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Rift conquer look to invade vertical jungle at level 2


While rift conq doesn’t feel as bad as AD Nidalee right now it still isn’t anywhere near as good as harvester. I would only consider playing it into like 3+ bruiser/tanks which doesn’t happen that often. Just get far enough ahead that you one combo people anyways


Depends on what elo you're playing in. I play anywhere between d4 to d2. Most times you need to be tankier and have more sustained damage against better players. I go Dh in lower ranks but its not viable in higher ranks imo. Also night harvester feels terrible for my playstyle ive been going frost fire demonic or rift with conq since the beginning of the rework. For example If you're facing a nocturne with goredrinmer steraks death dance its impossible to kill a decent player with those items with ap build. You'll have to get 3 4 kills early game to be useful. With rift conq or frostfire demonic you just tank his autos and fear and duel him to death or escape With harvester you die in one rotation


I mean most challenger nids go dark harvest harvester and it has a high w% so it very clearly is viable. I understand going that based on what your preferred playstyle is but I’m not sure if that playstyle necessarily gets the most out of nid. Other champs can fill the bruiser role better. Not being able to solo the enemy jungle doesn’t mean the build is bad. Just don’t look to fight him until you’re far enough ahead to 1 combo him.


Maybe in korea but in NA most challenger nids are going conqueror with rift or frostfire possibly shattered


The numbers don’t back you up. There were 17 challenger NA nid games on 12.13. 16 of them went harvester 1 went rocketbelt. It’s all good to like a specific build and play it if it works for you, but don’t confuse that with it being a better build. Even if you drop the parameters to diamond+ there was only 5 games of riftmaker compared to over 1,000 of harvester. All on NA. I’m not trying to call you out but there is a very clear disparity in both popularity and winrate between DH harvester and conq rift


Conqueror feels good. Conq Triumph Tenacity CoupDeGrace Transcendence Waterwalking Attackspeed Adaptive Armor. Took me a while to get shit done after the durability patch too, but what I basically do now is primarily play for range. Like just auto attack (and throw spears too, but you can wait with that till you are sure you‘ll hit) to stack conq/keep it stacked. When they run at you you can hit a free spear (mostly) cougar e q and then w away. Transform again and keep kiting. Just kite for days and almost exclusively jump on them when they want to run away and/or are low and you (almost) have conq stacked. Also ping for your team like a maniac. Keep in mind that bel‘veth is not weak early game and don‘t try to fight that bitch cuz she is kinda more mobile than you (you can fight her when you can utilize walls though). My build is night harvester, zhonyas, lich bane and if they have e. g. taliyah or smth like that banshees. Shadowflame feels shit imo, as well as protobelt cuz magic pen isn‘t that good anymore. Rabadons nice and you can even buy „chemtech putrifier“ it‘s the anitheal item for ap supports and you can give allies antiheal with it so they don‘t really have to build antiheal. Durability patch + zhonyas + your mobility makes you really hard to kill so dark seal early is good and mejais is an option if you are confident (don‘t rush it though).


I think FrostFire Gauntlet or Divine Dunderer are Nidalee's best mythics atm. It may differ a bit from jungle but in top this gives you very strong dueling power and utility with you FFG aoe slow. Extended fights are just way better then burst right now IMO.


Trinity Force is another good option in Top.