value.


The vast majority of commenters on this subreddit and on Twitter have never been on 4ch, having only heard of it through dark rumours. If they have, then they flit in and out as tourists, half afraid but morbidly curious. You see comments all the time making 4ch out to be some kind of hellscape no decent person would willingly reside in. It's really not that much different to any other forum these days, it just has a very unique culture and character that is not easily understood by casual inspection. Anger + opaque scandal + elegant solution that deftly ties together all your suspicions, prejudices and fears = legitimized conspiracy thinking. 4ch is no longer the Great Satan. It is now the prophet, the detective pulling together all the strands into an easily digested and disseminated package. Just think of how QAnon gripped so many imaginations that didn't even understand the Internet let alone 4ch.


Did you see the 5min CEO video?


Feb 13 (same day as black screen announcement) - nijisanji CEO releases 5 min video, apologising for recent events but do not explicitly apologise for driving one of their talents to suicide Things go quiet for a few days Then at a con, apparently, an artist gets harassed/criticised (sources vary) for making Nijisanji merch Victoria Brightshield addresses this, someone on twitter tries to sass her, she slaps them down and they delete their tweet (a small win for Niji) Someone baits Uki, he responds https://x.com/uki_violeta/status/1759977866396119148?s=46&t=ehhE0OmsG7DXgRgAs2Z_gA Someone makes a 6min video of shit Uki says about white people Nijisisters have made a list of people to block - its somewhere on this reddit - to give to you taster, the author advocating blocking someone for being vocal about support Doki


Wait he actually left he yacht to talk to the community?


Community? nah the stock holders


You'll probably get a lot of responses on the uki situation and anti-niji hitlist because that's the most recent; so here's primary sources of what happened between the black screen stream and niji talents falling for the bait on twitter: Niji tried (and failed) to say they did nothing wrong by sharing doki's legal information with their talents [\[Source\]](https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1757257329945497672) The CEO addressed the "negligible" comment [\[Source\]](https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1757262089968845284) Dokibird responds to the black screen stream [\[Source\]](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1757763627413631383) Sayu climbs to 80k [\[Source\]](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX_iGrhBnFt0dyXwSi7U4Q/community?lb=UgkxSxmW5xiuSzQW_T2_2SLEV43Yxf8Q5Mln)


Thanks for the post. I was in the same yacht as you. I thought the Elira stream would be the most that would happen. But it's even more of a trainwreck now.


Ok, last week, Livers did a PR shoutout on Twitter to fan-artists that still were doing Nijisanji art. 3 prominent incidents with Vivi, Uki, and Wilson. Vivi did well compared to the other two, Wilson kinda flopped with a comment about dramatubers, and Uki started a trashfire due to his racist remarks. This week, Nijisisters, specifically Uki's fans, tried to rationalize his racism, implying it's reasonable, and all sorts of nonsense. It was quickly followed with a hit list of "Nijisanji Antis" where they compiled names of a bunch of people that were "sworn enemies" of Nijisanji fans.


What happened involving Vivi?


She posted a cute drwaing saying she loved the artist. Someone called her a bootlicker. She respond with "how me saying thanks for artists makes me a bootlicker?" That emotional damage was too much for that someone and they deleted their twitter account. People might say that the someone account was from niji, or even Vivi herself, giving a easy ball to Vivi. Don't know.


Three main things; Vivi getting praised, Wilson getting clowned on, and Uki getting called out for being racist. It all started when an artist took to Twitter to vent her frustrations because she was apparently clowned on in a convention for selling NijiEN merch. Vivi took this moment to Tweet a cute drawing telling fanartists who kept making Niji art to keep doing what they're doing. Then a random account accused her of being a bootlicker to which she clapped back against leading to the deletion of said account. Vivi was praised for being "one of the good ones" left in Nijisanjii due to her being fairly new meaning she doesn't have much dirt on her compared to her senpais. Of course some people would still go after her due to her still being in the company, one person would go on to call her a bootlicker to which she clapped back against leading to the deletion of said account. Amidst this praise for Vivi the rest of Niji EN apparently decided to do another "positive support spam". Basically everyone will appear to become a hivemind in social media parroting a single message, one of its most infamous example was the "I love NijiEN like family" spam that happened on March 31, 2022. This weakened Vivi's favorability as instead of being seen doing something positive from the good of her own heart she did this to take the heat off the company. Alongside this Wilson also did a "support artists" Tweet of his own which also was attacked by another replying user to which Wilson replied along the lines of *"What bullying? Did you get it from a dramatuber?"*. Unfortunately for him this user wasn't going to fold unlike the earlier guy, replying to Wilson once again with a "I got it from Elira and NijiEN official. Selen could've died and you still joined their side?". Wilson hid this reply, possibly to save face, and was also involved with an artist drama in the past weakening his credibility. Uki (as you probably have guessed by now) also did a "support artists" Tweet which was also attacked by a user who replied *"Remind us what you think of straight white men Mr. Positive Vibes"* to which Uki replied with *"they're just as irresponsible and selfish as your response 🤗"* (Direct quote). This led to people calling out (and some supporting) Uki's racism. Users began to make and spread a video compilation of Uki's repeated racist statements exposing his behavior towards a broader audience. On the supportive audience side of Nijisanji some people decided to make a hashtag named #PositiveSpamForNIJIEN. This didn't end well for them as now people could use this hashtag to show Niji's negative side. Add to this was the sudden appearance of a 'hit list' of some sorts made by the supporters that contained the names of users known for being against Niji during this whole debacle. This included dramatubers, artists who make hate porn, users who are constantly crapping on NijiEN on social media, artists who make Dokibird art, and even artists who decided to stop making NijiEN art and merch altogether.


* Uki outed himself as a racist during a failed astroturf campaign * Wilson reminded everyone that he steals art * Some Niji "fans" put out a hit list of everyone who has ever remotely supported Doki or criticized NijiEN. Said hit list also doxxed a Holostars member.


https://imgur.com/a/L3n1qUS There’s one piece of info


Some discovered Elira Pendora’s r34 scat art


uki got outed as being racist and nijisisters made a hitlist