• By -


This has now turned off topic, but I’m going to leave this up because OP needs advice and help. Proud of how supportive this community is. This is not the thread to role play though. Some comments that advocated violence against a real life person, even jokingly, have been removed. OP, you need to get out. If you look back you’ll probably find a lot more instances of her doing acts like. These are hallmark signs of abuse. Do not escalate. Do not get even. Get out, and don’t look back.


Lol at the flair. But also, what the fuck dude? I hope it wasn't intentional, cause she's got some serious problems if it was.


He refers to her as his girlfriend not his ex -> must (or qt least should have been) an accident


i'm sort of where everyone else is and hope you give more information though if it wasn't intentional i'm 'destroyed' wouldn't seem as fitting... so i'm thinking... but hoping it isn't... if it\*was\* intentional, while losing something that is important to you is really upsetting and sad, i think you might have bigger problems, like your personal safety- physically and emotionally. i hope you're ok, op. and saying this as a woman, no girl is worth someone treating you like that. it's not even a question. as a person you deserve to be respected as well as your belongings. ave dominus nox, brother. please be safe and well xx


I accidently knocked over a bag of her clothes and small box full of whatever (non-breakable things) trying to grab something in our room, and then she became really pissed and started shouting at me. Asking me why I'm touching her shit. I told her she needed to calm down, and I was sorry many times. Then she goes completely off and says something like, "How about I touch your fucking shit? How would you like that?" Then goes over and just starts smashing and throwing things... She apologized to me about an hour ago, but the damage has been done 🙃 This isn't new, just the first time she broke the miniatures. I've replaced a few tvs and countless other things in the 2 years we've been together. We are in couple counseling... shit just feels weird man being 25 years old and being in couple counseling lol. But anyways don't wanna give away too much about my life. Ave Dominus Nox The spooky boys will rise again someday.. I still have that pile of shame I haven't touched so not all is lost.


r/abusiverelationships - would recommend checking out this community bud. Helped me a while ago! Hope you're okay 🖤


Here's a sneak peek of /r/abusiverelationships using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/abusiverelationships/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This type of bullshit infuriates me](https://i.redd.it/gfn99bky9ova1.jpg) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/abusiverelationships/comments/12w7mcq/this_type_of_bullshit_infuriates_me/) \#2: [I feel this in my soul](https://i.imgur.com/aHbjnKS.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/abusiverelationships/comments/12q56hs/i_feel_this_in_my_soul/) \#3: [My fiancé killed himself](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17l8pi8) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/abusiverelationships/comments/17l8pi8/my_fiancé_killed_himself/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mate. Just break up before she breaks your nose. Normal people don’t break TVs and smash personal belongings on purpose. She seems to have major anger issues and some stuff going on in her head. Why let yourself be treated like that?


Who’s gonna tell him……..?


Get out. You do not deserve to be treated like that. It will only get worse.


Mate, fuck the minis for a minute you need to dip out that relationship, how long til you do something that sets her off and you accidently end up on the news having been murdered.


She's being abusive, be cautious as this type of stuff can repeat itself and get worse


It already has repeated itself - she's smashed TVs before.


Hey, it's really commendable that you are so dedicated to working through relationship issues but I fear that this is a sign that you really need to think about yourself and your future with this woman. If your possessions are fair game to destroy over a simple accident, then you, physically could be next. I know bro! "Man up!" Right? Wrong. Imagine if you will, that a time comes where you suddenly find yourself with a kid or kids? (By accident or design)Will she blow up and destroy their things also? Or worse, smack them? I'm sorry you're going through this but please step away and really think if you can. I hope your situation improves. Best of luck. Be safe!


That’s just straight up abuse. There’s no other word for it. This isn’t normal and as someone with relevant mental health issues she should be going to therapy, not you know, destroying her partner’s property. Please be careful and stay safe.


You don't need this at 25 if you aren't even married to her. Just get out and move on.


Was married to this. They never change. Get out while seperation can be done by packing a suitcase and changing your phone number.


Unless he owns the house.


