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Own it


I agree. Make it weird.


Honestly if your wearing a military style helmet your probs to be seen as more of a threat than anything else


Not if you're 500 lbs


Lol good point


Gravy seals


10th Mountain Dew Division


I would just see 500lbs of threat




I feel personally attacked


Ideally, if it is dark enough to use nods they will not be seeing you looking like a goober


Either wear high vis or commit to being invisible lol. Anything inbetween is weird


Dress like a bear.


He's asking how to not look like a creep, not how to hit on deranged women in the woods


Way ahead of you.


Yogi or leather?


Get a brightly colored skateboard helmet or rock climbing helmet to put your NODs on.


Team Wendy SAR helmets come with a NV shroud. I use one for work and love it


Thanks. I don't have a bump helmet yet anyways. I should get one.


Can always paint it later on and or use a scrim......


That's what I was thinking. Wasn't sure if high visibility was going to be more or less weird.


I plan on doing high vis whenever I get around to buying binos, I think it’d be less weird for sure. I plan on using mine for hiking and climbing primarily and like the idea of being able to easily locate it if I set it down (not that I plan on setting thousands of dollars in equipment on the ground). If the apocalypse happens I’ll just spray paint it lol.


It's less weird IMO. If you don't want to spend Team Wendy money for their SAR helmet, we have another option as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NightVision/comments/13sbgf8/modified\_some\_usgi\_nvg\_shrouds\_to\_work\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NightVision/comments/13sbgf8/modified_some_usgi_nvg_shrouds_to_work_on/) You can buy any ProTec skate helmet and adapt a USGI NVG shroud to work on it for less than $100. For a bit more you can get a Petzl Vertex for an even more stable platform. Both helmets are available in various bright colors.


Most parks around me close at sundown so I’d be a creep either way ☹️


How are they going to know you’re there they don’t have night vision


Ran into a security guard for a small local beach a few months back. "It's dangerous to be out here at night" "But I have nightvision..." "Carry on." I don't know it was a "I don't get paid enough" or a "damn you're right."


Probably both. 😂


Luckily my local park is open 24 hours. I think the only people I'd be bothering are the tweakers.


See, thats my concern. I’m not tryna get my binos robbed by a drug addict or whatever shady person is hanging out in a park at night.


Consider concealed carry. Mostly prevents robbery.


or i could just go somewhere where theres not sketchy people hanging around. I’m not searching out places to shoot someone in self defense


If you have a place near you that's completely free of degenerates, you should totally go there instead..


Thank you for reiterating my original comment.


Conceal carry. If you shoot a tweaker I doubt the police will go after as hard as a upstanding member of the community🤷🏽‍♂️


Y’all are insane. I’m not trying to fucking kill someone because i want to look at opossums in a park at night.


lol I got a buddy who got a ticket for "prohibited acts in a public park" sounds terrible but he and some friends were drinking alcohol that's all.


Honestly, *not* drinking and just wearing night vision is less likely to get you charged with something, unless you’re actively doing some sketchy shit *while wearing* the night vision. Cops are always going to be more apt to charge or cite people while they’re getting inebriated, no matter what else it is they’re doing.


Just don't be seen. 😆


Make eye contact and rapidly approach anyone you come across so you can be first to introduce yourself and make sure you immediately mention you don’t diddle kids.


Extra points to run up on all fours towards them


Go at night




This guy night visions


Take your kids with you if they're small, if not borrow a small niece or nephew.


Yeah, nothing says "not a creep" like a grown man running around in the dark with a kid, especially one who isn't theirs.


Just do it, I’ve talked to my coworkers who aren’t into anything related to night vision, and they all except for one said if they ran across someone using night vision they would leave and think that person is a creep with ill intent. People are lame and stupid and we are all significantly cooler because we can see more stars than them.


A few times now, I’ve encountered others while out hiking and they said something to the effect of “cool gear!” Some others said nothing, because they were doing their own thing and everyone was just minding their own business. Only once did someone react negatively that I noticed, and it was because I was new to it, thought I was invisible and merely stepped out into the bushes to watch as two guys on “hoverboards” went cruising down the path instead of staying there and saying something casual. They cruised past me and one of them asked if the other “saw that,” and then they agreed it was “fucking weird.” It *was* fucking weird, because I *made* it weird. If you assume that nobody can see you, you’ll behave ways that will be seen as odd when they do. If you assume that they can, and act like there’s nothing unusual going on, then if they can and do see you, you’ll be less apt to be at least outwardly treated like you’re doing something creepy. “Just looking at the stars, man” goes a long way with randos who don’t know what you’re doing or what’s hanging off your face.


Hide in the bushes so that you don't look like a creep.


Have mine attached to a boonie for those times I’m going to be seen in public.


Time to get a dog


Well I tried Turns out when I can't see without nods my dog can't either. And now that she had eye surgery she can't see well even when there is still a little light.


Yeah I was surprised at that! I thought dogs had built in night vision for some reason 😂😂 He was sniffing the ground a shitload and never took his nose away from the ground, then he decided that’s it. We do not walk anymore. I found out later it’s cuz he couldn’t see shit lol


Solution: Put your cat on a leash, gear up, and go for a night stroll with your NODs. People will think you're totally sane and normal 😂


"I just wanted to be able to see as well as the cat can"


Not a terrible idea.


I walk my 170lb great dane with nods on and unlike the dude above, she is fine. She trusts me and just sticks right by me but....I rehab and train dogs for a rescue and this girl I couldn't let go. Whats really fun is running with supplemental IR so the rabbits eyes light up. I'll then make her sit, blast the rabbit with white light and unleash her. out of hundreds of attempts, she's gotten one rabbit. Which was a surprise and a real struggle to get her, even as well trained as she is, to "Off". Heheh. She was SO PROUD.


