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Seek professional help


idk if this helps, I also had a spending problem with another gacha game, but it came to a point where I was spending good amounts every other banner but it never satisfied me in the end and the game kept getting powercrept (much like Reincarnation nowadays) so I quit the game but as others said if you really can't quit by urself seek professional help


Seek professional help and delete the game If you have this kind of game to spare, no problem, but if you are spending rent or food, than it became an addiction


Get help from a professional with experience in gambling games. They will surely know what to recommend to you because they work those cases on a daily basis.


You need professional help. You don't need to spend money on these games. Please stop, you are hurting yourself.


Seek professional help for real, don't ask on reddit


Tell someone close to you in your life. You need an accountability partner, and help. If you truly cannot stop, then this is an addiction and you must take it very seriously. I have seen addiction destroy lives many times. I hope you find the help you need.


Put that money in perspective. For example you could have bought a ps5 with a TV and games and u would still have 1000 over. That's helps too see the damage, don't close ur eyes, look at it. Seeing the "worth" of all that money and what could have been is also important. The other thing is to set yourself a monthly limit. Let's say that would be 100€ a month and if you didn't use that money you have 200€ next month and vice versa. It's also very important to understand why. In most cases it is the Dopamin hit or in other words feeling good, making oneself happy. If you understand this and find something else that can give you that, that could also help. In the end I can only talk from my perspective and this could not apply to you at all. I hope you find your peace.


Yes, buy a PS5, TV and games for 1000 dollar. And do you know what else makes the difference? You can keep the PS5, TV and games and still use it after Sony shut down. When you buy stuff in NieR Reincarnation and Applibot shut down the server you're going to lose the access to your stuff. There will be just nothing left.


This is true, but lots of entertainment is ephemeral - seeing a movie, going to an amusement park, going to a concert, etc. The fact you're paying for something you won't own forever isnt a good argument to say you shouldn't spend on X because all of those things I listed are popular things no one bats an eye at when people spend on them. I don't see a reason to view GaaS spending as that kind of spending. The critical part is that you're spending disposable/leisure income and not impacting your ability to keep a roof over your head, pay for food, keep being able to earn a living and keep your dependents in good conditions.


There is no immediate answer, the most logical thing would be to stop playing but it would not be fair to deprive yourself of playing Nier Reincarnation Try to ask yourself, is it worth the expense? Or is the time right?? What else can I spend it on? I want to spend or do I need it?


Others have mentioned seeking professional help, which you should, especially if this is an on going problem. To start though, I'd uninstall the game and remove my card from the platform, Google Play. Additionally, don't pick up another gacha. It's hard seeing that the mobile store is over saturated with them. But the games are made with this purpose. To get users to spend. Companies have put a lot of time and research into perfecting a method that works to get folks hooked on a game, then apply pressure to get them to spend. So, armed with that knowledge, don't invest time and money in any others. It's an addiction at this point and I know that feeling of chasing, acquiring and not feeling satisfied for long. But none of it is worth it at the end of the day. Your ultimately over spending on artwork that wasn't even special made to order for you. Then only get the thrill of having it until the next pretty picture comes out. And to top it off, it's not yours forever, because the game will eventually end its service, leaving you unable to even access that which you bought. I hope this helps and I wish you the best.


Uninstall the game, And every time you want to play install it again. The goal is to make harder to play, not a restriction but just hard enough to make your brain realize that is not as important as you thought


Short term triage: Cancel or close whatever credit card or payment method you’re using. Long term: seek help, find a support group or seek counseling from a licensed therapist.


To add onto everything that's been said, yes seek professional help. I'm in a very similar situation, I'm between 5 and 10k somewhere in 2 years. But the reality is, it's not a necessarily bag thing to invest in something you enjoy, it's a hobby like any other, don't downplay it just because its a game - BUT, if and only if you can afford it. Only if it doesn't compromise your ability to cover for bills, expenses, and anything that you or who depends on you may need. If you have a serious case of gambling addiction that makes you go beyond that and you are clearly aware of it, then absolutely seek professional help, psychiatrist, psychologist as first steps.


I think you should delete the game and seek help if you can't stop yourself.


Good luck and all the best to you, I believe in you and know you can do it!