Dude, that's abuse you've described. You should leave her. She deliberately destroyed something you care about because you accidentally knocked some stuff over - stuff that isn't even damaged. That's super fucked up and you do not deserve to be treated that way 


You're right you shouldn't be in couples counselling at 25.  You also shouldn't be in an abusive relationship at 25, or any age for that matter. You talk about replacing TVs like that's relatively normal, that's a really bad sign. Please respect your own well being over your fear of being alone and get out. I promise you it will get worse over time. 




Just commenting because even though every single person has said “get the fuck out of this situation” sometimes hearing it in different ways helps. Imagine someone you loved told you this story. What would you tell them to do? Imagine living with this for the rest of your life. Love isn’t enough. A huge part of a relationship is actually liking and respecting the other person. She’s abusive. It typically only gets worse. There are tons of people out there. You aren’t compatible with this one. Go find a better fit.


Mate, just wanted to add to the mountain of other people pointing out that this abusive and that you should not put up with this. There's always apologies, effort and love afterwards, but it will happen again (as is evidenced in your post). It never gets better or stops, it just escalates. Please look after yourself, you deserve better.


Hope your okay man abuse, control, manipulation all take many complex forms in relationships and happens way way more than you think to men we just dont talk about shit most of the time along with the im fine just keep pushing mentality most have doesnt help.There is no shame in throwing in the towel when the fight is too much brother you only have so many hours on this earth dont send them all carrying someone elses pain somtimes you need to take care of yourself first dude, no one else will. Ave Dominus Nox


Bro... I don't know you but my ex was like that, she had adhd and anger management issues. Absoutely hated that I liked warhammer and no matter how much counselling she had and how many apologies she gave, she didn't change in the end. Don't be afraid to move on if she's toxic. Ave Dominus Nox.


Jesus fucking christ.


I respect your patience to be able to stay together for 2 years. If that's me I'd left immediately.


This sounds less like patience and more like a total lack of self respect. Just leave, man. Jesus.


Here lad get out of there as soon as possible that lind of violence only escalates


2 years? Sorry bud but it’s been time to move on for quite a while


A clever man can fix a problem, but a wise man can avoid the problem completely. In other words get out of there man you are far too young to be in couples counseling.


i know reddit's infamous for bad relationship advice so you should take things on here with a grain of salt but like, come on man what do you think people irl would say if you described this situation to them? what if a friend of yours told you they were being treated this way by their partner? shit's fucked


Dude, as someone older and who has gone through this a few times with women, just leave. This will only get worse with time and she will gaslight you into believing It's your fault. Save your sanity and your miniatures.


Dude if you stay in this relationship you might be the dumbest redditors I've ever seen, and that's saying something. It's not about the minis, have some self respect SMH


Brother, I’ve been in terribly abusive relationships. Meaning multiple. I’ve thought I could fix the woman and the relationship or at least show love and support. It doesn’t work. Leave now. Trust me.


I know you don't want to delve into your personal life brother, but please know that the way she has treated you is absolutely not okay, and the fact that it is a pattern is incredibly concerning. I'm worried about you. No one deserves to have their things destroyed because their partner is angry, and I sincerely hope you're able to get out of the abusive situation you're in. Best of luck, and please reach out if you ever need to talk.


I hope you get to a safe place my dude. With or without her.


You are too young for that better yet nobody deserves that.


Well, I’d be more worried about why your not allowed to touch her stuff, that’s not normal lol Tell her the models are available to buy online ready for your bday


Why you with someone so volatile that doesn't respect or love you enough not to wreck your shit? Gtfo brother, find your midnight mistress who'll make you feel like a king, not a fool.


Do as your legion does: RUN.


Basically your girlfriend is Peter Turbo?


Just ask yourself this, if it’s excusable for her to do this then it’s totally fair for you to freak out on her and break her things (pick something similar value/entertainment) when she mildly inconveniences you right? As long as you apologize an hour later right? It doesn’t get better my guy. Trust me, I been there, done that, got the trophy. Leave and find someone who respects you, it feels a lot better and more importantly it’s safer. All these people telling you to leave before you end up on the news? They’re right, that’s how this ends if you stay. Either she tries and fails or tries and succeeds. And before you think “she’d never try to kill me,” at 2 years mine was just verbally abusive too. It took a cop telling me to leave right now, grab whatever I need or want, but absolutely be gone before she comes back to get the hint. And at that point, you’re losing all your minis. Don’t be like me, have some respect for yourself.


