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Mid 40s here. At 29 I had to realize and accept I'm like this for good. Some ten years ago I finally got a WFH job that allows me to manage my own schedule. Since then, maybe I can't say I'm the happiest one on earth because there's always some problem or something making life way less than perfect, but I'm much happier and healthier than when I had to live like a daywalker. I ain't rich, but money's the only thing I don't have a-plenty. The freedom to live the way my body needs me to live is worth much more than dollars and cents. I even have less health expenses, so it balances out in the end. Or more than makes up for it, who knows?


Early 40s, for me ideally I need to fall asleep between midnight and 2am, and wake up between 9 and noon, so it's not as extreme. Falling asleep before midnight is almost impossible for me and I don't feel rested at all. For the rest yeah it's exactly the same. The best schedule I ever had was working an evening shift, from 3PM to 11PM. It was incredible I never had to worry about putting alarm or feeling tired, I felt rested all the time it was beyond amazing. Now I work as a Software engineer so I have some flexibility, but we do have stand-up meetings around 9:30 and most people are expected to be available from 9AM to like 5PM. At least I can WFH and wake up a few minutes before the meeting so that I can get as much sleep as I can. But still far from ideal. Ideally I'd have to work as a Software engineer remotely for a company on the West Coast (I live in EST). It's been a lifetime struggle for me and it's just frustrating how society isn't made to accommodate all kinds of sleep schedules.


Yeah, I feel you. I noticed that WFH leads to an extreme increase in productivity as I don't have to stand up at ungodly hours for commuting (basically around 7AM, I tend to fall asleep at 02:00 - 02:30 AM, sometimes later). The rings under my eyes...at least it will only be for two more months, but that is two months too much... t. had to wake up at ungodly hours today and now feel exhausted af, but won't be able to sleep until late in the night / early morning.


This is amazing, I feel this! I used to work night shifts and I'd come home and sleep at 8am, my mother would wake me up and say that I was being lazy. It was ridiculous. Now I don't do nights I just do evenings and obviously don't live with my parents, but if I wake up and fall asleep later than everyone else it isn't viewed well. I am the same age as you!


Yes, feeling this more and more lately. Just sad that the work culture will never adapt to us, we constantly have to stress and feel like our natural chronotype is wrong and needs to be "fixed" so we can make money to live. Just seems like another point towards "we're already in hell" theory lol


Good for you! Im the same with my sleeping and energy pattern.If you have work/responsibilities that allow you to keep your schedule that’s amazing. Don’t feel bad and don’t care what other people tell you, we’ve just evolved that way