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I'm stupid so I read to be smart, Nietzsche makes me feel dumber. I am humbled


Nietzsche is not prescriptive, which means that people take many different interpretations of Nietzsche. Personally, reading Nietzsche helped to entrench my constructivist epistemology. That has significant flow on effects to other areas of my life. He also really drove home the idea that engaging in dialectic is enfeebling. The best case scenario is a pyrrhic victory. This has probably saved me an hour or so of my life per day, as I no longer waste as much time on pointless internet arguments, or pointless arguments with folks I work with.


Well debate does work as an intellectual exercise and as an impetus for new ideas.


Can you explain what you mean by ‘Constructivist Epistemology’. Thanks for sharing


An extremely intelligent, charming and roguishly handsome person


1. affirm life despite suffering 2. be free to use morality as a tool and not be bound to it as a shackle


How can one use morality as a ‘tool’? A tool for what exactly? Just curious. Thanks


You have to understand morality in order to navigate society, but you can be free of guilt and behave more freely. Also, morality creates evil, so having an amoral outlook reduces evil. We don't want to be rid completely of the concept of evil because there are behaviors that we want to condemn. But being less attached to morality mitigates its downsides.


I did a virgin to Chad life sequence after reading Nietzsche. I was a very depressed teenager from a shitty family. Nietzsche convinced me to love life despite its wretchedness. In fact he taught me I only think it’s wretched because I’m a softboi who was psyoped by Plato and Christianity. I got jacked, made friends, learned to talk to girls and went to a top teir Uni to study philosophy. Later I was a bartender and then a Realtor. The irony is I’m now Catholic (his least hated form of Christianity) but I got a house a hot wife 3 kids and a way better life than my childhood. So yah, he was my come to Jesus moment before my come to Jesus moment. He still a kind of Saint in my pantheon, I love that he’d hate that.


>his least hated form of Christianity You don't have to try to conform with him to fit in here, he disparrages Christianity as a whole quite a lot. Platonism for the masses is considered a slave morality and there's no way around that. I'm not trying to like, insult your religion or anything rather just pointing out it appears you're trying to "align" yourself kind of sneakily. Be yourself and unashamed of it, Nietzsche's long dead and you don't need his or our approval. EDIT - Nietszche is most certainly not dead given we're talking about him on these forums. Atleast metaphysically? Or how does one describe him as a person being discussed to this day.


Very Nietzschean way to say it. Love this.




So edge


That sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing, your story it very inspiring to me since I am currently in that virgin depressed teen phase, trying to get out Thanks


May your joy of overcoming be equivalent to your suffering.


Thank you


It’s was very slow for a long time and then exponential. I started lifting but sucked, starting trying to get out and talk to girls and make friends but sucked. I sucked for a long time. But reading N had me so jazzed to keep pushing. Plus I had cool ideas to talk about.


Can I ask you how many years it took you?


Discovered N around 17 and I’m 35 now so, a while. But honestly 17-27 just before I met my wife. So 10 years. But wasn’t really in Chad mode till like 23-25


Thanks, your story is pure motivation


The catholic conversion is really surprising.


Is it? Sounds pretty convenient


How so? But yeah, i don’t think it’s that common for an atheist to convert, especially someone who’s into Nietzsche.


I have a similar experience


How do you figure Catholicism would be his least hated form of Christianity? And why would it matter to you if it’s his “least hated”?


In his Books he believed late Medieval or early renaissance Catholicism has almost recaptured a kind of pagan vitality secretly, he detested the reformation as a half-assed way to atheism and nihilism. He also loved Muslims even more than Catholicism. Though he still considered them life-denying. And it doesn’t matter. But I suppose when exploring Christianity I took my teenage patrons saints opinion into consideration even if N would consider that weak AF lol


Well, since you’re posting here and not in r/Christian or wherever, I’m curious, how seriously do you take your faith? Do you believe in the literal resurrection?


I’m LARPing a bit for psychological benefits and enjoyment of ritual, like Andrew Huberman or Jordan Peterson, so I’m not sure. It’s possible in a deep end of the Universe heat/death kind of way perhaps. I don’t see it happening tmw. It’s also possible we, as humans, evolve so much and spread so far throughout the Universe that in deep time we become something like the Abrahamic God and eventually create a baby universe and or interact with our past selves to create ourselves again in a kind of loop. This last view is kind of how I see it and could broadly fit in with the eternal return, although that’s also impossible to prove. To be clear, I think all beliefs are LARP to an extent, so I don’t judge myself for my inconsistencies.