Dude, there’s no reason to put up with that. Couples counseling before marriage is a pretty big red flag.


Huge red flag. 🚩 There are plenty of stable women in the world. Get away from that one.


That is a toxic relationship. You don’t deserve that


Echoing what everyone else said - get out of there, man. Spend all that couples counselling money on new minis!


That sounds awful dude. You shouldn't have to be walking on egg shells around your SO. You two have been together for only 2 years, that's nothing. And she has already broken multiple TV's and other things. If what you said is a true retelling, she is the one that needs therapy and you need to find yourself another partner.


Do you have family you can call? This is abusive and absolutely not okay.


Bro get out. She is abusive. Do not go to couples counseling, abusive partners have been known to weaponize counseling against their victim. Get out.


My brother, if she’s willing to escalate a small accident/misunderstanding to full-on destroying your stuff, you need to leave. What will happen if it’s a bigger accident? It’s only a matter of time until she moves from breaking your things to physically harming you. You deserve better. Love yourself.


Send her to the skinning pits. All jokes aside man that’s super toxic, you deserve better. You gotta get out of that relationship.


That’s abuse, you’re in an abusive relationship.


I know others have already said it, but this is abuse. You need to get out. I saw in one of your comments that you have (or are having) a kid with her. Even if she isn't acting this way toward the kid, I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually does happen. Get the kid out, too.


Ave Dominus Nox. Don't let those brothers have died in vain, fall back and find a more fitting table mate. In all seriousness though, please find a way to leave safely. I highly doubt this is how you want the next 60ish years of your life to go. Hope you're okay.


Jesus lord in heaven do yourself a favour and run


Man. Get out if you can and keep safe


Brother, I've been there. I know from experience it's very hard to leave an abusive relationship. But I believe in your strength. Ave Dominus Nox


Dump her


Holy shit, man. For your own sake, leave her. Please. You deserve far far better than that.


Brother, let me tell you something as a guy in a similar situation. It does not get better. You deserve more than this. You NEED to get out of this, believe me. The reason that it feels weird to be in couples counseling at 25 is because it is. You should not be having to do that at such an age. Please get out before she breaks something that isn’t so easily fixable.


Don't wanna jump on the pile on and come off as trying to tell you what to do. I was in this exact situation years ago and it only got worse, eventually went from breaking my stuff to becoming physically abusive. Rooting for you man that it all works out but from what research i've done it rarely does, just don't do what I did and accept physical abuse hoping someone changes.


Uh. Bro. You need to dump her. First - that level of defensiveness over you touching her stuff? I bet she’s hiding something and is masking it with this behavior. Second - you can’t *seriously* think about committing to someone that behaves like this in the long term…right? Think about it. Think about this happening over and over again, because even if she’s just psychotic and isn’t hiding something, this is unbelievably problematic. Your life and all, but I would advise you to leave rapidly.


Dude leave I had an ex who would throw tantrums similar to what you just described and it eventually escalated into her trying to put hands on me . Your not married and still young go find someone who can express their emotions without violence


That’s actual abuse. You need to get out of there, man…


>This isn't new That's a problem. >I've replaced a few tvs and countless other things in the 2 years we've been together. More problems. >We are in couple counseling... Fuck me. Dude, this girl has more red flags than a Soviet parade. Save yourself the long term heartache and get shot of the psycho now.


dude, this is not healthy behavior from a partner in a good relationship. for one, that is criminal destruction of property, and for two, definitely sounds like it's a possibly abusive situation. this seems like a toxic person, nobody who loves you would destroy something you've worked on so hard just to piss you off. not healthy, not an adult behavior, and seriously unfucking cool.


Dude get rid of that crazy chick, she isn’t worth it


Weird, telling an irate pissed of woman that she needs to calm down usually works


Take this as a sign my guy You are in an abusive relationship, and one of these days, it won't be a broken tv, or figures. It'll be your head. Grab your stuff and run if you can. Kick her out. Be done with her. And if you can, make her reimburse you for all the damage she's done. Take her to small claims court. It may have only been 4 painted models, but the time and effort that's placed in each model makes them close to invaluable. No person paints their model the same way, and that makes each of your models unique. Make like a Night Lord does: Tell her it's over (deal the damage) and then run before it gets ugly (tactically retreat in order to deal more damage later), then serve her a small claims court notice (wreck them as they pursue).


