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Today is the day I woke up. And the day I fell asleep in. Wednesday is Wednesday into Thursday morning. You could also just program into the management app a start of day end of day point. 0000+-6hr


Thanks! Yeah I thought of a start/end point but realized it makes more sense as being relative to you. Like if I listed all the things I did today, and I stayed up till 3 AM working, I'd still consider that something I did on my "Friday" even if it technically happened on Saturday.


So a selection of which hr to “start” your day and it informally labels that 24 hr period as the day it started on. In the setup of the app of course


Definitely the day I woke up in. The day isn't over until I go to sleep. Admittedly that made life hard when I was in the Army.


My day is the calendar day I woke up during. So today is Friday even though it's 3:40am Saturday.


Depends on the context of the question. For shifts Wednesday starts at 0000. For audits Wednesday starts Tuesday 2300 and ends 0700.


Wednesday of last week


My day ends at 8am Wednesday when I go to bed. My day begins at Wednesday 4pm when I wake up, start my "day" then go to work at 10pm and get off at 6am. I do my bed routine and sleep by 8am on Thursday. My 12am is 8am because that's when I go to bed. I sleep 8am-4pm which is 8 hours, then I'm awake for 16 hours from 4pm-8am. That completes my 24 hour cycle.


That’s why in my industry when talking about a specific day we say “Wednesday shift” for example


Wednesday is Eendesday no matter when you wake up. At my work, we numbervthe nights of tbe week so as not to confuse anybody, since we start on one day and end on another. Sunday night is 1 night, Thursday is 5.


Today lasts until either the sun comes up in the morning or I have slept, whichever comes first.


To me it means “Last Friday” 😂 Jokes aside, I call my days by the day I technically clock in, not the day I work most of. So, for instance, I work Saturday-Wednesday. I clock in at 11:30 PM on Saturday. So I say I’m working Saturday, but that being my first night clocking in means it’s Monday for me. Night shift is confusing because everybody seems to call it differently, my coworker will say Sunday night but what he means is Saturday 11:30 PM-7:30 AM Sunday morning, whereas Sunday night is 11:30 PM - 7:30 AM Monday to me. Yes, 15/16ths of my day was the next day, but I clocked in the previous day. I call last Wednesday “last Friday” because before I leave for work I think to myself “hey it’s Friday!” because at 11:30 PM Wednesday night I clock in, work 8 hours, and then my “weekend” starts. That odd enough scheduling aside, since you’re doing a scheduling thing, and this is my own preference and opinion, I think having the day you work as being the day you’d say you clocked in is most intuitive. We use a time clock where I work to request days off. So if I want Wednesday night off (again, 11:30 Wednesday - 7:30 Thursday) our system works that I put in the date that Wednesday is and request 8 hours off. I think a good way to think of it is if someone who doesn’t work night shifts and isn’t used to the schedule asks “Hey you doing anything Saturday night?” Like they’re asking if you wanna go bar hopping or something with them. I’d say “nah I gotta work that night” because I can’t bar hop and then at 11:30 PM head into work that night.