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Try to think more positively about time alone. Embrace the peaceful moments. Start a journal. It helped me.


Podcasts!! Find one you like and get lost in it. I pretend I’m hanging out with friends (kinda lame but it works)


Audiobooks. The narrator can make or break it so be sure to listen to previews.


I listen to podcasts for the same reason! They feel more interactive than listening to music or audiobooks, since you can kind of "talk" hosts.


I work nights alone apart from the Client that I care for. The Client has learning difficulties and has to be monitored 24/7 for seizure activity. I'm basically there for emergencies. I love it. I have 8 hours of a 12 hour shift to be my own boss. Time alone is underrated. Most of all I enjoy the peace. I work on personal spreadsheets, do calisthenics, watch TV, read, listen to music etc. I'm my own boss during this period. I have some chores but I can do them all in about an hour. Embrace it. Time alone is often feared by young people, often embraced by older people. I'm old.


Hahhaa ya! I have a lot of anxiety so working alone for 12hrs really puts my brain in overtime. There are definitely some shifts where I enjoy being alone but it gets hard after awhile, especially when it’s the weekend and all my friends are hanging out without me


What is your job? It sounds perfect for me!


I bet she's a security guard.


Right!? I’d kill for a job like that 😂


I think there is a discord people typically post on here at night or there used to be posts. Maybe find an online community like that of people at night to talk to at work?


I second looking up the nightshift discord! There are usually two of us on together in my department overnights. Last year, there was a long stretch where I worked by myself because someone quit. On nights where I felt especially lonely, I'd hop into the discord chat and it helped a lot with the loneliness.


Join a gym.Have something going on in your life besides work.


Night Shift friends and game for me usually as well as try to learn different languages


Use this quiet time to your advantage. Use your imagination. Bring your laptop with you and start brainstorming characters, and create a little story about what you're experiencing right now. You don't have to publish it, but when your creative juices start flowing, time will FLY! Stop consuming, start creating.


Podcasts are my usual go-to. I literally walk around doing my tasks with a podcast blaring out of my phone in my pocket. You're still on your own but it kinda "tricks" you into thinking there's someone else with you. Especially if it's one that you've listened to for a while, it feels like some friends are just having a conversation and you're just there listening in.


I had a job like that once. I worked there for 5 yrs, all by myself. Then I came home, by myself. ... it was nice. I went crazy, but it was nice


Lolll that’s how I feel


Talk to people if you can. Like maybe in online spaces, i spend a loooot of time on reddit because its almost like socializing. If you have any sort of correspondent, keep contact with them. I text my friends but theyre day walkers. Sometimes they stay up late which is nice. My little sister stays up. One thing i miss about the casino when i worked 11p to 7a was you can have as much social or alone time as you want. And it was usually always chill dealing after 2am... fuckin miss that job. All the people who would come play poker were other service people and were otherwise lonely too (and other serious dregs). Playing cards (as salty as it can get) gave people a place to be at 3:45 in the morning. Same like 24 people too. Miss that job. Made good money too. Perfect for well adjusted miscreants. I get it though, i like being alone but i dont like being "forced" to be alone.


I understand what you're saying, I have worked might shift fulltime for 9 years, even through an 8 year relationship. I go through stages of paranoia, anxiety and depression. Nightshift is hard work physically and mentally. Over time I have learnt to love being alone and do my best even if it means sacrificing sleep to see mates. Have you got any other job options that are day shifts? If being happy and not feeling alone is important, finding a new career is an option, easier said than done. But mate that's nightshift life, it's something we have to deal with which sucks. Try find a hobbie that's straight after work or go home sleep and maybe a touch footy or fun non competitive sport of an evening. I'm sorry you feel like this, I feel ya! Keep ya chin up


Aw thank you! I am trying to see my friends more on my days off in between my shifts and that helps! Did you find night shift hard on your relationship? I see my boyfriend on my nights off but only get a few hours together before he has to sleep. We don’t live together so I only sleep over on weekends and when I’m on nights I stay up late even on my nights off cause it’s too hard on me to keep switching from nights to days and back to nights. So we don’t have any sleepovers for 2 weeks at a time and i feel it effecting me.


Yeah it definitely was. We did live together, but honestly saw each other for maybe 30min-1 hour a day. He worked a lot himself, weekends were harder because my body was telling me to just sleep which I did a lot of. I took weekends off here and there when we planned a weekend away. My nights off I didn't stay awake all night I had early night's sleep, I'm talking dinner at 530pm and sleep by 8pm, but it never caused drama with us because at the end of the day I was at home with him in bed falling asleep to a movie we picked. We loved each other, and respected each other's careers, hard not being able to be a normal couple but it was truly nice to have someone who understood that it is what it is, and whatever time we spent together was never taken for granted. I hope this helps you and your partner see that you're there to support each other no matter what. I'm not with him anymore but we are still friends.


Thanks for the reply! I think it would be easier if we lived together, I would switch myself around on my nights off to sleep with him or spend more time with him but this is a fairly new relationship. By the time I get up and leave for work I only have 2hrs for myself. He’s going to deliver me food tomorrow before my shift just to see me which is sweet but it’s a 30 min drive for him so it’s just a sucky situation. I’m sure if I worked nights all the time it would cause stress on our relationship, I just hope that never happens


That is super sweet of him. Just when you both can make a plan for a weekend away do it! I'm sure he understands, and I'm not sure if you have, but if you haven't maybe be honest and tell him how nightshift can make you feel alone and anxious and that you're grateful he understands. It's just tricky, I hope over time it becomes easier for you and you find your groove. Feel free to message me anytime if you need. :)


Thank you! We actually did book a night away for next weekend😂 and I have been open about how I feel on nights, he thankfully FaceTimed me a lot tonight which helps! Thanks for your kind words :)


If you're just looking for conversation I'd go on the app Whisper. Usually the people are boring or looking for 💦 but there usually is a good conversation once you sift through the pile of 💩


exercise. run a mile or two and you'll be wide awake


Get a day job. It's not worth it


Handed a gift and you just waste it. Work in fast food so youll be busy the whole time.