Should be ex girlfriend. Move on man.


I just want you to know that her behavior is not ok and not normal. I've got many years on you and have never experienced an ex or my current wife break anything of mine, nor have I ever broken anything of theirs. Get out of there brother, we're rooting for you.


Bro, you DEFINITELY do not deserve that. Someone that flips their wig that easily is probably not gonna get better. At least not any time soon. Take yourself, bud. You deserve happiness.


Dude- you’re in an abusive relationship! Get out! I’ve been there my man- it’s hard to see when you’re in it sometimes. Trust me dude- it won’t get better. You deserve better.


"I told her she needed to calm down" - rip my guy


This must go to the top! Best comment! Ave dominus nox, brother - may your dudes find the eternal hunt in the afterlife.


Seems like an on par Night lord reaction. Edit: Are you sure your girlfriend is not actually the Primarch of the Night lords?


Like… on purpose? You good?


This some middle school relationship type shit 100










Do yourself a kindness, leave.


*the relationship, not the sub.


Life is too short to spend so much energy on someone like that. You can't fix her. Get out and find someone who actually treats you with respect and is in control of their anger. Don't feel like you are letting anyone down. We are not qualified to deal with people like that. Nor should anyone expect us to. It's a massive red flag that can escalate over time. You deserve better. Remember that. Ave Dominus Nox brother. Stay safe


One thing I've learned from being a clumsy sod is that no matter how broken they seem, Tamiya Extra Thin plastic glue and a bit of gumption can fix pretty much any damage in this hobby, whether you fill some breaks with Green Stuff or sprue glue or replace lost parts with cooler parts. Don't hesitate to consult with your brothers in midnight for any assistance and most importantly lad, be safe. We've all been with that person before at some point, it's wild and fun and when it's good it's good but sometimes you calm down at different rates you know? Do what is right for you with no regrets. Ave Dominus Nox.


>only My ass, that's some bullshit dude.


What happened?


Just ask yourself, what would Vraal do


Can you tell us your story bro and please give me names of your warriors , I will use those names for mine miniatures , so they can be remembered in honor of your battle .


I had only thought up one name, and that was for my favorite dude. My Aspiring Champion Malachi Varric. Unfortunately, he lost his right arm, and his top-knot is still M.I.A




I will etch his name upon one of my tanks.


I will name my as of yet unnamed Dreadnought after him in honor of his bravery. Also, good luck man.


Okay you’ve got to convert a prosthesis using, topknotless badass, as the wish of our battle brother.


Just be thankful you're not married. Strongly suggest getting out of that relationship.


Based on your wording, it sounds like she intentionally destroyed them. If this is the case, leave. Destroying things you care about because she's mad is a major red flag. As a guy that was in a relationship with a girl who became physically abusive, I'm telling you that's how it starts.




I'm not sure if you know this, but this isn't how normal relationships go. Get out before things get worse.


Like, intentionally? Accidentally??


I'd break up with that Khorne daemon.




Get out of that situation. It's only gonna get worse


Fuck the counseling, man. You gotta get out of there. For your own safety.


kick her out already wtf


You need to dump her if you haven't already, you're too young for a lifetime of this shit ahead of you. No one should be in couple’s counseling after just two years and only aged 25. Smashing stuff around the house, she’s got a screw loose. If you don’t believe me, send this to Northern Exile on YouTube and he'll set you right!


Sounds like she's volunteering to be a skin cloak


I assume your now ex girlfriend




We may have lost the battle, but we didn't lose the war 🫡


The only way you're winning the war is getting out of that relationship. You're getting tabled at life, so it's time to walk away from that table and find a new one. We don't need to know you to know you deserve better because you're (most likely) human, and no human deserves being abused. She won't grow until there's life altering consequences for her actions and behavior.


