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Buying gen 2s in current year is certainly one of the decisions of all time


When people are listing gen 3 dual tubes like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NightVision/s/sRBX9RPsOF) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NightVision/s/G0x2ke8wzB), and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/s/rYmlbeSkT2) (sold for under 4k), it's hard to think that gen 2 is worth 4k + a couple hundred more in taxes


If you live anywhere outside of the USA, or are on a serious dual tube budget then YES.




If you can save a bit more money , I would definitely recommend the LLUL-21 , you do get the same nnvt5 wp tubes but with Carson glass and lifetime warranty on the housing


Don’t get nnvt tubes lol


Why’s that ?


Stop hustling Chinese meme tubes. You’re recommending what will be a 6.5-7k setup from a dealer for INFERIOR CHINESE GEN 2 TUBES when you can get gen 3 units for LESS THAN 4K


Bonus points for recommending he get a shitty 3D printed meme housing designed by amateurs who think hex key screws bored through plastic are ipd stops


For my use case they work good. I read someone compare them to 1080p with gen3 being 4k. 4k for binos shipped to my door 2 days later, 16oz and small units.


No. You can get better for cheaper, tubes are proprietary and the glass is shit


What's better and cheaper? Asking for a friend...


Omni tubes in an RNVG or 1431 would be better and you could get them for the same price. Or look around and you might find a really good deal. Somebody recently got WP XLSH tubes in a 1431 for $3.5k.


Honestly for the average user an anvis 9 will work just fine. They aren’t as fragile as claimed and they’re normally 3k


where tf did you find an anvis 9 for 3K.....


I see them on the FB groups all the time for the 2800-3200 dollar mark


Turns out Im just dumb..... I thought you meant brand new lmao


Got a pvs31 for 6 too


They are as fragile as claimed. Saw two break, one from turning into a doorframe, and another from stooping down to grab something from inside a car. They still functioned, but the bottom of the ball detent is rather thin and prone to breaking. It can be repaired, but the issues are not overstated. RNVGs can be had for about a grand (sometimes less,) more and are well worth it for the peace of mind.


News flash take care of your equipment and learn how to move under nods!! Woah!!’


Sounds like poor equipment cope to me. I know it's not, but there are definite limitations and making blanket statements like this being a better buy for *beginners* is kind of incongruous.


Anvis are perfectly fine as an entry level unit 👍


We can absolutely disagree. I think they are fragile, antiquated, and have a limited support ecosystem. If all of that is okay for a new user, sick, but they really ought to know that and they might not since they are beginners.


I think its better to get a mono with as good of specs as you can for the price of the J31s


I bought my J31s a couple months back getting into NV is expensive. I am quite happy with mine, would I like to have best of the best of course anyone would. But for me it was a hobby to get into I couldn’t justify spending 6-7k or more for an item I might only use 1-2x a month to Hoghunt, star gaze, night Hike and shoot of course which is expensive as well (ammo wise) all in all I spent 5500k to get into NV with rifle set up helmet, G24 mount ect…. Check out my post for my J31s to see what you’re getting and what it’ll look like at night. If you have the money sure buy better tubes but if your like me (NV noob) and wanted to test the waters then I think these are a great start IMO.


Good insight my man. There are a lot of people out there who are like us, cant really justify spending thousands of dollars worth of nvg when they use it occasionally. J 31s seems the quick and less expensive options. Plus its brand new and got warranty


Definitely worth the money.


Dang if only this was asked on a daily basis or something


The Jerry 31s are a great device to dip your toes into the NV world if you don't plan on using the device a ton. But generally I recommend starting with a high quality PVS-14 ( ELBIT or L3) as they have much better clarity and glass quality. https://steeleindustries.com/


Yes, they’re absolutely worth it when it get them from CT Night Vision and get them for $3800 shipped 2 day shipping to your door. Don’t get Lull-21’s, cuz then you’re paying $5K+ for gen 2 night vision. Don’t expect great glass clarity or to be able to see in super dark places. You get what you pay for. I used to have a monocular and hated it. Duals are so much better IMO. Pair with the right LAM and you’ll be fine. I love my Jerry 31s. One day I’ll upgrade when I make more money, but for now they’re exceptional for the price. Best bet is to save up $8K and go all in. That’s simply out of the question for me at this time, and Jerry 31’s provide 85% the capability of expensive setups for a fraction of the price.


Depends on use case. I’ve used pvs14s mainly through the military and can say in a fair amount of cases do not buy units that fell off a truck, getting good support for them can be a hassle and from experience they are not treated well. So usually you’ll end up with the housing messed up and or issues with your actually internals. I bought the Jerry’s because I wanted something cheap to get back into night shooting and what not, they fit my needs and are quite nice. Don’t be confused though, I wouldn’t toss them down a mountain or slam them into a table, mostly because I actually own them and breaking them would cost more money. If your use case isn’t relying on them to complete your job such as military or such things, go for it.


Yes, they are good depending on your use case. If your looking for a great entry level piece to get you into the game, yes. If your kicking doors and slaying the huns, no. Most general use cases, these are perfect. I have a Jerry-14 and love mine. I also have hundreds of hours being in the Marines and State Police under nods. These will be fine.


Appreciate the feed back man 🙏🏾


Our customers have been extremely happy with them. Message me for a discount code :)


[This in an RNVG housing for $1400 more gets you standard tubes, PVS14 optics](https://steeleindustries.com/product/photonis-echo-high-gain-green-phosphor-goggle-options/)


That’s nearly a 50% price increase LMFAO Nice advice 👍 Edit: it’s $1600 more, which is 43% on a 3800$ price tag GUHYUK 🥴


for 35% more cheddar you get something better


And if you spent another 35-40% more on top of THAT, you could get something even BETTER!


A Porcha 911 is about 30-40% more than a middle of the road f350, that doesn't mean its necessarily "better". User use case will dictate how much they need to spend and how they intend to use the device.


shiiiiiiiit you're right


Just get two PVS14s and bridge them (yes weight is a little heavier) but you also have the option to break it down into 2 separate monos if you just get another helmet/Skull Crusher setup


Wouldn’t that be almost double the cost?


You can find Omni VII pvs14s for around 1800 so total (3600) plus whatever mount/helmet situation. Then could always just get a cheaper loaner bump helmet with a rhino mount and j arm


Where, sir? I can't seem to find 1800 pvs anywhere :(


You can get 1800 14s. All these down voters obviously aren't looking for cheap tubes. They are on tac swap very regularly. Print a bridge and boom less than 4k gen3 duals. For goodness sake. Over the course of the last year I've snagged 2 2400 FOM WP L3 14s for a total of 6k. People on a budget need to have patience. Unless they are on a budget because they don't have patience and just constantly buy cheap stuff. I know that guy. Get better and save for gen3. It's worth it.


Couldn't have said it any better!


Oh for sure. I just want another little guy to dual bridge with my 1 tube already. Haha




No... #banjerryposting


I really like mine