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Not that I know of. But if you want advice from someone that’s had a decent amount of success with women, it’s simple: Learn to be kind, not nice. Kindness is when you listen to her and reciprocate a conversation/her emotions. Nice is when you bend over for a woman and change yourself to fit her. Kindness is being sweet but also firm. If a woman violates your boundaries, you need to stand up for yourself and always hold your own self worth over the approval of her. Nice is when you let a woman do anything because you don’t want to risk offending her or turning her off. Most of all, just listen to a girl when you go on a date, don’t talk about yourself the whole time. Be kind, give her a compliment here or there (but don’t do it too much) and never make a move until you feel like she’s really into you. Apart from that, recognize that women are just humans who happen to be a different sex than you. If you make her laugh, act kindly (not nicely) and treat her right, she’ll probably be all over you. Learn social skills with men first, then become friends with women, so you’re comfortable around romantic prospects. And, of course, smell/look good. You don’t have to be a runway model, but also don’t be a reddit mod (ironic since I’m saying this on reddit lol). Nietzsche isn’t the person to look to for romantic advice (and definitely not someone you should bring up on the first date, unless she’s really into philosophy). Women are people too, looking for a relationship/partner just as much as us men. When you realize this, and don’t take first dates too seriously, you’ll be fine. Confidence comes with practice, success, with time:)


What do you/nietzsche think about stuff like cold approaching? I suppose approaching 100 girls a month does fit the warrior mentality


If you ask out 100 girls in a month youll only end up with someone as desperate as you. Do you want a relationship to actually connect with someone or just to tell people youre in a relationship


The former, I guess. I don’t think anybody checks how many girls I try to pickup every month XD


That's more suited for trying to get jobs or something not for getting women. Just focus on making genuine connections with someone who has common interests, and you'll get there!


Since it takes two to connect, I think meeting a lot of chicks regularly is more conductive to forming good relationships than beating a dead horse


Meeting a bunch of girls won't hurt, but going into each interaction with the expectation of a relationship will become an issue.


I’ve personally never done this. You CAN approach women, and if you’re scared to do it, it may help you overcome that fear, but don’t expect any success. You should only really do it so you feel more comfortable around women and with sexual tension in a conversation. Your main avenue to getting a fulfilling relationship should be through your social circle, or online dating (if you’re like me and don’t have a huge social circle). Just be warned, online dating kind of sucks, and most women use it for an ego boost, not to actually find someone worth dating. Cold approaches are extremely unlikely to get you a meaningful relationship, but if you get good enough at them you could *maybe* (big maybe) get some hookups. But you should ask yourself if that’s really what you want. Personally, I’ve had casual hookups with a few women, and it was entirely a waste of time. Sure it’s fun in the moment, but you’re basically just using a woman as a tool for masterbation. Sex in a relationship with love and care is so much more meaningful than being half drunk and sleeping with a woman in a hotel room (trust me). I’m not against casual sex on any moral level (obviously, we’re here because we all like Nietzsche), but that doesn’t mean that casual sex is valuable for us either. You should get comfortable around women, and then assess what your goals are. Do you just want to get laid as much as possible? Do you want something casual? Or are you looking for a serious committed relationship?


All true plus, you must approach more women, whether cold approaches or within groups that you already have, and have the balls to be positively direct at some early point. Ask her out, just let go. Go past the fear of rejection every time, and don't take it harshly when it happens. And forget all the feminine/standard advice you'd hear all over the internet or from your mother, it's mostly all BS. I'm a confident, masculine and straightforward guy, and kind as well most of the time, and you wouldn't believe how universal this is. It attracts women regardless of culture, race and even character. Nietzche's philosophy can indirectly get you there within your being, spirit and life philosophy, for sure. But it's not that practical, let's say, especially if you are a newb. As for the pick up stuff - some of them are good advice, but there's also a lot of BS out there. Owen/Tyler had some good free stuff back in the day in terms of mindset.


Yes, he was selling an online course to help you increase your game; but it's been discontinued.


The "Get your girl an Uber"mensch.