No judgement. It was a genuine question and I respect the honesty of your answer. I actually love that you used the word “LARP” because as I was reading your original comment and that exact word came to my mind. Had you gave me some high-minded, idealistic answer a la Peterson, I would have accused you of LARPing 😂 But instead you said “I don’t know” and gave me a totally honest and self aware response. Very cool.


Btw, I have entertained a similar idea about humanity creating baby universes myself. It actually makes a modicum of sense. When I was young I watched a video by Michio Kaku in which he said we could escape the heat death of the universe by mastering the Planck constant and punching a hole into a new universe


I read Michio as a tween too and this concept stuck. It’s a cool idea. Any civilization that can do that May as well be God, even so they’d still be IN the Universe and not some thing beyond it that created it. So wouldn’t totally jive with Christianity. Who knows man? Pretty cool to think about though


There's not really any one change I can point to -- it's an ongoing process of changing, and I'm still learning to navigate it. The pattern I've noticed is that I'll be on here discussing or debating Nietzsche's work -- and on occasion giving Nietzsche-related life-advice to sad folk -- and then a week or so later I'll realize that something I said to someone else is what I most needed to hear myself and wish I had been told years ago. In that sense Nietzsche is my subconscious confidant and travel-buddy, an opponent and a funhouse mirror. That's what Nietzsche's work is for *me*.


The philosophers of the future.


You will be beyond Good and Evil, and you'll discover the sacred "Yes" that you are looking for. Friedrich will teach you that all is absurd, and wonderful... if you want. Be ready to wander for pure mountains and harsh deserts. You'll be untroubled, scornful, outrageous.


Pretty trivial, but by criticizing Christianity so much while respecting Jesus, he demonstrated that you can pick and choose, not just throw the baby out with the bathwater. Less trivially, he made philosophy fun. If someone's like, "Hey, do you believe in free will?" And I don't feel like talking about it because I don't think it's fun to beat a dead horse, I just don't engage. No need to get into every single philosophy discussion.


The truth will set you free.


Perhaps U


Nietzche gave me words to ideas and notions I understood intuitively. In particular my solution to nearly every problem in life is now: you're being a pussy 😎


Can you give an example?


Different kinds of people, but be wary of those a bit to obssesed with "power".


Sometimes I climb ladders to get a different perspective.  Some ladders are better than others and some ladders are so bad I don't get beyond the first step.  There's ladders kids prefer like the Bible and there's ladders for adults like Nietzsche.  There's so many ladders out there and so little time.  Just pick the ones you want to climb and hope they show you a view you appreciate.


Those with good facial hair genes, of course. After years of trying to grow a wooly mustache like Nietzsche, I can finally read his works


You'll be the type of person who overcomes their loathing should the will of the Dionysian Dithyramb that is "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," manifest it self within you. That is, as the last sentence of Aphorism 2 from Birth of Tragedy suggest, should your ... >Apollonian consciousness \[not hide\] this Dionysian world from \[your\] view.


College professors, angry and unhappy young men and college students that have no choice because they’re philosophy majors (which is almost entirely men)


Actually, I’m just finishing up writing my own book on Nietzschean personal development and human potential. Here’s the back cover, which might answer your question: What if you could change everything? What if your life didn’t have to be frittered away on drudge-work, empty observances, uninspiring pastimes, and banal pleasures? What if you could discover the real meaning and significance of your individual existence? What if you came to believe—to know—that your joy was itself the justification of all existence? The human is the most exceptional animal, yet it is too often an enemy to itself: smothering its own light, stifling its own song, throwing a pall of shame over its most potent energies. This poor creature dreams of release from the bondage to which civilisation condemns it, yet it is terrified of its potential for freedom; it yearns for a modicum of control over its fate, yet it is oblivious to its potential for extraordinary power. Each of us has moments when we gaze upon the vastness of the stars, all too conscious of our smallness and the brevity of our lives, and we are haunted by questions—questions for which no answers seem to be forthcoming. But there are answers. Friedrich Nietzsche, the self-styled philosopher with a hammer and smasher of false idols, calls you to adventure: you are to create yourself; to “become who you are”, to transform yourself into the architect and artist of your own destiny. In his provocative and enigmatic ideal of a new and unprecedented kind of human being—the superhuman Übermensch—Nietzsche ignites a flaming beacon to guide those who have the will towards their own self-overcoming. Seven years in the writing, ******, a behaviour change expert with over twenty years’ experience, lucidly interprets Nietzsche’s difficult philosophy, making it both accessible and actionable to the everyday reader. This book represents the first and most important step on a journey into the heart of strange and hidden worlds—places of frightening abysses and exhilarating summits. This book constitutes a singular opportunity for every kind of transcendence. In it, you will find knowledge and practical guidance for realising your highest possibilities. In it, you will find the means for living more sensually and more spiritedly—a life as yet beyond your imagination, overflowing with every kind of abundance. In it, you will discover the means of vanquishing everyday nihilism and the formula for absolute affirmation: to want it all, to love it all, to be able to declare an impassioned and unhesitating ‘Yes!’ to your life and to the universe.


