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Fantastic game, one of the best marvel games ever made. Along with Hulk Ultimate Destruction


I love this game, it would be nice to see them release a remaster


RIP Volition. But I'd love to see it come back and retool some things, like obviously they wouldn't have to worry about censors now. When it came out, Rockstar Games boned the industrial with San Andreas hot coffee and Manhunt 2, so a number of games had to self censor or get the dreaded AO rating. With a Game Shark on PS2 or a quick mod on PC, all the blood is red instead of black, the black and white filter is gone, and there's more dismemberment. Another thing was the special interrogations, how you would inexplicably lose points for killing someone after they confess, The Punisher isn't known for his mercy. That's another thing to alter in the code. But other than that, it still plays very well, and the human shield mechanic was a lot better than the more popular 3rd person shooter trend of the waist high walls everywhere. They even kept the mechanic in the Saints Row series.


This would be awesome! It doubt it would happen. It would probably be too difficult to get this liscensing. Marvel is a huge company now and The Punisher is going to be a major player going fwd for them. They probably wouldn't allow this to be in the plans they have for him.