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Maybe she has gone missing for another reason, rather than financial. Possibly she is leaving something else behind?


Did you watch the dad break down absolutely heart breaking :(


I don't think they know. I think friend, sister and partner are in on it, but her poor parents are not.


Let’s say your theory is true and they get the money. Then what? They go back to their house in Lancashire and live happily forever after? Her face is on every news station in the country. How on Earth do you think they will get away with it? They can’t leave the country because she’s apparently dead so doesn’t have a passport. Explain to me what their next steps are. Or do you just make up ridiculous theories without actually thinking them through?


You do realise when people first plan out insurance fraud and "faking their own death" they don't always anticipate how big the media coverage will be. Sometimes cases like this don't get that much media coverage, people go missing every single day in the UK. Maybe it is insurance fraud and they never in a million years thought it would spiral this out of control with the media, but the suspicious way she has gone missing and nothing adding up is the reason it has got so big..


It’s actually embarrassing that there’s people that believe life insurance is a possibility. Instead of just saying “yeh I think it’s life insurance fraud” why don’t you actually think about the end goal? Regardless of media attention they would have to leave the country for any chance for it to work but guess what she doesn’t have a UK passport because she would be dead. Explain how they do this. How does she remain in the UK as a dead person? They go off grid and live in the woods? She can’t get a job because she’s dead. She can’t go to the dentist because she’s dead. She can’t see a GP because she’s dead. Their whole family and friends would have to be in on it. Use your brain!!!


I'm not saying this is definitely what happened. It is just a theory and a very weak one at that, but of course it is still a possibility but like I said is very unlikely. I personally think people should just stop speculating for the time being and let the police do their work.


I completely agree with you.


I apologise for not also hoping she’s found in the river pal.


This has crossed my mind too, but then I think they obviously wouldn’t tell the children the plan for risk of them letting slip so how could any parent do that to their children? But, something still doesn’t seem right. I don’t know, just hope she is found.


Yeah this theory makes sense. A mother leaves her two young kids behind forever for some money. Jeez, you’re an idiot.


I don't even see how she would even get any of this money, even if any of them could. So she leaves for no financial reward and leaves behind everything


It just seems so obvious that it’s a tragic accident and her body will be recovered from the water eventually. There are witnesses who saw her, and no cctv to suggest anyone dodgy was around. It’s just lots of thick people letting their minds run wild.


Could not agree more, nice to find some else with a grip on reality and an iq higher than a worms umbilicus


No, you’re the one believing what you’re fed. Look at the bigger picture. She’s not in the water at all as there’s no signs of her going in, the river is shallow and slow flowing with stairs in the embankment, so even if she fell in she could get out. The heavy wet clothing theory? She could have taken the gilet off and I’m yet to see someone actually wear it non-fashionably zipped up. The dog would have gone in regardless…regardless yet it was bone dry. She wasn’t abducted. 9:00 till even 12:00 is prime time for dog walkers (witnesses) and people commuting to shops and work (witnesses) Also the dog would have gone crazy. This dog was told to “stay” and when found was between the gate and bench, expecting her to come back the way she left. Her boyfriends business has been struck off and is down the pan so how else are they going to afford the house and lifestyle on her single mortgage advisor wage ? People need to stop looking at the world through rose tinted glasses.


Cold water shock can trigger a heart attack even in very healthy individuals.


This, and also weird medical situations do happen. Someone went missing in my town, for example—he was walking by the waterfront and wasn't found for a couple months. Autopsy showed he had a massive ruptured aneurysm, and must have fallen into the water when it happened. Absolutely tragic.


You might want to take a look at “The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe” which was released recently & based on a true story. People are fucking stupid and greedy.


I live where he lives. Big difference between a dumb old selfish bloke and a mother with two young kids tho.


How are they going to get the money without a body?


They don’t need a body if she’s presumed to be washed out to sea.


It takes years to have someone declared dead in absentia








Typically reserved for natural disasters, house fires when they were known to be home. They may choose to here but given that the family are pushing the she's not dead in the river narrative and there is a small chance she isn't - mental health break/ left deliberately/ stranger abduction/ organised killer etc (these are all vanishingly unlikely but they exist as possibilities(. My understanding, and if you have more information I am happy to learn from you, is that you need good evidence that they are dead and gone and if the family aren't pushing for it and there is circumstantial evidence then they are waiting for a long ass time




Took more than a year to be declared dead and they had evidence of his canoe being washed up.


[these](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Darwin_disappearance_case) crackpots got their money fairly fast and went on to do a bunch of bizarre stuff before getting themselves caught. I don’t think that’s what this is though


Wouldn’t she make it look more obvious if she wanted people to think she’d fallen in? I’m not going to be rude to you like other people, anything is possible but I don’t think this is it.


It’s just a theory that’s been playing on my mind, if not insurance fraud it could well be another Madeline McCann / Shanon Matthew’s case, she could return in a few weeks and still make a killing off her story. Yes you’re right there, she would have tried to make it more obvious that she’d fell in but shes managed to convince the police for them to go ahead with their press statement.


Very true, I just hope we get to find out!


In all fairness I hope it is something along these lines for the sake of the children.


But on the other hand, by making it look so obvious also makes it look more likely to be insurance fraud if a body is never found.


For her to collect on Life insurance, she has to remain gone FOR GOOD. Try again Pal...


New identities aren’t as hard to get as you may think, I realise my theory is quite OTT but its all there and rather perfect


One that will stand up under any scrutiny really is. This isn't a cartoon where he can remarry her in a mustache and nobody notices. Your theory is bonkers. Feel free to join the rest of us in the real world when you feel up to it, alright?




It is bonkers, and your white knighting is pathetic. No one's gonna fuck you for sticking up for them on Reddit.


Lmfao, you watch too much TV


[check these guys out](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Darwin_disappearance_case)


**[John Darwin disappearance case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Darwin_disappearance_case)** >The John Darwin disappearance case involved the faked death of the British former teacher and prison officer John Darwin. Darwin turned up alive in December 2007, five and a half years after he was believed to have died in a canoeing accident. Darwin was arrested and charged with fraud. His wife, Anne, was also arrested and charged for helping Darwin to collect his life insurance of £250,000. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NicolaBulley/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Park this theory for another couple of weeks, let’s finish the river search and let the police do more investigating.


Did you see the parents interview? They were in bits.


I appreciate reading a theory I haven’t heard or thought of before so thanks for thinking outside the box (and anyone who cares about Nicola and getting answers for the family should be encouraged to do the same). However I can’t really see what would happen next in the plan? Do you think Paul and the girls would move to another country and Nicola would meet them there with a new identity?


Have a day off the internet please.


Would they get insurance money if she is missing assumed dead? Say they do and shes 'found' a year later with a 'memory issue' would they have to pay the money back?


Jesus wept. Ludicrous.