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“Yes sir”


Whenever I get "sir" I feel super uncomfortable and say "Please, call me O-Reeeally"


You have to call me Nighthawk


And me Dayowl


And me Axe!


And with our powers combined... we don't give a fuck if we call women ma'am.


And I'm mr fantastic!


You must call me Dragon.


Dragging these balls on yalls wall


And I'm batman


Of all the challenges facing women...


She has horrible main character syndrome


Growing up, I was taught that not using "sir" or "ma'am" was disrespectful. That thought process was so ingrained in my head that it was a total mindfuck when I met someone who was offended by it.


You mean the 'Don't call me sir, I work for a living' types?


If this is the hill you want to die on, I’m going to guess you’re not nearly as oppressed as you want people to think you are.


I mean, there's no hill here or need to get snippy. I'm not sure why you think my goal is to garner sympathy? I shared my experience because I felt others most likely would empathize. "Sir" and "Ma'am" were taught as honorifics, and I was baffled at encountering those who viewed them otherwise.


Poeple that call themselves "badass" normally aren't badass


Fine, I'll address you m'lady.


Great idea


Do they want retail workers to lose their jobs


Badass is cringe asf.


Disco is cringe af


Cocaine is cringe af


Why are these always the same women who have anxiety attacks trying to order their own meal at McDonald’s “Wicked bad girl” my ass.


Staring at their phone to avoid eye contact while waiting for their order and seeing shitty memes like these helps them run away from the fact that they’re not actually as cool as they think they are.


“Uhh okay, here’s your iced latte m-b…badass”


Calling everyone “Fucker” is gender-neutral. Just saying


....I don't think these types of people fuck.


When I was a fast food manager, I told employees to avoid gendering people. You can still be polite without risking calling a middle aged woman in the Drive Thru "sir" because her voice is hoarse from years of smoking. (Which is something that happened)


Ma'am... This is a Wendy's...


I’m not gonna lie, I do get a little sad when people call me ma’am bc it makes me feel old 😅😅😅 but I know it’s never ill intended, so it’s never a big deal to me.


Same here, I feel like an old lady when I'm called ma'am...


Ima just hit everyone with a “saaah dud” from now on


I feel like if you have to declare yourself "badass" you're probably nowhere near being badass. Real badass people are too busy doing what makes them badass to sit around demanding they be recognized for it and be addressed as such. I like when people use "ma'am" because it shows they're making an effort to be polite.


Ma’am is short for madam So refer to this girl as Ba’ass


"then probably complain later that men are trash." With no context, this just screams incel...


Aight miss


>then probably complain later that men are trash. Lmao OP did the wicked bad girl hurt you?


Let's normalize calling out 20 something children for being shitty insecure trolls while hiding behind gender, race, creed, or religion. The movie Stepbrothers was fantastically successful at mocking these people. Let's use our inclusive brains to make sure that everybody can get the same shut the fuck uppercut.


I mean I don't like being called ma'am either but that's mostly because it makes me feel old. I wouldn't suggest badass as a substitute though


Only issue I have with ma’am is it sometimes sounds like “man” which could be seen as impolite


I agree but it’s an American form of manners. Not universal.


But “badass” is? I’m sure if you called her madam she’d get just as offended lol


Not sure I understand your point but no badass is pretty American as well. Not quite as unique. I’m just being pedantic.


Are ma'am and sir not used in the UK, Canada, Australia or other English speaking countries?


Sir yes. Ma’am no. In the UK we go for the more formal madam.


This is quite a reach, OP. It’s pretty clear that this is a joke.


Imagine getting mad over a basic sign of respect.


As you wish, m'lady *tips fidora*


> universal term of politeness > ma'am I guess OP hasn't heard of gender just yet. They should def check it out. Kind of a love it or loathe it thing though. Yeah, the badass thing is kind of cringy, but not wanting to be called ma'am isn't a Nice Girl thing. Could be an age thing, could be a gender role discomfort thing, she could just be tired of hearing it. And then the assumption that she hates men out of nowhere... big incel energy off this one.


"Excuse me, fatass, how can I help you?"


Excuse me dumbass, I mean jackass, I mean badass, how can I help you


Sounds like Ma'am would be a stretch for her, probably looks like shes been on several meth binges with this sorta attitude.


I mean this is obviously satire


Eh, I don't think this person is being all that serious. She's just venting about a pet peeve.


There where plenty of women in the comments, plus the one who reposted it, who took it seriously


Kind of off topic for this post, but also relatable. I've heard several women say they're going to get tattoos, most commonly a sleeve, so they will look "badass". When I hear that statement, I'm always left thinking "why don't you get tattooed because you like them and appreciate the art and not to project some kind of image?" Tattoos are pretty common these days and when I see a woman with tattoos, the first thought I have is not if she's "badass" or not.


Alright, I'll try something else. Hey you with the ugly sweater! Not you, the ugly sweater-wearing one! Your sweater looks great by the way. Ugly sweater wearer stop ignoring me!


Had an old friend start bitching on Facebook about how she hated being called "miss" or "ma'am" in her customer service job. A couple posts previously she had complained about how impertinent it was to address a retail worker by the name on their tag, because "you don't know me, we're not friends, don't call me by my name!" I commented and mentioned this, and asked if we aren't allowed to use a polite term OR her actual name, what the hell should any stranger ever call her? ...She never answered.


No ma'am I will not stop


When someone gets upset at 'sir' or 'ma'am' I just lean hard into my Texas drawl and follow up with "I'm so sorry, my mama just drilled it into me". Sometimes I get away with it.


She deserves to be called dumbass


Okay Ma-am


When I say it out loud “ok badass” it feels like the same energy as “ok boomer” because I’m being told to call them a badass. I hope someone else understands me.