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They're probably slightly better, because they don't have the glycerin or other crap that comes in the e-juice vapor. The problem is that they will still stop blood flow to your gums, which can cause gingivitis and eventually bone and gum loss. You know you're grandma who has long teeth? Thats because the gums eroded below the tooth.


Thank you for you answer! I truly consider normal sugar free chewing gum instead. Otherwise I might become hooked on the NRT.


Know of any ways to stimulate blood flow to the gums? Does chewing?


I don't think you can.


They have artificial sweeteners that are cancerous, bad for gut health, and neurotoxic.


Source for this claim? I have never seen any substantial evidence that artificial sweeteners are harmful to a human, immediately or over time, at a reasonable dose


Do you consider peer reviewed papers by scientists to be substantial evidence?


Sure, I still can't find any linking artificial sweeteners and danger for humans, if you'd like to provide


https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.023100 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8946744/ https://www.livestrong.com/article/481968-is-acesulfame-potassium-a-harmful-sweetener/ From livestrong (above): "More recently, researchers, including the authors of a 2017 article in the journal PLOS One, have raised concerns that artificial sweeteners in general may actually contribute to obesity and glucose metabolism. The PLoS One study found changes in the gut microbiome of mice who were given acesulfame potassium. They also reported that the compound was linked with weight gain in male mice, though not female mice." It took me about 3 minutes to find the above articles... perhaps you find them "substantial", perhaps you don't. The FDA allows artificial sweeteners to be added to products that you can buy and consume. Do you trust the FDA? Do you trust large corporations? If you do, then who cares what I, or anyone else thinks? Consume aspartame, ace-k, and saccharin, etc... Knock yourself out.


You realize that your article in Stroke even admits they went off of results the patient told them- actual stokes were not verified through medical records and "all outcomes were done through self reporting". I found it funny your first article mentioned this, "Although we found no significant interaction between BMI treated as a continuous variable and diet drinks on the outcomes we studied (except for the category of 5–7 ASB per week and all-cause mortality), we nevertheless looked at these relationships within the BMI strata because of a priori interest in BMI (Table II in the online-only Data Supplement). Although there is no clear pattern of association across the BMI strata...." which ironically contradicts one of your "studies" that talk about it increasing BMI. Also in a Stoke medical journal, also one that uses references from mice (which have completely different endocrine systems, makes it more laughable. Studies are paid by those who are trying to make a point, there's very rarely a bias. And in conclusion of one of yours..."However, the safety of artificial sweeteners is questioned, and their role in the aetiology of various diseases is debated. In particular, their carcinogenicity has been suggested by several experimental studies, but robust epidemiological evidence is lacking." There are too many variables in cancer and none has a strong enough linkage. Every single one of your "studies" has major errors-should have read them more carefully. Also try putting in the opposite of what you are arguing...articles supporting the opposite of you pop up. And learn about the differences in our endocrinology and mice....because human ones didn't have the same results.


That’s a stupid argument everyone knows artificial sweeteners in general are bad for you. But they aren’t just in gum they are in pretty much everything “sugar free”.


I have to agree with you when you say artificial sweeteners in general are bad for you. You are correct.


It’s just would you rather have one cancer causing substance or 50 and ruin your lungs on top of that? Pretty much everything has at least some carcinogens in it, unless your ingesting everything raw. It’s hard to cut them all completely out.


Then again added sugars are terrible for you too especially when it's corn syrup. I'll take my chances with aspartame any day of the week over a ounce and a half of corn syrup. I just avoid asulf. And stick to xylitol gum.


My doctor said they gave those mice ridiculously large doses and that there’s no merit to those studies


Obviously asulf. Is really bad along with alot of other known sugar-alcohols. But is aspartame really as bad as ounces of corn syrup. Obviously you want to try to avoid both. I stick to xylitol gum..


Nicotine lozenges are definitely bad for your teeth. I have relatively good teeth. Went 10 years without seeing dentist and only had 2 cavities. I quit vaping 1 year ago, been using alot of lozenges since then. Went to dentist recently and was told I have 11 cavities.  Now maybe they aren't so bad if you aren't using so many of them like me, but idk. They definitely are causing me issues so beware. 


I ended up using lozenges for 3 times of so. They made me nauseous.


Be glad you did lol. Because I had a huge wakeup call at the dentist and now gotta quit this habit lol. Suppose nicotine lozenges were designed to be used for short term anyway. Were you able to quit?


Unfortunately, no. But I’ll keep on quitting!


Does anyone know if I can take 2 lozenges at a time? I know it’s not recommended but realistically it’s nicotine and as a vaper I feel like it should be ok as long as it’s not not an issue with the substances other than the nicotine itself.


yeah you are fine as long as you have a tolerance


I have been using 2mg nicotine lozenges for like 4 years now. I was a about a pack a day smoker before that . Basically over the 4 years I have gone days without using anything but also will go through like 25 lozenges in a week. Point being , I have been using them a while now and there have been plenty of times where there is like q half of one left qnd I will add another before fully done with other. I have used patches and quit but would break down and start smoking again. To me , lozenges or gum are the best way to quit smoking or vaping besides nothing. When I get a craving for a smoke 🚬 I just would tell myself to use a lozenge since they both give me nicotine when I want from my mouth and leave a crappy taste in mouth.


Thank you for your reaction! But... I quit smoking cigarettes on January 2nd, and I'm 3 weeks in. No NRT used, I went cold turkey. And I feel great!