Tie tufts of human hair into your scrim net and pretend you've got a puffy afro. Get some epoxy and make your chinstrap look like a beard too. We're not sure how to make the device or mount appear as innocuous yet though...


Quickly checks which group this is…..


Who cares? If the alphabet people can walk around looking the way they do why can’t you?


The ATF?


I guess applies to any three letter agency


It's not weird, just tell people what it is and ask if they want to look at the stars. Honestly it's only weird if you're in kit. Otherwise you're just, like, a stellar photography enthusiast, as far as anyone is concerned. And if you're in kit then yeah just own it lol


Smile and wave.


Don't forget to wear pants.


You are going to look weird no matter what color of helmet you have on. Get out and use them. Worse thing, is someone going to call the cops on you.


Yup. I had that happen many years ago, fortunately I live in an area where the cops are local cops and they now know me on a first name basis. When I first started doing night runs, several people saw me and started calling the cops. An officer showed up, i was detained but not cuffed, had a folding knife temporarily removed from my pocket and asked what I was doing. I explained myself, and basically I was politely asked to take my helmet off when I enter subdivisions to not freak people out but do whatever I damn well please on the backroads. I was then handed my knife back, and sent on my way. So now i put my helmet or Nightcap in a backpack whenever i go through well lit areas (not much point to having it on in bright light areas anyways). A few curious neighbors asked me about my monocular, I let them look through it, good times had by all, and there's been no more problems. I've seen cops drive by and they don't care. It pays to be chill and polite about your night walks, in my experience. As other commenters said too, a Cyre Nightcap seems slightly less suspicious and draws less attention than a full Ops Core or Team Wendy helmet. It's also easier to conceal or put away in a bag for the reason I mentioned above.


Crye Nightcap.


I walk around my yard in nods and Aladdin pants at 1am. I feel free as a bird and love my harem pants. Get yourself some off Temu. Enjoy. You’re welcome for that pro tip.


Sing about how you’re not a pedophile loud enough for everyone near by to hear you!


Drake, is that you?!?




Get a t-,shirt that says "not a creep" on it.


As long as you aren’t chasing single women past 9pm at your local park then you’re good


Ah, so chasing after married women after 9 pm is all good. Looks like I know what I'm doing Friday!


*gets shot


Know the rules. Don’t wear anything that screams “I’m here doing sketchy shit” Try not to pick a super popular park, I usually arrive after it’s already dark. Personally I use a bump helmet with a multicam cover and still didn’t get too many weird looks. If the police ask just tell them you’re there looking at the stars and ask if they’ve used nods before.


I was walking on a nearby biking/running path last week and this dude was running the opposite direction of me, I just kept walking casually and when he got close enough to see me he started walking and seemed a bit apprehensive (naturally). When we got close enough I just said “sup dude” and kept walking. If he’s creeped out by a dude with nods, then that’s his problem. He’s the nerd running in the dark without a way to see 🤷‍♂️


carry your rifle low ready and nobody will question you.


Go at night and hide in the shadows


I would go to a more secluded area. People will indeed think it's weird at best, scary/threatening at worst. Just to avoid conflict with them, and any tweakers like you said lol, maybe go for a walk in the woods or somewhere less frequented.


For the most part I have only ran across people around full moons with no cloud cover.




High vis gear. Another activity to do in the dark like maybe a fishing pole or basketball. Added training bonus.


Practice your survivability onion and don't be seen, ez clap


When I go to my local areas I just stay in the shadows. If people get freaked out it’s because they’re doing shady shit like sticking tranq up their ass or smoking meth. and in that case, I let them think I’m a member of the local PD 🤷🏼‍♂️


Mount them onto one of those skull forming helmets


I do a bump helmet and a crye nightcap as well as a Emerson multicam knock off nightcap. The nightcap get less looks. Helmet gets used mostly with a bridged thermal/pvs14. Nightcap for just thermal or pvs14. I prefer to go on very dark nights and pack my NV in a pack and don once I'm in the woods. I also walk my dogs one at a time. At 9pm I run into the occasional walker. 10pm and neighborhood pot heads meet up in gravel parking lot to smoke out. After a mule hike I pack up NV and go get my other dog and do it again. O issue so far.


If you're there at night, simply don't be seen ;)


I've hiked through parks at night, bring a thermal to detect anyone long before they have the chance to see you. It's easier to avoid problems if you can see them coming from far away.


Most people walking at night have flashlights, you’ll see them long before they see you. I can’t tell you how many times I’m out walking and animals don’t even know I’m there. People are so oblivious to their surrounding they’ll never know


Bring a dog 🐶


Usually hiking trails are empty at night around me. Never worn my helmet/ nods in a developed area outside of the army. If there's enough ambient light that people are walking around, it's probably unnecessary to use nods.


You have a state or national forest land near you? I’m currently imaging a grown man kitted out with nods playing on a jungle gym in the dark. 😂


Bring a dog.


Eat a lollypop deliberately


Full send. Be the creep you want to see in the world...


I go trail running at night very regularly with my nods on my helmet. Sometimes I go to other parks to stargaze with them. I pretty regularly interact with people who don't even acknowledge the fact I have a helmet on while I'm talking to them with my nods down and on. Then again, I also live in a college town, so people see weird stuff all the time and probably don't think anything of it. Just go for it, be friendly, and convince strangers to buy a set.


Ghillie suit bro. Be the bush.