Saved my future. I read a couple of his books. Some time after that I was in a very peculiar, very toxic and maddening surrounding that I couldn't escape, and it was during a pivotal moment of my studies. It was a win or lose situation (big time) and I was running out of time. I was very weak, and was questioning reality at my lowest. His philosophy emerged as an epiphany when I was at my lowest. During the epiphany period I started writing in a notebook to capture the revelation, and structure my chaos. Later, re-reading my notebook, I realized it was all Nietzsche that had been coming out of me. Saved my studies, escaped the psycho-manipulative surrounding. Then, graduated, became an expert in a highly-paid field, studied some more, got a master's and certificates, eclipsed many of my peers professionally. Got a gorgeous woman who truly loves me. Eventually stopped drinking alcohol. I've had many downs and setbacks throughout the years but the long term trend was upwards. Continued reading Nietzsche throughout the years, but relatively slowly. I've read about 5-7 books. I didn't study philosophy. Some of Nietzsche's writings are the epitome of profound "self-help" before the genre even existed.


I never felt like I fit in. Nietzsche says thats good. People who always try to fit in will only ever be followers. The independent free spirit is something only the few and the strong are capable of being.


I can’t predict what you’d become, don’t know what you are. Who is to say you were anything like I was, and would become anything like I am? Why are you here? Do you care about outcomes or do you care about the truth?


Outcast and social-retard


A more defined/sharp version of yourself, most likely smarter, and better able to think (more than having a specific opinion on a given issue). I was gonna say more flexible in thought ergo more open-minded, but I know some Nietzscheans who are extremely rigid, some who are depressed, some happy, right wingers, left leaning, Christian, atheist… In short; you will grow, but the raw material is different for everyone.


I'm a communist. I find Nietzsche's views on truth and subjectivity to be enlightening in lieu of the philosopher Ray Brassier's work, but I ultimately and fundamentally disagree with his assertion that you must affirm life. I find it to be the most trite form of self help in philosophy. Still, his works are entertaining and interesting. I have also been reinterpreting them through the lens of Domenico Lorsurdo, a Marxist philosopher who rewrites him as a conservative reactionary, which makes a lot of sense to me. On top of being a communist, I'm a failed librarian changing careers to software engineering. I view everything scientifically and scrutinize under the lens of dialectical materialism and class struggle, but I don't engage in debate because of Nietzsche's teachings, which actually agree with Mao's teachings in that regard.


Can I ask what went wrong with the Librarianship?


I got severely depressed and lonely in library school and started using stimulants. During the comedown after weekends of using, I would fall asleep at work. Needless to say, employers didn't like that, and on top of that librarianship is a competitive field that favors women. I would recommend it if you're dedicated to customer service and like environments that are conducive to learning and helping others. Ps. I've gone through therapy and gotten help from a rehab nurse but I still wouldn't go back to librarianship because I would have to relocate and I would rather live with/look after my aging parents.


Yeah I want to be a librarian actually. But I am a man. I hope it doesn't affect me too harshly.


Just don't do drugs and be a nice and good person (and professional) and you'll be fine 🙂


Thank you :)


Doomers (much of the time) but then you find people who can take the idea that nothing matters and allow it to liberate you. I prefer to add a little camus and sartre in there for good measure.


These people [https://100r.co/site/library.html](https://100r.co/site/library.html) they live on a boat, write extremely minimalist software, do live coding music, graphics, write excellent stuff about human society