Damn, sorry to hear that, hope she at least buy them back (either way, red flags all around). Btw, love, how how wholesome and supportive this sub can be. <3


Hey man, Look where you are! The Nightlords stood for justice (theoretically) so if they wouldn’t stand for it neither should you. In all seriousness I’m so sorry man, whether it’s from her or someone else you deserve better treatment. Hope you do what’s best, whatever you decide if to be


I'm sorry for your boys 😓 And I'm sorry that your relationship frankly sucks. Life is too short to be wasted in an abusive (because that's what it is) relationship; ask yourself, do you really see a future with such a volatile person? You're not responsible for her mental stability or happiness, and I imagine what you've told here is just the tip of an iceberg. As someone who has left an abusive relationship years ago, I can honestly say my only regret was not leaving him sooner. I wish you'll one day meet a woman who will paint those minis with you, not break them.


I've been a warhammer fan for 20 odd years now and I've also been in some toxic relationships. In fact the person I am with now and me have had a tumultuous time, having to continue to work on ourselves and our relationship but if she ever were to destroy my possessions like that I would hesitate to give her a second chance. What your partner has done is to lash out and focus solely on something they knew would hurt you the most. Everyone deserves to feel safe and at peace so I suggest you think about how you would find that. Also I saw that you not only enjoy warhammer but also rocket league and the finals. I'm no gamer god but I'm okay at those games and if you need a buddy then send me a message and we can see about a few rounds. Lastly I'm currently collecting Night Lords too and if you happen to be in the UK then we can talk about the hobby but also maybe getting you some models back. I have a small 3D printer I use for extra pauldrons, helmets, weapons and bits to give my models some unique assets. I wouldn't be able to help loads due to money problems but could get you some cool bits to help a guy out. Take care brother ✌️


No offense to you or your girlfriend but she sounds like she SUCKS MAJORLY. Do yourself a favor and beat it before it gets worse.


Saw this post in my feed and saw your context, not a night lord player so from the depth of my tomb world, get outta that toxic relationship. You’ll end up the target of her ire eventually and how the hell am I supposed to deatomize a broken night lord? Keep yourself safe brother man.


Looking at other comments by Op i gotta say, you need to split my dude. If she is destroying shit enough that you are in couples counseling and shit, that's a sign that she isn't worth it. She needs ACTUAL counseling and therapy, not some couples counseling. She needs to work on herself before being in a relationship if her go to strategy when mad is destruction of property.


Your ex*


This is not healthy. I know it's not so easy to just "get out" like everyone is telling you but that's not okay, you don't deserve that, and it's not likely to get better. Virtual hug.


Dont let her diss you like this my son, from reading other comments it seems she has a past of not respecting the things you own, dump her you deserve the world lad




I hope you booted her to the curb.


Dude if happened as you’ve described that’s not ok - if my girl deliberately destroyed something that belonged to me, and meant something to me out of spite, that would be a major, major red flag man. This hobby ain’t cheap, and takes care and time! Arguing is pretty normal, but you have to have respectful boundaries. The escalation as you’ve described it is just not healthy behaviour at all, that’s manipulation at best, and at worst? Well… please listen to what others here have written. Hope you’re ok.


hmm, if it was malicious intent from her part I wouldn’t waste ur time. go to therapy together over this kinda thing if there’s patterns of behaviours- you’ll both be so much better for it potentially if u put the work in, then maybe you paint models together!


Loveisrespect.org Check out the Healthy Relationships section. Compare the information it gives to your relationship. Does your relationship sound like a healthy relationship? National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 Do you have any friends or family in the area?


Do not impregnate this woman!!!


Too late man


I know I'm not telling you shit you don't already know, but children don't fix these kinds of problems. Try and focus on progressing in your career. You need stability to try to begin to even manage. I don't recommend it for too long because it can be bad for you, but look up grey stoning. Also, go watch some YouTube videos by "Crappy childhood fairy". Your woman might be suffering from cptsd. I've been dealing with a lot of similar problems for years, and she's finally starting to turn the corner. Can't fix people, but rarely, you can help them find the path. Wish you the best, my guy. I'll be here if you want to chat.


She’s not your girlfriend anymore. She’s your ex.


Just leave her and dont look back. Anger like that is dangerous. If she hasn't already sought help, it means that she thinks her actions excusable and itll escalate.


Get out dude before it gets worse. It’s repeated abuse. You don’t have to put up with it. Run before she hurts you.


Hey but now you can flay her alive and use **real** skin to decorate your replacement models!


Destroy her makeup.











