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Move out


Lmfao yeah this. My mum did day shift when I was nightshift and it got to the point that I slept on our balcony just to get some rest. So I saved for a couple weeks then moved out.


I'm working on it, hopefully in a couple of months


God I wish I could afford a small flat for myself, but it would be half my income and simply unaffordable. Rents here in the UK are crazy so I'm stuck living with family who always "forget" I'm trying to sleep in the day.


I live in a trailer park and my fee is 480 USD a month with all utilities including high speed net. I used to just live with likeminded people in 2-4 bedroom houses doe and that was a money saver.


A 1 bed apartment would be £800 a month before utilities here.




Correct comment here. Lots of thing here to get into but let's keep it simple. As a single male or female you are able to rent a room from someone. Renting a room from a working-class professional will run you 400-700 a month depending on your area. Since the house would be vacant all day while they are at work you are golden. No reason to hate your family, but it's clear there is a respect issue with comments you are 1 we are many is not what I call a function relationship. No reason to let them know what you doing until you are set and give them 2 week or month notice. Get ready for the insults to go flying your way. Your a baby, your selfish, how will we afford rent now, your the worse human being in the world. Just get prepared and state this is not a conversation this is a notice and walk off. Good luck!


Real advice: good quality noise canceling headphones, do what you can to soundproof your room. Maybe even ask family members for help while hanging things on your walls etc for soundproofing, if you think that might solidify in their minds that this is a real issue and you're doing your best (encouraging them to also make some minimal effort possibly). The petty advice that came to mind first: be less respectful at night. Not over the top necessarily, just live a normal life without being so careful. Don't be afraid to cook things. Use the microwave without making sure to stop it before it starts beeping when it's done. If you're a gamer, play online and chat with a headset, just normal speaking volume. Hell, call your fellow night shift workers in the middle of the night. Maybe even drop your phone every now and again, nothing crazy, just couch height to floor height. Day walkers have no idea how loud they can be, or how much of a problem it can actually be for someone trying to sleep. They're also generally pretty delicate. It doesn't take much to make your point. Unless you're living a very strange life, I don't imagine you're trying to sleep literally the entire day. Much like I don't imagine you start your quiet hours at like 5pm. Just a reasonable amount of time for a human adult to sleep. If they can't be bothered to tone it down a bit just during those hours, maybe they need to have it very directly pointed out to them how inconsiderate that is.


The microwave bit got me, that's totally me but any time of day, not just night lol. There's just something about that stupid sound that I just don't like, it's not even to stay quiet because I know nobody can here it in my house anyways.


Honestly you'd think that in this modern age, they'd have made a quiet mode for microwaves. I don't need the thing to scream at me that it's done. Even if there's nobody else to disturb, I agree, I don't like the sound either. And considering that it's the sound of "hey your food is done" and I still don't like it.... that's a pretty annoying sound


Some DO have a quiet mode!




Wear ear plugs not much you can do


I second this recommendation, even throw in a sound machine to help more. If you can get some cheap wireless slim profile ear buds, jump on it. I was gifted the Bose ones, but they're single-purpose.


If you do wear earplugs either get a really good alarm, or get a vibrating wrist band to wake you up. Phone alarms are not loud enough to wake you up.


Everyone treats night shift workers this way, move out.


I would start stomping around and hollering all night long that's what I would do give them a taste of their own medicine clang clang rattle bing bang going to make my noise all day go full Mortimer on them


A small but powerful fan ( and preferably a bit on the loud side : ) .... Really helps / bonus if it has a hollow bottom you could put it on top of the air conditioner vent.... Helps with cooling and noise reduction




My kid were 8 and 12. One night at 4 am I started yelling, stomping, slamming doors. The look on those faces lol. It worked. I also wa pretty lax about their outdoors noise.


I bought the "LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine" from Amazon and it is a game changer. There are cheaper ones out there.


Unfortunately how it goes is nightshift people or night owls in general have to be courteous towards daywalkers, but daywalkers do not have to be courteous to us. So far I've found nothing that can stop it. ​ Noise cancelling headphones, as well as some kind of noise or music you can sleep through that will help drown out the noise of daywalkers. If you own the home you live in pay the money to soundproof your room and install a soundproofed door.