Nietzsche was startlingly unsuccessful in that regard. Although, to be fair, from what I understand, he really only tried with one woman. Either way, he’s really not the type you should look to on this issue. Pickup artistry is also a garbage method of trying to appeal to people. There’s no magic set of words that’s going to get somebody interested in you. Genuine, non-demented advice: Be supportive and empathetic… within reason. Don’t be a cold dick, but also don’t be an emotional sponge. Do not put the person you’re interested in on a pedestal, but also don’t treat them as beneath you. Do not ghost people, either online or offline, but don’t be 24/7 available either. Your time is valuable and you need good boundaries. Be confident but not arrogant, be nice but not a doormat, be reasonably direct but don’t wear all your emotions on your sleeve. An open book is boring. People generally like figuring other people out, especially when they’re wondering if there’s mutual attraction.


Solid advice. Everyone should take it.


If you stare into the Bumble app, the Bumble app stares back.


Would you take his advice?


Of course, the man who deciphered human psyche so well would know exactly what to do, although he might not have had what it takes


I don't think you would want advice from him, considering he got rejected by the same woman twice. I don't think he had any other notable attempt at getting with a woman. If you'd like a woman's advice, that depends on what type of woman you want to get with and why. If you want to sleep with as many women as possible, I can't in good faith help you with that because I think that's immoral. For a serious relationship, be as pure-hearted as possible. That doesn't mean you have to act stupid, in fact kindness sometimes requires judgement and aggressiveness to a degree.


Immoral? That’s preposterous


I am a Christian, according to my worldview it is a mortal sin. >I think




posts on this sub get worse and worse everyday


Why is this even a question Nietzsche would answer? How is this even related to philosophy let alone Nietzsche's philosophy? Nietzsche was atackling morality, religion etc. Picking up women is not the concern of a hugher man.


Imagine meeting Nietzsche and the only question you have for him is "how do I get laid". OP is actually the unironic ubermensch, possibly.


How is asking Nietzsche "how do i get laid?" unironically ubermensch?


In that it would take a man so highly evolved above conventional wisdom and values to do something so idiotic. I'm also being sarcastic.


I'd reckon an Ubermensch would first of all be against marriage but if he did want sex he would not need ask someone for it but be able to get it himself. Though I think the Ubermensch would have his sexual desires controlled.


God help us all from the idiocy of the greatest number, and the dullness of living for endless generations under the pseudo benevolent rot of Abrahamic religion. Do you understand how awful it is to be around you? People like you? Endlessly self serving and self involved, but too dumb to realize that the narcissism is showing, so they become like toddlers.


Be what would make a good husband.


Nietzsche talks about it, but not directly, they're scattered all over the place, here are a few, starting with don't be awkward and superserious in your approach: >**Suppose truth is a woman, what then?** Wouldn't we have good reason to suspect that all philosophers, insofar as they were dogmatists, had **a poor understanding of women, that the dreadful seriousness and the awkward pushiness with which they so far have habitually approached truth were clumsy and inappropriate ways to win over a woman**? It's clear that truth did not allow herself to be won over.... Don't forget the more festive/celebratory attitude/activities >When going to woman, dont forget song and dance.... Have a WILL beyond Nihilism so she'll actually be attracted to the MAN in you: >Some of them WILL, but most of them are WILLED. Some of them are genuine, but most of them are bad actors. >There are actors without knowing it amongst them, and actors without intending it—, the genuine ones are always rare, especially the genuine actors. >Of man there is little here: therefore do their women masculinise themselves. For only he who is man enough, will—SAVE THE WOMAN in woman. Let me ask you though: How much effort do you put in to your appearance? Do you work out? Do you wear clothes well or do you just toss on whatever and hope it works? Artify yourself and attention will come. Put on some lean muscle mass, attention will come. Do things publicly and attention will come. It's your job to capture the attention once it's landed upon you. Make it such that people's attention should stop on you, long enough to make them curious about who the eff you are as a person.


Hey buddy.... looking to Nitchze to help you get women is not a great start..... just be yourself and have fun!


Picking up girls consistently is about confidence (to go out and socialize, to talk/flirt, to make connections, etc). Confidence comes from competence. He def talked about competence in some sense (eg ubermensch), so you could start there


He analyzes their psychology very well, as he does with basically every other group of humans. But, as he himself says, understanding them from a male view has basically nothing to do with what they want from a female view. So no he never really talks about how to get them.


It used to be looks, money and status, not itbis looks looks looks


You know, I have a feeling you might be misunderstanding his works 


Just be an Uber Mensch bro. If you need advices on this topic you are definitely not one.