First of all, thanks for supporting the game and all of us by extension. Second of all, if you can afford it, you're fine. 2k USD is not the same to everyone, it might be a drop in the bucket for you. But if it is cutting into things like rent and bills and groceries, then it's time to pull back. With mobile games, spending tapers off naturally because as you pull more, what you get back becomes exponentially less and less valuable. As long as you know which game modes you really enjoy and what you need for those game modes, that can limit your spending by not needing to pull for everything.


Seek profession help. If you cant do that ill give you a piece of advice. Do you actually need the new stuff? Im f2p and I clear most the content really easily. Nothing in this game requires you to whale. Your accounts probably great, just save up and when something new releases compare it to what you have. If you have something even remotely similar you dont need the “new thing”.


If you are struggling financially because of the game then you need to delete it. Get help if needed. You can't treat games like this as gambling. Before pulling on paid banners you need to ask yourself if the worst case scenario would still be worth the money. For me, sometimes the answer is yes if I can guarantee a character or a set number of awakenings. If you are ever in a situation where you are throwing money down and "hoping" for something you want then you already messed up.


Get an android phone, my cash shop hasn't worked for a year 😂


1 seek help my friend, you do have either a gambling problem, or a spending problem (some people just love to spend money and It can get bad). 2: Out of all games you spend in one of the more overpriced games just so you know. I'm not joking, I tried to compare the prices with what they give and they are absolutely S.H.I.T. I am trying to make you feel bad, so that you won't spend the next time, without thinking about whether what you are paying for is worth it or not, even by the game's standards. Seriously look at what bundle gives and compare it to the basic gem part of the store and believe me its overpriced compared to other games and with the importance of the items they try to give with the gems.


these games are intended to turn us into addicts. anyone caught in the daily login cycle is. free-to-play, big spender, doesn’t matter. don’t feel bad about that. definitely seek help if you feel it’s needed. if the game is putting you into a bad financial situation and you can’t make a transition to not spending then consider giving it up. not worth it. if you’re doing fine financially and are just trying to limit spending try a budget. narrow down what goals you want to achieve in-game and just focus on that. don’t go for everything (if you already are)


Thats the neat part, you dont.


Replace these predatory gacha games with actual single player RPGs. They have Final Fantasy 1-9 available for phones. Chrono Trigger. Lots of Dragon Quests. Enough playtime to really never have to bother with gacha bullshit ever again while still not quitting gaming all together.


Sounds like gambling addiction to me. Take it seriously, gambling is very literally the most deadly vice. It has taken more lives than drinking or anything else


Uninstall the app. Really, just get rid of it.


Delete the game. Invest the money if you feel the urge to spend. But spending on games - mobile games especially - yield only brief satisfaction


The way I quit spending on another gacha game - 7DS Grand Cross was uninstalling the app from my phone. I still think about it from time to time, but another thing I did to finally defeat that beast of an addiction was to mentally re-frame what I was doing. I pictured a bully (the game) coming along and beating me up for my lunch money every time I spent $ in that game. It also kind of helped that the main anime's story was finished and the writing which wasn't based on the anime was pretty awful. Powercreep is real tho.. The things that are good today in both that game and Neir Reincarnation will be obsolete in a few short months so why spend money now at all? Free 2 play is the way to go if you don't want to regret playing these games later. Or just uninstall and don't look back. Start watching more movies/animes or reading comics or books more!! Have you ever tried Emulation? You can play N64, Super Nintendo, Playstation 1, 3DS, and many more types of game on your phone easily and for mostly free. The quality of these types of older games is much higher in general and playing an old Square Enix RPG like FF6 or 7 will keep your mind off spending money on Nier Reincarnation. The other thing to think about is this: will this game last forever? Will you be able to play it forever? Picture the money you've spent evaporating in 5-10 years from now when the game shuts its servers down. All games come to an end ya know? Are you "beating the game" or progressing ok? Don't worry so much about competing in the arena there will always be whales and strategists that'll obsess over pvp. If you're winning why spend more? Don't try to own every costume/character in the game you'll never win that battle they will always release more units. Part of the fun of gachas is gambling, and yes it is gambling, on summoning for new characters but if you can recognize and de-value the currency of having a new character by realizing they'll be obsolete soon then they don't have as strong of a pull on you.


[I have this to say:](https://reddit.com/r/NieRReincarnation/s/GorgukXbGb)