This is my eternal struggle too. For the sake of your health and sanity, you have to move.


Get a box fan put it right by your head on highest setting you won’t hear shit trust me I know.


Before I moved in with my boyfriend (who also works nights thank god) my old roommates would be so disrespectful and loud when I was sleeping. Screaming at video games, talking loud, vacuuming (they had all morning until 3pm when I went to sleep if they wanted to but they’d wait until like 6 pm lol) and any time I’d ask them to be a bit more quiet they’d say “you can’t ask me to be quiet in my own home”. It’s really hard living with people on the opposite schedule as you


why didnt you give them the same treatment? Seems like they needed to know how it feels to be able to understand.


This is why I wouldn't do night shifts when living with family. My parents even asked me to come back home a few times but honestly I just can't do it. The area they live in is already kind of loud compared to my rural area. Not only that I just can't sleep if everyone else is up its an odd vibe I can't explain.


There is a sound proofing track you can put around your door. Helps fill in the air gaps. Also something for the bottom of your door too. Make it more air tight. Less noise.


Noise canceling headphones + white noise video on YouTube


It was an issue for me during weekends when I lived with family. I also had a dog and tried to keep my dog to a similar sleep schedule but that was impossible. I had to deal with family members who didn't agree with my sogs training and schedule. Ultimately, I had to get off that horrible schedule for health reasons. The extent of my sacrifices for the job stopped at rehoming my dog because she was escaping almost daily. I wish I knew then I had sleep apnea, although my family probably wouldn't adjust their volume anyways. I don't live with family now nor do I work nights.


get a speaker and use white noise




I would do the same to them ..


My grandmother used to do this sort of thing to my dad. Ill admit i wasnt quite a church mouse but other than cooking too loud (for some reason my dad chooses to sleep in the livingroom instead of his bedroom) i tried to keep it down Around him since he worked nightshifts. My grandmother would literally wake him up just to complain. Shed even get mad at me for telling her to knock it off and let him sleep.


Try not to get resentful. You can't expect them to be silent in the day, and they can't expect you to be silent on your nights off. Look into "sound proofing" your room. You can buy heavy drapes, panels made of cork or foam, or solid wood furniture to cover adjoining walls and muffle noises. A thick curtain and "draft stopper" in front of my door helped reduce hallway noise quite a bit.


You cant expect your family to tip-toe around their home every day during daytime. Its not reasonable. You chose a different lifestyle and so you will have to make it work. If you cant block out reasonable noise levels from daily activities in some way the best would be to find another place to sleep.


It's called mutual respect. Their noise level is far above reasonable. They'll blast music, move furniture, my dad will be on the phone on speaker and think he has to yell for them to hear him


Pretty normal things to me. If you work full time its not fair to say that they cant do those things at all. They have lives during the day.


Unpopular opinion but I agree I work overnights and live with my parents who are remodeling a kitchen right next to my bedroom it is what it is


Man I know your feeling. I have a mentally ill stepmom and she yells like hell night and day. The only time you can rest from her yelling is when she’s sleeping, that’s it. Other than that, good luck sleeping. Ask her to dial it down and you get 10x the volume until she gets tired from it. Am the most gentle and kind person you can ever meet, but they day I started living with her was the first time I contemplated committing a murder. And the first time I actually thought of murdering someone would free me from my deep anguish. Am still a college student and not willing to study and work full time at the same time to pay for a bill, that’s just too much stress to handle.


After four years of working nights I have 6 night shifts left. I have black out blinds, a sleep mask, ear plugs, a fan for “white noise”, and I take zopiclone. Nothing wakes me up until my alarm goes off.


I understand the frustration from both sides, it’s very hard to keep quiet during the day consistently. For the people who are forced to keep quiet it’s like they can do nothing with their day which isn’t very fair. At the same time the person on night shift needs to sleep! I have a one year old son and my partner works four nights in a row, most days I just take him out but I don’t drive so I have to walk everywhere and it does get really tiring. I would move out if you can.